Geoffrey of Monmouth (ca. 1100–1154), 569

Geographic Information Systems, 570

German Classical Archaeology, 573

German Prehistoric Archaeology, 576

Getty Museum, 585

Ghosh, Amalananda (1910–), 587

Gjerstad, Einar (1897–1979), and the Swedish Cyprus Expedition, 587

Gladwin, Harold Sterling (1883–1983), 588

Godwin, Sir Harry (A. J. H.) (1901–1985), 588

Golson, Jack (1926–), 589

Gorodcov, Vasiliy Alekeyevich (1860–1945), 589

Graebner, Fritz (1877–1934), 590

Great Zimbabwe, 591

Greece, 593

Green, Roger Curtis (1932–), 602

Griffin, James Bennett (1905–1997), 603

Guatemala, 604

Guo Moruo (1892–1978), 610

Hamilton, Sir William (1730–1803), 611

Harappa, 612

Harrington, Jean Carl (1901–1998), 612

Hassuna, 614

Haua Fteah, 614

Hawes, Harriet Ann Boyd (1871– 1945), 614

Hawkes, Christopher (1905–1992), 615

Hensel, Witold (1917–), 616

Herculaneum, 617

Hewett, Edgar Lee (1865–1946), 618

Higgs, Eric (1908–1976), 621

Hildebrand, Bror Emil (1806– 1884), 621

Hildebrand, Hans (1842–1913), 622

Historical Archaeology, 623

Historiography, 630

Hogarth, David George (1862–1927), 639

Holmes, William Henry (1846–1933), 640

Hrdlicka, Ales (1869–1943), 641

Huaca del Sol, 642

Hume, Ivor Noël (1927–), 643

Inca, 645

Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 646

Indonesia, 647

Indus Civilization, 654

Industrial Archaeology, 661

Instituto Hondureño de Antropología e Historia, 669

International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, 671

Iran, 674

Isaac, Glyn Llywelyn (1937–1985), 682

Island Southeast Asia, 683

Israel, 715

Italy, 721

J. C. Harrington Medal in Historical Archaeology, 733

Jamestown, Virginia, 734

Japan, 734

Jarmo, 744

Jefferson, Thomas (1743–1826), 744

Jenné and Jenné-jeno, 745

Johnny Ward’s Ranch, 746

Jordan, 747

Journal of Field Archaeology, 754

Karageorghis, Vassos (1929–), 757

Karnak and Luxor, 757

Kastelic, Jožef (1913–), 760

Keller, Ferdinand (1800–1881), 760

Kendrick, Sir Thomas Downing (1895–1979), 761

Kent’s Cavern, 762

Kenyon, Kathleen Mary (1906– 1978), 762

Khirokitia-Vouni, 764

Kidd, Kenneth E. (1906–1994), 764