Kidder, Alfred Vincent (1885–1963), 765

Kings Bay Plantations, 766

Kitchenmidden Committee, 766

Klemenc, Josip (1898–1967), 767

Knossos, 767

Kondakov, Nikodim Pavlovich (1844-1925), 768

Korea, 769

Korošec, Josip (1909– 1966), 774

Kossinna, Gustaf (1858–1931), 775

Kostenki, 777

Kostrzewski, Józef (1885–1969), 777

Koumbi Saleh, 779

Kourion, 780

Kozłowski, Leon (1892–1944), 780

Kromdraai, 781

Krukowski, Stefan (1890–1982), 781

Krzemionki Opatowskie, 782

La Madeleine, 785

La Tène, 785

La Venta, 788

Laetoli, 789

Language and Archaeology, 789

Lartet, Édouard (1801–1871), 792

Lascaux, 793

Latvia, 793

Laugerie Haute and Laugerie Basse, 807

Layard, Sir Austen Henry (1817–1894), 807

Le Mas D’Azil, 808

Le Moustier, 809

Leakey, Louis Seymour (1903–1972), 809

Leakey, Mary Douglas (1913–), 810

Lepinski Vir, 811

Lepsius, Karl Richard (1810–1884), 811

Leroi-Gourhan, André (1911–1986), 812

Lhwyd, Edward (1660–1709), 814

Li Chi (1895–1979), 815

Libby, Willard Frank (1908–1980), 815

Lindenschmidt, Ludwig (1809– 1893), 816

Linear A/Linear B, 816

Lithic Analysis, 817

Lithuania, 824

Ljubljansko Barje, 830

Louvre, 831

Lozar, Rajko (1904–1985), 831

Lyell, Sir Charles (1797–1875), 832

Machu Picchu, 835

Madagascar, 836

Magdalenska Gora, 839

Maghreb, 839

Mallowan, Sir Max (1904–1978), 847

Malmer, Mats P. (1921–), 848

Mariette, Auguste (1821–1881), 849

Marshall, John Hubert (1876–1951), 850

Mason, Otis Tufton (1838–1908), 851

Maya Civilization, 852

Maya Epigraphy, 855

McBurney, Charles (1914–1979), 858

McCarthy, Fred D. (1905–1997), 860

Meadowcroft Rock Shelter, 860

Medieval Archaeology in Europe, 861

Mercati, Michele (1541–1593), 869

Mesoamerica, 870

Mesopotamia, 871

Mexico, 878

Moche, 896

Monte Albán, 897

Montelius, Gustaf Oscar Augustin (1843–1921), 899

Montfaucon, Bernard de (1655– 1741), 899

Morgan, Lewis Henry (1818–1881), 900

Morley, Sylvanus Griswold (1883– 1948), 900

Mortillet, Gabriel de (1821–1898), 901

Most na Soči, 902

Moulin Quignon, 903