the Cultural Heritage Organization directed by Serajuddin Kazerouni. Reports have been published in Guzarishha-yi bastanshinasi [Archaeological Reports] and Majalleh-ye Bastanshinasi va Tarikh [Journal of Archaeology and History], but little has appeared in international journals. The focus of research seems heavily weighted to the Islamic period, but this is hardly a break with earlier patterns, and excavation of both prehistoric and early historic sites has also occurred.

Important projects have been conducted on the citadel mound of the ancient Median capital of Ecbatana at Hamadan (Muhammad Sarraf); at Ziwiyeh (Nosratollah Motamedi); on the Apadana mound at Susa (Mir-Abedin Kabuli); at Shahdad (Kabuli); at the Sassanian site of Borazjan on the Persian Gulf (Ehsan Yaghmaei); in prehistoric mass graves in Luristan (Alireza Farzin); at Tepe Mil, a prehistoric, Sassanian, Seljuk, and Islamic site near Rayy (Zarintaj Sheibani); and in the important Sassanian complex at Kuh-i Khwaja in eastern Seistan. In 1995, the governments of Iran and Germany signed an accord on scientific and cultural cooperation, but assistance on the archaeological front was limited to educational exchanges. Although foreign scholars may visit and study in Iran, foreign archaeological projects remain prohibited.

Stuart Brown

See also

French Archaeology in Egypt and the Middle East


Amiet, P., N. Chevalier, and E. Carter. 1992. “Susa in the Ancient Near East.” In The Royal City of Susa. Ed. P.O. Harper, J. Aruz, and F. Tallon. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Dieulafoy, Jane. 1888. A Suse: Journal des fouilles, 1884–1886. Paris: Phoebus.

———. 1890. At Susa, the Ancient Capital of the Kings of Persia. Philadelphia: Gebbie.

Dyson, Robert H., Jr. 1968. “Early Work on the Acropolis at Susa: The Beginnings of Prehistory in Iraq and Iran.” Expedition 10, no. 4: 21–31.

Ghirshman, Tania. 1970. Archéologue malgré moi: Vie quotidienne d’une mission archéologique en Iran. Neuchâtel: A. Le Baconniere.

Goff, Clare. 1980. An Archaeologist in the Making. London: Constable.

Herzfeld, Ernst. 1935. Archaeological History of Iran. Schweich Lectures 1934. London: British Academy.

Hole, Frank. 1987. The Archaeology of Western Iran. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution.

McCown, D.E. 1942. The Comparative Stratigraphy of Early Iran. Oriental Institute Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization no. 23. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Matheson, Sylvia. 1972. Persia: An Archaeological Guide. London: Faber.

Moorey, P.R. S., Ed. 1972. Excavations in Iran: The British Contribution. Oxford: Organizing Committee of the Sixth International Congress of Iranian Art and Archaeology.

Olszewski, Deborah I., and Harold L. Dibble, eds. 1993. The Paleolithic Prehistory of the Zagros(c) Taurus. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania.

Sancisi-Weerdenburg, H., and J.W. Drijvers, eds. 1991. Through Travellers’ Eyes: European Travellers on the Iranian Monuments. Achaemenid History 7. Leiden: Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten.

Smith, P.E.L. 1986. Palaeolithic Archaeology in Iran. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of Pennsylvania for the American Institute of Iranian Studies.

Van den Berghe, L. 1966. Archéologie de l’Iran Ancien. Leiden: Brill.

———. 1979. Bibliographie analytique de l’archéologie de l’Iran ancien. Leiden: Brill.

Van den Berghe, L., and E. Haerinck. 1981. Bibligraphie analytique de l’archéologie de l’Iran ancien, Supplement 1: 1978–1980. Leiden: Brill.

Voigt, M.M., and R.H. Dyson. 1992. “Iran.” In Chronologies in Old World Archaeology, 1:122–178, 2:125–153. Ed. R.W. Ehrich. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Young, T.C. 1986. “Archaeology, Pre-Median: History and Method of Research.” Encyclopedia Iranica 2, no. 3: 281–288.

Wright, Denis. 1977. The English among the Persians during the Qajar Period, 1787–1921. London: Heinemann.


See Mesopotamia

Isaac, Glyn Llywelyn


Born in South Africa, Isaac went to Cambridge University, received his Ph.D. in 1961, and became