Moundville, 904

Müller, Sophus Otto (1846–1934), 905

Mulvaney, John (1925–), 905

Myres, Sir John Linton (1869–1954), 906


National Geographic Society, 907

National Museum of Slovenia, 907

Nautical Archaeology, 910

Naville, Henri Edouard (1844– 1926), 918

Nelson, Nels (1875–1964), 919

Netherlands, 919

New Zealand: Historical Archaeology, 934

New Zealand: Prehistoric Archaeology, 938

Nilsson, Sven (1787–1883), 950

Nimrud, 951

Nineveh, 952

Novgorod, 952

Novo Mesto, 953

Nubia, 954

Nyerup, Rasmus (1759–1829), 964

Obermaier Grad, Hugo (1877– 1946), 965

Okladnikov, Aleksei Pavlovich (1908–), 966

Olduvai Gorge, 968

Olmec Civilization, 969

Olorgesailie, 970

Oriental Institute of Chicago, 970

Ozette Village, 971

Palenque, 973

Paleolithic Archaeology, 974

Palynology in Archaeological Research, 986

Panama, 991

Paphos, 998

Papua New Guinea and Melanesia, 999

Parrot, André (1901–1980), 1006

Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, 1006

Peake, Harold John Edward (1867–1946), 1011

Pei Wenzhong (1904–1982), 1011

Pengelly, William (1812–1894), 1012

Persepolis, 1012

Peru, 1013

Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders (1853–1942), 1018

Peyrony, Denis (1869–1954), 1019

Philippines, 1020

Pieridou, Angeliki (1918–1973), 1031

Piette, Edouard (1827–1906), 1031

Piggott, Stuart (1910–1996), 1031

Piltdown Forgery, 1032

Pincevent, 1033

Pitt Rivers, Augustus (1827–1900), 1034

Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1035

Poland, 1037

Polynesia, 1045

Polynesian Society, 1056

Pompeii, 1058

Popenoe, Dorothy Hughes (1899–1932), 1060

Portugal, 1062

Potocka Zijalka, 1071

Poverty Point 1072

Powell, John Wesley (1834–1902), 1072

Prescott, William Hickling (1796–1859), 1072

Prestwich, Sir Joseph (1812–1896), 1073

Prinsep, James (1799–1840), 1073

Proskouriakoff, Tatiana (1910– 1985), 1074

Pueblo Bonito, 1075

Pumpelly, Raphael (1837–1923), 1076

Putnam, Frederic Ward (1839– 1915), 1076

Quatrefages, Jean Louis Armand de (1810–1892), 1079

Quebec, 1079

“Race” and Ethnicity, Archaeological Approaches to, 1085