
Kourion (Curium), an Iron Age and Roman site on the south coast of cyprus, has been the target of numerous projects. Some of the best-known finds by luigi palma di cesnola (including much gold jewelry now in the Metropolitan Museum in New York) came from his work on Iron Age royal tombs in 1873. Additional recent work by Demos Christou (Department of Antiquities, Cyprus) has clarified details of those tombs and of Cesnola’s activities.

There have been numerous and extensive excavations of the classical city by a series of archaeologists. Between 1933 and 1954, George McFadden and others excavated on behalf of the Pennsylvania University Museum. The Department of Antiquities has been conducting excavations on the Acropolis since 1964, and A.H.S. Megaw worked on the early Christian basilica for Dumbarton Oaks in Washington, D.C. Between 1980 and 1983, Diana Buitron and David Soren excavated at the Sanctuary of Apollo. The site has well-preserved Roman buildings, including a theater, many of which are decorated with mosaics. The theater and many other structures have been substantially restored.

David Frankel


A Guide to Kourion. 1987. Nicosia: Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation.

Soren, D., and J. James. 1988. Kourion: The Search for a Lost Roman City. New York: Doubleday.

Kozłowski, Leon (1892–1944)

Leon Kozłowski was one of the most important Polish archaeologistsof the first half of the twentieth century, and he represented a generation of archaeologists who, for the first time, had professional careers in archaeology. He was a student of Erazm Majewski, studied archaeology under Wlodzimierz Demetrykiewicz at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow in 1912–1913, and continued under the supervision of R. Schmidt at the University of Tübingen in Germany. In 1921–1939, he was professor of archaeology at the Jan Kazimierz University in Lvov.

Kozłowski was the author of very modern syntheses about the Paleolithic, Neolithic, and Bronze Ages in poland. These are Starsza epoka kamienna (1922; Palaeolithic or Early Stone Age), Mlodsza epoka kamienna (1924; Neolithic or Late Stone Age), and Wczesna, starsza i srodkowa epoka bronzu w Polsce w swietle subborealnego optimum klimatcznego i jego wplyw na ruchy etniczne i zaludnienie Polski (1928; Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Poland in the Light of Subboreal Climatic Optimum and Its Influence on the Ethnic Movements and Population of Poland). In his work on the Neolithic period, he distinguished many archaeological cultures that have remained correct until the present, and he presented a very clear chronological division for the period.


Leon Kozłowski

(Arkadiusz Marciniak)

Kozłowski’s works are characterized by methodological correctness. He would define the notions present in archaeological discourse, for example, that of archaeological culture, and his work contained geological backgrounds, hydrographic conditions, climate and soil characteristics, and an assessment of their impact on prehistoric settlement systems. While analyzing flint assemblages he focused his attention on raw materials, the technology used, and tool functions. His works were richly illustrated