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Mallowan, Sir Max


Born in London and educated at New College, Oxford, Max Mallowan claimed to have first excavated Victorian china shards when he was four years old in Bedford Gardens, Kensington. In 1925, after finishing university and hoping to avoid a career in the Indian Civil Service, he was taken on as a field assistant at the Iraqi site of Ur of the Chaldees by English archaeologist sir leonard woolley. It was there that Mallowan met the novelist (Dame) Agatha Christie, whom he married in 1930.

Mallowan worked in mesopotamia with Woolley for five years and became field director for joint excavations by the british museum and the British School of Archaeology in Iraq, which had been founded by a legacy from gertrude bell. He excavated at the Quyunjik mound at nineveh, at the village site of Arpachiyah, and