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Commentary on The Third Letter of Saint John

1 The elder: The same pastoral title is used by the author of 2 John. Early Christian tradition generally identifies him as the Apostle John. beloved: An endearing tone runs through the letter, suggesting that John and his addressee have developed a deep, spiritual friendship (2, 5, 11). Gaius: Several persons of this name appear elsewhere in the NT, one from Macedonia (Acts 19:29), one from Derbe (Acts 20:4), and one from Corinth (1 Cor 1:14). The individual addressed in 3 John could be one of these men, but evidence is lacking to establish such a link with certitude. Nothing certain is known of this Gaius beyond his glowing reputation for holiness (3 Jn 3) and hospitality (56). Perhaps he was a recognized Church leader or simply a wealthy believer who gave food and lodging to preachers passing through the area. Back to text.

2 be in health: Hellenistic letters commonly opened with a wish for good health. Gaius' spiritual health is something of which John is already confident (3). Back to text.

4 my children: John speaks as a spiritual father who rejoices over the good behavior of his sons and daughters (1 Jn 2:1; 2 Jn 4). Back to text.

7 for his sake: Literally, "for the name". Traveling preachers invite others to believe in the name of Jesus Christ (Jn 1:12). See note on 1 Jn 3:23. from the heathen: Pagans are not solicited to support the Church's ministers and missionaries, who are entitled to support from the community of believers. See note on Lk 10:7Back to text.

8 support such men: Gaius is urged to continue welcoming traveling teachers of the faith and equipping them with the basic necessities of life (6). In this way, he will help to facilitate the spread of gospel truth throughout the region. Back to text.

9-10 A disturbing character sketch of Diotrephes. He is insubordinate to John's authority, he speaks inappropriate words against John, he is inhospitable to traveling preachers, and he is intolerant of any member of his congregation who welcomes them. Such audacious misuse of authority is merely a symptom of Diotrephes' pride and selfish quest to be "first" (9). Back to text.

9 I have written: Some think this refers to 2 John. Others envision a letter of correction that John had addressed to the Church where Diotrephes held authority. It is no surprise that such a letter would not have survived, for the authority of its sender was rejected by the primary recipient. Back to text.

11 not seen God: The notion of "seeing" has a theological rather than literal meaning. That is, one who has come to trust and obey Christ has come to "see" the Father and his love in the Son (Jn 14:9). Conversely, the one who remains in sin lacks this perception of God (1 Jn 3:6). Back to text.

12 I testify to him: Demetrius appears to be the bearer of 3 John. If so, the letter also serves as a letter of recommendation for him. Many such letters were written in the ancient Church to prepare the way for traveling missionaries going from place to place (Acts 18:27; Rom 16:1-2; 2 Cor 3:1). John hopes Gaius will welcome godly men like Demetrius (3 Jn 8), whom Diotrephes turns away (10). Back to text.

13 pen and ink: John has additional instruction for Gaius, but he prefers to communicate it in person rather than in writing (14; cf. 1 Cor 11:34; 2 Jn 12). Back to text.

15 The friends: The members of John's Church, probably in Ephesus, and also the members of Gaius' Church, to whom their greetings are sent. Back to text.

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