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1. Hadn't the Resurrection taken place, human's destiny would have been to perish.


And human would have turned like the animal which die and perishes entirely, never coming back to existence. Hence we ask: what then is the feature which characterizes this rational articulate human

being, whom God has gifted him with science, with a

talent of thinking and inventing, gifted him with the

ability of manufacturing spacecrafts, which take him

to the Moon and to Mars, those Aircrafts through

which he can circulate round the earth and return

safely back to it with photos and knowledge…this

human who invented other amazing things as

computer, fax, mobile phone and others…

Is it rationally acceptable that this amazing

human, whom God had given him dominance over

various aspects of nature, his body couldn't have the

same destiny as of an animal or an insect or as of

some pests?! A mind can't believe this…!

Otherwise, why God had created human with such

consciousness and granted him all those talents?!

Human is the only one whom God had confined to

him the inspiration, sent him the prophets and made

miracles with him…why God had done this if his

destiny would have been only to perish, to a handful

of dust!!

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It does not also accord with God's promises of

eternal life and heaven…!

If there hadn't been a Resurrection; human's

body wouldn't have been differentiated from

other creatures which posses bodies while, as

granted by God, he can dominate over them all, can

care for some if he wants, and can control other

creatures with this right of dominance and


Hadn't the Resurrection taken place, and if the

destiny of human's body had been as those of the

irrational creatures, then the dignity of this human,

the master whom God had given him power over

other creatures, would have been lost …!

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If there hadn't been a Resurrection, the

conscious' responsibility and the fear of the last

account which is to be given, would have then

been lost. It is well known that when human rises

from the dead, he stands in front of the Just God to

give an account of all what he had done by the body

whether good or evil, not only an account of his deeds

but also of his intentions, thoughts and on his inner


And as long as man will rise, so he lives the life of

circumspect and attention, the life of righteousness

and virtue, by which he stands fearless in front of God

on the day of judgment and in front of people with no

shame. If there hadn't been a Resurrection, an

account which is to be given and if there hadn't been

any fear or shame…then as they say "he who doesn't

feel shame, then let him do whatever he wants"!!

Hadn't the Resurrection taken place, corruption

would have spread, and also would have the

Epicureanism that says "let's eat and drink, as

tomorrow we shall die"! Then people would have

thrown themselves on pleasures and desires of life,

endeavoring vigorously and eagerly towards


If there hadn't been a Resurrection, the law of

jungles would then have prevailed, people would have

devoured each other, and the powerful would have

monopolized the weak, injustice and cruelty would

have also prevailed…! Principles and morals would

have then been lost and became, to a great extent, of

less importance and would have possessed less

influence …!

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If there hadn't been a Resurrection, death

would have become then frightful, courage and

sacrifice would have disappeared!!

At the time being, the courageous are not afraid

of death in the hope of the Resurrection. Martyrs un

frightfully proceed towards death, as they know that

death is not the end of their lives, they rather see it

as an open door to a life in eternity that never ends…

Likewise anyone who dies, he has consolation in

the other life. That is how he can accept death

without panic. On the other side, if there hadn't been

a Resurrection and a life after death, it would have

been frightful as, then, death would have represented

an end and a catastrophe. That was what happened

to the atheists and to the cults which denied the

Resurrection and the spirit, like the Sadducees for


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If there hadn't been a Resurrection, then the

death of our beloved friends and relatives would

have then been a cause of deep sorrow for us

for which we wouldn't have had consolation.

Our consolation in the death of whom we love, is

that we will see them in the other world, we say in

our prayers "for there is no death for your servants,

but a departure", and we, for that reason,

commemorate those who departed in many

occasions, and believe that they will rise in the last

day and that we will see them, so our relationship

with them will continue.

The same goes for whomever we admire, of the

talented people and of the celebrities whom we lived

in their time and whom we do appreciate them in our

hearts…if there hadn't been a Resurrection, we would

have then grieved so much for the loss of the history

which we lived and heard of, and we would have been

disconnected from this history…!

Having faith in the Resurrection had given much

hope to humanity than that; as we will not only meet

with the beloved and with friends but also with all


People in heaven meet with our father Adam,

Noah, Abraham and the rest of the prophets and all

the righteous in all generations…all those generations

will meet there in the Resurrection. And if there

hadn't been a Resurrection, there would haven't been

then such a joyous meeting, and people would have

lived then in a finite generation, during a finite time

beyond which they don't go…and our relation with the

righteous and their intercession would have been


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If there hadn't been a Resurrection, then

there wouldn't have been a connection between

us and heaven with its inhabitants…

Heaven is the place where Angels inhabit, it is the

Throne of God…in which we have hope in the

Resurrection and in the other life, and it is where we

live after the Resurrection.

If there hadn't been a Resurrection, we would

have then been deprived of heaven, Angels and all

the Celestial Hierarchy; hence our talk about all of

them would have been only theoretical, and so would

have been our talk about the Eternal Joy, and about

what the eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have

entered into the heart of man …would that also be

like dreams or illusions?!

And if there hadn't been a Resurrection or

Heaven, so what does it mean that the righteous,

with their good work, they save treasures in heaven

preserved for them till they reach there?!

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And if there hadn't been a Resurrection, we

would have been then deprived of the ideal life

which is in eternity, we would have been deprived

of the spiritual atmosphere there: where there is no

sin, no corruption, no conspiracies and divisions and

nothing of the mistakes which are found in our

life…also where there is no fatigue, no distress, no

illness, no grief and no tears…in heaven there is only

the atmosphere of peace, intimacy and love. This is

what we desire, hope for and dream of seeing in the

other world…so, would we have been deprived of all


Could we have been deprived of the life of

homogeneity which is in the other world, where the

whole humanity is together with all its races having

one language, who understand each other

spontaneously without the need of a

translator...where they all have the same perception

and the same concepts…where tongues and

languages, which distinguish a group from another,

are put out of action…! Would we have been deprived

of all that, if there hadn't been a Resurrection?!

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If there hadn't been a Resurrection, then

there wouldn't have been a compensation for

those who lived a painful or miserable life on


Of those, we remember the handicapped as the

crippled and the paralyzed, the deaf-mute and those

who have painful chronic diseases, those who were

hoping for a life after death, when God will there save

them from their deformities and from their physical

and psychological pains. Would those have lost hope

if there hadn't been a Resurrection…!

And would the blind have then also lived on earth

without any hope that God will give them back their

eye sight in another life, if there hadn't been a


Would those who lived in poverty and in need, in

low jobs, whom were servants or slaves to others, or

whom suffered of cruelty from those who worked

for…who suffered from injustice, disgrace, who were

homeless or captured…and others, wouldn't those

have hope at all that God would rehabilitate them in

the other world, if there hadn't been a Resurrection

and another world!!

If the Resurrection didn't exist, then frustration

and despair would occur in all those examples of

people, and if there hadn't been justice and equality

in this life on earth, then how there wouldn't have

been a kind of compensation after death?!

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If there hadn't been a Resurrection, then

there wouldn't have been a reward for the

righteous who struggled for the sake of the life

of virtue on earth.

Those who did the good work in secret, and

deprived themselves due to their devotion to the

virtue of giving, and struggled for the sake of keeping

themselves back of every temptation…those who

persisted, with much care, in praying and in

fastening. Some of them lived in asceticism and

devoutness, resisting the pleasures of life for the sake

of the pleasures of spirit which they will enjoy in

heaven. They lived a life of endurance, patience, self

control and struggle against lusts…

Wouldn't all those have a reward in another life, a

credit from God for all their effort and spiritual

struggle on earth?! Would they be equal to the evil

ones who violated, exerted themselves on lusts and

lived corruptly in their life on earth without any

penalty, would this have then happened as long as

death had equalized between all, and no


What justice could this be?! Would the righteous

say to themselves then: the Prophets had deceived us

by their talk about Heaven and Hell, about reward

and penalty!! Far be it from God that this could

happen, that the righteous could be equalized with

the sinner, and that the reward of whoever did a good

work would be lost…!

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If there hadn't been a Resurrection,

wouldn't then this have been against the faith!!


And also against God's promises! Against the

Divine Inspiration! Against the call for giving and self

sacrifice! Against all what we have learnt about

Heaven, Eternity, about Joy and about Hell! It would

have been then against the connection between the

inhabitants of Heaven and those of earth!

Then there should be a Resurrection, an account

to be given, there should also be a reward and a

penalty…religion requires so, and so does the mind

and the logic, we've got to believe that…

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As long as the Resurrection is a dogma and a

necessity, we have to be prepared for it…

Knowing that our life on earth, how long would it

become, it is immeasurable compared to the eternal

life which has no end, which is the true destiny of all

of us…

Let's get ready for eternity by doing good work

everywhere, with everyone. As for every good deed

here, we will get a reward there in heaven and many

times more.

Let's remove our foot from evil and every form of

evil. As sin sets us apart from God and his Angels,

from heaven and all its inhabitants it sets us apart

from the souls of the righteous…

Let's rejoice that God had prepared for us a life

after death, where our existence is continued beyond

this finite life on earth which is full of trouble and


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