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by Fr. Dmitri, New Zealand

The Poor

Saturday 30 May 2009 (22 Pachons; 22 Bashans)
St. Andronicus of the Seventy

Mary remained with Elizabeth about three months and then returned home.
(Luke 1:56)

Blessed is he who consumes the bread of love, which
is Jesus! He who eats of love, east Christ.
(Isaac the Syrian)

Behold, this is the true Christian humility. In this you will
be able to achieve victory over every vice, by attributing
to God that you have won.
(St. Martin of Tours)

A charitable and sensible mind takes careful note of
the virtues it observes in another, while the fool goes
looking for faults and defects.

The Lord Jesus Christ said to His Disciples, 'Now you are
clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.
Abide in Me, and I in you,'
(John 15:3-4)

A man who is angry, even if he were to raise the dead, is not acceptable to God.
(Abba Agathon)

His promises cannot deceive, provided we only persevere to the end.

Know that your real relative is he who brings you nearer to God.
(Pope Shenouda III)

Beloved, let it be know that they joy of all joys is completed
by rejoicing in the Holy Trinity who created us in His Image.

In the time of obedience, close your mouth, from good and
bad, and breathe life from the mouths of others.
(Elder John Saba)


The heart of Your good mother Mary is all love and mercy.
She desires nothing else but Your happiness.
You only need recourse to her and you will be heard.

Heavenly Father, let us constantly have trust in You and may we have the happiness of heavenly glory which You share with Your Son, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
(John Vianney)



Blessed are the poor is spirit, for their is the kingdom of heaven.

This is the beginning of the Beatitudes which open the Sermon on the Mount. On going to the mountain He had spent the whole night in prayer, then He chose the Twelve Apostles. By choosing the Apostles He has taken the first definite step in actually founding the Kingdom of God. In the Beatitudes He pictures the qualifications of true membership.

There are those who are poor in money and goods, they could be 'poor in spirit' enduring their poverty with a good heart.

The rich, too can be 'poor in spirit' if they renounce their wealth in their own mind, giving it to the poor. One thinks of the rich young man, who could not face that challenge and be 'poor in spirit.'

To really know what Our Lord means is to see His own example. During His Public Life He lived on alms and had nowhere to lay his head; because of His way of life, it left Him free for the work. But for the thirty years, He lived, like most of us just making a living.

So the poverty of the Beatitude is not really destitution, but the ordinary life of the vast majority of mankind. Abe Lincoln said, 'God must love ordinary people, because He made so many of them.' And also, He lived their life when He came on earth. S. Ambrose says: that this Beatitude is put first, it must be practiced first to make the others possible.

Mammon is the great rival of God: so "Blessed are the Poor." To Thee be glory and praise, now and ever, unto the Ages of Ages.

Today's Readings:

Evening: Psalm 50:12; Gospel Luke 11:53-12:3.
Morning: Psalm 111:4; Gospel Luke 10:21-24.
Liturgy: Ephes.4:8-16; 1 Peter 5:5-12; Acts 24:10-21;
Psalm 135:1-2; Gospel John 16:15-23.


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