Terracotta Warriors, 1266

Thompson, Sir J. Eric S. (1898– 1975), 1267

Thomsen, Christian Jürgensen (1788–1865), 1268

Three-Age System, 1270

Tikal, 1270

Tindale, Norman (1900–1993), 1272

Toltecs, 1273

Troyon, Frederic (1815–1866), 1274

Tsountas, Christos (1857–1934), 1275

Turkey, 1275

Tutankhamun, Tomb of, 1285

Tylor, Sir Edward Burnett (1832– 1917), 1286

Uhle, Max (1856–1944), 1289

United States of America, Prehistoric Archaeology, 1289

University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1307

Ur, 1309

Ussher, James (1581–1665), 1310

Uvarov, Count Aleksei Sergeevich (1828–1884), 1311

Valcamonica, 1313

Van Giffen, Albert Egges (1884– 1973), 1313

Vatican Museums, 1314

Ventris, Michael (1922–1956), 1314

Vergil, Polydore (ca. 1470–1555), 1314

Vilanova y Piera, Juan (1821–1893), 1314

Virchow, Rudolf (1821–1902), 1316

Virú Valley, 1317

Waverly Plantation, Mississippi, 1319

Wheeler, Sir Eric Mortimer (1890–1976), 1319

Who Owns the Past?, 1320

Willey, Gordon Randolph (1913–), 1322

Williamsburg, Colonial, 1323

Wilson, Daniel (1816–1892), 1324

Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 1325

Woolley, Sir (Charles) Leonard (1880–1960), 1326

World Archaeological Congress, 1327

World Archaeology, 1330

Worm, Ole (1588–1654), 1330

Wormington, Hannah Marie (1914–1994), 1331

Worsaae, Jens Jacob (1821–1886), 1332

Xia Nai (1910–1985), 1335

York, 1337

Glossary, 1339

Editor and Contributors, 1347

Index, 1351