
Aarbøger for nordisk Oldkyndighed (journal), 417, 420

Abandoned Shipwreck Act (U.S.), 917, 1178

Abbeville, 177

Abbevillian period, 979

Abbott, Charles C., 1077

Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, 91

Abell, Paul, 789

Abercromby, John, 1, 213

Aberystwyth University College, 500

Abora, 799

Aboriginal Australia

contact archaeology, 125–126

Mulvaney, John, 906

prehistoric archaeology, 121, 123–125

Aboriginal Cultural Development in Latin America (Meggers and Evans), 363

Aboukir, battle of, 549

About Britain (guidebook), 662

Abraham (Woolley), 1327

Abrahams-Willis, Gabeba, 51, 55

Abramic, Mihovil, 1165

Abri Aumoffen, 568

Absolon, Karel, 426

Abstracts of New World Archaeology, 1175

Abu Hureya, 428

abu simbel, 1, 959, 961

Abuje, Onyango, 7, 9, 12

Abungu, G., 1219, 1221

Abydos, 2, 2(photo), 283, 445, 456, 457– 458, 460, 569, 918, 919, 1018

Abydos (Mariette), 850

Acacus, 48

Academia de Geografía e Historia de Guatemala, 606

Academia Herculanensis, 618

Academia Sinica, 315, 319, 320, 321, 706, 815

“Academic Lectures on the Archaeology of the Art of Antiquity” (Heyen), 573

Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres (France), 242, 551–552

Académie des Sciences (France), 177, 870

Académie Malgache (Madagascar), 24

Academy for History of Material Culture (Russia), 1132

Academy of History and Antiquities of Colombia, 360

Academy of Learning (Poland), 1040

Academy of Literature, History, and Antiquities (Sweden), 1225

Academy of Turku, 496

Acahualinca, 375

Acajutla, 464

Acanceh, 884

Accademia Columbaria (Italy), 726

Accademia Etrusca, 472

Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (Italy), 725

“Accademio dei Giordani de Belvedere” (Lorenzo), 1100

Accelerator mass spectrometry, 103

Account of the Polynesian Race (Fornander), 1048

An Account of the Roman Antiquities Discovered at Woodchester (Lysons), 218

Achaemenid archaeology, 675, 676–679

Achaemenid Empire, 1284

Acheulean industry/period, 19, 20

analysis of hand axes, 819

Arambourg, Camille, 93–94

Breuil, Henri, 193

in de Mortillet’s system, 341

Olduvai gorge, 969

South Africa, 64–65

type site, 1207

West Bengal, 408

Achimota College, 1153, 1154

Acosta, Joaquín, 357

Acosta, Jorge R., 2–3, 883, 885

Acosta de Samper, Soledad, 358

Acosta Saignes, M., 888

Acropolis, 596–597, 597(photo)

Acropolis Museum, 596

Act of Preservation of Cultural Property (Indonesia), 652

Acta Archaeologica (journal), 420

Acta Medievalia (journal), 869

Active style, 820

Adam, Robert, 1162

Adams, E. W., 352

Adams, Henry, 556

Adams, Robert McCormick, 3–5, 680, 874, 877, 1171

Adams, William H., 141, 766, 1159, 1319

Adams, William Richard, 766

Adams, William Y., 352, 962

Adam’s Ancestors (L. Leakey), 810

Adaptation studies, Africa, 30–31

Addyman, P., 1338

Adkins, Howard, 141, 1319

Adler, Horst, 131

Administration of Ancient Monuments (Denmark), 417

Adrar Bous, 31

Aegina Marbles, 595–596

Aerial photography, 385, 1096–1097

Aethiopia. See Nubia

Afar, 36

“Affinity of blood” concept, 1086

Afghanistan, 548

Africa, 17(map)

archaeological heritage management, 96–97

domestication of plants and animals, 428

French archaeology, 546, 547, 548, 779, 839–841, 842, 843, 844

Horn of, 35–40

Isaac, Glyn, 682–683

Koumbi Saleh, 779

nautical archaeology, 911

rock art, 1104, 1107–1109, 1113–1114

Sudanic Kingdoms, 71–76

Swahili Coast, 1218–1221

See also Central Africa; East Africa; Francophone Africa; North Africa;