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The Holy Bible And I


Father Tadros Y. Malaty



Almost every human being complains: "I am in need of love. No one can understand me, and share my deep feelings with me."

The young man, as the little baby and the elder finds his (or her) satisfaction in love. He (or she) needs to love and to be loved by someone who can share and understand his (or her) real feelings.  Even the criminal desires to find someone who is sincerely interested in him. The Holy Bible has the real solution for this problem.  It revea ffb ls God as the true Lover of Mankind.

God desires to speak with Man, face to face.  According to St. John Chrysostom Man was not in need of the written word of God, the Holy Bible. For God could speak with us as He spoke with Adam, face to face, in the Garden of Eden.  Now, after our fall in sin, we cannot practice that.  God grants us the natural Law and the written Law, so that we may hear His gracious voice and respond to it.


What is the goal of the Holy Bible for me?

God grants me His written word, and prepares me to receive the Word of God Himself.  In Him I have the right to enjoy the unity with the Father through His Holy Spirit.

Through the Bible, I discover the reality of God.  He is Love.  He is not separated and isolated in His heaven.  He seeks me. He loved me, even before my creation.  His love is practical.  He sacrificed His Only-Begotten Son on my behalf.

God is interested in me.  I am not one of the billions of His creatures.  I am special to Him.

God does not issue orders so that I have to obey.  He grants me His commandments to give me the chance to have a good response to His love, by my obedience.

The Holy Bible is not a monologue, but it is a dialogue, through which God reveals His pleasure not only in His speech with me, but also in hearing me.  It declares the mutual love between God and me.

God truly descends to establish a covenant with me, as a man with a man.  What great humbleness He shows to me!

God created me in His image and He is still working for my glorification.  He wants me to be free and not to be a slave.

God grants me His Holy Bible to enjoy the personal contact with Him, and at the same time the membership in His One Church.

The Holy Bible is the ladder through which I have the right to practice the heavenly life, the risen life with Christ, the communion with the heavenly hosts, and the unceasing inner joy.  He promises me a share in His heavenly glory.  Now, it is the time to have the pledge of these promises.

The Holy Bible reveals our life as a continuous celebration of our spiritual and everlasting marriage.  Through it, my Heavenly spouse reveals His mysteries to me, and I speak with Him openly.  By His Holy Spirit, I open my heart to Him, who opens His heart to me.


The Books Of The Holy Bible

The Holy Bible was written over more than 15 centuries, but it represents one contemporary book.  I feel it is a recent message sent especially for me from my beloved One.  I cannot separate it into Books.  I can say that the Books of the Bible are chapters of one Book.

Now, I will try to mention the principal idea of each Chapter to discover the divine plan of my existence.        

1- Genesis: God has chosen to make me a father.

God has created humans so that they become fathers and mothers, with hearts full of love, for their God loved mankind.

Adam is the father of mankind. "God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it." (Gen. 1:28).

Eve is the mother of the human race. "Adam called his wife's name Eve; because she was the mother of all living." (Gen. 3:20).

Abraham is the parent of the believers. "You shall be a father of many nations." (Gen. 17:4).

Jacob is analogous to all of Israel.

Jacob's children are fathers of the tribes. 

2- Exodus: God has chosen me to serve the sinners.

While all the people were evil, Moses tried to free them, offering his life as a sacrifice, for their love.  This book is for the love to mankind, through tireless work. "Yet now, if You will forgive their sin" and if not, blot me, I pray You, out of Your book which You have written." (Exodus 32:32). 

3- Leviticus: In order to exercise and offer love to all humans, I have to carry God's holiness. "You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy." (Lev. 11:45). That is obvious through:

 1- the blood of the Lord Christ: Sacrifices. (1-7)

 2- Priesthood of Christ: The Mediator and as the Bishop for our souls.(8-10)

 3- Obedience to the Law of God:  

The Laws of Purity (11-15).

The Laws of Atonement (16-17).

The Laws of Sanctification for the People (18-20).

The Laws of Sanctification for the Priesthood (21-22)

The Laws of Sanctification in Worship (23-24).

The Laws of Sanctification in the Land of Canaan (25-26).

The Laws of Sanctification through Vows (27).

4- Numbers: God wants me to be happy when I depart.

Both my love to humans and my life itself are just a journey through the narrow path of God.  It is the way to the eternal feast. "You shall keep a feast unto the Lord seven days" (Num. 29:12)

5- Deuteronomy:

God has chosen me and promised that I will be His son and will enter in a new covenant with Him. "The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day." (Deut. 5:3)

My journeys in this narrow way are full of joy, as I believe in His Divine promise.

My words are inspired by the Holy Spirit to reflect God’s words. (Moses gave three departure sermons concentrated on ffb the Divine Covenant. I am as His son; I talk with the Father's words.

6- Joshua: God has chosen me to be a commander. "No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage, for to this people you shall divide as an inheritance the land which I swore to their fathers to give them." (Josh 1:5-6)  

All my thinking and the feelings of my heart were concentrated on my vision, seeing all mankind crossing the Jordan River with Christ, to enjoy heavenly Canaan, as inheritance and the glorification with Christ.  

7- Judges: God has chosen me to be an honest judge.

The life of love forces everyone to share in the fight against unfairness, like judges, so every body enjoys the victory.  "The Lord the Judge be judge this day between the children of Israel and the children of Ammon." (Judges 11:27)  

8- Historical Books: Where God likes to crown me a king.

Through it, I see God as the King of Kings, looking after His people with grace and making out of me, as well as of every believer, a real king with authority.


1 & 2 Samuel

Saul: a king according to human thinking.

David: Was a king according to God. "The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has commanded him to be commander over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you." (1 Sam 13:14).  God wants us to be David's sons, carrying the royal blood, with the distinction and the greatness of royalty.  

Do not get scared of Satan, who thinks he is the king of the world. A young believer can fight him as young David fought strong Goliath. "You come to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied." (1 Sam 17:45) 

He is "The sweet psalmist of Israel" (2 Sam 23:1), and beside his royal duties together with the jubilant songs, he conquered the hearts through gracefulness and joy.

He ruled with the spirit of love and not with the spirit of authority. He practiced since his youth to love Saul.  But Saul used all the power of the state to kill David. With love he conquered the hearts of the people and ruled!  

1& 2 Kings

These Books are the continuation to Books 1 and 2 of Samuel, where kings were introduced to us, so that we can learn from their holy lives and avoid their mistakes.

A wise king (1 Kings 3): He wishes to give me his wisdom so I can be a wise king, who can follow God's will [as Solomon's wisdom]. 

A wealthy and glorified king as Solomon (1 Kings 4): The King of Kings became poor, to enr 9f9 ich us with his poverty. 

A Genius King (1 Kings 4): Solomon designed his government and wrote songs and parables, showed his ability and enhanced his people's inclinations. 

A king who made his heart an altar to the King of Kings. {Solomon built the Altar 1 Kings 5-8). 

A king who feared mistakes: [Solomon's marriage to foreigners (1 Kings 11)], and not to burden his brothers [Solomon's use of slaves in the building of his palace and other institutions]. 

A humble king surrounded with wise counselors (1 Kings 12): [Rehoboam son of Solomon refused the advice of the elderly and the kingdom was divided into Israel and Judah].

A king who advanced by the Spirit of God: [Jeroboam built strange altars and put two golden calves and made priests from a tribe other than Leviticus (1 Kings 12)]. 

A king who was a believer in God [Ahab married Isabelle, daughter of a pagan king and permitted a pagan priest to worship calves among the people (1 Kings 16)]. 

A king, who listened to men of God: [Ahab resisted Elijah the prophet (1 Kings 18).  

A king who follows the grace of Christ: [Sin broke down the kingdom of Israel (2 Kings 17) and the kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 25)]. 

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