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Prayers in the Coptic liturgy


We also ask the Almighty God, the Father of our Lord God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We ask and entreat Your goodness O’ Lover of mankind; Remember O’ Lord the souls of your servants who departed, our fathers and our brethren. Graciously, O’ Lord, grant repose to their souls in thebosom of our fathers the Saints Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sustain them in a place of green pastures and still waters in the Paradise of Joy, in the light of Your saints, where neither sorrow, distress nor sighing exist.

Raise their bodies on the day You have appointed according to Your faithful and true promises. Grant them Your blessed promises, which eyes have not seen, nor ears heard, nor have occured to the heart of man. The things which You O’ LORD have prepared for those who love Your Holy Name.



For there is no death for Your servants, but merely a departure. Forgive them any negligence or carelessness that they have overlooked as they are mortal humans living in flesh. So You O’ Lord, the good and Lover of mankind Your Christian Orthodox servants who lived in the world from East to West and from North to South, each one in his or her name. Graciously O’ LORD, grant repose and forgiveness to them all. For none is undefiled even if he

lives a single day on earth. As for those, O’ Lord, whom You have taken their souls, grant them repose and grant that they may deserve the Kingdom of Heaven. As for us, grant us, O’ Lord, Christian perfection which pleases You. Grant them and us, a share and inheritance with all Your saints.


Remember O’ Lord those who are sick among Your people.


Bestow on them mercies and compassion, heal them, take away from them, and from us, every sickness, the spirit of illness; do cast away. Those who have long lain ill, raise and comfort 12 them. Liberate all those who are afflicted with unclean spirits. Free all those in prison or in dungeons or in exile or captivity, or those who are arrested in bitter bondage, have mercy upon them; for You are the deliverance of the chained and supporter of

the fallen. The hope of the hopeless, the help of the helpless, the consolation of the weak hearted, the harbour of those who are in the storm. All the restrained and distressed souls, O’ Lord give them mercy, give them repose, give them calmness, give them grace, give them help give them salvation, give them forgiveness 0f their sins and iniquities. And we too, O’ Lord, heal the illnesses of our souls and cure those of our bodies.

You are the true physician of our souls and bodies and the provider for all flesh, nurture us with Your salvation.




Bless this church which extends from one end of the world to the other. Bless all peoples and all flocks; send your heavenly peace into our hearts. We also ask you to grant us the peace of this life. Crown with peace the head of our nation, the rulers and the chiefs, the military forces, the councilors, the multitudes, and our neighbours. O’ King of peace, grant us your peace, for you are the provider of all things. Adopt us unto You, O’ God Our saviour, for we do not know any one else but You.

Your Holy name is the One we utter. May our souls be sustained with your Holy Spirit. Prevent the second death from overpowering us and all your people.




We ask and entreat Your goodness, O’ Lover of mankind, remember O’ Lord, our fathers and brethren who are travelling. Those intending to travel anywhere facilitate their ways, whether by sea, rivers, lakes, roads, by air, or by any other means. Bring them back to a harbour of peace, a harbour of salvation. Graciously accompany them in their embarkation and their travel. Bring them back to their homes, in safety and joy. Participate with Your

servants, in every good deed. We also, O’ Lord, as foreigners in this world, preserve us without harm, tribulations, or wory until the end.



We ask and entreat Your goodness, O’ Lover of mankind, remember, O’ Lord, the oblations, the offerings and the thanksgiving of all those who have offered them for the honour and glory of Your Holy Name.


Accept them to You on Your Holy eloquent and heavenly altar, as fragrance of incense, which enters to Your majesty in heaven, through the ministry of Your holy angels and archangels. Accept also the offerings of Your

servants, as You have accepted the offerings of the righteous Abel, and the sacrifice of our father Abraham, and the two mites of the widow.


Those who have offered much, or little, the hidden and the manifest. Those who wish to offer but have none, and those who have offered to you these oblations this day, grant them incorruptible instead of the corruptible; the

heavenly instead of the earthly, the eternal instead of the temporal. Fill their houses and stores with all blessings. Surround them, O’ Lord, by the power of Your holy angels and archangels. As they have remembered Your

holy Name on earth, also remember them in Your kingdom; and do not forsake them in this age. Through the grace, mercy ... etc.


Lord, by Your grace protect us this night from sin. You are the blessed God of our fathers. Your Holy Name is full of glory

forever. Amen. Let Your mercy on us, be as great as our reliance on You, because all eyes are gazing with hope towards You. You

give us food in due season. Hear us, our Lord and Saviour, because You are the hope of the world, You alone are able to protect and save us from this generation and even unto eternity, Amen. Blessed are You, Lord, teach me Your justice. Show me Your will, enlighten me to Your goodness. Your mercy is everlasting.

Do not reject what You have made with Your own hands because You are my refuge from generation to generation. I cried to the Lord: “I have sinned against You, have mercy upon me and save my soul.” Save me Lord, for I am seeking

You. Teach me to do Your will, for You are my Lord, You have the spring of life, through Your light we see light, let Your mercy come to those who know You and Your goodness to those who are pure in heart. Blessing praise and glory are due to You, O’

Father and Son and Holy Spirit who has been since the beginning, now and forever. Amen. It is good to confess to the Lord and praise Your name. O’ most High, Your mercies are declared in the morning and Your justice every night.



Let us sing with the angels: Glory be to God in the highest, peace on earth, goodwill towards men. We praise You, we bless You, we serve You, we worship

You we confess to You, we proclaim Your glory, and we thank You for Your great glory. O’ Lord, the Heavenly King, God the Father Almighty, and our Lord the only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

O’ Lord, the Lamb of God and the Son of the Father, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us, accept our

supplications. You, Who sits at the right hand of the Father, have mercy upon us. For You alone are Holy. You alone are the Most High my Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit.


Glory be to GOD the Father. Amen. I give You blessing daily, and praise Your Holy Name forever and ever. Amen. Since the night, my spirit seeks You early, O’ my God, for Your commandments are the light that shines on the earth. Continually

I pursue Your ways for You became a help to me. Early, my Lord, You shall hear my voice. Tomorrow, I stand before You and

You shall see me.



Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal who was born of the Virgin, have mercy upon us. Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal who was crucified for our sake, have mercy upon us. Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal who arose from the

dead and ascended to the heavens, have mercy upon us.


Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever more. Amen. O’ Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. O’ Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. O’ Holy Trinity, have mercy upon us. O’ Lord, forgive us our sins. O’ Lord, forgive us

our trespasses. O’ Lord, forgive us our transgressions. O’ God, be with those who are sick, heal them for the sake of Your Holy Name. O’ Lord repose the souls of those who have passed over to You. O’ Lord, who is without fault, have mercy upon us, support

us and accept our prayers, for Thine is the glory, honour and triple holiness. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless us. Amen.


Blessed are you, O’ Mary The prudent and the chaste, The second tabernacle The spiritual treasure,


The pure turtle-dove that declared in our land And brought unto us The Fruit of the Spirit The Spirit of The Comforter That came upon your Son In the waters of the Jordan As in the type of Noah.

For Noah’s dove Has declared unto us The peace of God Towards mankind. Likewise you our hope The symbolic turtle-dove, Have brought Mercy unto us Carrying Him in your womb;

Jesus our Lord The Only-begotten of the Father Was born of you And set us free.


Let us all declare With all our hearts And our tongues too Proclaiming and saying, O’ our Lord Jesus Christ Make in us a sanctuary For Your Holy Spirit Ever glorifying You.

Hail to you, O’ Virgin The true Queen.


Hail to the pride of our race who gave birth to Emmanuel. We ask you to remember us O’ our faithful pleader before our

Lord Jesus Christ that He may forgive us our sins.



We also ask God the Pantocrator the Almighty, the Father of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ. We ask entreat

Your goodness, O’ Lover-of-Mankind. Remember, O’ Lord, the peace of Your only one, holy, universal and Apostolic church.



Bless this church which extends from one end of the

world to the other. Bless all peoples and all flocks; send

your heavenly peace into our hearts.

We also ask you to grant us the peace of this life.

Crown with peace the head of our nation, the rulers and

the chiefs, the military forces, the councilors, the multitudes,

and our neighbours.

O’ King of peace, grant us your peace, for you are the

provider of all things. Adopt us unto You, O’ God Our

saviour, for we do not know any one else but You.

Your Holy name is the One we utter. May our souls be

sustained with your Holy Spirit.

Prevent the second death from overpowering us and all

your people.



Again, let us ask God the Pantocrator, the Father of Our Lord and Saviour

Jesus Christ. We ask and entreat your goodness. O’ Lover-of-mankind,

remember, O’ Lord, our patriarch, the honoured father, and pontiff

abba (Shenouda III) and his brother in the Apostolic ministry our father

Abba (Ighnatious Zaka) Patriarch of Antioch 45 and their brother Abouna

Phillopos the Patriarch of Eretria.




Protect and keep him for us for many years and peaceful

times, fulfilling his Patriarchate (which you entrusted

him with) in peace and according to Your holy and

blessed Will. Preaching the Word of truth in an orthodox

manner, and shepherding your people in purity and


We also ask You to preserve for us with our Orthodox

bishops and the protopriests, the priests and deacons

and all the fullness of Your one Universal and Apostolic



We also ask God the Pantocrator, the Father of our Lord,

God and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We entreat Your goodness,

O’ Lover-of-Mankind, remember O’ Lord, our

gatherings. Bless them.



Allow us to have them without prevention nor hindrance,

that we may hold them according to Your Holy

and Blessed Will.

Grant us O'Lord houses of prayer, houses of purity and

houses of blessing, and to Your servants who will succeed

us forever.

Eliminate all idol worship from the world.

Trample and humilate Satan and his evil powers under

our feet.

Abolish all intrigues and their instigators.

Eliminate all dissension of the corrupt heresies.

Humilate the enemies of Your holy Church, O’ Lord, as

You have always done. Remove their vanity; show them

their weaknesses.

Shatter their envy, their intrigues, their madness, their

wickedness and their slander which they commit against


Lord, bring them all to no avail; disperse their counsel,

O’ God, as you have dispersed the counsel of

Ahithophel.Arise O’ Lord, let all Your enemies be scattered, and

make all the enemies of Your Holy Name flee away from

before Your Face.

As for your people bless them and increase them thousand

upon thousand and ten thousand upon ten thousand,

so that they could carry out Your Holy Will.

By the grace, compassion and love-of mankind of Your only-

Begotten Son, our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ.



Through Whom the glory, honour dominion, and adoration

are due unto You with Him and the Holy Spirit, the

Life Giver Who is of one essence with You, now and at

all times, and unto the age of ages AMEN.



Out of Your goodness, O’ God fill our hearts with Your

peace. Cleanse us from every lust, every deceit, every

hypocrisy, every vile deed and from every memory of

evil entailing death.

Grant that we may all become worthy, to greet one another

with a holy kiss

That through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, we may share Your

immortal and heavenly gift without falling into condemnation.





Right and worthy, Right and worthy, truly, He is right

and worthy. O’ Lord and Master, God of truth, Existent

before the ages, and reigning forever.

Abiding in the highest and beholding the lowly. Who

created heaven, earth, sea and every thing therein. The

Father of our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Through whom You have created all things, seen and


Who sits upon the Throne of His glory; and is worshipped

by all the holy powers.


Remember, O’ Lord, the safety of Your holy place, and all the

places and all the monasteries of our Orthodox fathers.


And for those who are dwelling in it, in God’s faith,

graciously, O’ Lord, bless the land plantations, trees,

crops, and the fruits of the earth, the winds, the rains and

the waters of the rivers, this year.


Bring them up to their measure according to Your grace, that it may be

ready for seeding and harvesting. Accord you, You O’ Lord, a cheerful

touch unto the earth, water it, and dispose our lives as deem fit. Crown


this year with Your goodness for the sake of the poor of Your

people, the widow, the orphan, the stranger, and for our

sake. For our eyes are focused upon You, our Hope, and

seek Your Holy Name. You provide our food in due


Deal with us according to Your goodness, You the feeder

of every body. Fill our hearts with joy and grace, that we

may always have sufficiency of all things, and grow in

every good deed.


O’ Master, Lord God Almighty, Healer of our souls, bodies and

spirits, You said to our Father Peter, through the Mouth of Your

Only Begotten Son, Our Lord, God and saviour Jesus Christ:

"You are Peter; and upon whom this rock I build My Church;

and the gates of hell shall not prevail against her, and I will give

you the keys to the Kingdom of heavens; Whatsoever you shall

bind on earth shall be bound in heavens; whatsoever you shall

absolve on earth shall be absolved in heavens." Now O’ Lord, let

Your servants: my fathers, my brothers and my weakness, be

absolved by my mouth through Your Holy Spirit.

Good and Lover of mankind. O’ God, Bearer of the sins of the

world, accept the repentance of Your servants as a light of

understanding and forgiveness of sins. For You are a compassionate

and merciful God: You are long-suffering, plentiful in

mercy and righteous. And if we have sinned against You, in

word or deed, remit and forgive us as You are the good lover of


Mankind. O’ God absolve us, and all Your people, from all

curses, all treasons, every false witness, every broken oath and of

the confrontation with the pagans and the heretics.

Grant us Our Master strength and understanding so that we

may flee permanently from every evil deed. Grant us to obtain

Your Approval at all times. Inscribe our names with the heavenly

creatures, through Jesus Christ Our Lord, Who Is Blessed

with You and the Holy Spirit, Now and evermore Amen.

Remember my weaknesses O’ Lord. Forgive my numerous sins.

Increase Your Grace to obliterate and cover the abundance of my


Please do not hinder Your people for the sake of my sins and the

infidelity of my heart.

Absolve me and all Your people.

Remember O’ Lord the peace of Your One and Universal Church

of God.

Remember O’ Lord our Father Pope Shenouda III and his

brother in the apostolic ministry father Ignatious Zakka and all

his partners in the apostolic ministry the metropolitans and the


May God have compassion upon us, bless us, manifest

His face upon us and have mercy upon us. Lord save

Your people, bless Your inheritance, shepherd them and

protect them forever. Exalt the horn of the Christians


through the power of the life-giving Cross, through the

supplications and prayers which are made on our behalf

by our lady, the lady of us all, the holy Theotokos, Saint

Mary. And those of the three great holy luminaries,

Michael, Gabriel and Raphael; the four Incorporeal Creatures,

the twenty four Priests, all the heavenly ranks;

Saint John the Baptist, the hundred and forty four thousand,

our lords the fathers the apostles, the three holy

youths, Saint Stephen; the beholder-of-God Saint Mark

the evangelist, the holy apostle and martyr; Saint George,

Saint Theodore, Philopater Mercurius, Saint Abba Mina,

and the whole choir of the martyrs; our righteous father,

the great Abba Antony, the righteous Abba Paul, the three

holy Abba Macarii, our father Abba John, our father Abba

Pishoi, our father Abba Paul of Tammoh, our Roman

fathers Maximus and Domitius, our father Abba Moses,

the forty nine martyrs and the whole choir of the Crossbearers;

the just, the righteous, all the Wise-Virgins, the

angel of this blessed day, the angel of this blessed sacrifice;

(the mention is made of the patron Saint of the church and

the Saint of the day if not mentioned before), and the blessing

of the holy Theotokos first and last (if it is a Sunday, and

the blessing of the Lord’s day of our Saviour. May their

holy blessings, their grace, their might, their favour, their

love and their help be with us all forever. Amen.


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||    Pope Shenouda    ||    Father Matta    ||    Bishop Mattaous    ||    Fr. Tadros Malaty    ||    Bishop Moussa    ||    Bishop Alexander    ||    Habib Gerguis    ||    Bishop Angealos    ||    Metropolitan Bishoy    ||

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