Fehér, G., 228

Fei Xiaotong, 328

Feisal, King, 155

Feldhofer Cave, 1317

Felgenhauer, Fritz, 131, 132, 133

Felgenhauer, Sabine, 133

Fellbach-Schmiden, 293

Fellini, Federico, 728

Fellows, Sir Charles, 195

Fellows of the Society of Antiquaries, 1179

Fell’s Cave, 161

Fengxi, 322

Fenland Research Committee, 212, 215, 615

Fergusson, James, 1186

Fergusson Island, 1005

Fernand, F., 24

Fernanda de Turbay, Luisa, 366

Fernandes Brandao, Ambrósio, 1100–1101

Fernández de Piedrahita, Lucas, 354

Ferrasie, 1019

Ferreira Penna, D. S., 181

Ferreira Santos, Paulo, 186

Ferrero, Luis, 381

Fetish Rock, 1107

Fewkes, Jesse Walter, 262, 281, 388

Field and Laboratory Guide for Recording Archaeological Data (Harrington), 625

Field archaeology, journal of, 754–755

Field Manual of Prehistoric Southwestern Pottery Types (Hawley), 347

Field Museum of Natural History (U.S.), 360, 1214

Figueroa, Gonzalo, 309

Fiji, 999

Filhol, Edourad and Henri, 278

Filip, Jan, 399, 401

Filow, B., 227, 228

Finland, 495–499, 865, 1258–1259

Finnish Antiquarian Society, 497

Finnish Archaeological Society, 1259

Finno-Ugrian languages, 496

Finot, Louis, 242

Finskt Museum (journal), 498

Fiorelli, Giuseppe, 446, 729, 1059

Fire technology, East African, 19

Firflet, K., 90

First Austrian Congress of Anthropology and Prehistory, 425

Firth, C. M., 960

Fischer, George, 508

Fischer, Mel, 505

Fisher, Clarence, 749, 1308

Fishing technology, Mesolithic, 480–481

Fiske, Moses, 1294

Fison, Lorimer, 900

Fitting, James, 627, 634

Fitzgerald, Gerald, 1308

Fitzhugh, William, 1171

Flaked stone technology, East Africa, 20–21

Flamand, G. B., 44

Flanders, 142, 147–148

Flandin, Eugene, 176, 552

Flannery, Kent, 428, 681, 891

Fleischmann, U., 181

Fleming, Sanford, 250

Fleming, Stuart, 101

Flemish Archaeological Council, 147–148

Fletcher, Alice C., 618, 1076

Fletcher, Laraine, 377

Fleure, Herbert J., 500, 1011, 1076

Fliegehohle, 1160

Flight, Colin, 76

Flinders, Matthew, 1018, 1106

Flint, Earl, 375, 378

Flint mines, 781, 782–784

“Flood tablet,” 875

Florence Archaeological Museum, 475

Florida, historical archaeology, 500–514

African slavery, 511

Columbus Quincentenary, 513–514

current issues in, 514

Seminole Indians, 511–512

Spanish missions, 504

Spanish towns and monuments, 502–503

sugar plantations, 510

underwater, 505, 508

See also Caribbean/Caribbean Basin, historical archaeology

Florida Anthropologist (journal), 502, 505

Florida Museum of Natural History, 273

Flower, Henry, 977

Flowerdew Hundred (Deetz), 413, 520

Flowerdew Hundred Foundation, 413

Flowerdew Hundred Plantation, 413, 520

Focacci, Guillermo, 311, 313

Fodéré, François-Emmanuel, 1110

Fofanovo burial grounds, 967

Folsom, 344

Foltešti culture, 1118–1119

Fonck, Francisco, 308

Fond-de-Foret cave, 1152

Fonds d’Intervention pour l’Archéologie de Sauvetage (France), 523

Fonseca, Oscar M., 379, 380

Font de Gaume, 1112

Fontana, Bernard L., 520–521, 626, 734, 746

Food production

Braidwood, Robert, 180

China, 326

domestication of plants and animals, 426–428

predynastic Egypt, 455

Pumpelly, Raphael, 1076

Food-sharing hypothesis, 983

Foote, Robert Bruce, 521

“For a Soviet History of Material Culture” (Ravdonicas), 1091

Foraging strategies, lithic analysis and, 821–822

Forbis, Richard, 253

Forchammer, Johann, 415, 767, 1208

Forchammer, Jörgen G., 1333

Ford, David, 754

Ford, James A., 347, 437, 521–522, 604, 624, 993, 1016, 1072, 1145

Ford Foundation, 702

Forensic archaeology, 314

A Forest of Kings (Schele and Freidel), 1150

Forman, Henry Chandlee, 734

The Formation of the Chinese People (Li Chi), 815

“Formation processes,” 1301

The Formative Period of Ecuador (Meggers, Evans, and Estrada), 438

Formozov, A. A., 1127

Fornander, Abraham, 1048

Forster, J. R., 939, 1047

Fort Gadsden, 511

Fort Jefferson National Monument, 508

Fort Jesus, 1219

Fort Mose, 511

Fort Necessity, 613, 625

Fortidsmindeforvaltning, 417

Fortin, J. Henri, 1080

Forum Harianai, 926

Forum Iulii, 354

Forum of Rome (Forum Romanum), 725(photo), 727, 729

Temple of Castor and Pollux, 730(photo)