Fosna culture, 484

Foss, B., 1052

Fossey, Diane, 907

Fossil-directeur, 46

Foucher, Alfred, 242

Foundation for American Archaeology, 1173

Foundation for National Archaeological Research (Colombia), 364, 365, 366

Foundations in the Dust (Lloyd), 631

Founding the Fatherland (Gamio), 557

Fountain of Youth Park (St. Augustine), 504

Fouque, Ferdinand, 177

Fox, Sir Cyril, 213

Fox, Henry Lane. See Pitt Rivers, Augustus

Fox, Robert B., 692, 699, 700, 1024, 1026, 1255

Foy, Willy, 590

Fra Nationalmuseets Arbejdsmark (journal), 416 Fran, Leonhard, 131


antiquarianism, 536–537, 544–545

archaeological heritage management, 94, 95, 97

archaeology in Indochina, 239, 241–243

archaeology in Mexico, 879–880

archaeology of Rome, 725, 727

Bibracte, 159–160

Celts, 286, 289, 291–292, 293

concept of nation-state, 525

Déchelette, Joseph, 411–412

Dutch archaeology, 929

government policies toward archaeology, 523–524

histories of archaeology, 633

history of archaeology in, 522–533

industrial archaeology, 663

Jefferson, Thomas, 745

Leroi-Gourhan, André, 528–529

Louvre Museum, 831

medieval archaeology, 864, 865, 867, 868

Mesolithic, 486

nautical archaeology, 913, 914, 916

“new archaeology,” 530

rescue archaeology, 523–524, 531

rock art, 1112

Spanish archaeology, 1196, 1197, 1199

studies in technological culture, 531

Troyon, Frederic, 1274

women in archaeology, 533

See also French archaeology; French archaeology, prehistoric; French archaeology in Africa; French archaeology in Egypt and the Middle East

“France: A Continental Insularity” (Audouze and Leroi-Gourhan), 21–22

Francis I (king of France), 544, 831

François, Alessandro, 473, 728

François Tomb, 473, 728

Francophone Africa, 21–34

emergence of national research goals, 28–32

politics of internationalization and, 32–34

pre-1914, 23–25

Sudanese kingdoms, 71–76

from World War I to 1960, 25, 27–28

Francophonie, La, 22, 32–34

Frankel, David, 393

Franken, H. J., 751, 930, 932

Frankfort, Henri, 180, 534, 874, 876–877, 932

Frankowski, Eugeniusz, 616

Franks, A. W., 1180

Franzén, Anders, 913, 917

Frauds and hoaxes

Moulin Quignon, 903

Netherlands, 925

Piltdown forgery, 407, 411, 1032–1033

Frederick, Charles, 1178

Frederick III (king of Denmark), 414, 1331

Frederick VII (king of Denmark), 414, 421

Free University of Brussels, 28

Freeman, L. G., 1199

Freeman, Margaret, 491

Freidel, David, 1150

French and Indian Wars (U.S.), 613

French Archaeological Mission (Guatemala), 609

French Archaeological Mission in Nicaragua, 376–377

French archaeology

in the Americas, 535–543

classical, 544–548

in Madagascar, 837–838

Montfaucon, Bernard de, 899–900

French archaeology, prehistoric

Christy, Henry, 333

history of, 522–533

La Madeleine site, 785

Lartet, Édouard, 792–793

Lascaux, 792, 793(photo)

Laugerie sites, 807

Le Mas d’Azil, 808–809

Le Moustier, 809

Leroi-Gourhan, André, 812–813

Mortillet, Gabriel de, 901–902

de Mortillet system of Stone Age classification, 340–341

Moulin Quignon, 903–904

Peyrony, Denis, 1019

Piette, Edouard, 1031

Pincevent, 1033–1034

Solutré, 1182–1183

three-age system, 340

French archaeology in Africa

Koumbi Saleh, 779

Maghreb, 839–841, 842, 843, 844

North Africa, 546, 547, 548

French archaeology in Egypt and the Middle East, 549–553

Botta, Paul Emile, 176

Champollion, Jean-François, 297

Mariette, Auguste, 849–850

Mesopotamia, 871, 872

Parrot, André, 1006

Saqqara, 1148

Susa, 675, 676–679

Syro-Palestinian, 1244, 1246, 1248

French Guiana, 266

French Institute of Archaeology in Beirut, 552

French School of Athens, 546, 547, 548

French School of Rome, 546, 547, 548, 725, 729

French Scientific Commission in Mexico, 539

French Scientific Expedition to Mexico, 538

French West Africa, 71–76.

See also West Africa

Frequency seriation, 346–347, 1297

Ecuadorian archaeology, 437

Frere, John, 553–554, 810, 870, 975, 1179

Frere, Shepard S., 220

Fresne, Marion du, 944

Friede, Juan, 362

Friederich, R. M. Th., 649

Friedrich III (emperor of Germany), 387

Friedrich Wilhelm IV (king of Prussia), 424

Friesack, 481, 486

Friesinger, Herwig, 132, 133

Frijoles Canyon field school, 620

Frobenius, Leo, 44, 590, 1091, 1141