“Ethnic becoming,” 813

“Ethnic Concepts in German Prehistory” (Veit), 1088

Ethnic Identity in Greek Antiquity (Hall), 1090

Ethnicity, 1085–1090

Caribbean archaeology, 267–268

Celts, 294

Ethnicity and Nationalism (Eriksen), 1089

Ethnoarchaeology, Philippines, 703, 1026

Ethnogeographic Board (U.S.), 1215

Ethnographic Museum of Slovenia, 831, 909

“Ethnographic prehistory,” 776

Ethnographical and Archaeological Essay on the Province of Quimbayas (Restrepo), 358

Ethnography. See Ethnology

Ethnography of the Slovenes, 832

Ethnologica (journal), 305, 590

Ethnological Institute of Colombia, 362

Ethnological Society of London, 210, 1034

d’Ethnologie (journal), 278


American, 343, 1300

archaeological classifications, 348

British prehistoric archaeology, 209–210

Cushing, Frank Hamilton, 388

Gallatin, Albert, 556

Graebner, Fritz, 590

Kulturkreislehre concept, 583

Leroi-Gourhan, André, 812–813

Mason, Otis, 851–852

Nilsson, Sven, 951

Russia, 1137–1138

Steward, Julian, 1211

Ethnology and Mound Survey (Smithsonian Institution), 1171

Ethnos (journal), 558

Etnología de la Península Iberica (Bosch Gimpera), 1197

Etruria, 197

De Etruria regali libri septem (Dempster), 471

De Etruria regionis (Postel), 471

Etruscan archaeology, 471–477, 472(map), 724, 725, 726, 728

Etruscan Museum (Vatican), 1314


Celts and, 285, 286, 290, 292

nautical archaeology, 917

Etruskische Spiegel (Gerhard), 473, 728

Etrusologia (Pallottino), 476

Études archéologiques (Gagnon), 529, 1080

Eubanks, Thomas H., 766

Eumenes II, 287

Euphrates River, 139

Eurasia Septentrionalis Antiqua (journal), 1258, 1259


medieval archaeology, 861–869

rock art, 1099–1100, 1102–1103, 1110–1111

European Mesolithic, 478–486

European Symposium for Teachers of Medieval Archaeology, 869

Euting, Julius, 89

Euvreux, Yves d’, 180

Evangelista, Alfredo E., 1024

Evans, Sir Arthur, 195, 491–493, 492(photo), 631, 1321

archaeology in Greece, 594, 598, 599(photo)

Ashmolean Museum, 111

Aylesford cemetery, 211

Childe, Vere Gordon, 300

Hawes, Harriet, 614

Hogarth, David, 640

Knossos, 598, 599(photo), 767, 768

Linear B, 816

Woolley, Leonard, 1326

Evans, Clifford, 183, 184, 188, 266, 308, 363, 437, 438, 1016

Evans, Ivor, 646, 688

Evans, Joan, 631

Evans, Sir John, 211, 491, 493, 495, 631, 636, 832, 903, 906, 977, 978, 1180

Everyday Archaeology (Gorodcov), 590

“Evidence for Greek Dialect in the Mycenaean Archives” (Ventris), 1314

Evolution et techniques (Leroi-Gourhan), 812

The Evolution of Urban Society (McCormick), 4

Evolutionary artifact classification, 346


Russia, 1138

U.S. prehistoric archaeology, 1302–1303

Evrard, René, 661

Ewert, Ch., 1199

Excavaciones Arqueológicas en España (series), 1199

“The Excavation of a Huron Ossuary” (Kidd), 764

Excavation of Ste Marie I (Kidd), 626, 764

The Existence of Man on Our Soil (Delgado), 1064

Expedient technologies, 822

Expert systems, 370–371

Explorations in Eastern Palestine (Glueck), 750–751

Exteriorization concept, 813

Externalism, 637

The Eye Goddess (Crawford), 386

Eyzies, Les. See Les Eyzies

Fabri, Nicolas-Claude de, 544

Fagan, Brian, 631

Fa-Hian, 387, 1186

Fairbanks, Charles H., 502, 504, 505, 507, 511, 626, 628, 734, 766

Fairman, H. W., 449

Fairservis, W. A., 1189

Falabella, F., 313

Falchetti, Ana María, 364

Falconer, Hugh, 177, 223, 409, 411, 495, 832, 977, 1012

Faldín, Juan, 169

Falkenhausen, Lothar von, 328

False banana, 39

Faras Cathedral, 962

Fardelin, P., 867

Far-Eastern Prehistory Association, 646, 686

Far-Eastern Prehistory Association Newsletter, 647

Far-Eastern Prehistory Congresses, 158, 689, 692


South Africa, 67–68

See also Agriculture; Plantations

Farnese Bull (statue), 724

Farnese Hercules (statue), 723

The Fasti of Roman Britain (Birley), 220

Fattovich, R., 37

Faure, H., 36

Fauresmith culture, 65

Fausett, Bryan, 203, 863

Fauvel, Louis, 545

Favargettes, 424

Fayum, 456

Fea, Carlo, 727–728

Feathered Serpent, Temple of, 557(photo)

Febvre, Lucien, 527, 530

Feddersen Wierde, 583, 584(map)

Federal Republic of Central America, 605–606

Federal Republic of Germany, 582

Federal University at Pernambuco State (Brazil), 184

Federmesser culture, 147, 486