Egyptian Antiquities Organization, 461

Egyptian Antiquities Service, 444, 468, 849, 962

Egyptian Archaeology (journal), 461

Egyptian hieroglyphics, 297

Champollion, Jean-François, 297

decipherment, 442

Lepsius, Karl Richard, 811

Egyptian mummies, scientific analyses, 450

Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, 1093

Egyptian Museum (Vatican), 1314

Ehre des Herzogthums Crain (Valvazor), 1162

Eibner, Clemens, 132

Eichler, Fritz, 128

Eigenbilzen, 143

1859 Hampshire and Isle of Wright Directory (White), 911

1833: Reuvens i Drenthe (Brongers), 638

Einkorn wheat, 428

Einsiedeln Itinerary, 722

Die Eisenzeit Finnlands (Hackman), 498

Die Eisenzeit Finnlands (Kivikoski), 499

Ekade Iktab (Frobenius), 47

Ekholm, G. F., 884, 887

El Adam, 48

El Amarna, 280, 441, 444, 445, 448, 460, 461, 468, 1018, 1286, 1327

El Caimito culture, 272

El Castillo, 81, 282(photo), 299, 300

El Dorado myth, 357

El Dorado (Zerda), 357

El Gran Grifón (ship), 916

El Hatillo, 992

El Kadada, 49

El Mirador, 852, 853, 887

El Morro, 503

El Oualadgi, 24, 25

El Pilar, 152

El Salvador, 462–466

El Tajin, 884

Elandsfontein, 64

Electromagnetic energy, 1095–1096

Electron microscopy, 102

Elegies of Illustrious Men of the Indies (Castellanos), 354

Elephanta, 1183

Elephantine, 450

Elephas recki, 19

Elgin, Lord (Thomas Bruce), 194, 195, 223, 467(photo), 467–468, 595

Elgin Marbles, 223, 467(photo), 467–468, 595, 601, 1321

Elgon, Mount, 7

Elia, Ricardo J., 754

Elizabethan College of Antiquaries, 1178

Elkab, 449

Ellis, William, 1106–1107

Elm decline, 987

Elmenteitan culture, 6, 8, 11

El-Salaam Canal, 461

Elton, Arthur, 662

Emery, Walter Bryan, 460, 468, 960, 1095

Emmer wheat, 428

Emona, 354, 468–469, 1163, 1164

Emory, Kenneth P., 940, 1049, 1051, 1058

Emperaire, Joseph, 183

Emphoux, Jean-Pierre, 838

Ename, 147

Encyclopedia of Indian Archaeology, 587

Encyclopedie Berbere, 28

End-Blom, M. J. van den, 650

Eneolithic archaeology, 229

Engaruka ruins, 7

Engel, A., 1196

Engelbach, Reginald, 447

Engelhardt, Conrad, 415

Engels, Friedrich, 141, 400, 616, 900, 1138

Engihoul cave, 1152

Engis cave, 144, 1152

Engis skull, 1064

English Heritage, 663

The English Village (Peake), 1011

Enkomi-Ayios Iakovos, 469–470


attitudes toward classical Greece, 595

classification systems, 339

French archaeology, 545, 549

Guatemalan archaeology, 605

Ensete, 39

Enterprise (ship), 501

Eolithic period, 341

EPA Engrains, 164

Ephesus, 470, 640, 1282

Temple of Hadrian, 470(photo)

Epigraphia Indica, 141, 1187


Assyrian, 970–971

Indian, 1186, 1187

Indonesia, 695

Roman, 1149

Sumerian, 970–971

See also Egyptian hieroglyphics; Maya epigraphy

Epi-Olmec, 970

Epipaleolithic, 485

Egyptian, 449

Le Mas d’Azil, 808–809

Épiphylogenèse, 813

Epstein, Claire, 718

Erä-Esko, Aarni, 499

Eranos Vindobonensis, 128

Erech, 873

Erechteum, 596

Erenburg, Ilya, 1135

Erg Thihodaine, 844

Ergani copper mines, 1278

Erickson, Clark, 170–171

Erigaie, 366

Erik Bloodaxe, 418

Eriksen, Thomas H., 1089

Erim, Kenan, 907

Eritrea, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40

Erligang, 322

Erlitou, 322

Erman, Adolf, 1093

Erp, T. van, 685

Erskine, David Steuart, 1181

Erstfeld, 291

Ertebolle culture, 483

Ertebolle (site), 483

Erzepki, Boleslaw, 1040, 1041

Es, W. A. van, 928

Escalante, Javier, 169

Escargotières, 839

Escuela Española de Historia y Arqueología en Roma, 1197, 1198

Escuela Francesa de Arte y Arqueología, 1197

Escuela Internacional de Arqueología y Etnografia Americana (Mexico), 881

Escuela Superior de Diplomatica (Spain), 1196

Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (Ecuador), 439

Españolista, 1202

Espejo, A., 887

Espinoza, Edgar, 376, 377

Essay on the Aboriginal Cultures of the State of Antioquia in Colombia (Posada), 357

Essentialism, 1291

Essentialist classifications, 337

The Establishment of Human Antiquity (Grayson), 634

Estévez, José, 169

Estioko-Griffin, Agnes, 703

Estonia, 1259

Estrada, Emilio, 437–438

Ethiopia, 35, 36–40

Ethiopian Dynasty (Egypt), 956

Ethiopian Institute of Archaeology, 36

Ethiopian-Sabaean culture, 39