Dürrnberg-bei-Hallein, 132, 290–291

Dussán, Alicia, 361

Dussaud, René, 552

Dutch East India Company, 60, 114, 118, 915.

See also Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie

Dutch East Indies, 932.

See also Indonesia

Dutta, P. C., 693

Duvanli, 231

Duveyrier, Henri, 43, 1108, 1109

Dux Semigallorum Viesthardus, 802

Duxbury, 1036

Duyong Cave, 1026, 1256–1257

ear pendant from, 1258(photo)

Dying Gaul (statue), 287

The Dynamics of Stylistic Change in Arikara Ceramics (Deetz), 413, 627

Dyson, Robert H., 90, 679, 1307, 1308

The Eagle and the Spade (Ridley), 638

Ear pendants, 1256, 1257, 1258(photo)

Earle, T., 1053

The Early Christian Monuments of Scotland (Allen and Anderson), 1182

“Early History of Agriculture Project” (Britain), 621

Early India and Pakistan (Wheeler), 1319

The Early Iron Age in Norrland (Hildebrand), 622

Early Khartoum (Arkell), 47

Early Man in Britain (Dawkins), 411

Early Man shelter (Australia), 1113

Early Medieval Slavdom (Hensel), 1044

Early Stone Age, 20

Earth Resources Technology Satellites (ERTS), 1098

East Africa

indigenous archaeologists, 12–14

Isaac, Glyn, 683

later archaeology, 5–14

Leakey, Louis B., 809–810

nautical archaeology, 916

Olduvai Gorge, 968–969

Olorgesailie, 970

prehistory, 16, 18–21

rock art, 1113–1114

stone technology, 20–21

Swahili Coast, 1218–1221

East Carolina University, 917

East Germany, 582

East India Company, 871, 1073

Falconer, Hugh, 495

Iranian archaeology, 675

Rawlinson, Henry, 1092

East Luwians, 1282

East Malaysia, 688, 690–691, 695–698

East Timor, 694

East Turkana Research Project, 683

Easter Island, 433, 434(photo), 940, 1048, 1050, 1051, 1107

Eastern Cholan, 858

Eastern Europe

medieval archaeology, 867

Mesolithic, 485

Eastern Indian School of Medieval Sculpture (Banerji), 140

Eastern Polynesia, 1047

Eberdingen-Hochdorf, 289

Ebert, Max, 795, 804

Ebla, 1252(photo)

Eboracum, 1337

Eburran culture, 8

Échelles, 1220

Eckhel, Johann Josef Hilarius, 127

École Biblique et Archéologique Française (Jerusalem), 552, 751, 752, 1244, 1248

École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, 530, 666

École du Louvre, 547, 1006

École Française d’Athènes, 552

École Française d’extrème Orient, 242, 243, 244, 245

École Française du Caire, 550

École Pratique des Hautes Études, 547

Ecuador, 433, 435–440, 1289

Edfu, Temple of Horus at, 849(photo)

Edgerton, Harold, 915

Edgren, Torsten, 499

Edinburgh, 1324

Education Nationale (France), 547

Edward VI (king of England), 1314

Edwards, Amelia, 445, 459–460, 1018

Edwards, William, 738, 911

Efate Island, 1005

Efimenko, Petr, 1138, 1139, 1142, 1144

Egami, Namio, 739

Egami, Norio, 679

Eggan, Fred, 3

Egger, Rudolf, 128, 133

Eggers, Hans-Jürgen, 583, 930

Eggert, M., 29

Egloff, Brian, 118

Eglon, 1244


French archaeology, 549–550

nautical archaeology, 912, 917, 918

Nubia and, 954, 955–956, 957, 958, 959, 961–962

popular histories of archaeology, 631

See also Egypt, dynastic; Egypt, predynastic; Nubia

Egypt, dynastic, 440–453

abu simbel, 1

Abydos, 2

antiquarian collecting, 441

archaeological sites, 452(map)

Belzoni, Giovanni, 155

Canadian archaeology, 257, 258

Carter, Howard, 279–280

Champollion, Jean-François, 297

chronological systems, 443

El Amarna, 461

Emery, Walter Bryan, 468

European expeditions, 442, 443–444, 549

integrating textual and archaeological data, 442–443

introduction of scientific archaeology, 444–447

Karnak and Luxor, 757–759

Lepsius, Karl Richard, 811

Mariette, Auguste, 444, 849–850

Naville, Henri Edouard, 918–919

Nubia and, 955–956

Petrie, William, 1018–1019

Pitt Rivers, Augustus, 1035

proportions of published archaeological fieldwork, 449(table)

Reisner, George, 1093–1095

Saqqara, 1148

scientific analyses, 450–451

Sema-Tawy tradition, 455–456, 459

sequence dating, 445–446

settlement archaeology, 447–449

theoretical and practical problems facing, 451–453

Tutankhamun’s tomb, 447, 1285–1286

Woolley, Leonard, 1327

Egypt, predynastic, 455–459

Caton-Thompson, Gertrude, 283–284

chronological systems, 456–457

cultural areas, 456

Mesopotamian influence, 459

Nagada culture, 457–459

Petrie, William, 1018

Sema-Tawy tradition, 455–456, 459

social stratification in, 457–458

Egypt before the Pharaohs (Hoffman), 631

Egypt Exploration Fund (EEF), 257, 279, 445, 460, 918, 1018

Egypt Exploration Society, 223, 257, 441, 459–461, 468, 534, 639, 918, 960, 1018, 1327