Dickson, J. Ray, 504

Die Methode de Ethnologie (Graebner), 590

Diego Gomez, Luis, 380

Dieseldorff, Erwin, 606

Diet studies

European Mesolithic, 482, 483–485

of pharaonic Egypt, 450–451

Dieterlen, G., 48

Dieulafoy, Jane, 552

Dieulafoy, Marcel-Auguste, 552, 676

Diez, Erna, 128


Czech archaeology, 399

Russia, 1140

Digging for God and Country (Silberman), 636

Digging Up the Past (Woolley), 1327

Dighton Rock, 1102

Digre, O. A., 867

Dijkman, Petter, 1225, 1230

Dikaios, Porphyrios, 391, 425–426, 469

Dikshit, K. N., 1188

Diluvium, 1065

Dimbleby, G. W., 988

Dimick, John, 462

Dimini, 1275

Dimitrov, D. P., 227

Dinas Purbakala R. I., 650

Dingcun, 1012

Dinornithiformes, 938.

See also Moa birds

Dionysius of Syracuse, 286

Diospolis Parva, 446

Direct historical method, 388

Directorate for Protection and Development of Historical and Archaeological Remains (Indonesia), 651

Directorate of Archaeology and History (Indonesia), 651

Diré-Dawa, 21

Direktorat Perlindungan dan Pembinaan Peninggalan Sejarah dan Purbakala (Indonesia), 651

Direktorat Sejarah dan Purbakala (Indonesia), 651

Disclosing the Past (M. Leakey), 631

A Discourse of the Religion Anciently Professed by the Irish and British (Ussher), 1310

Discoveries in the Ruins of Nineveh (Layard), 808

The Discovery of Man (Casson), 632 Disselhoff, Hans Dietrich, 437

“The Distribution of Ancient Russian Tribes” (Spitsyn), 1137

Diyala, 534

Dizzon, E. A., 1029

Djakovich, B., 227

Djebel cave, 967

Djibouti, 35, 37

Djoser, 1148

Dlugosz, Jan, 1037

Doab, 659

Dobesch, Gerhard, 132

Dobroudja, 1118, 1119, 1120, 1121, 1123, 1124

Dobrovský, Josef, 396

Dobrusky, V., 227

Dodsworth, Roger, 431

Dogs, domestication, 428

Dolega-Chodakowsky, Zorian. See Czarnocki, Adam

Dolenjska culture, 839

Dolenjski Muzej, 953

Dolní Vestonice, 426

“Venus” figurine, 426(photo)

Dolničar, Janez Gregor, 1162

Dombrowski, J., 36

Domergue, C., 1199

Domestic animals, Neolithic East Africa, 9

Domestication, 426–428

Jarmo, 744

Mesopotamia, 874

Tehuacán Valley Project, 890

See also Agriculture

Dominican Republic, 271

historical archaeology, 503–504, 511, 513

underwater historical archaeology, 508

Dominik, Tadeusz, 163

Dominion Museum (New Zealand), 1048

Domus Aurea, 723

Donelly, L. W., 1219

Dong Son (site), 243

Dongola, 957, 958, 963

Dongson culture, 687

Doorninck, Frederick van, 914

D’Orbigny, Alcides, 165–166, 539

Doresse, J., 36

Dorpfeld, Wilhelm, 429, 1151, 1280

Dorsey, George A., 435, 436, 1076

Dotawo kingdom, 958

Dothan, Moshe, 718

Doughty, Charles, 89

Douglas, James, 204

“Douglas collection,” 111

Douglass, Andrew Ellicot, 101, 102, 103, 409, 429–430, 1075

Douglass, James, 863

Doujitai, 320

Doumer, Paul, 242

Dowgird, Tadeusz, 825–826

Dragos, 1123

Drainage ditches, Papua New Guinea, 1002(photo)

Drake, F. S., 646, 647

Dream of Ossian (Ingres), 288

Drengeri-Cunkani, 800

Drennan, Robert, 366

Dresden Codex, 1268

Drew University, 751

Drewko, Michal, 1041

Dreyer, Günter, 458

Driba, Dzintars, 800

Driesch, A. von der, 1199

Drift, 1065

Drinking services, Celtic, 290–291

Drolet, Robert, 381

Dromichaites, 1120

Der Drosse Plotz, 1149

Druidism, 287

Dry Tortugas National Park (U.S.), 508 792

Dyropithecus, 792

Du Solier, Wilfredo, 884, 887

Duarte, Paulo, 183–184

Dubois, Eugene, 430, 648, 684, 932

Dubruxe, Paul, 1130

Dubský, Bedřich, 399

Dudešti culture, 1117, 1118

Duff, Roger Shepherd, 431, 646–647, 940, 941, 942, 1051, 1057

Dugdale, Sir William, 112, 203, 431(photo), 431–432, 870

Dugue Gómez, Luis, 361

Dular, Janez, 1169

Dulboki, 231

Dumbarton Oaks, 780

Dumont, Albert, 225, 546

Dumoutier, Gustave, 242

Dunand, Maurice, 552

Dunayevsky, Immanuel, 718

Dunham, Dows, 1095

Dunham, Peter S., 152

Dunnell, Robert C., 349, 1125

Duomo garden (Old Town Riga), 801

Duomo Museum, 805

Dupaix, Guillermo, 281

Dupont, Edouard, 23, 144

Dupont, Jean, 245

Duque, Luis, 364

Duquesne, José Domingo, 356

Dûr Sharrûkin, 550.

See also Khorsabad

Durán, Eliana, 308, 311, 313

Durand, E. L., 90

The Durobrivae of Antoninus (Artis), 218

Durrington Walls, 214