“Dating Stem Fragments of Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Clay Tobacco Pipes” (Harrington), 614

Dauelsberg, Percy, 309, 311, 313

Daugherty, Richard D., 971

Daugmale, 800

Daumas, Maurice, 663

The Davenport Conspiracy (McKusick), 636

David, Edgeworth, 124

Davidson, D. S., 124

Davidson, Janet, 945

Davis, Edwin Hamilton, 410, 1170, 1292

Davis, Hester, 755

Davis, J. Barnard, 204, 209–210

Dawenkou culture, 327

Dawkins, Sir William Boyd, 211, 410–411

The Dawn of European Civilization (Childe), 213, 300, 479, 980

The Dawn of History (Evans), 906

Dawson, John William, 250, 1080

Day, H. Summerfield, 734

Dayangzhou, 327

De Antiquis Norici viis (Siauve), 1163

De Commentraii storici-geografici (Tommasini), 1162

De Etruria Regali Libri Septem (Dempster), 725

De Kelders, 67

De Laet, Sigfried J., 146, 672

De Morgan, J. L., 444

De Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie, 23, 550, 553, 677, 680, 839, 840, 911

De Situ urbis lustinopolitanae (Vergerio), 1161

De Vaux, R., 751, 752

Deacon, Hilary and Janette, 55

Dead Sea Scrolls, 78, 411, 411(photo), 717, 718, 751–752

Deane, John, 911

Debruge, Albert, 23, 840

Deccan College, 1147

Déchelette, Joseph, 159, 292, 411–412, 527

Dédalo (journal), 184

Deetz, James F., 51, 57, 412–413, 520, 626, 627, 628, 734, 1036

Defence (ship), 915

Defixiones, 221

Degirmentepe, 1279

Deir All, 932

Deir el-Bahari, 444, 918

Deir el-Medina, 448

Deities and Dolphins (Glueck), 751

Del Rio, Galindom, 537

Del Sito de Listria (Coppo), 1161

Delafosse, Maurice, 24, 73

Delaporte, Louis, 241

Delégation Archéologique Française in Iraq, 551

Délégation Française en Perse, 552, 553, 677

Delgado, Joaquim Filipe, 1064–1067

Della antichità di Capodistria (Carli), 1162

Deloraine farm, 9

Delos, 547, 548

Delphi, 85, 547, 548

Demarchi, Francesco, 910

Demarest, Arthur, 465

Demetrykiewicz, Wlodzimierz, 777, 780, 1041

Demir Kapija, 760

Democratization of knowledge, 372–373

Demoule, Jean-Paule, 524

Dempster, Thomas, 471, 725

Dendera (Mariette), 850

Dendrochronology, 101, 102, 103, 409

Douglass, Andrew Ellicot, 430

medieval archaeology, 868–869

Pueblo Bonito, 1075

Denevan, William, 171

Deng Xiaoping, 325

Dening, Greg, 118

Denkmaler aus Agypten und Athiopien (Lepsius), 959

Denmark, 414–423

archaeological heritage management, 95, 96, 97–98, 964

expeditions in Bahrain, 90

Gundestrup Bowl, 415(photo)

history of archaeology in, 414–417

Kitchenmidden Committee, 766–767

medieval archaeology, 863–864, 868

Mesolithic in, 479, 480, 481, 482–483

Müller, Sophus Otto, 905

nautical archaeology, 914

Nyerup, Rasmus, 964

origins of scientific archaeology and, 339

pollen analysis, 987

research objectives and milieus, 417–421

social aspects of archaeology in, 421–423

Steenstrup, Japhetus, 1207–1208

Steno, Nicolas, 1209–1210

Thomsen, Christian, 1268–1269

treasure troves and hoards, 414

tumulus at Roddinge, 418(photo)

Worm, Ole, 1330–1331

Worsaae, Jens Jacob, 1332–1333

See also Scandinavia

Denmark’s Olden Times (Worsaae), 205

Dennis, George, 197, 474, 728

Denon, Vivant, 549

Denver, 1331

Deschmann, Carl, 908–909

Descriptio Urbis Romae (Alberti), 723

Description de l’Egypte, 155, 442, 549

Description of Ancient Gems (Winckelmann), 1326

Descriptions of the Antiquities Discovered in the State of Ohio (Atwater), 111

The Desert Fayum (Caton-Thompson), 283, 810

Desio, A., 47

Desor, Edouard, 423–424, 785, 1237, 1239, 1240

Desor bridge (La Tène), 785, 786, 787

D’Espagnat, Pierre, 358

Desplagnes, Louis, 24–25, 71–72

Detev, P., 227

Detschew, D., 227

Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI), 90, 387, 424–425, 445, 574, 581, 599, 729, 799, 1069, 1130, 1197, 1198

Deutsches Palastina-Vereins, 1244

The Development of North American Archaeology (Fitting), 634

The Development of Sumerian Art (Woolley), 1327

Dever, W. G., 721, 1249

Devisse, Jean, 33, 73

Devon Downs, 1113, 1272

Devonshire, 1012

Dezman, Dragotin (Karl), 425, 830, 1163

Dhani Nivat, Prince, 647

D’Harcourt, Roaul, 436

Dholavira, 658

Dhondt, Jan, 663

Diakaios, Porphyrios, 764

Dialoghi di Archeologia, 731

Diálogos das Grandezas do Brazil (Fernandes Brandao), 1101

Diaotonghuan, 326

Diarium Italicum (Montfaucon), 900

Diary for Timothy (film), 662

Dias, Adriana Schmid, 188

Díaz, Porfìrio, 879, 880

Díaz del Castillo, Bernal, 605, 1262

Dibble, H. L., 818