Codex Telleriano-Remensis, 537

Coe, Michael, 379

Coe, William, 464, 1308

Coedès, Georges, 245, 646

Coelho, Feliciano, 180

Cohausen, C. A. von, 865

Cohen, Arthur, 917

Cohen, Mark, 7

Coiffard, Jacques, 679

Coins of Ancient India (Cunningham), 386

Coins of Medieval India (Cunningham), 386


Austrian collections, 127

Celtic, 292–293

Cunningham, Alexander, 386

Evans, John, 493

Hildebrand, Bror, 621–622

Hildebrand, Hans, 622

Prinsep, James, 1073

Thoms collection, 924–925

See also Numismatics

Coke, Thomas, 471, 726

Colani, Madeleine, 243, 646

Cole, Fay Cooper, 612, 624

Cole, H. H., 1186

Colha, 152

Colini, G. A., 475

College Art Association, 100

Collège de France, 546, 547

College of William and Mary, 520, 734

Collett, D., 8, 9

Collie, G. L., 841

Collie, J. N., 450

Collier, Donald, 436–437, 438, 1016, 1017

Collingwood, R. G., 220, 632, 876

Collins, Henry B., 522

Colombia, 354–368

archaeological sites, 355(map)

colonial period, 354, 356

current state of, 367–368

French archaeology in, 541

nineteenth century, 356–360

Quimbaya Treasure, 358, 359(photo)

twentieth century, 360–367

Colombian Institute of Anthropology (ICAN), 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367

Colombian Institute of Culture, 364, 367

Colonia Iulia Emona, 468–469

Colonial National Historical Park (U.S.), 734

Colonial Williamsburg, 1323–1324

Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, 1324

Colonna, Giovanni, 477

Colorado Museum of Natural History, 1331

Colorado River expeditions, 1171

Colosseum, 723

Colt Hoare, Sir Richard, 111, 204, 350, 369, 387, 760–761, 863

Colton, Harold S., 347

Columbia University, 683, 1211, 1214

Columbus, Christopher, 260, 273, 274, 501

Columbus-America Discovery Group, 916

Comas, Juan, 887

Comayagua, 463

Combe Grenal, 175

Combined Prehistoric Expedition, 49

The Coming of the Maori (Buck), 939, 942 Comisión Corográfica (Colombia), 357

Comisión de Investigaciones Paleontológicas y Prehistoricas (Spain), 1197

Comisión de Rescat Arqueólogico Submarino (Dominican Republic), 508

Comisión Permanente (Colombia), 358

Comitato Permanente per l’Etruria, 477

Comitium, 729

Commissario della Antichità (Vatican), 724

Commissie in Nederlandsch Indie voor Oudheidkundig Onderzoek operation Java en Madura (Indonesia), 649

Commissie tot het Opsporen, Verzamelen, en Bewaren van Oudheidkundige Voorwerpen (Indonesia), 648

Commission des Fouilles de La Tène (France), 786

Commission des Fouilles (France), 547

Commission for the Discovery, Collection, and Conservation of Ancient Objects (Indonesia), 648

Commission in the Netherlands Indies for Archaeological Research in Java and Madura, 649, 685

Committee for the Investigation of Korean Antiquities, 770

Committee for the Public Understanding of Archaeology (U.S.), 1176

Committee on Public Archaeology (U.S.), 1176

Committee on State Archaeological Surveys (U.S.), 1172

Comoro Islands, 1218, 1219–1220

Comparative archaeology: Worsaae, Jens Jacob, 1332

Comparative ethnology

Nilsson, Sven, 951

Polynesia, 1049–1050

Troyon, Frederic, 1274

Complutense University, 1200

Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology Conference, 370

Computer-assisted design (CAD), 571

Computer-assisted mapping (CAM), 571

Computers, 369–373

archaeological knowledge and, 372–373

expert systems, 370–371

graphics, 371–372

Kings Bay Plantation investigations, 766

quantitative applications, 370

Russian archaeology, 1144

Comte de Caylus, 95

Conceptions of Kentucky Prehistory (Schwartz), 633

Concise, 1239

Conder, C. R., 1244

Conference on Historic Sites Archaeology, 505, 506, 627, 1177

Congo, 23–24, 27

Congres International d’Anthropologie et d’Archéologie Préhistoriques (CIAAP), 671–672, 1064, 1065

Congres International des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques, 672

Congres Paleoethnologique International, 671

Congress of Americanists, 358

Congress of Archaeological Societies, 1180

Congress of Far Eastern Historians, 646

Congress of Far Eastern Prehistorians, 686, 691

Congress of Russian Archaeology, 826

Congress on Andean Man, 312

CONICET (Argentina), 109

Conimbriga, 1069

House of Fountains, 1070(photo)