multiregional development model, 327–328

nautical archaeology, 916

Neolithic archaeology, 141, 318, 321–322, 323–324, 327

origin of Chinese civilization, 320

Pei Wenzhong, 1011–1012

rock art, 1099, 1113

Su Bingqi, 1216–1217

Taiwan archaeology, 692

terracotta warriors of Qin Shi Huang, 1266–1267

Xia Nai, 1335–1336

See also People’s Republic of China

Chincha, 1289

Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1216, 1335

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 321, 1335

Chinese National Bureau of Cultural Relics, 329

Chingwauk, 1110

Chiong, Lionel, 703, 704

Chippindale, Anne, 88

Chippindale, Christopher, 88

Chipunza, Kundishora Tungamirai, 591

Chiripa, 168, 170

Chiriquí culture, 991, 993

Chisholm, Michael, 570

Chittick, N. H., 36, 37

Chmielewski, Maria, 225

Chmielewski, Waldemar, 225, 1045

Chodakowski, Zorain Dolega. See Czarnocki, Adam

Chokier cave, 1152

Cholula, 333, 892–893

Great Pyramid of, 2

Chorley, Richard, 570

Chorti Maya, 463

Chosen koseki chosa iinkai, 770

Chosen koseki kenkyukai, 770

Choukoutien. See Zhoukoudian

Christenson, Andrew, 638

Christian IV (king of Denmark), 414, 1331


Nubia, 957–958, 962

Romania, 1122

Christie, Agatha, 847, 848(photo)

Christlein, R., 868

Christou, Demos, 764, 780

Christy, Henry, 333, 622, 785, 792, 807, 809, 978–979, 1112, 1287

A Chronicle of the Conquest of Granada (Prescott), 1072


of American archaeology, 1298

Caribbean historical archaeology, 265–267

clay pipe, 614, 625

Egyptian, dynastic, 443

Egyptian, predynastic, 456–457

German prehistorians, 583

Mesolithic, 480

Montelius, Oscar, 341–342, 899

U.S. prehistoric archaeology, 1296–1298

Ussher, James, 1310–1311

Worsaae, Jens Jacob, 1332–1333

Xia-Shang-Zhou Chronology Project, 329

See also Archaeometry; Dating; Dendrochronology; Radiocarbon dating

Chuan Kun Ho, 326

Churchill, Henry A., 676

Ciboneys, 267

Cieza de León, Pedro, 1013

Cihuatan, 462, 465

Cimarrón societies, 511

Cipriani, L., 36

Cisjordan, 747, 748

Citânia de Briteiros, 1069

Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, The (Dennis), 474, 728

City in Early Historical India, The (Ghosh), 587

City Invincible (McCormick), 4

Ciumešti culture, 1117

Cividale, 354

Civil War (U.S.). See American Civil War

Civilian Conservation Corps (U.S.), 734

Les Civilisations préhistoriques de l’Afrique de Nord et du Sahara (Camps), 843

Civitas Tungrorum, 143

Clack Island, 1106

Claeys, J.-Y., 244

Clan Society of East-European Steppes (Kruglov and Podgaecky), 1138

Clark, Sir Grahame, 333–334, 342, 478, 479–480, 621, 858, 1153, 1321

Clark, J. Desmond, 19, 31, 36, 37, 199, 212, 213, 214, 334–336, 335(photo), 683, 818, 983, 1153

Clark, Kenneth, 632

Clark, R. L., 988

Clarke, David Leonard, 199, 200, 334, 336, 342, 349, 570, 1200, 1235

Clarke, Edward, 1280

Clarke, Somers, 959, 961

Classical archaeology

British, 193–198

French, 544–548

German, 573–576

Netherlands, 924

Classification, 336–352

Clarke, David Leonard, 336

dating and, 408

of houses, burials, and rock art, 350

kinds of, 337–338

Montelius, Gustaf Oscar, 899

Mortillet, Gabriel de, 902

Renaissance and Enlightenment foundations, 338–339

scientific archaeology and, 339–340

typological debate in, 350–352

Winckelmann, Johann, 1325–1326

See also Artifact classification; Culture classification

“A Classification System for Glass Beads” (Kidd), 764

Clausen, Carl, 505, 915

Claustra Alpium Iuliarum, 353–354

Clay pipe chronology, 614, 625

Clayton, John, 218

Cleje, 284

Cleland, Charles, 627, 628

Clement VII (pope), 869

Clement IX (pope), 1314

Clement XIV (pope), 727

Clemins, Andris, 801

Cleopatra’s Needle, 460

Clerisse, H., 27, 72

Clermont-Ganneau, Charles de, 551

Cleveland, R., 91

Clinker-built hulls, 911

Clio (journal), 184

Clough, Rod, 936

Clovis culture/people, 344, 1332

Clusius, Carolus, 127

Clutha Valley Development Project, 935

Côa Valley complex, 1068

Coastal archaeology, shell midden analysis, 1154–1157

Coatepec, 1263

Cobbler figure (Tanum), 1260

Cocherel, 900

Cochimí Indians, 1104

Cockburn, John, 1109–1110

Cockburn, William, 521

Cockerell, Charles, 195, 595

Coclé culture, 991, 992

Codazzi, Agustín, 357

Codex Becker, 540