Connah, Graham, 29, 114, 115, 116, 1154

Connecticut River, 1103

Conseil International de la Philosophie et des Sciences Humaines, 672, 673, 674

Conservation, in nautical archaeology, 914, 915

Conservation d’Angkor, 244, 246

Conservation Manual (Marshall), 851

Constantine the Great, 1122

Constantine Archaeological Society, 840

Constenla, Adolfo, 381

Construction/demolition debris, 559–560

Contact archaeology, 55, 57–58

Australia, 117–118, 125–126

Conte, Sitio, 991, 992

Conte pottery style, 993

Contenson, H. de, 36

Contributions to Coahuila Archaeology (Taylor), 1261

Contributions to North American Ethnology, 1171

Convention on Cultural Property (UNESCO), 1177

Conze, Alexandre, 128

Cook, Basil, 334

Cook, Captain James, 938, 999, 1047

Cook Islands, 1054, 1057

Cooke, Richard, 994–995

Coon, Carleton S., 681

Cooper, Zarine, 693

Copán, 282, 464, 669, 670(photo), 671(photo), 1149

Coppens, Yves, 94

“The Copper and Bronze Ages of North and East Russia” (Tallgren), 1259

Coppo, Pietro, 1161

Coprolites, 988, 989

Coptos, 1018

Corbett, John, 1214

Corbridge, 219

Corded Ware culture, 706, 799

Cordero Miranda, Gregorio, 168

Cord-marked pottery, Japanese, 737, 738

Corfu, 598

Corinth, 85

Corn. See Maize

Cornaux bridge, 787

Cornejo, L., 313

Cornelia, 64

Cornelius, J. H., 684

Cornely, Francisco, 308

Corona Núñez, J., 887

Corozal, 150, 152

Corpus inscriptionum Latinarum, 129, 219, 1149, 1162

Corpus of Archaeological Sources, 1135

Corpus Signorum Imperii Romani, 220

Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, 100, 391, 586

Corrales, Francisco, 381

Correal, Gonzalo, 363, 365

The Corridors of Time (Fleure and Peake), 500, 1011

Cortés, Hernán, 137, 138, 605, 856, 1262

Coryndon Museum, 810

Cosa, 82

Coslogeni culture, 1119

Costa, Angyone, 182

Costa, P., 91

Costa Rica, 373–374, 377–382, 1212, 1213

Coste, Pascal, 552

Cotocollao, 438–439

Coţofeni culture, 1119

Cotter, C. S., 503

Cotter, John L., 383–384, 626, 628, 734

Cotton, Sir Robert, 203, 223, 431, 1178, 1310

Coult, Peter, 944

Council for British Research in the Levant, 752

Council for Northeast Historical Archaeology (U.S.), 627

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (South Africa), 66

Council of British Archaeology, 1180

Council of Europe, 294

Council of Holland, 924

Counter-Enlightenment, 726–727

The County Archaeologies, 761

Courbin, Paul, 529

Court-Saint-Etienne, 146

Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 913

Coutts, Peter, 704, 935, 1026

Covarrubias, Miguel, 885, 886, 887

Cowley, A. E., 816

Cox, Percy, 155

Coyolxauhqui, 1263

Coyotlatelco ceramic complex, 881

Cozia-Brad culture, 1120

Cozumel, 282

Cracow Scientific Society, 1039

Cracow University, 1041

Cranborne Chase, 1035

Crania Americana (Morton), 1292

Crania Britannica (Thurnam and Davis), 204

Crania ethnica (Quatrefages), 1079

Crawford, O. G. S., 87, 213, 384–386, 385(photo), 406, 1031, 1139

Creamer, Winifred, 381

Creole culture, 509–510

Crèqui-Montfort, Georges de, 166

Cresswell, Robert, 531

Cretan Exploration Fund, 493

Crete, 731

Evans, Arthur, 491, 493

Hawes, Harriet, 614–615

Hogarth, David, 640

Knossos, 767–768

Myres, John, 906

Crimea, 1129

Crimean War, 236

Crisman, Kevin, 917

Croatia, 353

Croce, Benedetto, 731

Crocker, Philip, 369

Croesus of Sardis, 1284

Crónica moralizada de la Orden de San Agustin en el Perú (Calancha), 1101

Cros, Gaston, 551

Crowfoot, John, 717, 749

Crozet, Julien-Marie, 938–939

Cruceni culture, 1119

Crumlin-Pedersen, Ole, 914

Cruxent, José M., 266, 268, 503, 504, 507

Cuba, 273, 504, 506, 507

Cubalel, 75

Cubitá pottery style, 993

Cucuteni culture, 1118

Cuello, 152

Cueva de los Ladrones, 995

Culican, Bill, 114

Culin, Stewart, 1307

“Cultural Continuity and Change” (Griffin), 604

Cultural ecology: Steward, Julian, 1211

Cultural heritage management

Australia, 116

shell midden analysis, 1157

See also Archaeological heritage management; Cultural resource management

Cultural Heritage Organization, 682

Cultural resource management, 98

Caribbean basin, 507–508

computer graphics and, 372

historical archaeology and, 628, 629

Polynesia, 1054

South Korea, 772–773

United States, 1295

See also Archaeological heritage management; Cultural heritage management