Cerro Narrío, 436–437

Cerro Palenque, 1061

Cerro Zapote, 462

Cerron Grande, 466

Cerros, 152

Cerulli, E., 36

Cerveteri, 473, 474(photo), 475, 477, 728

Cervicek, P., 36

Červinka, Inocenc L., 397, 398

César Cubillos, Julio, 361, 363

Cesnola, Luigi Palma di, 295, 780

Cespedesia (journal), 364

Chaco Canyon, 295–296, 618, 620, 1075–1076

Chad, 48

Chador, 49

Chadwick, John, 816–817, 1314

Chagar Bazaar, 848

Chaîne opératoire concept, 32, 812, 823, 1034

Chakrabarti, Dilip, 638

Chalcatzingo, 969

Chalchihuites culture, 880

Chalchihuites (site), 556–557

Chalchitan, 606

Chalchuapa, 465

Chalcolithic, in Turkey, 1279

Cham archaeology, 242, 244

Chambers, Moreau, 522

Chami, Felix, 13, 1218, 1219

Chamonard, Joseph, 551

Champa, kingdom of, 245

Champlain, Lake, 912, 916, 917

Champlain, Samuel de, 1079–1080

Champlain colony, 623

Champlain Maritime Society, 917

Champollion, Jean-François, 43, 236, 297, 297(photo), 442, 443, 526, 527, 549, 550, 811, 831, 849

Chan Chan, 297, 1013, 1018

Chanda, R. P., 655

Chandler, Richard, 1182

Chang, Kwang-chi, 298, 328, 692, 705, 943

Chang, T. T., 1027

Changsha, 1335

Chanhudaro, 654

Chapdelaine, C., 1082

La Chapelle-aux-Saints skeleton, 177

Chapman, Anne, 888

Chapman, Malcolm, 294

Characterization studies, 101–102

Charles I (king of Spain), 1194

Charles III (king of Spain), 95, 356, 617, 1195

Charles IV (king of Naples). See Charles III (king of Spain)

Charles University in Prague, 402

Charles XV (king of Sweden), 1274

Charnay, Désiré, 879, 880

Charsada, 1187

Charwell, Lord, 104

Chase, Cranborne, 211

Chase, George, 765

Chasen, F. N., 646

Chasm Island, 1106

Chatalka, 232

Chateau Gaillard (journal), 867

Chatelperronian period, 568

Chatham Islanders, 939.

See also Moriori culture

Chavaillon, J., 36, 37

Chavane, Bruno, 74

Chavez, Alvaro, 364

Chavez, Sergio, 170, 381

Chavín culture, 897, 1017

Tello, Julio, 1261–1262

Uhle, Max, 1289

Chavin de Huantar, 299, 1015, 1017

Chavín (site), 299, 1261

Chavonnes Battery, 56

Chazelle, Jean-Pierre, 250, 255

Chellean period, 193, 341, 979

Chengtoushan, 327

Chengziyai, 319

Cheops, Great Pyramid of, 451, 1018

Cherry, J., 199

Chesowanja, 19

Chiapas, 605

The Chibcha before the Spanish Conquest (Restrepo), 358

Chibuene, 1220

Chican peoples, 269

Chichén Itzá, 282, 299–300, 855, 880, 882, 901

El Castillo pyramid, 282(photo), 299, 300

National Geographic Society, 907

Peabody Museum, 1009

Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, 1075

sacred well, 299, 300, 880

Stephens and Catherwood, 1211

“Chichimeca” peoples, 1274


Polynesian, 1053

Taino Indians, 271–272

Chifflet, Jean-Jacob, 863

Chih-shan-yen, 706

Childe, Vere Gordon, 300–301, 333, 409, 672

Abercromby Chair at University of Edinburgh, 1

Adams, Robert, 3

British prehistorical archaeology, 213–214

cultural diffusion theory, 399, 790

culture classification, 342

emergence of food production, 428

Hawkes, Christopher, 615

Ig pile dwellings, 830

Institute of Archaeology, 213

Kossinna, Gustaf, 581

Mesolithic, 479

Mesopotamian archaeology, 876

Mexican archaeology, 886, 888

notions of race, 1087, 1088

Paleolithic classification, 979–980

political nature of archaeology, 1321

Pumpelly, Raphael, 1076

Skara Brae, 1160

Childeric, 143, 863

Chile, 301–314

Bird, Junius, 161–162

French archaeology, 541

Uhle, Max, 1289

Chilean Archaeological Congress, 313

Chilean Archaeological Society, 310–311

Chilean Society for Folklore, 305

Chilean Society of History and Geography, 305

Chilingirov, A., 227

Chimaera (Etruscan statue), 471

Chimu culture, 897, 1013

Chan Chan, 297

gold jewelry, 645(photo)

gold mask, 1015(photo)

China, 315–330

Andersson, Johan Gunnar, 86–87

Anyang excavations, 88, 315–316, 317, 319

archaeological heritage management, 94

archaeological sites, 316(map)

Banpo, 141

beginning of modern archaeology, 319

Breuil, Henri, 193

Chang, Kwang-chi, 298

domestication of plants and animals, 428

Doujitai excavations, 320

formative period, 315–320

Guo Moruo, 610

Han royal tombs, 324

historical context of archaeology, 316–318

Li Chi, 815

Longshan culture, 319–320