Brussels International Exhibition, 23

Bruzelius, Magnus, 1230

Bruzelius, Nils Gustaf, 1231

Bryan, Alan, 253

Bryn Mawr College, 477

Brześć Kujawski, 224–225, 225(photo)

Bua Haita (Dijkman), 1225

Buang Merebak, 1002

Bubaline school, 46

Bubastis, 918

Buchholtz, A., 795

Buchis bulls, 468

Buchtela, Karel, 397, 398, 401

Buchwald, Otto von, 436

Buck, Sir Peter. See Hiroa, Te Rangi

Buckland, William, 225, 762, 976, 1065

Buddha, 1189

Buddhism, Nepalese archaeology, 1189

Buddhist monasteries, Bangladesh, 1189

Buddhist stupas, 1185

Buddhist temples

Indonesia, 648, 649

Sokkuram, Korea, 771(photo)

Budge, Wallis, 959

Buffalo, 45(photo)

Bugrovshchiki, 1128

Buhen, 460, 468

Buitron, Diana, 780

Bukit Tengkorak, 698

Bukowski, Zbigniew, 1045

Bulanda, Edmund, 777

Bulgaria, 225–236, 226(map), 287

Bulgarian Archaeological Institute, 227, 228

Bulgarian Archaeological Society, 227

Bulgarians, in Romania, 1123

Bulić, Don Frane, 1164

Bullard, William R., Jr., 151

Bullbrook, J. A., 266

Bullen, Ripley P., 266

Bulletin Antieke Beschaving, 924

Bulletin de correspondance hellenique, 546

Bulletin of Archaeology (Colombia), 361

Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, 78, 86, 721, 1247

Bulletin of the Archaeological Museum (Colombia), 361

Bulletin of the French Geographical Society, 357

Bulletin of the Gold Museum, 366

Bulletin of the History of Archaeology, 638

Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 647

Bulletin of the Society for American Archaeology, 1175

Bulliot, Jean-Gabriel, 159, 160

Bullock, Dillmann, 308, 311

Bulmer, Ralph, 1000

Bulmer, Susan, 936

Bulow sugar plantation, 510

Bünau, Heinrich von, 1325

Bundesdenkmalamt, 133, 134

Bunkazai Kagakukai, 740

Bunsen, Christian Karl Josias von, 236

Bunster, Ximena, 309

Buonarroti, Filippo, 471

Burckhardt, Johann Ludwig, 748, 959

Burden, E. T., 988

Bure, Johan, 95, 236–237, 863, 1225, 1331

Bureau of American Ethnology, 281, 388, 1072, 1171, 1211, 1214, 1295, 1322

Bureau of Non-Christian Tribes (U.S.), 1022–1023

Burebista, 1120

Buret’, 967

Burger, Richard, 1017

Burgess, James, 1186

Burghley, 117, 117(photo)

Burgholzli mounds, 760

Burial jars. See Jar burials

Burial mounds

Canada, 251–252

See also Barrow cemeteries; Cemeteries

Burials, classifications of, 350

Buribhand, Luang Boribal, 646

Buried Past, The (Cotter), 384

Burkitt, Miles, 61, 212, 334, 858, 980, 981, 1153

Burlington, Lord, 726

Burlington House, 468

Burnes, Alexander, 1185

Burrows, Edwin G., 940, 1047

Bursch, F. C., 922, 923

Burton, James, 443

Burton, William, 431

Buschor, Ernst, 575

Bushmen. See San people

Bushnell, G. H. S., 436, 437

Buslayev, Ivonvich, 768

Bustos, V., 313

Butler, Howard Crosby, 1245

Buto, 456

Buttler, Werner, 583

Butuan boats, 1027–1028

Butzer, Karl, 449, 1199

Buxton, D., 35

Bwenyorere, 11

Bykovsky, Sergey, 1133, 1134

Bylany. See Czech Republic

Byres, James, 473

Byron, George Gordon, 194

Byron, Lord. See Byron, George Gordon

Byvanck, Alexander, 921, 922, 928

Byzantine art, 768–769

C-14 dating. See Radiocarbon dating

Caballine school, 46

Cabeço do Pez, 483

Cabinets de Curiosités, 536–537, 544

Cabre, Juan, 1197

Cabré y Aguiló, Juan, 1113

Cabredo, Rodrigo de, 1101

Cabrera, Rubén, 892

Cabu, F., 27

Cadavid, Gilberto, 365

Cadre paléogéographique de la préhistoire de Maroc (Biberson), 844

Caerwent, 219

Caesar, Julius, 79–80, 159, 285, 292

Cagayan Valley, 702, 703, 1026, 1027

Caguana, 263, 264(photo)

Cahen, L., 27, 28–29

Cahiers de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Iran (journal), 680

Caillié, Réné, 745

Cairo (ironclad ship), 913

Cairo Museum, 468, 677, 849–850, 1286

Cairo University, 500

Cakchiquel Maya, 605, 607, 609

Calakmul, 853

Calancha, A. de, 1101

Calatagan, 692, 1023, 1024

Calcutta Asiatic Society, 141

Calderstones, 1111

Calendar stones, Aztec, 137(photo)

Calenius, Walter, 569

Calixtlahuaca, 883

Calixtus III, 1099

Callaway, J. A., 1246

Callen, E. O., 989

Callet, P., 24

Callow, P., 859

Calverley, Amice, 257

Calvert, Frank, 1280

Calvo, Marlin, 381

Calza, G., 731

Cambitoglou, Alexander, 123

Cambodia, 239–248

archaeological sites, 240(map)

Cambridge Ancient History, 568

Cambridge School of New Geography, 570