Cambridge University

“Bone Room,” 621

Clark, Grahame, 334

Daniel, Glyn, 406

Garrod, Dorothy, 568

Higgs, Eric, 621

McBurney, Charles, 858

Shaw, Charles, 1154

Cambridge University Press, 215

Camden, John, 1310

Camden, William, 95, 113, 197, 199, 218, 248–249, 249(photo), 287, 814, 863, 1178

Cameline school, 46

Camels, 49(photo)

Camera, for photographing tombs, 476(photo)

Cameron, T. M. W., 989

Cameroon, 29

Campagna Romana, 144

Campana, Giovanni Pietro, 473, 474

Campana San Andres, 462

Campanari, Vincenzo, 474

Campo, M. van, 988

Camps, Gabriel, 25, 28, 31, 48, 843

Camps, H., 28

Camps-Fabrer, Henriette, 28, 843

Camulodunum, 220, 615

Canaan. See Biblical archaeology; Syro-Palestinian archaeology

Canada, 100, 249–258

antiquarian beginnings of archaeology, 250–252

archaeological work abroad, 257–258

current state of archaeology in, 258–259

France and, 536

French archaeology in, 541, 543

heritage management, 256–257

historical archaeology, 252–255, 626

Jesuit missions, 250, 255–256, 764

Kidd, Kenneth, 764–765

nautical archaeology, 913, 916, 917

prehistoric archaeology, 252–255

Quebec, 1079–1083

rock art, 1102, 1110

Canada Council, 257

Canada Environment Assessment Act, 256

Canadian Academic Centre in Italy, 258

Canadian Anthropological Society, 258

Canadian Archaeological Association, 254, 255

Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens, 258

Canadian Cultural Property Export and Import Act, 256

Canadian Historic Sites Service, 256

Canadian Institute. See Royal Canadian Institute

Canadian Institute in Egypt, 258

Canadian Journal of Archaeology/Journal Canadien d’Archéologie, 251, 254, 255, 256

Canadian Mediterranean Institute, 258

Canadian Parks Service, 256

Canadian School of Prehistoric Research, 257

Canadian Society for Archaeology Abroad, 258

Canadians of Long Ago (Kidd), 764

Canarium, 1003

Canary Islands, 1104

Canby, Joel, 1213

Canino, 728

Cannibalism, 1067

Canning, Stratford, 871

Canopus Decree, 811

Canova, Antonio, 97

Cantabria, 1197

Canteen Koppie, 64

Canterbury, 220

Caparra, 503

Cape Colony, 50–58, 1104, 1107

Cape Dutch architecture, 51, 52–53, 53(photo)

Cape Monthly Magazine, 60

Cape St. Blaize Cave, 62

Cape Town, 50, 51, 56, 57

Capellini, Giovanni, 671

Capitan, Louis, 23, 193, 839

Capitoline Hill, 723

Capitoline Museum, 474

Capitoline She-Wolf (statue), 723

Capper, J., 1096

Capsian culture/period, 23, 28, 840–841, 842

Saharan, 45, 46, 48

Caquetio Indians, 270, 271

Caracalla, Baths of, 723

Caracol, 152, 153, 853

Caravan routes, 1208, 1209

Carbon dating. See Radiocarbon dating

Carcassonne, 865

Cârcea-Gur Baciului culture, 1117

Carchemish, 640, 1283

Cárdenas, Felipe, 366

Cardi, B. de, 90, 91, 1189

Cardim, Fernão, 180

Caribbean, prehistoric archaeology

Netherlands, 932

Rouse, Irving, 1125

Caribbean/Caribbean Basin, 261(map)

Caribbean/Caribbean Basin, historical archaeology, 260–275, 500–514

before 1935, 501

1935 to 1970, 501–506

1970 to 1990, 506–512

in the 1990s, 512–514

African heritage, 510–512

artifactual research, 260, 262, 265

chronological research, 265–267

classificatory and chronological tools, 504–505

Columbus Quincentenary, 512–514

cultural resources management, 507–508

cultural-historical research, 267–271

culture area and neighboring areas, 262(map)

current issues in, 514

Euro-American experience, 509–510

nautical archaeology, 917

non-Spanish areas, 510

sociocultural research, 271–275

Spanish towns and monuments, 502–504

Spanish-Indian interaction and transculturation, 504

underwater archaeology, 505–506, 507, 508–509

CARIMOS Plan, 508

Carinthia (journal), 127–128

Carli, Gian Rinaldo, 1162

Carlisle, 221

Carlleyle, Archibald C. L. See Carlyle, Archibald C. L.

Carlos III (king of Spain), 605

Carlson, Roy, 255

Carlyle, Archibald C. L., 387, 521, 1109, 1186

Carmack, Robert, 609

Carnac, 528(photo)

Carnarvon, Lord. See Molyneux, George Edward

Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., 502, 535, 1009

Belize, 150

El Salvador, 462

Guatemalan archaeology, 607

Kidder, Alfred, 765, 766

Maya archaeology, 882

Mexican archaeology, 887

Morley, Sylvanus, 901

Proskouriakoff, Tatiana, 1074, 1075

Pumpelly, Raphael, 1076

Thomson, J. E. S., 1267