McBurney, Charles, 858–860

Mesolithic, 480

Peake, Harold, 1011

Pengelly, William, 1012

Piggott, Stuart, 1031–1032

Piltdown forgery, 1032–1033

Pitt Rivers, Augustus, 1034–1035

rock art, 1111

sites, 200(map)

Skara Brae, 1160

Wheeler, Eric, 1319–1320

Britain, Roman archaeology, 197, 217–222

Aubrey, John, 113

Hawkes, Christopher, 615

York, 1338

Britain in the Dark Ages (Crawford), 384

Britannia: A History of Roman Britain (Frere), 220

Britannia (Camden), 95, 113, 248, 249, 287, 814

Britannia (journal), 220–221

Britannia Romana (Horsley), 218

Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates (Ussher), 1310

British Academy Major Research Project on the Early History of Agriculture, 215

British Antiquity (Kendrick), 632, 761

British Archaeological Association, 204–205, 210, 1126, 1179

British Archaeological Association for the Encouragement and Prosecution of Researches into the Arts and Monuments of the Early Middle Ages, 864

British Association for the Advancement of Science, 210, 762, 1170

British Barrows (Greenwell), 204

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 213, 406.

See also Television

British Columbia, 252

Historic Objects Preservation Act, 256

rock art, 1110

British Ecological Society, 588

British Geological Survey, 178

British Guiana, 260, 262

British Institute at Amman for Archaeology and History, 752

British Institute in East Africa, 10, 284

British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, 569

British Institute of Persian Studies, 680

British Museum, 223, 292

Aegina Marbles, 595–596

Belize, 150, 153

Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 155

Carter, Howard, 280

Cyprus, 389, 390

Egypt Exploration Society, 460, 461

Elgin marbles, 467(photo), 468

Enkomi-Ayios Iakovos, 469

Etruscan antiquities, 474

Evans, John, 493

Falconer, Hugh, 495

Hamilton, William, 611

Hamilton collection, 727

Hawkes, Christopher, 615

Honduran archaeology, 669

Iranian archaeology, 679

Kendrick, Thomas, 761

Layard, Austen Henry, 807–808

Mallowan, Max, 847, 848

Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, 195

Mesopotamian archaeology, 871, 873(photo), 875

Naville, Henri, 918

Nineveh, 952

Nubia, 959

Piltdown forgery, 1032

Pitt Rivers, Augustus, 1035

Rawlinson, Henry, 1092, 1093

Rosetta Stone, 297

Stein, Aurel, 1208

Sutton Hoo, 1217–1218

Ur, 1309–1310

vase reconstruction, 338(photo)

Woolley, Leonard, 1326

British North Borneo, 690–691

British Palestine Exploration Fund, 751, 1018, 1244

British Palestine Exploration Society, 716, 1244

British School in Rome, 477, 729

British School of Archaeology in Athens, 493, 639–640

British School of Archaeology in Egypt, 1018

British School of Archaeology in Jerusalem, 716, 749, 751, 1247

British School of History and Archaeology in East Africa, 284

Brittenburg, 925

Brivkalne, Emilija, 796, 802, 804

Brixham Cave, 211, 223, 411, 495, 977, 1012, 1073

Brizuela, Gladys de, 994

Brno University in Moravia, 402, 403

Broadwater, John, 916

Broca, Paul, 527, 1079

Brockington, Donald, 171

Brodar, Srecko, 223–224, 1071, 1161, 1166, 1167, 1168

Brogger, A. W., 672

Broken Hill, 335

Brommian culture, 486

Brøndsted, Johannes, 416, 419, 420

Brongers, J. A., 638

Brongersma, Titia, 932

Bronze Age

Bulgaria, 229–230

Cambodian archaeology, 243–244

Cyprus, 390, 391, 1260

Czech archaeology, 397

Enkomi-Ayios Iakovos, 469–470

Gabrovec, Stane, 555

Italy, 728

Montelius’s chronology of, 341–342

Romania, 1118–1119

Swedish archaeology, 1231–1232, 1233

Tallgren, Aarne, 1258–1259

Tanum, 1260

three-age system, 340

Turkey, 1279–1282

Worsaae, Jens Jacob, 1332, 1333

The Bronze Age (Childe), 213

The Bronze Age and the Celtic World (Peake), 1011

The Bronze Age in China (Chang), 298

Bronze Age Pottery of Great Britain and Ireland (Abercromby), 1

Bronze drums, Indonesian, 687

Broodbank, Cyprian, 88

Brookhaven National Laboratory (U.S.), 101

Brooks, Sheilagh, 696

Broom, Robert, 407, 407(photo), 781, 1224

Brothwell, Don, 621

Browman, David, 168

Brown, Dorothy, 1056

Brown, Frank E., 82

Brsljin (Novo Mesto), 953

Bruand, Yves, 185

Bruce, John Collingwood, 35, 218–219

Bruce, Thomas. See Elgin, Lord

Brügelmann, Johann, 665

Bruhns, Karen, 365, 367, 376

Brumfiel, E. M., 1089

Brunei, 688, 691, 698–699

Brunelleschi, Filippo, 724

Brunius, Carl George, 1111–1112, 1260

Brunn, Heinrich, 574

Brunton, Guy, 283