Animals, domestication, 426–428

Ankermann, Bernard, 590

Annales, Les (journal), 527, 530

Annales Archéologiques Arabes Syriennes (journal), 1251

Annales Veteris et Novi Testamenti (Ussher), 1310

Annals of Archaeology and Anthropology (journal), 569

Annals of the Old and New Testament (Ussher), 1310

Annio of Viterbo, 471

Annual Archaeological Report (Canada), 251

Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, 751

Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 630

Anson, Dimitry, 603

Antananarivo, 838

Anthony, Barbara, 7

Anthropogeography, 570

Ratzel, Friedrich, 1091

Russia, 1138–1140

“Anthropological archaeology,” 1299

Anthropological Commission (Poland), 1040

Anthropological Institute (Britain), 1035

Anthropological Society (Chile), 303

Anthropological Society of London, 210, 1035

Anthropological Society of Nippon, 737

Anthropological Society of Tokyo, 737

Anthropological Society of Washington, 852

L’Anthropologie (journal), 177, 278, 839, 842

Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien, 130


Gamio, Manuel, 556, 557, 558

Mesopotamian archaeology, 877

Nilsson, Sven, 951

Tylor, Edward, 1286–1287

Anthropology: An Introduction (Tylor), 1287

Anthropology Newsletter, 1174

Anthropometry: Hrdlicka, Ales, 641–642

Anthropos (journal), 305

Le Antichità de Ercolano esposte, 618

Antichità Italiche (Carli), 1162

Le Antichità Romane (Piranesi), 726

Antigonos I, 287

Antike Inschriften aus Jugoslawien (Saria), 1165

Antikythera, 911

Antioquia, 357–358

Antiquarian Society of Zurich, 760, 1240

Antiquarianism, 338–339

Camden, William, 248–249

collecting of art from Greece, 595–596

Dugdale, William, 431–432

Elgin, Lord, 467–468

French, 536–537, 544–545

German, 573

Hamilton, William, 611–612

Lhwyd, Edward, 814

medieval archaeology, 863

Mercati, Michele, 869–870

Netherlands, 924–925

Russia, 1127–1128, 1136–1137

Slovenia, 1161–1163

Spain, 1194–1195

Sweden, 1225, 1228

Antiquaries Journal, 1180

Antiquerisk Tidsskrift (journal), 417

Antiquitates Americanae, 417

L’antiquité expliquée et représentée en figures (Montfaucon), 95, 526, 900

Antiquiteiten (journal), 923

Antiquités celtiques et antédiluviennes (Boucher de Perthes), 176, 977

Antiquités du nord finno-ougrien (Aspelin), 497

Antiquités Mexicaines, 536, 537, 538

Antiquities Act (U.S.), 619, 624, 1176, 1295

Antiquities Archive (Sweden), 1225, 1229

Antiquities Committee (Sweden), 1225, 1228

The Antiquities of Athens (Stuart and Revett), 595, 1182

Antiquities of Ionia (Chandler), 1182

The Antiquities of Jordan (Harding), 751

Antiquities of Warwickshire (Dugdale), 112

Antiquity and Man (Evans, Cunliffe, and Renfrew), 636

Antiquity (journal), 87–88, 213, 215, 385–386, 406, 848, 923, 1259

“The Antiquity of Man and the Development of American Archaeology” (Meltzer), 636

Antoniewicz, Wlodzimierz, 1041, 1043

Antonine Wall, 218

Antranovato, 837

Antropología en Mexico, La (García Mora), 893

Anuchin, Dmitry, 1139, 1140

Anyang, 88, 315–316, 317, 319, 322, 815, 1335

Anyang Excavations (Li Chi), 815

Aoyagi, Y., 1027

Apadana, 675, 1012

Apals, Janis, 797, 799, 800

Aphaea, temple of, 595

Aphrodisias, 907

Aphrodite, at Palaepaphos, 999

Apis bulls, 444, 849, 1148

Apliki, 1260


temple at Metaponto, 730

temple at Yeniköy, 1284(photo)

Appelgren-Kivalo, Hjalmar, 497–498

Apperson, Phoebe, 445

Applied Science Center for Archaeology, 104

Aqueduct, in Segovia, 1201(photo)

Arab rebellion, 640


Bell, Gertrude, 154–155

Caton-Thompson, Gertrude, 284

French archaeology, 553

Arabian American Oil Company (ARAMCO), 92

Arabian peninsula, 88–93

Arabic, in Nubia, 958

Arabs, in Nubia, 958

Araiši Lake fortress, 796, 797, 799–800

Arambourg, Camille, 93–94, 843, 844

Arango, Leocadio María, 358, 362

Arango Cano, Luis, 359

Arawakan languages, 270

“Archae-geography,” 816

Archaeologia Britannica (Lhwyd), 814

Archaeologia (journal), 218, 219, 553, 1179, 1180

Archaeologia Polona (journal), 616

Archaeologia Scotica (journal), 1181

Archaeological and Ethnographical Studies (Márquez), 359

Archaeological and Ethnological Museum (Brazil), 184

Archaeological and Geological Survey of the northern Fayum, 283

Archaeological and Historic Conservation Act (U.S.), 628

Archaeological and Historic Federation of Belgium, 144

Archaeological and Historic Preservation Act (U.S.), 99, 1299

Archaeological Approaches to Cultural Identity (Shennan), 1087, 1090