American Anthropological Association (AAA), 638, 1125, 1172, 1173, 1175, 1177

American Anthropologist (journal), 82, 852, 1172

American Antiquarian Society, 111

American Antiquity (journal), 82–83, 281, 1125, 1173, 1174, 1175, 1177

American Archaeological Research Institute, 86

American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1076

American Association of Physical Anthropologists, 642

American Center for Oriental Research (ACOR), 86, 752, 1248

American Civil War, nautical archaeology, 913, 916

American Ethnological Society, 556

American Exploration Society of Philadelphia, 615

American Foundation for the Study of Man expeditions, 89–90, 91

American Institute of Archaeology, 619

American Institute of Iranian Studies, 680

American Journal of Archaeology, 83–84, 85, 100, 614

American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 642

American Museum of Natural History, 161, 166, 167, 1076

Canadian archaeology, 252

Caribbean archaeology, 263

Davis, Edwin Hamilton, 410

Ford, James Alfred, 522

Hrdlicka, Ales, 641

Marquesas Islands, 1051

American Naturalist, The (journal), 1076

American Oriental Society, 85

American Philosophical Society, 744–745

American School of Architecture at Rome, 81

American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 84–85, 100, 257, 614

American School of Classical Studies at Rome, 81, 100

American School of Prehistoric Research, 1008, 1009

American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR), 78, 85–86, 100, 716, 721, 749, 751, 752, 1244, 1245, 1247.

See also William Foxwell Albright Institute

American Society for Conservation Archaeology, 1176

American War of Independence, nautical archaeology, 912, 915–916, 916–917

Americas, French archaeology, 535–543

Amerikaansche Voyagien (Berkel), 1101

Amerta (journal), 650

Amherst of Hackney, Baron, 279

Ami, Henry, 257

Amiens, 1207

Amiet, P., 877

Amiran, Ruth, 717, 718

Amman, 86, 749, 752, 1248

Amoreira, 483

Ampère, J.-J., 1108

Amphora, Etruscan, 475(photo)

Ampuero, Gonzalo, 311

Amratian culture, 457

Amri, 657, 1190

Amsterdam Kempen Pioneer Project, 930

Amsterdam (ship), 915

Amsterdam University, 1313

Amt Rosenberg. See “Rosenberg office”

Amun-Re, 757, 759

Amuq expeditions, 180

Anahuac (Tylor), 1287

Anakara, 836

Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia (journal), 924

Anales de los Chachiqueles, 607

Analytical Archaeology (Clarke), 200, 336

Ananyino culture, 1259


Chaco Canyon, 295–296

culture classification, 343

Pueblo Bonito, 1075–1076

Anatolia. See Turkey

Anatolica (journal), 924

Anbarra people, 1156

Anchors, 912

Ancient Bronze Implements (Evans), 211

Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries (Lucas), 450

Ancient Egyptian Religion (Frankfort), 534

The Ancient Egyptians and the Origin of Civilizations (Smith), 1170

The Ancient Geography of India (Cunningham), 386

Ancient History of North and South Wiltshire (Colt Hoare), 369

Ancient India (Wheeler), 1188

Ancient Khotan (Stein), 1209

Ancient Man in North America (Wormington), 1331

“The Ancient Maya and the Political Present” (Wilk), 637

Ancient Mesoamerica (journal), 893

Ancient Monuments Conservation Act (Indonesia), 649–650

Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley (Squier and Davis), 410, 1170, 1292

Ancient Monuments Preservation Act (India), 850

Ancient Monuments Protection Act (Britain), 137, 1035

Ancient Nepal (journal), 1189

Ancient People and Places, 406

Ancient Society (Morgan), 900

Ancient Stone Implements (Evans), 211

Ancient Voyagers in the Pacific (Sharp), 941, 1058

Ancient Wiltshire (Colt Hoare), 204

Ancízar, Manuel, 357 1>

Andaman Islands, 693

Andersen, H. H., 90

Andersen, Johannes, 1057

Anderson, Atholl, 944–945, 946, 947

Anderson, Hamilton, 150–151, 152

Anderson, Joseph, 1182

Anderson, Rowand, 1181

Andersson, Johan Gunnar, 86–87, 318, 319, 320, 1011

Andrae, Walter, 873

Andreatta, Margarida Davina, 186

Andrews, E. Wyllys, 464, 465, 888

Andrianaivoarivony, Rafolo, 838

Andrian-Werburg, Ferdinand Freiherr von, 130

Andriešescu, Ion, 1116

Andronikos, Manolis, 601

Anfray, F., 36

Angel Fernandez, Miguel, 884

Angkor, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246–248, 1098

Angkor, Temple of, 245(photo)

Angkor Borei, 247

Angkor Thom, 248

Angkor Wat, 246, 246(photo), 247(photo), 248

Angles-sur-Anglin, 568

Anglica Historia (Vergil), 1314

Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1337

Angulo Valdés, Carlos, 362, 363

Animal, Vegetable and Mineral (television show), 212–213, 406