Archaeological Commission (Poland), 1040

Archaeological Congresses, 589

Archaeological Congresses of Southeast Spain, 1199

Archaeological cultures concept, 583, 1088, 1139

Archaeological Dialogues (journal), 924, 931

Archaeological Excavations at Jamestown, Virginia (Cotter), 384, 734

Archaeological geology, 101

Archaeological heritage management, 94–99, 94–99

Brazil, 184–185

Canada, 256–257

computer graphics and, 372

Denmark, 416

development of legislation, 95–97

France, 523–524

history of, 94–95

Japan, 737, 740

Latvia, 803–804

managers, 97–99

Netherlands, 925

Nyerup, Rasmus, 964

Slovenia, 1166–1167

Spain, 1196

Archaeological heritage managers, 97–99

Archaeological Institute (Britain), 1179

Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), 81, 99–100, 900, 1076

American Journal of Archaeology, 83–84

American School of Classical Studies in Athens, 84–85

American Schools of Oriental Research, 85

Archaeological Institute of America/Institut Archéologique d’Amérique (Canada), 100

Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 1126

Archaeological Journal, 205, 206, 208, 615, 1126–1127

Archaeological Map of Yugoslavia, 1165, 1167

Archaeological News (journal), 229

Archaeological Park of Angkor, 244

Archaeological Photograph of Poland, 1045

Archaeological Reconnaissances in North-Western India (Stein), 1209

Archaeological Regions of Colombia (Bennet), 362

Archaeological Report of the Dutch East Indies Archaeological Service, 649

Archaeological Resources Protection Act (U.S.), 1176, 1299

Archaeological Review (Polish journal), 777

Archaeological Service in the Netherlands Indies, 685

Archaeological Service of Colombia, 362

Archaeological Service of the Republic of Indonesia, 650, 932

Archaeological Society (Chile), 308

Archaeological Society (Indonesia), 648

Archaeological Society of Athens, 596, 600

Archaeological Society of Brussels, 143

Archaeological Society of Finland, 497

Archaeological Society of Jutland, 420

Archaeological State Service (Netherlands). See Rijksdienst voor Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek

Archaeological Survey of Canada, 254, 256, 259

Archaeological Survey of Egypt, 280, 460

Archaeological Survey of India, 98, 140, 387, 587, 612, 850–851, 1183, 1186, 1190, 1208, 1319

Archaeological Survey of India Reports, 386–387

Archaeological Survey of Nubia, 959–960, 1094, 1169

Archaeological Survey of South Africa, 62

Archaeologische Karte von Jugoslawien (Klemenc), 767

Archaeologische Vereeniging (Indonesia), 648

The Archaeologist at Work (Heizer), 637

Archaeologists and Aesthetes (Jenkin), 638

Archaeology: The Stone Age (Uvarov), 1131, 1138

Archaeology and Language (Renfrew), 790–791, 1087

The Archaeology and Prehistoric Annals of Scotland (Wilson), 1324–1325

Archaeology and the Historical Society (Harrington), 614

“Archaeology and the Image of the American Indian” (Trigger), 636, 1087

“Archaeology as an Auxiliary Science to American History” (Harrington), 614, 626

Archaeology in Central Europe (Sklenár), 636, 1087

Archaeology in England and Wales (Hawkes and Kendrick), 615, 761

Archaeology in the Field (Crawford), 386

Archaeology in the Holy Land (Kenyon), 763(photo)

Archaeology (journal), 100

Archaeology Museum of La Serena (Chile), 308

Archaeology of Ancient China (Chang), 298, 328

The Archaeology of Ancient Israel (Ben-Tor), 1250

The Archaeology of Australia’s History (Connah), 116

Archaeology of Ethnicity (Jones), 1087, 1090

Archaeology of Latvia, 796

Archaeology of Russia (journal), 1136

The Archaeology of Southern and Central Honduras (Stone), 1213

“Archaeology of spreading,” 776

The Archaeology of the Central Philippines (Solheim), 1024

Archaeology of the Land of the Bible (Mazar), 1250

Archaeology of the North Coast of Honduras (Stone), 1213

Archaeology of the United States (Haven), 630, 1170

The Archaeology of the USSR, 1135

Archaeology of York, 1337

Archaeology Service (Indonesia), 649, 650, 651

Archaeometry, 100–105

characterization studies, 101–102

dating techniques, 102–104

future directions, 104–105

origins of, 100–101

Spanish archaeology and, 1201–1202

See also Dating

Archaeometry (journal), 104

Archaeo-Physika (journal), 105

Archaic Sculpturings (Simpson), 1111

Archaic Tomb of the Baron, 473

Archaologische Excurse durch Steiermark und Krain, 1163

Archäologische Karte von Krain (Radics), 1164

Archaologische Mitteillungen aus Iran (journal), 680

Archäologische Park Carnuntum, 128

Archaologische Studien asu Krain (Mullner), 469

Archäologisch-epigraphische Seminar, 128

Archäologisch-philologische Gesellschaft, 128