Sahara; South Africa; West Africa

Africa, prehistoric archaeology

Clark, J. Desmond, 334–336

Laetoli, 789

Leakey, Louis B., 809–810

Leakey, Mary, 810–811

Olduvai Gorge, 968–969

Olorgesailie, 970

African slavery, Caribbean historical archaeology, 510–512

African-Americans, Parting Ways settlement, 1036

Africanus, Leo, 745

Africa’s Vanishing Art (M. Leakey), 811

Afrique Equatoriale Française (AEF), 24, 29

Afrique Occidentale Française (AOF), 24

Agades Basin project, 30, 31, 33

Agamemnon, 1151

Agassiz, Alexander, 765

Agassiz, Louis, 423, 1007, 1076, 1077

Agathirsies culture, 1120

Age of the Imperial Guptas, The (Banerji), 141

Agency for Protection of Cultural Heritage (Slovenia), 1167

Ageröd, 481

Agora (Athens), 599

Agorsah, Kofi, 511

Agostini, Leonardo, 725


Braidwood, Robert, 180

domestication of plants and animals, 426–428

Indonesia, 694

Mayan, 853

See also Domestication; Food production; Maize; Plantations; Rice cultivation

Agta Negritos, 1026

Aguado, Pedro de, 354

Aguadulce Shelter, 995

Aguilar Piedra, Carlos, 378, 380

Agurcia, Ricardo, 669

Agustín, Antonio, 1194

Aharoni, Yohanan, 718, 720

Ahhiyawa, 1282

Ahichchhatra, 587

Ahmose, 955

Ahnet Massif, 46

Ahrensburgian, 486

Ahu, 433

Aida (Verdi), 850

Aigina pediments, 194

Ailio, Julius, 498

‘Ain Ghazal, 753

Ain Hanech, 93, 844

Ainsley, Samuel James, 474

Ainu culture, 737

Air Photography for Archaeologists (Crawford), 385

Air Survey and Archaeology (Crawford), 385

Airlie House seminars, 1176–1177

Ak Yom, 245

Akademie der Wissenschaften, 130

Akhenaten, 460, 461, 461(photo), 1285–1286

Akhenaten Temple Project, 258

Akkad, 874, 1217

Akkermans, P. M. M. G., 932

Aklin Island, 271

Škorpil, H. and K., 227

Akrotiri-Aetokremnos, 78

Aksum, 35, 38, 39, 40(photo)

Akumbu, 32

Al Mina, 1327

Alabama, Moundville, 904

Alaca Höyük, 1280, 1281

Alalakh, 1282

Alamgirpur, 656, 657

Al-Ansary, A. R., 92

Alava, Cape, 971

Albani, Alessandro, 1326

Albany Museum (South Africa), 59

Albarracín-Jordán, Juan, 170

Albert I (prince of Monaco), 178, 965, 1197

Alberti, Leon Battista, 723, 910

Albertus University, 804

Albright, William F., 78, 86, 750, 1245, 1246, 1250

An Album of Maya Architecture (Proskouriakoff), 1075

Album Zabytków Przedhistorycznych, 1041

Albuquerque, Marcos, 186

Alchester, 615

Alcina Franch, José, 438

Aldobrandini Wedding (Roman painting), 724–725

Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 79, 79(photo)

Alesia, 79–80, 292, 424

Alexander, James, 1107

Alexander I (czar of Russia), 1130

Alexander II (czar of Russia), 1131

Alexander the Great, 286, 387, 1012, 1209, 1284

Alexander Turnbull Library, 1056

Alexander VI (pope), 1314

Alexandria University, 500

Alfaro, Anastasio, 378

Alfred V. Kidder (Woodbury), 634

Alfred Vincent Kidder medal, 766

Alfssön, Peder, 1100

Algeria, 23, 43

Arambourg, Camille, 93, 94

French archaeology, 546, 547

rock art, 1108

See also Maghreb

Ali, A. M., 37

Ali Tappeh cave, 859

Alise-Saint-Reine, 79

Allahabad University, 1153

Allaire, Louis, 266

Allard Pierson Museum of Archaeology, 922, 925

Allen, J. De V., 1220

Allen, J. Romilly, 1182

Allen, Jim, 114–115, 603, 1000

Allerton, Isaac, 1036

All-Russian Archaeological Congresses, 794, 795

Almagro Basch, Martin, 1197–1198, 1199

Almgren, Bertil, 1234

Almgren, Oscar, 1233

Alodia kingdom, 957

Alpowa City, 1159

Altamira, 80–81, 81(photo), 193, 278–279, 965, 1112, 1197, 1316

Altar de Sacrificios (Guatemala), 607

Altertumwissenschaft, 729, 731

Al-Thawra dam, 1251

Altun Ha, 151, 153

Alva, Walter, 1159

Alvarado, Pedro de, 605

Alvarez, Arno, 187

Alvarez, F., 35

Alvarez, Luis, 311

Alvin (submarine), 916

Alwa kingdom, 957

Alzinger, Wilhelm, 128

Amalivaca, 1103

Amani, 956

Amara West, 448

The Amateur and the Professional (Levine), 636

Amber, 799, 800

“Amber road,” 284

Ambrose, Stanley, 8, 9

Ambrosetti, J. B., 106

Ameghino, F., 106

Amekni, 48

Amélineau, Emile-Clément, 2, 444, 445, 457

Amenemhat III, 918

Amenhotep I, 759

Amenope, 759

American Academy in Rome, 81–82, 729