


The Holy Lent

DAY 5 - First Friday of The Holy Lent

by Prince Mathew

Preface for Meditation

Lent is the period of time for self-examination by the believer; of putting on the spiritual armor of the Church; of applying the riches of prayers and almsgiving; of adopting deeply the meaning of repentance; of atonement and reconciliation with God Almighty.

During the period of the The Holy Lent the awakening of the spirit of man comes about through inspiration from the Head of the Church, Jesus Christ. It is a time of self-examination and preparation, and of taking an inventory of one's inner life. He and Christ know his exact condition. At this time one sees himself in the mirror of the Gospel - how he looks. One finds the means and ways to correct and improve himself.

Lent is a period of time when one delves into himself with the light of the Holy Spirit in order to rid himself of the impediments which hold him back. It is a period when one strengthens his faith by more prayer and devotional life. During the period of fasting one makes a special attempt to evaluate his calling as a Christian; to listen to the voice of the Gospel and heed its commandments; to accept the constant invitation to enter Christ's Kingdom.

Bible Reading: First Friday of The Holy Lent


* St. Matthew 5: 17 - 26


* Ezekiel18: 20-32
* Hosea 4:1-11
* Deuteronomy6 : 1- 13
* Isaiah 1:1-9
* St. James 3: 13 - 4: 5
* Romans 3:9-26
* St. Matthew 5: 27-37

Verse for the day:

St. Matthew 5:19 "Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven".

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