


The Holy Lent

Day 4 - First Thursday of The Holy Lent

by Prince Mathew

Preface for Meditation

Lenten season is a time whereby we may gain deeper insight into our deeper selves; it is a period whereby we cultivate the strength to know ourselves truly, to acquire honesty with ourselves, and to develop the courage to practice repentance as a means of constant transformation and purification of our innermost selves.

The purpose of fasting extends far beyond a superficial abstinence from certain foods; it is a discipline that has as its principle aim our overcoming of all worldly pursuits or material desires that divert our attention away from our spiritual communion with God. Its purpose is to strengthen our capacity to focus constantly and consciously upon God, to "seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness" (St. Matthew 6:33) before all else. By defining God as the chief priority in our lives, we restore to our minds a proper view of reality in which He is the One who ultimately sustains us with our every need.

In the very same way as Moses led his people, the Church leads Her children through the fifty-day sojourn of The Holy Lent. For it takes at least this long for many of the faithful to discard the vanity and the concerns of this world and to be transformed. In this transformation the faithful people of God become the newborn children from the secular wilderness who will be able to experience the joy of the Promised Land.

Increased prayer and fasting are encouraged by the Church during The Holy Lent as a means to purification and preparation. Both physical and spiritual purification are stressed so that the believer may feel prepared to experience a spectacular event, the event of the Lord's return. His Bride, the Church is always in anticipation of the glorious return of Her Bridegroom. Fasting and prayer, therefore, during this time of the year is not simply because it is The Holy Lent but because the Church is awaiting the return of Her Bridegroom.

Bible Reading

First Thursday of The Holy Lent


* St. Matthew 7: 1-12


* Exodus 22:5-6
* I Kings 18: 16 -24
* II Kings 17: 7 - 23
* Isaiah36: 1-7, 37: 1-7
* St. James 2: 14 - 26
* Romans2: 28 - 3: 8
* St. Matthew 7: 13-27

Bible Verse for the day: St. Matthew 7:7- "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you".

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