Upper Egypt, but it also stems from the relatively poor conditions of preservation in the delta, where high population, submergence of archaeological deposits below the groundwater level, and the agricultural use of tell sites for fertilizer have all tended to reduce the attraction (and indeed the visibility) of archaeological sites in Lower Egypt. Although the initiation of a number of new projects at delta sites in the 1980s and 1990s has begun to redress this balance, it will be many years before the weight of evidence can be said to be spread equally across southern and northern Egypt.

As a result of the application of scientific methods of survey and analysis (and the simultaneous assimilation of ideas from linguistics, literary criticism, and art history), the field of Egyptology has inexorably expanded into a sprawling multidisciplinary monster with tentacles extending from bio-anthropology and geophysics to philology and sociology. Although this diversification sometimes threatens the integrity of the subject as a whole, it is also increasingly its strength in that the many different academic disciplines utilizing Egyptological data each provide fresh sources of stimulation and new directions for future research.

Ian Shaw


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