to occupy all of the territory of the feudal state of Moldavia (between the eastern Carpathians, Dniestr, and the Black Sea). Dobroudja, having long been under the occupation of the Byzantines, at the end of the fourteenth century was ruled by Mircea cel Bătrân, the prince of Valachia (Giurescu 1981, 118–120). The two states of Moldavia and Valachia, in which lived people with the same language and traditions, unified with each other in 1859, and in 1918 they were joined by Transylvania and Bessarabia, thus constituting the nation of Romania. Because of close relations among Romanians in Dobroudja, Moldavia, Transylvania, and Valachia, the Romanian language of Latin origin, the traditional customs, and some other elements of archaic material culture have been preserved even into the twenty-first century.

Eugen Comša


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