This book has been translated especially for the benefit of all the children and youth in the lands of immigration.


I  believe  this  book  is  very  important  for  every  deacon  and member of the congregation who dearly loves the Lord and earnestly   seeks   to   benefit   from   every   moment   spent   in church, so that they may feel comforted by the heavenly joys the  church  offers  and  receive  spiritual  fullness  from  the

‘meals they partake of :-


V   the meal of doctrinal liturgy of the catechumens

V   the   meal   of   spiritual   worshipping   in   the   liturgy   of believers, or the sacrificial liturgy

V   then the communion of the Holy Body and Blood of our Lord God Emmanuel, which we partake of in a worthily manner  and  have  Christ  abiding  in  us,  as  the  Lord promised : “He who eats My flesh and drinks My blood abides in Me and I in him” (John 6:56).


May this book be a source of blessing for all who read it, so that they may learn how to benefit from the Divine Liturgy.



Through  the  intercessions  of  our  mother  St.  Mary  and  the prayers  of  His  Holiness  our  beloved  father  Pope  Shenouda III.


The grace of the Lord bless us.




Bishop Mettaous

Abbot of El Syrian Monastery.















































By His Grace Bishop Mettaous, Abbot of St. Mary

& El Syrian Monastery




Introduction To The First Edition


In  our  Coptic  Church,  the  Holy  Mass,  in  her  essence  of group prayer and worship, is the house of God and the door of heaven, the house of angels and the congregation of the saints.


During the Holy Mass, angels and archangels, the Cherubim and  the  Seraphim,  together  with  all  the  heavenly  hosts  are present and are surrounding the altar with great glory. At the awesome moment when the priest calls on the Holy Spirit to transform  the  bread  and  wine  present  on  the  altar  into  the holy Body and Blood of our Lord, He is present amidst the praising of His holy angels.


The  time  we  spend  in  church  during  the  Mass  is  a  slice  of heaven  on  earth.  The  glory  might  be  hidden  from  our  eyes because we are still in the flesh, but many desired to see His glory and indeed did see and are witnesses to their testimony.


Yet despite all these glories, many express that they do not benefit  from  attending  the  Holy  Mass.  So,  how  can  one benefit from the Mass?






Before answering this, we must first understand what hinders

receiving benefit ...


i.  Coming  late  to  Church  -  If  one  comes  to  church  late, they          will          deprive             themselves   of   receiving   the   Holy Communion.  They  will  also  deprive  themselves  of  listening

to the Gospel readings, the beautiful hymns, and the deeply spiritual prayers said during the Divine Liturgy; prayers that uplift  one’s  heart  and  spirit  to  heaven,  giving  comfort  and peace  from  all  worldly  cares.  For  this  reason,  the  Lord Himself  advises  us  to  come  to  church  early  :  “Those  who seek Me early will find Me (Proverbs 8:17).


ii. Not  participating  in  the  responses  during  the  Mass  - One  may  come  early,  but  attend  as  a  spectator  and  not  a participator. Hence they will not feel a part of the liturgy and leave  feeling  they  have  not  received  any  spiritual  benefit. Whoever  attends  the  Mass  is  an  important  servant  of  the Mass,  and  this  is  clarified  during  the  Servant’s  Absolution when the priest says : “May Your servants, the ministers of this day, hegumens, priests, deacons, clergy, all Your people and my weak self be absolved...”. Hence the congregation is one  of  the  three  important  personalities  present  during  the Mass - the clergy, the deacons, and the congregation. If one of  them  is  absent,  it  is  not  possible  to  celebrate  the  Holy Mass.


Everyone present during the Divine Liturgy should share and participate  in  the  responses  with  all  their  heart,  soul  and senses in order to receive from God the overflowing comfort and  peace  He  will  provide  for  us.  Therefore,  before  the






actual    responses    are    the    words,    ‘The    congregation responds,’ not ‘The deacon responds’.


iii.  Lack  of  concentration  or  contemplation  during  the responses - Many times the hymns and responses are said in recitation  instead  of  in  contemplation,  and  hence  our  mind may become distracted from focusing on the prayers of the Mass. Every participant, whether clergy, deacon or believer should  pray  with  attention,  understanding  and  in  a  spirit  of contemplation,  so  that  together  with  the  Apostle  Paul  we say, “I  will  pray  with  the  spirit  and  I  will  also  pray  with understanding,  I  will  sing  with  the  spirit  and  I  will  also sing with understanding” (1 Corinthians 14:15).


iv.  Occupation  with  administrative  matters  instead  of with  spiritual  matters  -  Some  people,  during  the  Mass, occupy  their  minds  with  administrative  matters,  like  the selling of the ‘korban(small holy breads), or collecting alms, donations, and so on. Amidst these thoughts they do not give themselves a chance to listen to the Mass and partake in the hymns  and  responses.  To  those,  the  Lord  Jesus  says  :

“These you ought to have done without leaving the others undone” (Luke 11:42), and also, “To everything there is a season...”  (Ecclesiastics  3:1).  Hence,  although  the  Apostle Paul  tells  us,  Those  who  lead,  with  diligence”  (Romans

12:8), and at the same time, they participate in prayers and

worships, according to what the Apostle also tells us in the same       chapter:           “fervent   in              spirit,          serving   the   Lord, continuing steadfastly in prayer” (Romans 12:11,12).


v.  Prayer  of  the  whole  Mass  in  the  Coptic  language  - Some  complain  that  they  do  not  understand  anything  or benefit because they do not understand the Coptic language




it is prayed in. Hence, the preference is for praying the Mass

in the language most common to all, and leaving a part to be said  in  Coptic,  for  it  is  our  original  language  and  our heritage, and so it is important for us not to neglect it. It is important  however,  that  the  congregation  try  to  learn  the Coptic  language,  for  it  is  the  language  of  our  fathers  and grandfathers.


vi.  Lack  of  partaking  of  the  Holy  Communion  -  Some people  attend  the  Mass  only  out  of  habit,  and  deprive themselves  from  receiving  the  Holy  Sacraments,  sometimes for months or years. The church advises that all those, who have  confessed  and  are  spiritually  prepared  should  receive the Holy Communion according to the words of our beloved Lord:  “Drink  from  it  all  of  you... (Matthew  26:26,27). Those who do not partake of the Holy Communion deprive themselves from the community of believers and from a great blessing.


vii.   Taking    the    Holy    Communion     without    having confessed   -   A   person   may   come   to   receive   the   Holy Communion,  while  having  on  their  conscience  sins  that  are not  confessed.  This  guilty  feeling  deprives  the  person  from receiving   spiritual   consolation   and   benefit.   The   person receiving  the  Holy  Communion  should  be  repentant,  pure and ready.


This book, my beloved reader, is a humble trial to overcome the  obstacles  which  prevent  you  from  gaining  the  spiritual benefits  of  attending  the  Mass.  It  is  also  a  journey  to  take you   to   the   depth   of   the   unity   of   the   Mass   and   Holy Communion. It explains how you can prepare yourself to be ready  and  deserving  of  the  holy  sacrament  of  Communion,





and   it   also   explains   the   responses   of   the   deacon   and congregation, in addition to some spiritual contemplations.


This  book,  “How  to  benefit  from  the  Holy  Mass”, compliments   my   last   book,   “The  Spirituality  of  the Rites of the Holy Mass”, which  focuses  on  the  prayers and rituals of the priest. This book, however, focuses more on   the   responses,   practices   and   contemplations   of   the deacons and congregation during the Holy Mass.


“For  those  who  worship  Him  must  worship  in  spirit  and truth” (John 4:24).


We  ask  our  beloved  God  to  bless  this  book  so  that  it  may become a source of blessing to all who read it, so that it may encourage  contemplation,  understanding,  concentration  and depth of prayer during the Holy Mass, and so that we may proceed to receive the Holy Communion in worthiness with

a  contrite  spirit;  hence  attaining  uncountable  blessings  and comfort.


With the blessings of our beloved father His Holiness Pope

Shenouda III.

























Many   complain   that   they   do   not   receive   benefit   from attending the Divine Mass. In this book we will try to walk you   through,   my   beloved   Christian,   step   by   step   the procedures  before,  during  and      after    the                     Mass,     and contemplate  together  the  rituals,  and  fervent  prayers  which must be understood in order to benefit.


We record all these contemplations and practices from what we  read,  hear  and  experience,  in  the  hope  of  providing  for you  benefit  and  solving  some  of  the  problems  many  of  us face.


The Liturgy of St. Basil will be the focus of our discussion and contemplation, for it is the one most commonly used.






The day in the church rite, starts from the evening prior to the celebration of the Holy Mass, so, for example, in order to attend  the  Sunday  Mass  you  must  be  prepared  from  the Saturday.


How do we prepare?


The  church  rules  necessitate  your  coming  clean  and  pure, both from within and on the outside; you must be in the best image externally and internally, as you are appearing before





God,  the  King  of  kings,  Lord  of  lords  and  Master  of  all earthly masters.


External cleanliness means bathing, clean clothes, and decent dressing. Internal cleanliness means purity of heart, through peace  and  reconciliation  with  others,  then  repentance  and confession.  If you have an appointment with your confession father  you  must  be  prepared  beforehand  by  sitting  with yourself, and remembering the sins you committed with and without intention.


You  make  a  note  of  them  with  all  honesty,  remembering what St. Antonious said, “If we remember our sins God will forget  them,  if  we  forget  our  sins  God  will  remind  us  of them.”


You can write your sins on a piece of paper, as well as any questions  you  may  have  to  ask  your  confession  father. Therefore,  having  made  a  note  of  all  the  sins  you  have committed since your last confession, you repent before God for these sins.


For those who are new or beginners in the life of repentance, the  best  period  for  confession  is  fortnightly,  then  gradually every   month.      It   is   very   dangerous   for   the   believers, especially  youth  and  beginners,  to  be  neglectful  in  their confessions,  and  delay  the  period  between  confessions,  for this neglect leads to spiritual lukewarmness, lack of scrutiny

in self examination and forgetfulness of certain sins intended

to  be  confessed.  And  the  greatest  danger  is  a  person  who often receives Holy Communion without regular confession.









Going To Church


When   you   hear   the   bells   of   the   church   declaring   the beginning  of  the  Vesper  Prayers,  or  you  know  the  time  at which   these   prayers   begin,   change   to   wearing   modest clothing so that you may attend the prayers and hymns of the Vespers.


Take  with  you  three  small  books:  the  Agbia,  the  Coptic Liturgy, and the book of Doxology. (In some churches, these books may be available for you to use during the service).


Along  the  way  to  church,  recite  certain  psalms,  and  bring your senses and mind to concentrate on them so that you are not distracted by anything useless. Learn psalms by heart so you can pray them inaudibly, at any time, and wherever you are.


There are three short, beautiful psalms from the Agbia...


V   Psalm 121, from the Sunset Prayer :

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of  the  Lord.”  Our  feet  have  been  standing  within  your gates  O  Jerusalem!  Jerusalem  is  built  as  a  city  that  is compact together. Where the tribes go up, the tribes of the Lord,  to  the  testimony  of  Israel.  To  give  thanks  to  the name of the Lord. For thrones are set there for judgment, the  thrones  of  the  house  of  David.  Pray  for  the  peace  of Jerusalem.  “May  they  prosper  who  love  you.  Peace  be within your walls. Prosperity within your palaces.” For the sake  of  my  brethren  and  companions,  I  will  now  say,

“Peace be within you.” Because of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your good. Alleluia.




V   Psalm 83, from the Sixth Hour Prayer :

How  lovely  is  Your  tabernacle,  O  Lord  of  hosts.  My  soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord. My heart and flesh cry out for the living God. Even the sparrow has found  a  home,  and  the  swallow  a  nest  for  herself,  where she may lay her young. Even Your altars O Lord of hosts, my King and my God, blessed are those who dwell in Your house. They will still be praising You. Blessed is the man whose strength is in You, whose heart is set on pilgrimage. As  they  pass  through  the  valley  of  Baca,  they  make  it  a spring.  The  rain  also  covers  it  with  pools.  They  go  from strength  to  strength.  Every  one  of  them  appears  before God  in  Zion.  O  Lord  God  of  hosts,  hear  my  prayer,  give ear O God of Jacob! O God, behold our shield, and look upon the face of Your anointed. For a day in Your courts

is better than a thousand. I would rather be a doorkeeper in   the   house   of   my   God   than   dwell   in   the   tents   of wickedness.  For  the  Lord  is  a  sun  and  shield:  The  Lord will give grace and glory: No good thing will He withhold: from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You! Alleluia.


V   Psalm 14, from the First Hour Prayer :

Lord, who may abide in Your tabernacle? Who may dwell in  Your  holy  hill?  He  who  walks  uprightly  and  works righteousness,  and  speaks  the  truth  in  his  heart,  he  who does  not  backbite  with  his  tongue,  nor  does  evil  to  his neighbour  nor  does  he  take  up  a  reproach  against  his friend.  In  whose  eyes  a  vile  person  is  despised,  but  he honours  those  who  fear  the  Lord.  He  who  swears  to  his own hurt and does not change. He who does not put out his money at usury. Nor does he take a bribe against the innocent. He who does these things shall never be moved. Alleluia.





Upon reaching the church, make the sign of the cross, then

quietly enter so as to disturb anybody. Enter the church, the house of God, in reverence and righteousness remembering what  the  gospel  mentioned  about  Simon  the  Elder,  “He came  by  the  Spirit  to  the  temple,  he  took  Him  (Jesus)  in his arms and blessed God” (Luke 2:25-28).


When entering the church, say with the Psalmist, “But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy.  In  fear  of  Your  I  will  worship  towards  Your  holy temple"  (Psalm  5:7).  When  you  reach  the  altar,  make  the sign of the cross, and prostrate three times saying, "I worship You  Christ  our  God,  with  Your  gracious  Father,  and  the Holy  Spirit,  because  You  have  come  and  saved  us."   Then reverently   stand   before   the   altar   and   pray   the,   “Our Father...” Touch the hem of the curtain's veil and reverently kiss it as it is a symbol of Christ’s garment about which the woman with the flow of blood said, ‘“If only I may touch His  clothes,  I  shall  be  made  well.”            Immediately  the fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that  she  was  healed  of  the  affliction”’  (Mark  5:25-34). Take a blessing from the priest by kissing the cross and his right hand holding the cross. Then quietly take your place in the  church  and  start  partaking  in  the  prayers.  You  can  use the Coptic Liturgy book.


If you enter the church at the time of the Gospel reading, you must stand reverently at the door of the church, listen to the gospel with the others and after the gospel is read you may go forward and kneel before the altar.







In the book of, 'The Mystery of the Trinity in the Ministry of Priesthood',  it  mentions  that,  "If  anyone  approaches  the door of the church and hears the reading of the gospel, he should stand still until the end of the reading."






These     are     groups     of     prayers,     supplications    and thanksgivings,  requesting  the  Lord’s  blessing  for  the  Mass service, so that the minds and souls of the believers may be prepared  to  enter  worthily  to  attend  the  Mass  with  all  its spirituality.  For  every  Mass  there  is  a  Matin  and  a  Vesper Prayer,  preceded  by  the  wonderful  Tasbeha  prayers.  The only exception are the weekday Masses, (Monday to Friday), and  during  the  Holy  Lent  for  they  conclude  late  in  the afternoon.




Canonical Hours


Those commonly said in Vespers are the prayers of the Ninth Hour, the Sunset Prayer, the Prayer before Sleeping, as well as the Prayer of the Veil which is said in the monasteries.


During  the  prayer  of  the  Ninth  Hour,  you  must  remember that this prayer was instituted by the church to commemorate the hour of the death of our Lord Jesus Christ in the flesh on the Cross, which was for our salvation. Darkness fell on all the earth at the sixth hour until the ninth hour, indicating the end  of  Satan's  kingdom  when  our  Lord  trampled  him  and death through the cross, and God freed His people from the




bondage  of  sin  and  the  devil.  The  statement,  "The  Lord reigns," is repeated in many psalms. In Psalm 110 we pray,

"The  Lord  said  to  my  Lord,  'Sit  at  my  right  hand  till  I make  Your  enemies  Your  footstool.  The  Lord  shall  send the rod of Your strength out of Zion. Rule in the midst of Your enemies.'"


When the psalms are distributed, pray them in reverence and understanding, and pray in spirit and truth.


During the reading of the gospel of the Ninth Hour, which is called the 'Gospel of Blessing', listen in reverence, for it tells of  the  blessing  of  the  five  loaves  and  two  fish  by  the  Lord Jesus.  This  Gospel  is  also  known  as  the  'Feeding  of  the multitudes'.  The  church  chose  the  gospel  of  feeding  the multitudes  to  be  read  at  the  ninth  hour,  as  most  of  the church’s fasts end at the ninth hour, reminding us that when we eat, we should request the blessing of our Lord Jesus.


Listen  carefully  to  the  Troparia  (prayers)  read  after  the gospel  as  they  are  very  spiritual.  Partake  in  their  responses

(Thoksa  batri  ke  euo...  Amen),  giving  glory  to  God  while bowing and making the sign of the Cross.


In the second part of the Troparia, we pray saying, "Let me partake  of  the  grace  of                                        Your  sacraments  so  that  when  I taste Your goodness, I offer You praise unceasingly."  Why don’t you my beloved, partake in these supplications humbly and reverently, if you intend to receive the Holy Communion the  next  day,  so  that  it  can  be  part  of  your  spiritual  and psychological preparation.







Prayer Of Lord Have Mercy


At the completion of every prayer of the Agbia, the church repeats, 'Lord have mercy' forty-one times. It is a marvellous example  of  perseverance  in  prayer  which  does  not  return empty, as the Lord Jesus taught us in the story of the unjust judge  who  avenged  the  woman  for  her  persistence  (Luke

18:1-7), and the story of the friend who came by at midnight

:  "I  say  to  you,  though  he  will  not  rise  and  give  to  him because he is his friend, yet because of his persistence he will rise and give him as many as he needs. And I say to you,  ask  and  it  will  be  given  to  you,  seek,  and  you  will find,  knock,  and  it  will  be  opened  to  you.  For  everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened" (Luke 11: 8-10).


The Greek for Lord have mercy is 'Kyrie-ley-son', which is composed of two words: Kyrie, meaning Lord, and ley-son, meaning  to  have  mercy.  My  advice  to  you  my  beloved,  is that whenever you pray ‘Lord have Mercy forty one times, try  to  remember  the  thirty  nine  lashes  that  grazed  the  holy back  of  your  beloved  Jesus  for  your  sake.  Remember  the crown  of  thorns  which  was  placed  on  His  holy  head  in mockery and scorn and remember how He was beaten on His holy head so that the crown of thorns pierced His bleeding forehead, and do not forget that cruel stab in His holy side which caused His pure Blood to be shed on the earth.


These are the sufferings that the church reminds us of while we recite this short but effective prayer of 'Lord have mercy.' Some people just repeat this prayer without knowing that it actually   represents   the   thirty   nine   lashes   on   the   Holy Saviour’s  back,  plus  the  crown  of  thorns  and  the  stabbing




spear,  so  the  total  is  forty  one  wounds  which  the  beloved Lord Jesus endured for our sake. So, its repetition reminds us always of Christ's incredible love for us. Let us pray 'Lord have mercy' saying :


V   You who were lashed for us, have mercy on us.

V   You who were stabbed by the spear for us, have mercy on us.


Try  my  beloved,  to  ease  the  severe  pain  which  the  Lord Christ   endured   for   you,   through   your   repentance   and persistence, pleading for His mercy.


Father Antonious Rageb says about this meaningful short prayer: "We recite, 'Lord have mercy' so many times. Our whole life is not enough to recite and beg the compassionate mercy from our loving God. Let your repetition in prayer become a beautiful incense, seek mercy for yourself, for all your matters and also for others. Specify each time a certain matter for which you need the Lord’s mercy :


V   Lord have mercy on me because of my evil thoughts;

V   Lord have mercy on me from mental distraction;

V   Lord have mercy on me in this tribulation;

V   Lord have mercy on Your church from corrupt foxes;

V   Lord have mercy on Your children from the seduction of sin.


Thus the incense of your prayers rises and is accepted by the



The prayer of 'Lord have mercy' includes all the requests and needs of the person, whatever they may be, and at all times.

'Lord  have  mercy'  said  41  times  is  then  followed  by  the



prayer,  "Holy,  Holy,  Holy  is  the  Lord  of  hosts..."  as  it incorporates many beautiful requests:


V   persistence  in  asking  for  God's  mercy,  "O  Holy  Trinity have mercy upon us";

V   asking  the  Lord  for  His  help  and  protection,  "O  Lord

God of hosts be with us";

V   asking  for  absolution  and  the  forgiveness  for  our  many sins, "Which we have done willingly and unwillingly, the hidden and the visible"


We then conclude with the Lord’s prayer, "Our Father who art in heaven...", for this is the prayer that was taught to us by our beloved teacher and Lord Jesus Christ.


At the end of the Ninth Hour prayer, pray the absolution as it

is  a  powerful  prayer,  requesting  the  Lord  to,  "Raise  our minds   above   worldly   care   and   bodily   desires   to   the remembrance of Your heavenly Commandments. Fulfil Your love  to  humanity  O  God.  Receive  our  prayers  at  all  times and this prayer of the ninth hour."




The Sunset Prayer and the Prayer before Sleeping


Contemplate on each word of the Agbia prayers, so that God can  give  you  understanding  and  consolation,  and  so  you may benefit from your Agbia prayers.


It is also important for us to remember why each hour of the

Agbia was instituted :







V   The Ninth Hour Prayer commemorates the atoning death of Christ on the Cross.

V   The Sunset Prayer commemorates the taking down of the Lord’s holy body from the Cross. It reminds us that the sun  of  our  lives  must  set  one  day  when  we  leave  this world  to  be  with  our  God  Jesus  Christ,  so  let  us  be prepared for this day with care, vigilance and repentance.


The  Gospel  of  the  Sunset  Prayer  narrates  how  the  Lord Jesus healed the mother in law of St. Peter from a fever and how He cast out demons. Let us take this opportunity to ask the Lord to heal our sicknesses, both physical and spiritual, and to cast away from us the power if the adversary and his evil hosts which cause us to sin.


At  the  end  of  the  Sunset  Prayer,  we  pray  the  absolution whereby  we  thank  the  Lord  for  He  granted  us  to  pass  the day in peace and brought us thankfully to the night and made us worthy of seeing His light until sunset. He did not allow for us to perish suddenly without repentance, but in His love He kept us alive so that we live to the end of the day to see and enjoy His light.


The Prayer before Sleeping is prayed after the Sunset Prayer as the church instituted it to commemorate the laying down of  the  body  of  our  Lord  Jesus  in  the  tomb,  for  sleep  is considered a little death and the bed we sleep on signifies the tomb  into  which  we  shall  be  placed  into  after  death.  A particular  saint  used  to  speak  to  his  bed  each  night  saying,

"O bed you might become my tomb this night."


The subject of death reminds us to always lead a repentant life, and this prayer is a prayer of repentance. The Troparia prayed after the Gospel of the Prayer Before Sleeping says,



"Behold I am about to stand before the Just Judge in fear, because of my numerous sins, for the life spent in pleasures deserves  condemnation.  Repent,  therefore,  O  my  soul  so long as you dwell on earth ... Yet I imitate the tax collector beating  on  my  chest  saying,  'God  be  merciful  to  me  a sinner!" The Troparia is then followed by the prayer, "Lord by Your grace protect us this night from sin..."


The   praying   person   presents   a   true   repentance   in   the absolution as they intend to sleep and surrender themselves

in  the  hands  of  the  Lord,  who  is  the  honest  guard.  For  as they intend on receiving Holy Communion the next morning, they must be repentant in order to be worthy of receiving the sacrament.   Therefore   in   the   absolution   we   pray,   "Lord forgive  us  for  the  sins  we  committed  against  You  this  day whether  they  are  by  action,  by  words... (think  how  many sins  you  have  committed  through  your  actions  or  words, whether  swearing,  lies,  insults  or  otherwise,  and  repent  to God),  “by  thought”,  (think  how  many  sins  of  thought  you committed  this  day.  You  might  have  condemned  someone, or  envied  or  angered  someone,  or  even  had  a  profane thought. Repent to God and say, Lord I have sinned forgive me my sins of...), “or  by  any  of  our  senses…”  (how many sins  did  you  commit  today  through  your  sense  of  sight, hearing,  touch  or  otherwise?  Remember  all  these  sins  and repent to God).   Then complete the absolution, in faith and persistence.




The Prayer of the Veil


This prayer is said in the monasteries by the monks after the

Twelfth   Hour   Prayer   (Prayer   before   Sleeping).   It   is





composed of twenty eight psalms, selected from the psalms

in the Agbia psalms. It also includes three parts from Psalm

118,  which  is  said  during  the  Midnight  prayer.  It  is  then followed by the Gospel, the  Troparia and the absolution.


The  Troparia  in  the  Prayer  of  the  Veil  reminds  us  of  the awesome  judgment  where  people  will  be  gathered,  angels standing,   books   opened,   works   revealed,   and   thoughts exposed. It is prayed with great humility, "Who will quench the  flame  of  fire  away  from  me?  Who  will  enlighten  my darkness if You do not have mercy on me O Lord?"   Then we  request  the  intercession  of  the  Virgin  Mary,  whose prayers  are  acceptable  on  our  behalf.  Thereby  we  will  be victorious against our enemies and the wicked one will flee from us.


The   absolution   in    the   Prayer   of   the    Veil   is   very contemplative, for we ask God to, "Give us rest in our sleep, repose for our bodies and purity of our souls. And protect us from  the  darkness  of  sin,  pitch  and  gloom,  soothe  the painful motions, quench the heat of the flesh and suppress the agitation of the body. Grant us a wakeful mind, humble thoughts, a virtuous life and an undefiled, unstained bed..."

























1  Raising of Incense


















Raising of Incense






After completing the Agbia prayers, the choir starts the the Vesper (Tasbeha); it is shorter than the Midnight Tasbeha. It begins  with  a  beautiful  tune  :  Ni-Ethnos-Teero,  which  is Psalm  117,  ''Oh,  praise  the  Lord  all  you  Gentiles.  Laud Him  all  you  peoples!  For  His  merciful  kindness  is  great towards  us.  And  the  truth  of  the  Lord  endures  forever. Praise the Lord Alleluia.''  It is called the Sunset Psalm and

is the first psalm in the Sunset Prayer.


Why don't you learn these beautiful tunes and urge others to learn  it  so  all  those  in  the  church  can  pray  together  in  one voice.


After  this  tune,  the  Tasbeha  starts.  It  is  composed  of  the Fourth Hoas, then the day's Epsalia or anniversary (or both together),  then  the  Tazakia  of  the  day,  Lobsh,  Tarh  and conclusion.


Partake in the Tasbeha, normally said in Coptic, and praise together  in  one  voice,  just  as  the  Apostles  advised,  ''That you  may  with  one  mind  and  one  mouth  glorify  the  God and  Father  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ''  (Romans  15:6), resembling the heavenly hosts who praise before the Divine Throne.


If  you  do  not  know  the  Coptic  language  very  well,  or  the

Tasbeha  praises,  follow  the  chanters  with  your  Tasbeha




Book, and repeat the verses of the Psalia and Tazakia. These verses were instituted specifically as recitations for the whole congregation to say during the Tasbeha.


While  following  the  Tasbeha  praises,  you  may  contemplate on its deep meanings.






After  completing  the  Tasbeha,  the  raising  of  the  Vesper incense begins.


Follow the prayers in the Liturgy book attentively. Partake in the responses with the congregation singing the hymns with the  choir,  as  the  congregation  are  to  be  active  participants, and not passive audiences during the Vesper service or Holy Mass.  The  responsibility  of  the  chanter  (deacon)  is  to  lead the  congregation  the  responses,  and  to  chant  the  special festive tunes.


The Vesper prayer starts with the Prayer of Thanksgiving as

it  is  an  important  prayer  by  which  the  church  starts  every service with.


We notice that the priest prays this prayer in the plural form saying,  “We  thank  You  for  You  have  protected  us…” Therefore, as the priest prays for us, every person ought to lift up their hearts and feelings in gratitude to our Lord.


After the priest proceeds to raise incense three times around the  altar,  he  says  the  Prayer  for  the  Departed.   During  the prayer, we must contemplate on the following :






V   The  prayer  for  the  departed  is  said  during  the  evening

incense (specifically at sunset) to remind us that we shall one day join the departed, so we must always be ready;


V   To ask the departed to pray for us that God will help us complete our earthly struggle peacefully;


V   To  remember  the  resurrection,  as  when  the  priest  says,

''Raise up their bodies also, on the day which You have appointed, according to Your true promises, which are without lie.'' We believe that the resurrection will come for  us,  as  God  will  appear  to  recompense  each  one according to their deeds.


After  completing  the  litany,  the  priest  proceeds  around  the altar with the censor once, then proceeds around the church, raising  incense  towards  the  gospels,  icons,  tabernacle  and congregation.


The  priest  places  his  cross  on  each  person  blessing  them saying, ''The blessing of the incense be with us. Amen.''


Meanwhile, the congregation must reflect a true repentance saying, ''I ask You my Master Jesus Christ to forgive my sins which were committed knowingly and unknowingly.''


The priest once again raises the incense at the altar, praying inaudibly for our repentance saying: ''O God who accepted the   confession   of   the   thief   on   the   cross,   accept   the confession and repentance of Your people for the sake of Your Holy Name that is called upon us, and according to Your mercy and not according to our sins.''






Solomon   prayed   a   similar   prayer   for   his   people   saying

''...each  one  knows  the  plague  of  his  own  heart,  and spreads  out  his  hands  toward  this  temple:  then  hear  in heaven Your dwelling place, and forgive, and act, and give to  everyone  according  to  all  his  ways,  whose  heart  You know (for You, only You, know the hearts of all the sons of  man)''  (1  Kings  8:  38-9).  This  prayer  of  repentance,  as well as the intercession of the priest are offered before God. So, my brethren, you should offer God a pure repentance in order  to  be  able  to  benefit  from  these  deep,  interceding prayers.


During  the  raising  of  incense,  the  congregation  sing  the doxologies  which  are  the  glorifications  to  the  holy  Virgin mother of God, the angels, the martyrs, the saints, and all the various church feasts and occasions.


May  we  all  partake  and  glorify  God  and  His  saints,  asking for their intercessions and prayers.




The  Prayer  of  'Evnoti-nay-nan'  (God  have  mercy upon us)


After   the   raising   of   incense,   the   congregation   says   the Orthodox  Creed,  chanting  the  last  sentence,  "And  we  look for the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come,   Amen."   Meanwhile,   the   priest   holds   the   cross together with three lit candles in his right hand. This signifies that the One who was crucified on the cross is Jesus Christ the  light  of  the  world,  who  sanctified  Himself  to  enlighten those  living  in  darkness  and  in  the  shadow  of  death.  Also,




through the cross, He took us into His wonderful light, from the darkness.


The priest makes the sign of the cross on the congregation on  all  sides,  three  times  inaudibly,  then  says  the  prayer  of

‘God have mercy upon us,’ making the sign of the cross in all   four   directions   with   the   cross   and   the   lit   candles, symbolising  that  Jesus  Christ  enlightened  His  people,  who live in all four corners of the earth, through the cross, saving them from the darkness of sin and granting them eternal life.


During   these   rounds   of    the   raising   of   incense,   the congregation say "Amen" three times, in humility, believing that   the   priest’s   prayers   ask   for   mercy,   blessings   and forgiveness.


The  congregation  then  chant  "Lord  have  mercy"  three times. It is a very beautiful tune that touches the heart and soul, as the congregation cry for mercy and compassion.


Prayers   using   special   tunes   are   heavenly   music.   The struggling church on earth partake with those who carry the golden  harps  in  the  victorious,  heavenly  church,  before  He who is seated on the Throne.


Our fathers were so fond of the tune, "Evnoti-nay-nan" and

"Kyrie-lay-son"  that  one  stated,  "It  is  impossible  that  God hears  this  marvellous  tune  without  having  mercy  on  His people."


My beloved, recite with the priest inaudibly during Vespers,

"Lord  have  mercy  upon  us.  Settle  Your  mercy  upon  us. Have compassion on us. Bless us, guard us, help us. Take




away  Your  anger  from  us.  Visit  us  with  Your  salvation. And forgive us our sins."


Also chant with the congregation the joyful tune of,  "Lord have  mercy,"  while  beating  your  chest  in  persistence  and humility like the tax collector. Do you feel you return to your house justified like the tax collector?




The Gospel


After granting peace to the congregation, the priest prays for hearing  the  holy  gospel.  It  is  a  powerful  prayer  which intensifies  in  power  and  spirit.  The  priest  mentions  the blessing of the Lord to His disciples for they saw and heard what prophets and righteous men had desired to see and had not  seen.  We  must,  therefore,  thank  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ because  He  made  us  worthy  to  hear  the  words  of  grace coming  from  His  Divine  mouth  and  recorded  in  His  Holy Gospel.  We  ask  Him  with  the  priest  to  make  us  worthy  to hear the holy gospel and act according to His word. In this way,  we  gain  the  blessing  promised  in  Revelation  saying,

"Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this  prophecy...  for  the  time  is  near"  (Revelation  1:3).  In this way, we thus become a dynamic fifth gospel, "You are our  epistle  written  in  our  hearts,  known  and  read  by  all men; you are manifestly an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart" (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).


The  priest  then  prays,  "Those  who  have  already  fallen asleep, repose them. Those who are sick, heal them...'' We




remember  our  departed  beloved  ones  and  the  sick,  so  that God  may  repose  the  former  and  heal  the  latter.  We  thus become  a  blessing  for  ourselves  and  others  too.  These contemplations  concentrate  our  thoughts  in  prayer,  so  we protect ourselves from boredom and evil thoughts. Then we repeat  with  the  congregation,  "Lord  have  mercy,"  bearing

in mind its previous meaning. We ask the Lord to bestow His

divine words in a heart with good earth, to bear good fruit.


The   deacon   now   says,   "Pray   for   hearing   the   Holy Gospel..."  Let  us  pray  fervently  so  that  the  words  of  the gospel  find  its  place  in  every  heart,  becoming  a  good  seed falling on good earth to bear fruits : "some a hundredfold, some  sixty,  some  thirty"  (Matthew  13:8).  Let  us  pray  that everyone in the church finds special spiritual food and divine consolation  in  the  words  of  the  gospel  when  opening  their hearts, mind and ears.


We must stand reverently to listen to the living word of God. We have to listen attentively for a special message God may be trying to tell us - as He did with St Anthony who sold all his  possessions  and  gave  to  the  poor.  We  may  find  certain answers  for  confusing  situations  and  spiritual  solutions  to our  problems.  This  can  be  said  in  confidence  after  much experience from spiritual people.


During  the  gospel  reading,  two  deacons  stand  beside  the reader with two lit candles to denote the light of the gospel which must shine on every heart leading to eternal life. "For the  commandment  is  a  lamp,  and  the  law  is  light...''

(Proverbs 6:23) and the Psalmist said, "Your word is a lamp

to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105).








The Sermon


The sermon of the Vesper Prayer is :


V   About the gospel read during the Vespers. It introduces the  liturgy  gospel  and  all  the  oncoming  readings.  The liturgy gospel is the centre of all the readings throughout the Mass.


V   Sunday's sermon may be for a specific purpose, such as directed  to  youth,  servants  or  general.  The  topic  must have been previously agreed upon.


V   It may be a bible study and explanation on the holy Bible, or  explanation  on  doctrines  or  rites,  etc.  It  may  not  be related to the Vesper gospel.


In  any  case,  you  must  carefully  listen  to  the  sermon  and benefit  spiritually  so  that  you  may  grow  in  your  life  with God.






Litanies  (plural  of  litany)  is  a  Greek  word  meaning  prayer. After the Gospel and sermon, the priest prays five litanies :


i.          Peace

ii.        Fathers iii.   Place

iv.        Air, waters, plant v.            Gatherings






V   Litany of Peace  -  the priest says, "Remember, O Lord

the  peace  of  Your  one,  holy,  universal  and  apostolic church,"  which  is  repeated  by  the  deacon  in  order  to harmonise the prayers. The congregation respond, "Lord have  mercy."  The  Psalmist  exalts  the  mercies  of  God saying,  "Your  loving  kindness,  O  God  is  better  than life”  (Psalm  63:3).  Through  His  mercy,  "we  live  and move and have our being" (Acts 17:28). Without God's mercy and providence, there is neither earthly nor eternal life.  On  the  contrary,  there  is  death,  emptiness  and destruction. The mercy of God is followed by goodness, spiritual and material blessings, righteousness and beauty. St  Paul  the  Apostle  stated,  "But  God,  who  is  rich  in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us,  even  when  we  were  dead  in  trespasses,  made  us alive together with Christ..." (Ephesians 2:4-5). God full of  mercy  gives  us  this  grace  to  live  with  Christ.  "How shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?"

(Romans 8:32).


We ask the Lord to have mercy on the Church and its people

-  including  the  leaders,  subordinates,  servants  and  general congregation. No one is divided, but united in love. We need that external peace to protect us from the evil hosts as it is,

"the  church  of  God  which  He  purchased  with  His  own blood" (Acts 20:28), "The gates of Hades shall not prevail against it" (Matthew 16:18).


V   Litany for the Fathers  -  the priest prays this litany and the deacon urges the congregation to pray for the fathers of   the       church.        They    say,      "Lord       have mercy," remembering  the  Patriarch,  Metropolitans  and  Bishops,




praying that the Lord give them health, strength and keep them for the Church for many years and peaceful times.


We ask the Lord to have mercy on the Church's fathers by giving them grace and wisdom to guide His holy Church. For them  to  keep  the  Orthodox  faith  until  the  end,  and  to shepherd their flock through example and teaching.


V   Litany for the Place  -  when the priest prays this litany, requesting  its  safety  and  peace,  the  deacon  asks  the congregation to pray for the safety of, "this  holy  place of  Yours,  and  of  the  world,  this  city  of  ours,  all  the cities,             districts,    islands    and    monasteries."    The congregation  respond,  "Lord  have  mercy,"  asking  for God to have mercy on the world; giving it peace, safety from  famines,  plagues,  earthquakes  and  other  disasters. We  pray  for  the  islands  surrounded  by  sea  that  God protects  it  from  sinking,  and  the  monasteries  in  the wilderness   that   God   protect   them   from   attacks   of barbarians  and  evil  wars.  We  pray  that  the  monks  and nuns have peace and safety, so that they may pray for the safety and salvation of the world.


Then  the  priest  prays  the  rest  of  the  litany  saying,  "And every   city,   every   region,   the   villages   and   all   their ornaments. Save us all from famine, plagues, earthquakes, fire,  captivity  of  barbarians,  sword  of  the  stranger  and rising  up  of  heretics."  We  should  inaudibly  repeat  these prayers  with  the  priest.  For  example,  if  he  says,  "Save  us from  famine,"  we  should  answer,  "God  save  us  from famine, plagues, floods, fire and wars. Save the faith and the   Church   from   heretics.   Amen."   At   the   end,   the






congregation  responds,  "Lord  have  mercy."  We  pray  with this gathering all that was requested throughout the litany.


V   Litany of air, water and plantations   -   (In Egypt, the litany prayers are said in accordance to the seasonal time of  cultivation  and  harvesting,  or  the  rising  of  the  River Nile). The priest prays for the waters of the rivers and for the cultivation of crops, seeds and herbs, and for the air of   the   heaven   and   plants   of   the   field.   The   deacon responds  accordingly,  urging  the  congregation  to  pray also.  We  then  respond  with,  "Lord  have  mercy"  three times.


·     Lord  have  mercy  on  the  waters  to  be  plentiful  to  make happy and fruitful the land by the Nile, to avoid drought.


·     Lord  have  mercy  on  the  plants  and  herbs  to  grow  and multiply  to  bear  much  fruit,  to  be  kept  from  worms  and stealing, so that happiness prevails on all.


·     Lord have mercy on the air of heaven so God may give it adequacy as it nourishes and matures the fruit in due time. As winds whether hot or sudden damage the fruit.



While  the  priest  prays  for  waters  of  the  river  in  the  due season,  the  deacon  recites  reverently  and  the  congregation respond,  "Lord  have  mercy,"  thrice,  not  once  like  the pervious litanies.










What is the reason?


First,   thrice   for   the   waters   of   the   river   to   request   its abundance,  in  persistence.  Repetition  of  one  prayer  many times  denotes  persistence  and  knocking  on  God's  door  to respond to the important and persistent request.


Second, while the congregation prays to God for mercy on the  waters,  they  do  not  forget  the  plants,  herbs  and  air  of heaven.  So  three  times,  one  for  the  waters,  second  for  the plants,  third  for  the  air  as  they  are  related  to  each  other. Water  needs  wind  to  carry  clouds  for  rainfall  into  the  Nile sources to flood, also the plants need water and air to grow and  mature,  also  air  needs  plants  to  intake  oxygen  and  the most important constituent is water to cool and modify the air.


All these factors are necessary for man's livelihood, for when he  is  in  need  of  nothing,  he  increases  in  every  good  deed, thanking God for being generous in giving and distributing, according to our needs.


V   Prayer of the Gatherings   -   when the priest prays for the      church's        meeting,   and            the    deacon            asks    the congregation  to,  "Pray  for  this  holy  Church  and  for our  congregation,"  the  congregation  responds,  "Lord have mercy", meaning :


·        Lord have mercy on all of us, and keep us from internal divisions that weaken and deteriorates our gathering;


·        Lord have mercy on us and make us regular in attending these spiritual meetings, "Not forsaking the assembly of




ourselves   together,   as   is   the   manner   of   some"

(Hebrews 10:25);


·        Lord have mercy on us and let the door of Your Church open before our faces until the end of ages;


·        Lord  have  mercy  on  us  by  blessing  this  assembly  and making  it  a  reason  of  blessing  and  salvation  to  all  the attendants who hear Your word, who pray and supplicate unto  You  in  Your  holy  house,  Your  dwelling  place forever.


So  my  beloved,  when  you  partake  in  prayers  with  the congregation  saying,  "Lord  have  mercy,"  as  previously explained,   your   prayers   rise   like   incense   before   God, requesting the abundant divine mercy of God.


You  may  pray  inaudibly  with  the  deacon's  response,  and audibly with the congregation to conclude your prayers. For example, when the deacon says, "Pray for the peace of the one  holy,  universal  and  apostolic  Orthodox  Church  of God,"  you  may  pray  inaudibly,  "Lord  have  mercy  on  the Church  from  internal  divisions  or  external  persecutions  or from  worldly  spirits  and  evil  currents,"   then   when   the congregation respond, "Lord have mercy," everybody asks God to have mercy on the Church and her congregation.


Do this with the rest of the prayers, so your prayers become focused and fervent, and not monotonous.












After completing the litanies, the congregation prays,  "Our Father  who  art  in  heaven..."  Pray  with  contemplation,  as this is the special prayer taught to us by our beloved Lord. It

is a prayer which asks for all our physical and spiritual needs.


When the deacon says, "Bow your heads before the Lord," bow your head and accept the absolution from the priest of God,  according  to  the  authority  given  to  him  from  God  by the laying of the apostolic hand and the breath of the Holy Spirit.


The priest says three absolutions - two inaudibly while facing the east and standing in front of the altar and the third is said audibly  facing  the  west.  The  priest  asks  for  the  absolution and forgiveness for the believers, the servants of God, who are bowing their heads before His holy glory, bowing before His mighty, holy hand.


During these absolutions, think about your sins, asking God

to  forgive  them.  Think  about  your  weaknesses  and  request God to heal them. Pray inaudibly some prayers of repentance such as :


V  Psalm of Repentance - "Have mercy upon me, O God, according  to  Your  loving  kindness,  according  to  the multitude of Your tender mercies..."


V   The prayer of Manasseh the King, who implored to the Lord his God, humbled himself greatly before the God of his fathers who heard his supplication : "O Lord, God of our fathers, of Abraham and Issac and Jacob and their




righteous  posterity,  You  who  have  made  heaven  and earth with all their order, who has shackled the sea by Your  word  of  command,  has  confined  the  deep  and sealed its mouth with Your glorious name, at whom all things  shudder  and  tremble  before  Your  power,  for Your glorious splendor cannot be borne, and the wrath of       Your             threat   to         sinners                   is          irresistible,                 yet immeasurable   and   unsearchable   is   Your   promised mercy,  for  You  are  the  Lord  Most  High,  of  great compassion,    long    suffering   and     merciful,   and righteous altogether, who sorrows for my evil. You, O Lord, according to Your great goodness has promised repentance  and  forgiveness  to  those  who  have  sinned against  You,  and  in  multitude  of  Your  mercies.  You have  appointed  repentance  for  sinners,  that  they  may be saved. Therefore, You O Lord, God of the righteous has  not  appointed  repentance  for  the  righteous,  for Abraham and Issac and Jacob, who did not sin against You, but You have appointed repentance for me, who am a sinner. For the sins I have committed are more than  the  sands  of  the  sea;  my  transgressions  are  too many  O  Lord  they  are  multiplied!  I  am  unworthy  to look   up   to   the   heights   of   heaven   because   of   the multitude  of  my  iniquities.  I  am  weighed  down  with many  an  iron  felter,  so  that  I  am  rejected  because  of my sins, and I have no relief, for I have provoked Your wrath and have done what is evil in Your sight. Setting up  abominations  and  multiple  offences.  And  now  I bend  the  knee  for  Your  kindness.  I  have  sinned  O Lord, I have sinned, and I know my transgressions. I earnestly beseech You, forgive me, O Lord, forgive me. Do  not  destroy  me  with  my  transgressions.  Do  not  be angry  with  me  forever  or  remember  my  iniquities,  do not  condemn  me  to  the  depths  of  earth,  for  You,  O



Lord, are the God of those who repent, and in me You will declare Your goodness; for unworthy as I am, You will save me in Your great mercy, and I will praise You continually all the days of my life.”


V   A  prayer  of  repentance  from  the  Agbia  -  “My  Lord God  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ,  treasure  of  mercy  and spring of salvation, I come to You confessing my sins. I confess  that,  insolently,  I  dared  to  defile  Your  Holy Sanctuary  with  my  sins.  Now  I  seek  Your  mercy  and love,  for  Your  mercies  sake.”  During  the  prayer,  we must contemplate on the following :


·        The  prayer  for  the  departed  is  said  during  the  evening incense (specifically at sunset) to remind us that we shall join the departed, so we need to be ready for that day;


·        To ask the departed to pray for us that God will help us complete our earthly struggle peacefully;


·        To  remember  the  resurrection  as  when  the  priest  says,

"Raise up their bodies also, on the day which you have appointed, according to Your true promises, which are without lie." We believe that the resurrection will come for  us,  as  God  will  appear  to  recompense  each  one according to their deeds.


After  completing  the  litany,  the  priest  proceeds  around  the altar once, then proceeds around the church, raising incense towards the gospels, icons, tabernacle and congregation.


The  priest  places  his  cross  on  each  person  blessing  them saying, ''The blessing of the incense be with us. Amen.''






Meanwhile,  the  congregation  must  pray  a  true  repentance

saying,  "I  ask  You  my  Master  Jesus  Christ  to  forgive  my sins, which I have committed knowingly and unknowingly."


The priest once again raises the incense at the altar praying inaudibly  for  our  repentance  saying,  "O  God  who  accepted the confession of the thief on the cross..."


Solomon  prayed  a  similar  prayer  for  his  people  saying,

"...And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment..." (Hebrews 9: 27).


You  ought  to  know  that  only  the  repentants  who  deserve forgiveness, benefit from these absolutions, and it resembles the prayers of the Lord Jesus on the Cross, when He prayed for  the  forgiveness  of  those  who  were  crucifying  Him  :

"Father,  forgive  them  for  they  know  not  what  they  do"

(Matthew  23:34).  Very  few  benefit  from  this  prayer  or absolution,  like  St.  Longinus  who  repented  and  believed  in Christ and was a great martyr.


Sing with the Church at the end of the service hymns, which are usually in the Coptic language, and have great meaning :

"Amen. Alleluia. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy  Spirit,  now  and  forever,  and  to  the  ages  of  ages, Amen."  We  proclaim  and  ask  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ  to bless the waters of the river (this statement varies according

to seasons and Church celebrations). May Your mercy and Your  peace  be  a  fortress  unto  Your  people,  save  us  and have  mercy  on  us.      Lord  have  mercy,  Lord  have  mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless us, Amen. Bless me. We offer






unto You a ‘metania’ (repentance). Forgive me. Then say the blessing.


Go  towards  the  priest,  and  kiss  the  Cross  and  gospel  he  is holding, then his hand.


V   Kiss  the  Cross  as  a  sign  of  your  love  to  the  Cross  and renewal  of  your  covenant  with  the  Crucified  Lord  who forgave  your  sins  (by  the  absolution  read  by  the  priest) through the worthiness of His blood shed on the Cross;


V   Kiss the Gospel as a sign of submission to the Gospel of

God, promising to fulfill His Commandments;


V   Kiss the hand of the priest as a sign of your respect and sanctification  of  the  priesthood  of  God  and  the  divine Sacraments held by the hand of the priest, also as a sign of your submission and love to the priest as your spiritual father  who  watches  your  salvation  as  he  is  the  visible means  of  getting  this  great  grace  of  forgiveness  of  sins through  the  authority  given  to  him  from  God  and  the absolution he reads for the repentants.


The priest then holds the Cross with his right hand and the Gospel in his left hand, lifts it above his head for blessing and says, "May God have compassion on us..."


During the blessing, bow your heads to accept the blessing in humility and      need.   At                 the    end,     proclaim with   the congregation,  "Amen,  ese-shobi,"  meaning  "Amen,  let  it be",  acknowledging  all  the  priest  blessings  for  you  and others  through  the  intercessions  and  prayers  of  the  saints,






then   pray   with   the   congregation   the   "Our   Father..."





The Release


When the priest releases the congregation, proceed towards the  sanctuary,  bow  and  kiss  the  veil  of  the  temple,  before going in peace.


If you have an appointment for confession, take a corner in church,  until  the  priest  is  ready,  then  proceed,  taking  your turn for the mystery of repentance, which is one of the Seven Sacraments of the church.




































One  of  the  most  important  individual  roles  of  a  priest,  is  the confession session with his congregation, through which he can get into contact with each individual privately.


Confession is the true Christian discipleship, which qualifies the believer  to  all  the  spiritual  graces,  supporting  them  in  all  their spiritual  growth.  One  of  these  spiritual  graces  is  the  Holy Communion.


When our Lord Jesus Christ instituted the Lordly supper in the upper room in Zion, He only gave the Holy Communion to His disciples.   Likewise,   no   one   should   partake   of   the   Holy Communion except those who are disciples of Christ, and who have  a  confession  father,  for  through  him  we  learn  spiritual practices and Christian virtues.


When the priest starts the confession session, take your turn and wait.


While waiting, keep yourself busy with some spiritual readings, so that you might keep your mind free of any evil thoughts, or the temptations of the devil, who at that particular moment will try  his  utmost  to  prevent  you  from  confessing,  and  hence consequently prevent you from receiving the Holy Communion.


When  it  is  your  turn,  approach  in  reverence,  kissing  the  cross and  the  priest’s  hand.  You  should  be  ready  for  confession, keeping in mind, or on a piece of paper, the sins you are going

to confess, as well as the questions you want to ask.





Confess your sins in detail, and do not hide anything, regardless

of how embarrassing the sins may be. Remember the Apostle’s words:  “If  we  confess  our  sins,  He  is  faithful  and  just  to forgive    us        our      sins,               and  to      cleanse         us   from        our unrighteousness”  (1  John  1:9).  Do  not  condemn  others,  or circumstances  around  you,  or  justify  yourself,  for  “If  we  say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us” (1 John 1:10).


Confess all your sins, as the Prophet says, “Pour out your heart like  water  before  the  face  of  the  Lord”  (Lamentations  2:19). The Prophet used the metaphor of “water specifically, because water  never  leaves  any  traces  or  marks  in  the  cup  after  it  is poured  out.  Likewise,  when  your  confession  is  complete  and honest, it will never leave any stains inside of your heart.


You  should  know  that  you  are  confessing  before  God,  not before a human being, because the Holy Spirit is present at that moment to listen and grant forgiveness.


The  priest  is  like  a  spiritual  doctor,  who  will  help  cure  you  of your   sins   and   weaknesses   by   giving   you   advice   to   your problems, for as the Apostle said: “Confess your trespasses to one  another  and  pray  for  one  another,  that  you  may  be healed” (James 5:16).


The same way that a patient never hides any illness from their doctor, so that the doctor can give the appropriate medication, we must be even more honest with our priest in describing our spiritual illnesses, so that he can help us in our spiritual life and growth.







Remember  King  Solomon’s  words:  “He  who  covers  his  sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses and forsakes them will have mercy” (Proverbs 28:13).


Repentance  is  a  second  baptism.  St  Athanasius  the  Apostolic says, “As a baptised person is enlightened with the grace of the Holy  Spirit,  so  also  he  who  confesses  his  sins  through  the priest, receives remission of sins through the grace of Christ.”


After you finish confessing, kneel before the priest in reverence, pray one or so of the prayers mentioned before, such as Psalm

51, King Menassah’s prayer, or the prayer of Repentance in the

Agbia, then say the “Our Father…”


Repeat  these  prayers  in  contriteness,  humility  and  hope  in  the forgiveness  of  your  sins,  so  that  you  might  not  repeat  them again.


During this, the priest puts the holy cross on your head, praying the three absolutions, the blessing, then the “Our Father…”


V  In  the  first  absolution  he  asks  for  God’s  help,  support  and grace  be  upon  you,  in  order  to  give  you  the  strength  and power to crush Satan and his wicked tricks under your feet quickly.


V  In the second absolution, he asks God to grant you His divine grace and peace, which you lost because of your sins.


He also asks God to return you once more to His fear, so that you will choose the way of hoilness which is Christ, rather than the way of destruction which is with the evil one.






He asks God to grant you here on earth His divine riches, such

as the Holy Bible, the Holy Communion, and an inheritance in His eternal kingdom, as well as granting us earthly comfort, so that our good Lord may smell the sweet aroma of the incense of thanksgiving  arising  up  from  you,  and  being  presented  before His throne.


Finally,  he  asks  God  to  bestow  on  you  the  various  spiritual virtues, so that you, together with the priest, might deserve the Kingdom of Heaven.


V  In the third absolution, he asks for many gifts and blessings for you:


·     That God may grant you His rich mercy


·     That  God  may  cut  all  the  bondages  of  sins,  so  that  Christ might free you, “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed” (John 8:36). When you feel the grace and freedom of Christ, you can say with the Psalmist, “You have loosened my bonds, I will offer to You the sacrifice of thanksgiving,  and  will  call  upon  the  name  of  the  Lord.  I will  pay  my  vows  to  the  Lord,  now  in  the  presence  of  all His people, in the court’s of the Lord’s house, in the midst of you O Jerusalem” (Psalm 116:16-19).


·     He asks for the absolution and forgiveness of all the sins you have  committed,  saying,  “If  we  have  committed  any  sin against   You,   whether   knowingly   or   unknowingly,   or through anguish of heart, in deeds or words, O Master who knows the weakness of men, grant us forgiveness, purify us and absolve us.”   Here, the priest asks for the grace of the






forgiveness of sin, absolution, blessing and purity, as effective remedies for the wounds of sin.


·     Then  he  asks  for  permanent  protection  for  us  from  falling into sin once more, this protection is the fear of God, as He says, “Fill us with Your fear.”


·     He asks that your journey in the world be towards God, and not towards the world and its lusts, so he says, “Direct us to Your good will.”


·     Stand   up,   my   repentant   one,   after   bowing,   feeling   the greatness  of  the  gift  of  forgiveness,  kiss  the  cross  and  the priest’s  hand,  depart  from  this  divine  meeting  amidst  the praising of the heavenly hosts, and the rejoicing of the saints.


·     Go  to  your  house  in  peace,  thanking  the  Lord  for  His numerous graces and mercies bestowed on you.


You might repeat the following Psalm 124:


“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,” Let Israel now say “If it had not been the Lord who was on your side, when men rose up against us, then they would have swolled us  alive  when  their  wrath  was  kindled  against  us;  then  the waters  would  have  overwhelmed  us,  the  stream  would  have gone over our soul, then the swollen waters would have gone over our soul.  Blessed be the Lord who has not given us prey

to  their  teeth,  but  our  soul  has  escaped  as  a  bird  from  the snare  of  fowlers.  The  snare  is  broken  and  we  have  escaped. Our  help  is  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  who  name  heaven  and earth.”






Upon arriving at your house, pray your usual daily prayers, have

a  light  supper,  and  prepare  yourself  for  the  Holy  Communion the next day.


Sleep early, so that you might be able to wake up early the next morning, and go to church, according to His precious promise:

“I love those who love Me, and those who seek Me diligently will  find  Me,  riches  and  honour  are  with  Me”  (Proverbs



God loves those who get up early to meet Him, and pray with Him,  remembering  His  words  to  Moses  the  Prophet:  “So  be ready in the morning, and come up in the morning to Mount Sinai,  and  present  yourself  to  Me  there  on  the  top  of  the mountain…Then Moses rose early in the morning, and went up to Mount Sinai as the Lord had commanded him (Exodus





Notes on the Mystery of Confession:


Some   people   are   used   to   confessing   during   the   Liturgy’s readings,  but  this,  however,  is  inappropriate  because  of  the shortness  of  time,  especially  if  the  priest  is  serving  alone.  In addition, this does not give enough chance for you to confess all your  sins,  nor  give  the  priest  enough  time  to  give  you  the appropriate spiritual practices or advices.


What is more dangerous is that some people do not confess at all, but still proceed to the Holy Communion, asking only that the  priest  give  them  the  absolution.  With  great  sorrow,  some priests  approve  of  giving  the  absolution,  without  asking  these






people  whether  they  have  confessed  or  not.  These  people  are adding to their sins, which will lead to a horrible judgement.


Now  I  wonder What  is  the  use  of  the  absolution  without confession?  Is  it  a  magical  prescription  to  forgive  unconfessed sins?


Also, there is another strange attitude amongst members of our churches, and that is, people who have already confessed, come early to church, and still ask for absolution Why? I hope that the priests might correct this common mistake.


You should know, my beloved, that if you go to church after the Gospel reading, you cannot have Holy Communion, as is taught by  the  church  rites.  If  you  come  between  the  readings  of  the Matin  Absolution  and  the  Absolution  of  Servants,  and  the reading  of  the  Gospel,  do  not  ask  for  an  individual  absolution for the following reasons:


i.          You have already confessed, and are ready because the priest has previously prayed the absolution for you;


ii.        The  priest  shall  pray  general  absolutions  for  everyone after  the  Fraction  Prayers.  So,  because  you  will  not  be present and you will offer true repentance with the whole church, you are not in need for individual absolution.



















Some   churches   practice   midnight   prayers   and   'Tasbeha'

(praise) during its normal ritual time, that is, at dawn on the day of the Holy Mass. The Midnight Prayers are followed by the Matins and the Divine Liturgy.


Some churches have the Midnight Prayer and Tasbeha after Vespers,  and  conclude  about  11pm  when  the  congregation go  home.  They  then  return  early  the  following  morning  to pray the First Hour of the Agbia.


In many cases a person can organise their time to attend the

Midnight Prayer and Tasbeha.


Your  attendance  during  the  Midnight  Prayer  -  whether  at night  or  at  dawn  -  is  of  great  spiritual  benefit  and  gives preparation  (psychological,  mental  and  spiritual)  to  attend the Mass and receive the Holy Communion. If you miss any of the services in preparation for the Mass, there might be a lack in the expected spiritual benefit of the Mass.




1.       Midnight Prayers


Its  aim  is  to  meditate  on  the  divine  teachings  and  heavenly laws that lead a person to repentance and preparation for the day of Judgment.









The  three  services  in  this  prayer  represent  the  three  times that  Jesus  prayed  in  the  garden  of  Gethsemane  (Matthew



V   The First Service - Psalm 119 speaks entirely about the word of God; the laws, testimonies, commandments and statutes. This psalm advises us to take care and keep the commandments of God and practice them in order to live as God wants us to.


We  find  a  young  man  cleansing  his  way  by  taking  heed  of God's word which, “I have hidden in my heart, that I may not sin against You.”


The  Gospel  of  the  ten  virgins  advises  the  believers  to  be vigilant   in   order   to   be   prepared   to   receive   the   true bridegroom  Jesus  Christ,  who  will  lead  us  to  repentance, purity  and,  “holiness,  without  which  no  one  will  see  the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).


V   The Second Service - The psalms of the Sunset Prayer are read with the exception of the first two. They call us to repentance.


The Gospel is about the sinful woman who loved Jesus much and struggled with tears, humility and love until her sins were forgiven.


The Psalms and the Gospel speak of repentance which is the aim  of  every  believer.  We  should  try  to  be  like  the  sinful woman  in  her  complete  repentance.  “Resist  to  bloodshed, striving against sin” (Hebrews 12:4).






The church teaches us in the Troparia to ask of God to make us worthy to be like this repentant woman, and like her, hear the words: “Your sins are forgiven. Go in peace.”


By  repentance,  the  believer  becomes  prepared  to  see  the Lord Jesus Christ on the day of Judgment and live with the Lord in His eternal kingdom.


V   The Third Service - The Psalms of the Twelfth Hour are read. These Psalms are ones of praise and rejoice, for the coming of the Lord is near, at which time He will reward His faithful servants.


In the Gospel our beloved Lord Jesus assures us saying, “Do not fear little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” But He does not give the kingdom except   to   honest   servants   who   watch   their   Master’s possessions,  who  keep  His  commandments  and  guard  their salvation and the souls of the servants their companions. But the  servants  who  are  neglectful,  who  prefer  worldly  cares, eating, drinking and getting drunk, their Master will come on

a day they do not expect and will cut them off from His flock

and appoint their portion with the unbelievers and devils.


Thus  the  believer  ought  to  warn  himself  with  these  things, while praying the Troparia saying,  “Wake  up  my  soul  and be   careful,   your   judgment   is   present   -   consider   the awesome time of judgment!”











2.       Midnight Tasbeha


Following  the  Midnight  Praise,  believers  start  the  Midnight Tasbeha.  I  advise  you,  my  beloved,  to  partake  in  these praises. Pray with all your heart, these beautiful Coptic tunes. When you learn the praises and partake in chanting them you will  find  them  to  be  a  source  of  great  and  overflowing spiritual comfort, and you will gain the saying: “Blessed are those who dwell in Your house, they will be praising You”

(Psalm  84:4).  Remember  the  Psalmist  saying:  “Those  who

seek Him will praise the Lord” (Psalm 22:26). If you seek the  Lord  and  yearn  for  a  loving  relationship  with  Him, partake  in  praising  and  glorifying  Him  and  rejoice  with  the Psalmist  saying,  “My  mouth  shall  praise  You  with  joyful lips” (Psalm 63:5).


Midnight Tasbeha during all the days of the year is composed of :-


1. “TEN-THENO : the same as what is said after Psalm 50

in  the  Midnight  Prayer.  In  the  Tasbeha  it  is  said  in  Coptic tunes with special verses. The church urges us to awake from idleness and praise the Lord of Hosts and ask Him to accept us and forgive us our sins.


2.  The  FIRST  HOAS  :  is  the  song  of  Moses  the  prophet which he sang with the Israelites after crossing the Red Sea

(Exodus 15). As Moses saved the Jews from the bondage of Pharaoh, the Lord Jesus saved us from the dominion of Satan and  the  tempestuousness  of  the  world.  Therefore  we  ought

to praise Him at all times.







3.  The  SECOND HOAS :  is  Psalm  135,  with  the  chorus:

“Thank  the  Lord  for  the  Lord  is  good  and  His  mercy endures forever.”   This is repeated at the end of every verse of the Hoas. The Hoas is a thanksgiving praise by the church

to God for His goodness and His everlasting mercy.


4.   The THIRD HOAS : is the song of the three young men in the fiery furnace. The church sings this hymn as if to lead the whole creation, earthly and heavenly to praise and glorify God. There are two chorus in the Third Hoas



·     ‘More  blessed  and  more  exalted  forever’  repeated  six times;

·     ‘Praise Him and exalt Him forever’  repeated  34  times. Total  is  40,  which  is  a  perfect  number,  symbolising  the perfect praise offered by the church to her God.


5.   CONGREGATION   OF   SAINTS   :   The   struggling church here on earth asks for the intercessions and prayers of the  victorious  church  together  with  all  her  saints:  St  Mary the mother of God, then the angels, the patriarchs, prophets, apostles, martyrs and saints. Doxologies are then said in the same manner of commemoration to glorify the saints and ask for their prayers.


6.  The  FORTH  HOAS  :  is  comprised  of  the  last  three psalms   :   148,   149,   150.   It   resembles   the   Third   Hoas regarding  the  leadership  of  the  church  and  the  whole  of creation praising and glorifying God.


7. EPSALIA : every day of the week has a special Epsalia which  serves  and  glorifies  the  name  of  our  Lord.  It  has  a




fixed  response  at  its  beginnings  and  its  end  so  that  the congregation  may  respond  easily.  For  the  various  church seasons, such as the fasts, the Lordly Feasts, feasts of saints, etc, there are specific Epsalias to serve the occasion.


8. THEOTOKIA : these are seven. There is a Theotokia for every  day  of  the  week.  It  is  a  special  glorification  for  St Mary the mother of God, glorifying the mystery of the divine incarnation  and  the  miraculous  virgin  birth.  It  also  includes symbols and prophecies about St Mary, her pregnancy, and her giving birth to the incarnated God for our salvation. The word  'Theotokia'  comes  from  the  Greek  word  'Theotokos', meaning  the  Mother  of  God.  Every  Theotokia  concludes with its unique part, expressing the meaning of the words.


9.   DEPHNAR   :   resembles   the   Sinaxarium   in   that   it commemorates feast days of saints with praises for them.


10.  CONCLUSION  :  concludes  the  wonderful  Midnight Tasbeha.  The  ‘ADAM is  the  tune  chanted  on  Sundays, Mondays  and  Tuesdays.  ‘WATOS is  the  tune  chanted  on Wednesdays,  Thursdays,  Fridays  and  Saturdays.  'Adam'  is the first word in the Monday praise. The ‘ADAM tunes are reviving  and  uplifting,  reflecting  what  Sunday  expresses  in our church - the victory of resurrection, and Monday which signifies  renewal.  The  word  ‘WATOS is  the  first  word  in Thursday’s Tasbeha. The Watos tunes are more solemn than the  Adam  tunes,  and  hence  reflects  the  days  its  expresses  : Wednesday  was  the  day  in  which  Judas  plotted  against Christ. Thursday was the day when the Lord was delivered into  their  hands.  Friday  was  the  day  of  crucifixion,  and Saturday was the day Christ’s body lay in the tomb.






11.  THE  CREED  :  followed  by  Amen,  Lord  have  mercy, with its wonderful humble tune.


12. The priest prays the Midnight Absolution audibly while the  congregation  listens  carefully  to  this  beautiful  prayer which pleads for everything and everyone.















































This  begins  with  the  morning  service  which  is  instituted  to commemorate the hour at which our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead on Sunday morning. We thank the Lord who let us pass the night in peace and kept us safe until morning. The church teaches us to pray persistently and fervently, and this is evident when we begin our prayer by saying:


O Come , let us worship,

O Come, let us ask Christ our God (we are requesting)

O Come, let us worship,

O  Come,  let  us  ask  Christ  our  King  (our  request  becomes stronger)

O Come, let us worship,

O Come, let us implore Christ our Saviour (imploring Christ means we are pleading to Him for help)


This is according to the teachings of our good Saviour, when He said; "Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks  receives,  and  he  who  seeks  finds,  and  to  him  who knocks it will be opened" (Matthew 7:7,8).


One  of  the  saints  said,  "I  have  a  habit  of  collecting  my thoughts  and  calling  them  to  prayer  saying,  let  us  worship Him, let us kneel down before Christ our God."


In  this  prayer,  the  Church  draws  a  plan  for  us  to  follow throughout the struggles of the day. Its aim is to guide our thoughts  to  the  fourth  chapter  of  the  Epistle  of  St.  Paul  to






the  Ephesians,  so  that  we  may  meditate  on  his  words  and apply them to our duties and relations during the day...


"I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to have

a  walk  worthy  of  the  calling  with  which  you  were  called, with  all  lowliness  and  gentleness,  with  long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit just as you were called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism."


As  we  recite  this  prayer  in  the  early  morning,  we  read  the Gospel   of   St.   John,   chapter   1,   which   says,   "In   the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." At this time, the sun begins to rise and when  it  appears,  it  reminds  us  of  God  our  True  Light  who gives light to every man who comes into the world. This is what  we  say  in  the  first  contemplative  Troparia  of  the Morning  Prayer.  In  the  second  Troparia,  we  ask  God  to enlighten our senses and thoughts by saying :


"When the morning hour approaches, O Christ our God, the  True  Light,  let  the  senses  and  thoughts  of  the  light shine upon us, and let us not be covered by darkness." In the  third  Troparia,  we  glorify  the  Virgin  Mother  of  True Light   coming   to   the   world,   by   saying:   "You   are   the honourable  Mother  of  the  light.  Everywhere  under  the sun, people offer you glorification, the Mother of God, the second heaven."


After completing the Morning Prayer, the congregation pray the  morning  Doxology.  This  is  a  wonderful  prayer,  rich  in meaning. We sing it with joyful hearts and we may liken it to




a brilliant piece of symphony. Its rich meaning compliments the  Morning  Prayer.  We  say  two  complete  Troparia  from those of the Morning Prayer and we also pray the following :

"Have mercy upon us according to Your will forever. The night had passed away, we thank You O Lord and ask You to keep us this day without sin and deliver us."


V   In this dawn, facilitate our inner and outer ways by Your joyful protection.


V   By  your  peace,  O  Christ  Our  God,  You  passed  us through the night and brought us to the beginning of this day because we trusted You.


V   What  is  good  and  what  is  beautiful  except  brothers dwelling together in unity.


V   Agreed in true evangelical love like the Apostles.


V   Like  the  precious  oil  on  the  Head  of  Christ,  running down  on  the  beard,  running  down  on  the  edge  of  His garments and feet.


V   Those  whom  the  Holy  Spirit  united  together,  like  a violin, praising God at all times.


Why don't you meditate on all these meanings, my beloved, while you pray the Morning Prayer, and sing the wonderful morning  Doxology  which  lifts  you  spiritually  up  to  the heavens.


After  completing  the  morning  Doxology,  the  priest  begins the  raising  of  the  morning  incense,  which  resembles  the evening incense, except for minor differences, for example :





In  the  evening  incense,  the  priest  prays  the  litany  for  the

departed,  while  in  the  morning  incense  of  Matins,  he  prays two litanies:


i. Litany for the sick - According to St. John Chrysostom, the  church  is  considered  like  a  hospital,  and  usually  it  is  in the  morning  when  the  hospital  opens  its  doors  to  welcome the sick and heal them.   During the litany for the sick, pray for  anyone  you  know  who  may  be  sick,  whether  they  are relatives,  friends  or  neighbours.  Remember  them  by  name and ask for them to be relieved of their sickness. Then pray with the congregation in the response,  "Lord  have  mercy" fervently  and  with  humility  so  that  God  may  accept  your prayers for those you have mentioned and will have mercy on them and heal them.


ii. Litany for the travellers - this is said in the morning, for

in the past, people travelled during the daytime for reasons of good visibility and less risk of encountering criminals along the  way.  Of  course  that  was  well  before  travel  became possible  during  night  time.  King  David  the  psalmist  said,

"When the sun rises man goes out to his work and to his labour until evening" (Psalm 104:22,23).


While  reciting  the  litany  for  travellers,  remember  not  only those you know who are travelling, but also those who may have  migrated  to  a  foreign  country.  Ask  the  Lord  to  keep them safe and accompany them throughout their journeys, so that  they  may  return  to  their  homes  joyful  and  safe.  Then pray  with  the  congregation  in  the  response,  "Lord  have mercy."






On   Sundays   and   feast   days,   we   replace   the   litany   for travellers  with  the  litany  for  the  oblations,  as  the  church assumes that during these days, all of its children attend the church for prayer and celebration bringing their oblations and offerings.  The  church  lifts  up  these  oblations,  offerings  and prayers to God so that He may accept them and reward each person  with  the  heavenly  instead  of  the  earthly,  and  the eternal instead of the temporal.


While reciting the prayer for the oblations, we plead with the Lord  to  accept  all  our  offerings,  whether  they  be  money, time, effort, love, or anything we may sacrifice for the sake of  God,  "hidden  or  manifest,  those  in  abundance  and those in scarcity, to the needy brothers of Christ. May God accept  their  offerings  and  bestow  on  them  the  grace  of happy life in this age, and eternal life in His Kingdom.”


Then the morning incense prayer follows in the manner of the evening  incense  in  the  prayer  of  EVNOT-NAI-NAN  (God have  mercy  upon  us).  This  is  followed  by  the  litany  of  the Gospel, the five short litanies, the absolution and finally, the blessing.


My beloved, attend the prayers of the Matins with reverence, following every prayer and litany with your Liturgy book, as you did during the Vespers.


May God open our minds and our hearts to contemplate on what the Spirit says to the churches.












2   The Offertory












Donning the Service Vestments :


The liturgy of catechumens begins with the priest blessing his vestments  and  the  vestments  of  the  deacons.  This  is  done three times with the sign of the cross. Then the priest and the deacons start donning their beautiful white vestments which symbolise purity of the heart and life. During this process, all pray Psalm 29,   I  will  praise  you,  O  Lord....”  and  Psalm

92, The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty....”.


The   above   mentioned   Psalms   embraces   many   befitting statements for donning priestly vestments and preparation for ministering to the divine Sacraments. For example, in Psalm

29, it is written:-


V   “I  will  praise  you,  O  Lord,  for  You  have  lifted  me up... As  this  is  said,  all  the  servants  are  thanking  the Lord   before   entering   His   Holies   and   serving   His Sacraments, thanking the Lord for making him worthy to serve Him, despite his unworthiness. Thus, he is praising, glorifying and blessing the name of the Lord.


V   “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.         This                     Psalm speaks  about     weeping               for repentance and remorse for all sins and confessing them before  the  priest  of  God  the  night  before,  so  as  to  be prepared for Holy Communion. In the morning, all enter the Sanctuary in joy as the Psalmist says, "Then I will go




onto the altar of God, onto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon  the  harp  will  I  praise  You,  O  God  my  God"

(Psalm 43:4).   The servants respond You have turned for  me  my  mourning  into  joy;  You  have  put  off  my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness, to the end that my glory may sing praise to You and not be silent.”


If the believer repents to God in humility and with a contrite spirit,  God  will  turn  their  mourning  into  tears  of  joy  and happiness, for the salvation which Christ has given us from the  bondage  of  sin  and  evil.     The  Lord  will  take  off  the sackcloth  of  sorrow  and  cloth  him  with  the  purified  white vestments  of  priesthood  to  serve  the  Lord  in  the  temple  of Holiness. Thus, he sings with joy because he has proven he has   resisted   sin   and   therefore   can   receive   the   Holy Communion  in  order  to  protect  himself  from  Satanic  wars. During  this,  Psalm  23  is  prayed:   "You  prepare  a  table before me in the presence of mine enemies: You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over."


V   In Psalm 92, the Psalmist says: "The Lord reigns, He is clothed with     majesty;               the     Lord         is      clothed     with strength..."   When the priest or deacons wear the white vestments  for  service,  they  confess  that  the  Lord  is clothed with majesty and girded with power; hence He is the king of the whole earth. And the deacons and priests are like the servant angels who appeared at the tomb of Christ. While wearing the white vestments to administer the  Sacraments  and  receive  Holy  Communion,  he  is girded with strength to win in his struggle, as promised in Revelation 3:5   "He that overcomes, the same shall be clothed in white garments; and I will not  blot  out  his name out of the book of life..."






All altar servants, whether priests or deacons wear the white

vestments  to  resemble  the  angels  in  the  way  they  look  and praise,  and  thus  they  convert  the  earth  to  heaven  and  the Church  to  the  heavenly  Jerusalem  ,  "Strength  and  beauty are  in  His  sanctuary."  Psalm  96  in  the  Third  Hour  prayer says,  "Whenever  we  stand  in  Your  holy  temple,  we  are considered as those who abide in heaven”.   In the church, prayers  are  said,  the  Holy  Spirit  dwells  on  the  Sacraments, and the church is filled with heavenly bright angels as truly this is the house of God and should be adorned in Holiness forever.


V   Dear  brother,  if  you  are  a  deacon,  do  not  bury  this  gift and  leave  this  holy  ministry.  Prepare  yourself  with  the appropriate clothing, bring it with you when you come to church for service, come forward reverently to the priest, so  he  can  bless  the  vestments.  Then  wear  the  purified vestment and read the two Psalms contemplating on their meaning.  It  is  important  to  note  that  a  deacon  is  not permitted  to  wear  his  vestment  without  a  blessing  from the   priest,   as   the   blessing   of   the   vestments   by   the celebrant priest has two meanings :


·     Blessing  the  vestments  and  sanctifying  them  by  prayers with  the  sign  of  the  cross,  thus  the  priest  blesses  the servant;


·     The priest is giving his permission for the deacon to serve and have Holy Communion.









In the past, one deacon asked the saintly Father Barsonofius

(Sixth Century saint),  "Father,  as  you  are  ordaining  me  to serve  around  the  holy  altar,  tell  me  what  to  think  about while  standing  in  front  of  God  and  helping  serve  with  the priest,  especially  if  I  am  holding  the  Holy  Chalice?  And should I have a specific garment for the altar service?"


The Saint answered, "My son, these are spiritual matters as the  deacon  must  be  like  the  Cherubim,  all  eyes  and  mind thinking about heavenly matters. This should be done in awe and  fear  praising  God  while  carrying  the  blood  of  the eternal  King.  He  is  like  the  Cherubim  who  proclaims  the TASBEHA  guarding  the  fearful  sacrament  like  what  the angels do in heaven with their wings. Remember those wings signify  the  enlighting  of  the  mind  from  the  heavy  earthly matters  to  blissful  heavenly  matters,  crying  without  fatigue in his inner self,   proclaiming the TASBEHA of victory for the majestic glory of God, praying reverently saying: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, Heaven and Earth are full of your Holy Glory."


From the voice of this awesome preaching, the devil falls and escapes  in  fear  from  the  mention  of  God’s  name,  his  hosts also escape shamefully and the soul becomes free from their dominion.  Thus,  then  the  soul  can  recognise  the  TRUE LIGHT and know Gods beauty and splendour. It then yearns

to be filled with His Holy Body and Blood to enjoy the voice of  David  the  prophet  :  "Taste  and  see  that  the  Lord  is good." Then the soul rejoices and glorifies the Lord, as one has  become  purified  by  the  precious  Body  and  Blood  of Christ, which protects the soul from all pain and anguish.


Thus, when you stand to serve the Holy Sacraments, or are carrying the holy censor, or are folding the altar garments, or



organising the altar and its coverings, or if you accompany a priest who carries the Holy Obligation to a sick person, as a deacon,  you  should  always  be  in  awe  and  always  keep  in your mind and thoughts constantly that you are a Cherubim who is consecrated for the service.


As  for  the  garment,  obtain  for  yourself  a  spiritual  garment with  which  you  can  please  God.  About  being  a  deacon  the church says, "Now after being a deacon, which is of a higher rank   than   that   of   Leviticus,   who   served   the   vanishing sacraments, you are serving in the rank of St Stephen, in the holy altar on which the pure Body and sacred Blood of our beloved Saviour is placed."






Once   completing   the   donning   of   the   vestments   for   the Liturgy  service,  the  prayer  of  the  Canonical  hours  are  said from the Agbia.


i. Each Sunday throughout the year that falls on non-fasting days, the third and sixth hour prayers are said.


ii. During the weekdays of all other fasts, the third, sixth and ninth hour prayers are said.


The following, is a contemplation on the meaning of the third and sixth hour prayers, as we previously contemplated on the ninth hour prayer in the Vespers.


Saint Paul, said to his children of the church in Galatia, "My little children, of whom I labour in birth again until Christ




is formed in you"  (Galatians 4:19). This means, I sacrifice for  you  by  teaching  you  the  word  of  life  and  salvation, placing the image of Christ before you, always to remind you of the incidents of the Lord's life, from His birth, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. Reminding you of His words and teachings so that Christ might be formed in you and that your faith can become stronger in Christ. The church implements this with her children. This is reflected in the seven prayers in the Agbia, where the believer prays daily, contemplating and recalling Christ. Thus, Christ is formed and His image vivid

in their minds, incidents, daily sayings, etc. The teachings of

Christ are alive in their memory all day, every day. As written

in Revelation 22:4,   "And they shall see His face; and His name shall be on their foreheads."




The Third Hour Prayer


The church instituted these prayers for commemorating these incidents in the life of our Lord Jesus Christ:


V   The  condemnation  of  Jesus  Christ  before  Pilate  and  the sentence  of  His  crucifixion,  despite  the  witnessing  of Pilate regarding His innocence.   Jesus did not argue but was silent like a lamb taken to be slaughtered. Psalm 25 in  the  Third  Hour  prayer  says,  "Vindicate  me  O  Lord, for I have walked in my integrity. I have also trusted in the  Lord,  I  shall  not  slip.   Examine  me  O  Lord,  and prove me."


V   During the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ to heaven, the Psalmist says,  "Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His Holy place? He which




has clean hands, and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to an idol..."  (Psalm 23). These are all the qualities  of  Christ  ascending  to  heaven,  standing  at  the right hand of God. In Psalm 24, King David says,   "Lift up  your  heads,  O  you  gates;  And  lift  them  up,  you everlasting doors; And the King of Glory shall come in. Who is the King of Glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King  of  glory."           This  verse  is  read  before  the  Gospel during the Resurrection Feast.


In  this  psalm,  a  multitude  of  heavenly  hosts  asks  another multitude to lift up the doors of heaven so the King of Glory may enter, who is ascending from the earth. The Lord strong and  mighty  in  battle,  has  fought  and  conquered  the  devil, freeing   all   the   imprisoned,   beginning   with   Adam,   and bringing them back to Paradise.


V   The Holy Spirit came down on the disciples. "The voice of the Lord is over the world. The voice of the Lord is full of majesty", and also "In His temple everyone says

'Glory'" (Psalm 28).


·     The Gospel of the Third Hour speaks about the promise of  the  Lord  of  Glory  to  send  His  Holy  Spirit  to  His disciples.  He  calls  Himself  the  TRUE  VINE  and  we  are the branches that grow in Him by the Holy Spirit which we receive in the Sacrament of Confirmation - the Myron. Through this, we bear more fruit.


·        In  the  contemplative  Troparia,  we  ask  the  Lord  not  to take  His  Holy  Spirit  away  from  us,  but  to  abide  within us.  We  ask  the  Holy  Spirit,  who  is  the  Comforter  to dwell within us, through the intercessions of the Mother




of Light St Mary, and the pure apostles, so that we may be purified from iniquity, and the Holy Spirit may give us peace.


·        In the Absolution, we thank the Lord God of all mercy and the Lord of all comfort, for raising us up for prayer

at  this  holy  hour  -  the  blessed  hour  in  which  the  Holy Spirit  descended  on  the  disciples  -  and  we  ask  Him  to bestow  on  us  the  grace  of  His  Holy  Spirit  to  purify  us from the iniquities of the body and soul.




Sixth Hour Prayer


The  church  has  instituted  this  prayer  to  commemorate  the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ, who suffered and died for  our  salvation.  We  find  in  the  psalms  of  the  sixth  hour verses expressing the sufferings endured by our beloved Lord Jesus Christ.


V   “Save  me  oh  God  by  Your  name...For  strangers  have risen up against me and oppressors have sought after my life" (Psalm 53)


V   "Whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue

a sharp sword" (Psalm 56)


V   The  cross  was  the  throne  for  the  Lord  of  Glory  who reigned, "The Lord reigns, He is clothed with majesty"

(Psalm 92)









V   "Bow  down  Your  ear,  Oh  Lord  and  hear  the day  of  my  trouble  I  will  call  upon  You,  for  You  will answer me" (Psalm 86)


·        The Gospel of the Sixth Hour is the start of the famous Sermon   on   the   Mount.   The   Lord   speaks   about   the blessings  which  shall  be  bestowed  on  all  who  share  in carrying His cross. For example :-


V   On the cross Jesus was in the depth of spiritual poverty, humility  and  humiliation,  and  so  through  these  virtues which  He  Himself  experienced,  expresses  His  words  :

"Blessed   are   the   poor   in   spirit,   for   theirs   is   the kingdom of heaven."


V   Christ  on  the  cross  was  in  the  depth  of  sorrow  :  "My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death" (Matthew

26:3),  and  hence  He  consoles  the  downcast  by  saying,

"Blessed   are   those   who   mourn   for   they   shall   be comforted."


V   Christ on the cross was very meek : "He was oppressed and  was  afflicted,  yet  He  opened  not  His  mouth.  He was  lead  as  a  lamb  to  the  slaughter,  and  as  a  sheep before  His  shearer  in  silence,  so  He  opened  not  His mouth"  (Isaiah  53:7).  The  Lord  wants  to  teach  us  the virtue of meekness and so says, "Blessed  are  the  meek for they shall inherit the earth."


V   Christ on the cross was hungry and thirsty - not for bread and water, but hungered for our salvation, so He called out,  "I  thirst"  (John  19:28).  And  so  He  blesses  those






saying,  "Blessed  are  those  who  hunger  and  thirst  for righteousness, for they shall be filled."


V   The crucifixion of Christ is the apex of Divine mercy for our falling mankind, for on the cross, "Mercy and truth have met together” (Psalm 84, a Sixth Hour psalm).


V   Out   of   mercy,   our   Lord   Jesus   Christ   preferred   our salvation to show the kindness of God the Father and His satisfaction  about  His  earthly  life,  so  it  is  mentioned  in the sixth hour Psalm, “Because Your loving kindness is better  than  life”  (Psalm  62).           He  sacrificed  His  life willingly,  so  that  we  might  enjoy  His  mercy.  For  this reason He blesses the merciful saying, "Blessed  are  the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."


V   Our beloved Lord and God Jesus Christ, whose heart is pure  and  void  of  all  evil,  this  purity  was  manifested  on the  cross  when  He  asked  His  Father  to  forgive  His oppressors  and  enemies  saying,  "Father  forgive  them for  they  do  not  know  what  they  are  doing"  (Matthew



V   Our  beloved  Lord  Jesus  encourages  us  to  live  a  life  of purity  in  order  to  become  holy  as  He  is  holy,  saying,

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God"

(Matthew 5:8). And in another place it is written, "How long will it be until they attain to innocence?" (Hosea



V   Our  beloved  Lord  established  peace  on  the  cross  and united the heavenly and the earthly, as the Apostle says,

"God  was  in  Christ  reconciling  the  world  to  Himself,




not   imputing   their   trespasses   to   them,   and   has committed   to   us   the   word   of   reconciliation"   (2

Corinthians 5:19).   "For  if  when  we  were  enemies  we were reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled we shall be saved by  His  life"  (Romans  5:11).  And  the  Apostle  Paul proclaims   in   joy   saying,   "Therefore,   having   been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord  Jesus  Christ"  (Romans  5:1).  Our  beloved  Lord Jesus wants us to become peace-makers as He reconciled us and made us His ambassadors: "Blessed are the peace makers for they shall be called sons of God" (Matthew



All  His  life,  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  endured  persecution, torture, false accusations and reproach in order to teach by example truth and righteousness. He then endured the torture of crucifixion; the beatings, lashings, false judgments, before violently subjecting Him to the words and most humiliating death of all - the death on the cross. In His love, Christ wants us  to  share  in  His  suffering:  "Blessed  are  those  who  are persecuted   for   righteousness   sake,   for   theirs   is   the kingdom of heaven." Then He consoles us saying, "Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and say all kinds  of  evil  against  you  falsely  for  My  name’s  sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven."


Then  in  his  letter,  the  Apostle  Paul  blesses  those  who  are persecuted for righteousness saying, "If you are reproached for  the  name  of  Christ,  blessed  are  you,  for  the  Spirit  of glory  and  of  God  rests  upon  you"  (1  Peter  4:14),  and,






"Because   Christ   also   suffered   for   us,   leaving   us   an example that you should follow His steps" (1 Peter 2:21).


By the cross He was the Light of the world, attracting all to Him as He said, "And I, being lifted up from the earth, will draw  all  people  to  Myself"  (John  12:32).  And  from  the cross  He  descended  to  Hades  and  saved  those  who  were sitting in the darkness and shadow of death, "Who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light" (1 Timothy

6:16). Despite this, He called us saying, "You are the light of   the   world"   (Matthew   5:14).                                Christ   ascended   the lighthouse  of  the  cross,  and  so  attracted  all  people  from darkness  to  His  light,  and  here  He  resembles  the  believer who puts the light on a lamp stand to give light to all who are in the house.


The  contemplations  of  the  Sixth  Hour  prayer  focus  on  our crucified Lord saying:

"Break the bonds of our sins Lord Jesus and save us"

"O  Lord  may  all  our  pains  be  ended  through  Your  life giving and healing sufferings. May our minds be saved from foolishness and worldly desires to the remembrance of Your heavenly laws."


This  is  a  very  deep  request!  Take  it  as  practice  if  evil thoughts                 attack   you,   or    any   foolish   desire   becomes burdensome  for  you.  Look  to  the  cross  and  Christ  and meditate  on  His  crucifixion  which  He  endured  for  us;  the crown  of  thorns  placed  on  His  holy  head,  His  blood  which ran  from  His  wounds,  and  His  side  which  was  pierced. Remember His wounds and proclaim to the Lord,  "End  my pains  by  Your  healing  and  life  giving  sufferings",  and  you






will immediately feel the love and help of the Lord, making you victorious.


In  the  TROPARIA  we  kneel  in  contriteness  and  humility asking for the forgiveness of our sins.


In the absolution we thank God for allowing us to stand in prayer   before   Him   at   the   time   of   commemorating   His crucifixion  for  our  sake,  and  we  ask  Him  to  give  us  an unblemished  life  of  peace  and  goodness  in  order  to  please His holy and glorified name forever. Amen.


Father Antonious Ragheb parallels the Canonical hours to a wedding  feast  by  saying,  "The  introduction  of  the  prayer  is the wedding garment that leads our thoughts and emotions to enjoy the delicacies of this feast. This garment is composed of a tunic, belt and shoes."


The tunic is the Lord’s prayers granted to us from the Lord of the feast who advised us to pray saying, "When you pray say 'Our father in heaven'". A tunic covering us from head

to  toe  covers  all  our  supplications  to  God,  ourselves  and

others   around   us,   a   complete   tunic   that   comforts   the righteous soul to wear it in peace and joy.


The belt, or girdle is the prayer of thanksgiving which must surround the Christian completely in all their prayers; giving thanks always for everything in the name of Christ. Through

it we declare God's favours to us in everything, and we deny ourselves and confess that all help and support comes from the Almighty God.


The  shoes  are  the  Psalm  of  repentance  (Psalm  51);  it  is  a psalm  of  humility  and  repentance,  asking  forgiveness  for



what has corrupted us in this world. We pray this Psalm  and ask the Lord to enable us to continue travelling through the wilderness of life without being hurt.


This  is  the  garment  of  the  heavenly  feast  with  which  the praying  faithful  enters  to  its  spiritual  delicacies  of  heavenly bread and pure water.


On  the  spiritual  table  are  many  delicious  spiritual  foods offered     by              David           the   Psalmist   in   his   beautiful   and contemplative psalms of praise, of thanksgiving and for help, and so on.


Do not just look at the spiritual banquet but also eat from it. Taste of its sweetness and enjoy it so that it may benefit your inner self.


We then find heavenly bread with which we end our spiritual meditation,  and  this  is  the  Gospel  which  is  appropriate  for the hour.


So if you enjoy the pleasures of the Old Testament, and the blessings of the New Testament, you will find in the banquet:


V   Pure Water : meditations suitable for the hour of prayer in the Troparia, so take from this pure water so that you may cool yourself. This banquet has a wonderful spiritual atmosphere.


V   Perfumes of holiness and of faith : we sing the songs of angels, and repeat the faith of the Fathers, during which the Christian person feels that they are sharing with the angels  and  the  saintly  fathers  in  their  praise.  When  you say  the  Creed,  put  in  your  heart  that  thousands  and



thousands of angels are glorifying the Lord of glory, and that  you  are  surrounded  with  a  "cloud  of  witnesses" who have existed throughout the ages. Holiness and faith are beautiful perfumes.


There  is  incense  in  the  feast:  prayers  which  ascend  in  a special order. Repeat "Lord have mercy" many times.   If we repeated  ‘Lord  have  mercy all  our  life,  it  would  not  be enough  to  ask  for  God’s  compassionate  mercy.  Let  its repetition be as spiritual incense, not a mere recitation. Ask mercy for yourself and others. Relay to God all matters that are  in  need  of  God’s  mercy.  Pray,  "Lord  have  mercy  upon me  and  save  me  from  my  evil  thoughts.  Lord  have  mercy upon  me  and  save  me  from  my  absent-mindedness.  Lord have  mercy  upon  me  and  save  me  from  tribulations.  Lord have  mercy  upon  me  and  upon  Your  church  and  save  her from   wolves.   Lord   have   mercy   upon   me   and   save   all children from the seductions of sin."


Hence, your prayers become as incense ascending to God.


You conclude the feast with your heart and mind becoming enlightened  by  the  beauty  of  your  garment.  Your  prayers which ascend to the heavens are the whispers of a heart that thanks, asks, loves, rejoices, repents and determines in truth.






V   Choosing  the  'LAMB'  presents  the  agreement  of  the Divine  Trinity to  the  hypostasis  of  the  'SON'.  This happened  to  redeem  the  falling  race  of  Adam.  Adam angered God by breaking His commandments to obey the deceit of Satan.






This  great  divine  work  which  the  Lord  did  for  us  proves

clearly how merciful God is to us. He,  "Did  not  spare  His

own Son, But delivered Him up for us all" (Romans 8:32).

And "For  God  so  loved  the  world  that  He  gave  His  only

begotten  Son,  that  whoever  believes  in  Him  shall  not

perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16).


During  the  offertory  the  congregation  chants  "Lord  Have Mercy" 41 times, fervently until the celebrant priest chooses the 'Lamb'.


The  congregation  does  this  to  perpetuate  the  Lord's  mercy and sacrificing love, as He had mercy on those who believed, and saved them from the original sin of their ancestor Adam.


The  congregation  asks  the  Lord  to  forgive  them  their  sins which they committed in human weakness, and to fulfil His love to mankind and make them worthy to enjoy the blessing of  redemption,  forgiveness  of  sins  and  inheritance  of  the kingdom of heaven with the saints.


V   My   beloved,   pray   "Lord   have   mercy"   during   the

OFFERTORY with persistence, asking the 'LAMB' who

is without blemish to purify you from every blemish, and

to make you worthy to partake of the sacraments and to

have eternal life.


V   After completing the "Choice of the 'LAMB'" the priest

'baptises' the 'LAMB' with some water. This is symbolic

of the Baptism of Christ. And then the priest recites the

names of those whom he wishes to mention, particularly

those on whose behalf the offering is raised; whether they

be  living,  departed,  sick  or  in  distress.  The  'LAMB'  of

God  takes  away  the  sins  of  the  world  to  deliver  them

from their troubles and pressures.







V   Come reverently my beloved, and give your name to the priest.  Ask  him  to  remember  you   in  his  prayers.  Write your name on a small piece of paper. Even the names of your dear ones who are in times of trouble, or who are sick,  distressed,  or  sitting  exams.  The  priest  will  place these  papers  on  the  altar,  and  will  ask  God  to  answer peoples  prayers  according  to  His  will.  We  often  hear from  the  priests,  about  the  power  of  the  prayer  of  the Mass and how miraculously fast problems are solved.


V   The priest holds the 'Lamb' wrapped in the silk corporal, above  his  head  while  standing  at  the  Royal  door  facing westward and says : "Glory and Honour, Honour and Glory  to  the  Holy  Trinity..."  You  should  then  kneel down with your head to the ground before the 'Lamb' of GOD until the 'Procession of the Lamb' is completed.


V   The priest starts the Mass by doing the three signs of the cross. Following this is the Prayer of Thanksgiving, and prior to this the priest blesses the congregation with the sign of the cross saying, "Peace be with you all."


You should bow in reverence at every sign of the cross, and make the sign of the cross on yourself until the peace of God

is bestowed upon you and sanctifies your body.


V   It   is   important   to   understand   that   the   more   you participate in the prayers, the more you will be praying in spirit, and therefore feelings of monotony will flee.


V   During the signs of the cross you should bow your head and   do   the   sign   of   the   cross,   when   they   mention thanksgiving you thank the Lord. Upon supplication you should lift your hands and earnestly supplicate God. On the  mention  of  repentance  you  should  beat  your  chest like the tax collector who remembered his sins.


V   After  the  procession  of  the  Lamb,  the  priest  says  the

Thanksgiving   Prayer   and   thanks   God   who   made   us



worthy of this grace and partakers of the inheritance of the saints. Services of the Holies are mentioned as well as the  Holy  Sacrament  of  Communion  which  the  angels yearn to see.


V   After completing the first part of the thanksgiving prayer, the deacon begins by saying "Let us Pray."


V   So my beloved, why don't you take this special invitation as  an  opportunity  for  prayer,  so  that  your  spirit  can communicate with God.


V   When  the  congregation  chants,  "Lord  have  Mercy", partake in this. Ask the Lord to have mercy on you and give  you  the  grace  of  prayer  in  Spirit  and  in  your relationship with God. Talk to the Lord with love and try to feel His existence in the church.


V   The  deacon  then  says  to  the  congregation  :  "Pray  that God  may  have  mercy  and  compassion  upon  us,  hear us, aid us, and accept the supplications and prayers of His  saints  on  our  behalf  at  all  times,  and  make  us worthy to partake of the Communion of His Holy and blessed Mysteries for the forgiveness of our sins."


The  congregation  responds  saying,  "Lord  Have  Mercy." During   the   response   of   the   deacon,   you   should   recite inaudibly:  "Have  mercy  and  compassion  on  us,  hear  us and  accept  Your  saintly  supplications  for  my  weakness. Give me true repentance Lord to go forward to partake of your  Holy           blessed              Sacraments,   without   falling   into condemnation,  and  without  committing  new  iniquities  to add  to  my  many  transgressions,  if  I  unworthily  receive communion.  Give  me  forgiveness  of  my  sins,  burn  my iniquities,  heal  my  physical  and  spiritual  pains,  for  the growth  of  my  spiritual  life.  Deepen  my  life  of  unity  with You."






Recite,     “Lord   have   mercy   "   with   the   congregation, collecting all your previous requests as the mercy of God is the key to His blessings and grace.


V   Concentrate with the priest as he completes the Prayer of Thanksgiving.  Share with him the request to God to give you His divine peace and holy fear to cast away all envy, all  temptation,  all  works  of  Satan,  all  intrigues  of  the wicked,                and   to    grant   you    the   endowments   and benefactions  to  enjoy  all  blessings,  to  keep  you  from tribulations which leads to destruction and being cast out of His Heavenly Kingdom.


V   After  completing  the  Prayer  of  Thanksgiving,  the  priest covers  the  'LAMB'  with  a  clean  corporal,  and  likewise the            Chalice,           then        covers      all      the         altar         with   the

'Prospherine'  (which  is  a  large  altar  covering),  then  he goes  out  of  the  sanctuary  with  the  deacons  to  pray  the Absolution of Ministers.


V   All  the  congregation  bow  to  accept  the  absolution  and forgiveness of sins. During the absolution, pray inaudibly prayers  of  repentance  which  were  previously  mentioned in the Evening Incense.


V   After completing the Absolution, the congregation gain a feeling   of   forgiveness   from   their   sins   for   which   a collective  repentance  was  given,  and  they  accept  this absolution from the priest.


V   The  priest  enters  the  sanctuary  to  start  the  raising  of incense.


V   When the priest comes out with the censor and proceeds to  raise  incense  toward  the  entire  congregation  to  bless them, repeat the prayer previously mentioned during the procession of the Evening Incense, "I ask you my Lord Jesus  Christ  to  forgive  my  sins  which  I  committed knowingly and unknowingly."





V   Repent  to  God  with  all  your  heart,  so  that  you  benefit

from  the  prayers  said  by  the  priest  as  he  is  offering

incense and blessing the congregation. This is called ‘The

Mystery of the Confession of the Congregation.’


V   This is repeated in the two processions of incense; during that of the Pauline Epistle and the PRAXIS (Acts of the Apostles).   Incense   is   not   raised   during   the   Catholic Epistle reading.


V   During  the  incense  processions,  the  congregation  chant some hymns, such as the hymn of Intercession. This is a chance      for     you,    my       beloved,          to              chant         with the congregation,  thus  you  will  not  be  a  passive  audience, but  an  active  participator. Just  because  you  are  not  a deacon  it  does  not  mean  you  are  not  a  servant.  You should realise this fact when you hear the priest saying in the  beginning  of  the  Absolution  of  Ministers  :  "Your servants   -   those   who   serve   you   on   this   day-   the hegumens,  priests,  the  deacons,  the  clergy,  the  whole congregation, and my weakness..."


You are a servant who partakes in the Mass, and so therefore you must perform your role during the service of the Mass honestly.


It is for your own good to respond with the prayers, for you will feel spiritually revived and feel the comfort of the Lord. In  this  way,  no  feelings  of  boredom  or  wandering  thoughts will be experienced.


















































3  Liturgy of the Word













READINGS      OF     THE     LITURGY      OF     THE



The liturgy of the catechumens include these readings:


V   Pauline Epistle - from Epistles of St. Paul


V   Catholic  Epistle  -  from  Epistles  of  St.  James,  Peter, John and St. Jude.


V   Praxis - a chapter from the Acts of the Apostles


V   Sinaxarium - including biography of saints of the day


V   Gospel of the liturgy - which is chosen from one of the four  Gospels  and  this  reading  is  the  focus  of  all  the readings said during the liturgy.


V   The sermon - relates to the Gospel reading




The Readings


i.  The  Pauline:  is  read  by  the  ‘Oghnostos (who  is  at  the beginning of the rank of deacons), and the readings are taken from  St.  Paul's  Epistles,  sent  to  specific  people  such  as Timothy, Titus or Philemon, or to specific churches, such as the Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, and others.


ii.  The   Catholicon:   is   read   by   a   senior   Oghnostos   or

‘Ebizeacon’,  because  it  is  taken  from  the  universal  epistles. So, St. James Epistles is sent to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad (James 1:1). Also, St. Peter's First Epistle is sent   to   the   Pilgrims   of   Dispersion   in   Pontus,   Galatia, Cappadocia,  Asia  and  Bithignia  (Peter  1:1).  St.  John's  First



Epistle  is  universal,  and  not  specific.  St.  Jude's  Epistle  was sent  to  those  who  are  called  sanctified  by  God  the  Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ (Jude 1:1).


iii. The Praxis (Acts): is read by a deacon, because it is the Book  of  the  Apostles'  struggle,  where  they  sanctified  their lives and blood. It is also the Book of the Holy Spirit's work

in the church.


This  does  not  mean  that  there  are  priorities  of  readings,  or that  some  are  more  important  or  beneficial  than  others, because, "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and

is  profitable  for  doctrine,  for  reproof,  for  connection,  for instruction in righteous" (2 Timothy 3:16), but it is just a matter of discipline.


iv. The Sinixarium: this is a historical book, so it should be read  by  the  priest  himself,  to  be  given  the  image  of  the Church's readings in the Liturgy.


v. The Coptic Gospel: read by the celebrant priest, who will offer the Lamb, whether he be the Bishop, a Hegumen or a priest,  because  it  is  a  part  of  the  Liturgy  and  it  teaches  us about  the  sayings  and  life  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus Christ.


vi. The Arabic/other language Gospel: read by a high rank deacon,  such  as  an  archdeacon,  and  it  is  preferable  that  he also be the deacon serving in the altar during the Liturgy.


The  reason  that  the  Coptic  Gospel  should  be  read  by  the celebrant priest or bishop, while the Arabic Gospel is read by






a  deacon,  is  that  the  Coptic  Gospel  is  the  original  reading, but the Arabic (or other) is just a translation of the Coptic.


vii.  The  Sermon:  addressed  by  the  highest  rank  present  in Church,  that  is,  the  Bishop,  or  the  hegumen  or  the  priest. Sometimes, the priest may give permission to the deacon to give the sermon.


My    beloved,    listen    to    these    divine    readings   with concentration,  so  that  they  may  cure  your  wounds,  answer your  queries,  and  give  solutions  to  your  problems.  Try  to learn a verse or two which attracts your attention during the readings.


Put this verse in your heart, with the Psalmist, saying, "Your word  I  have  hidden  in  my  heart,  that  I  might  not  sin against  You"  (Psalm  119:2).  Put  this  verse  in  the  three weights of flour, that is, your body, soul and spirit, so that the  yeast  may  work  in  the  dough,  thus  all  your  inner  and outer  senses  may  be  purified,  while  the  priest  prays  in  the Mystery of the Pauline: "Purify our hearts and sanctify our souls,  cleanse  us  from  every  sin,  which  we  have  done willingly and unwillingly."


The  Lord  has  clearly  indicated  the  importance  of  effective listening to the Divine sayings, in purifying and sanctifying a person, "You are already clean because of the word which

I have spoken to you" (John 15:3).


During this time, the priest is also supporting you through his inaudible  prayers,  which  he  says  on  the  altar,  praying  that God  may  open  your  mind,  and  give  you  understanding  to listen and comprehend what the spirit says to the Churches.




So,  in  the  Mystery  of  the  Pauline  for  example,  he  says,

"Grant  us  and  all  Your  congregation  a  clear  mind,  and understanding,   in   order   to   know   and   understand   the benefit  of  Your  teachings,  which  are  being  read  to  us now" (alluding to St. Paul's Epistle).


In the Mystery of the Gospel, the priest prays for the sake of the congregation saying,  "...make  us  worthy  to  hear  Your Holy Gospel and keep Your commandments, to bear fruits

a  hundredfold,  sixty  fold  and  thirty  fold  through  Jesus

Christ  our  Lord...",  and  at  the  end  he  says,  "Your  law, rights, commandments, holy orders, confirm them in their hearts,  let  them  know  the  power  and  depth  of  the  words they have heard."


The readings and the sermon are rich meals, don't miss them or ignore listening to them. The word of God is the light to our feet and path, food for our spirits and bodies, as, "Man shall  not  live  by  bread  alone,  but  by  every  word  that proceeds  from  the  mouth  of  God"  (Matthew  4:4).  That  is why the Apostle advises us, "...not forsaking the assembly of  ourselves  together,  as  is  the  manner  of  some,  but exhorting one another, and so much more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:25).


The   Hegumen   Antonious   Ragheb   says,   "The   readings resemble the five loaves of bread and two fish: In the Holy Liturgy the five chapters of the Holy Bible which we listen to

:  the  Pauline,  Catholicon,  Praxis,  Psalm  and  the  Gospel, are the loaves of grace, while the two fish are the Sinixarium and the  sermon."







We  eat  and  are  filled,  we  are  then  to  on-pass  this  grace  of God's  great  mercies  to  whoever  did  not  attend  the  Holy Liturgy.


The  readings  and  the  sermon  prepare  the  soul,  body  and spirit  to  partake  of  the  Holy  Communion,  so  therefore  the Church states that whoever is not present for these readings, should not partake of the Holy Communion.


It  is  written  in  the  book  of   'The  Principles  of  the  Church Rules' to Ibn El Assal: "Whoever is late coming to Church, and  does  not  attend  the  reading  of  the  Gospel,  should  not partake   of   the   Holy   Communion."   St.   Sawinis   Ibn   El Moqagaa says, "... also whoever misses the readings and the Prayer  of  Reconciliation  from  the  very  beginning  will  be punished  as  Judas  Iscariot,  because  the  readings  and  the Holy Liturgy are prepared before the Communion, in order to sanctify the soul and body, thus making a person worthy to partake of the Holy Body and Blood."































4   The Three

Great Litanies













After  the  sermon,  the  priest  starts  praying  the  three  major litanies:  of  Peace,  the  Fathers  and  the  Gatherings.  These litanies  are  full  of  strong  pleadings,  for  the  safety  of  the Church  and  the  whole  world,  for  protecting  the  Church's fathers,  and  for  the  gatherings  of  the  church,  so  that  they may  be  conducted  without  any  obstacles  from  the  Church's enemies or devils, or the inner diversions and bad counsels.


Concentrate  on  each  word  said  by  the  priest,  and  say,

"Amen  O  Lord"  always  after  each  prayer  said  for  the church,  the  fathers  or  the  gatherings  of  the  believers.  You should also pray some inaudible prayers, as done during the litanies of the Vesper and Matin incense, as explained before. Then  repeat  with  the  congregation  the  universal  prayer,

"Lord have mercy"  in enthusiasm believing and asking the Lord to respond to all the pleadings of the priest, said during these litanies.






This is the most important part of the Mass. It is considered the  holiest  of  the  holy,  for  which  we  prepare  from  the evening Vespers in order to make us worthy to be prepared physically,  psychologically  and  spiritually,  so  that  we  may benefit and feel consoled.


The Liturgy of the Believers begins with the ORTHODOX CREED  recited  by  the  whole  church,  audibly  and  in  one voice,  in  a  powerful  and  effective  manner.  Reciting  the




Orthodox  Creed  at  the  beginning  of  the  Liturgy  of  the Believers  is  of  utmost  importance  to  ensure  that  we  please God, "Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder  of  those  who  diligently  seek  Him"  (Hebrews

11:6). By reciting the Orthodox Creed we declare our faith

in  one  God  in  the  Holy  Trinity,  the  work  of  redemption fulfilled by His only begotten Son, and the work of the Holy Spirit in our sanctification and purification.


My  beloved,  recite  the  Orthodox  Creed  with  the  whole church carefully. Believe every word as it is the fruit of the work   of   great   Ecumenical   Councils   instituted   by   great church fathers who were guided by the Holy Spirit.






































5   Prayer Of














By entering into the Prayer of Reconciliation, we enter into the  real  environment  of  the  holy  Mass  and  we  must  pay attention  to  stand  in  reverence  and  fear.  We  shall  mention some   contemplations   to   help   you   in   concentration   and meditation,     but              I         advise     you       not          to         worry  about contemplations alone, but let the tunes of the liturgy console you as it is splendid in spirit, even if the priest partly prays in the Coptic language, and you may not understand.


With   everyone   reciting   their   own    parts   quietly   and reverently, the exchangeable harmony of the Liturgy between priest,  deacon  and  congregation,  will  make  each  person  in the church feel closer to heaven than to earth and puts them

in  a  state  of  true  transfiguration  and  communication  with



This  prayer  is  called  the  "Prayer  of  Reconciliation"  as  the priest  mentions  the  wonderful  work  of  Jesus  to  reconcile man with his creator, "For  He  Himself  is  our  peace,  who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of  division  between  us,  having  abolished  in  His  flesh  the enmity, that is, the law of commandments, so as to create in  Himself  one  new  man  from  the  two,  thus  making peace" (Ephesians 2:14,15), and, "Made peace through the blood of His cross" (Colossians 1:20).


He  also  mentions  the  story  of  salvation  made  by  the  Lord Jesus  for  mankind  when  He  destroyed  that  death  which entered into the world  through the envy of the devil, and He filled the earth with peace which is from heaven.






My beloved, be thankful to the Lord while listening to these

marvellous words of the Prayer of Reconciliation. Consider the salvation made by the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross and keep it personal for me and you, as the Apostle said, "The Son  of  God  who  loved  me  and  gave  Himself  for  me"

(Galatians 2:20), and, "This is a faithful saying and worthy

of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the chief" (1Timothy 1:15).


Then  the  word  of  SALVATION  is  magnified  before  your eyes and great is your gratitude to God who saved you, with His life-giving manifestation, enlightening you, your life and your eternity.


When  the  priest  says  the  words,  "Glory  to  God  in  the Highest...," recite it with him fervently and lovingly, giving glory to God with the heavenly hosts and angels.


When   the   deacon   says   to   the   congregation,   "Pray   for perfect peace, for love, and for the pure apostolic kisses," the  congregation  responds  by  saying,  "Lord  have  mercy." We  ask  the  Lord  to  have  mercy  by  giving  us  these  great divine  graces;  the  grace  of  perfect  peace  for  the  church externally and internally - the grace of perfect peace within our  homes  and  families  so  that  troubles  and  conflicts  may end and wounds may heal. And for the grace of love, which

is the bond of perfection of the children of the church with

each  other.  If  peace  and  love  dwell  within  us,  then  the exchange of holy kisses will be like those of the apostles in the first church; unlike the kiss of Judas which was false and deceptive, shrewd and evil hearted.






While  the  deacon  is  chanting  this  response,  why  don't  you, my beloved, request peace and love for yourself, your family, your neighbours and your friends, and especially those who are suffering from various conflicts and trials. Mention them by name, ask for them in persistence at these moments and God will be able to do by your prayers more than wise men can do.


In the second part of the Prayer of Reconciliation, the priest asks  God  to  fill  our  hearts  with  his  Divine  Peace  that surpasses the mind, to keep our hearts and thoughts in Christ Jesus, the King of Peace. And when He reigns in our hearts we can live peacefully with ourselves and others, bearing all their weaknesses, and we will have peace with God who is a loving  Father  for  all  of  us.  Hence,  we  will  also  enjoy psychological and physical health, and make us live in heaven while still being on earth (Deuteronomy 11:21).


When  you  hear  the  priest  saying,  "By  Your  good  will,  O God, fill our hearts with Your peace...", join him in seeking this divine peace with perseverance, as it is God's will for His children to live in peace and harmony.


Peace  is  the  greatest  gift  one  can  have  on  the  earth,  and whoever   receives   this   heavenly   peace   has   a   pledge   of glorified eternal life.


This ‘Prayer of Reconciliation is called in some old liturgical books,   ‘Prayer  of  the  Kiss’,  because  the  prayer  concludes with  the  deacon  saying  to  the  congregation,  "Greet  one another  with  a  holy  kiss",  and  so  the  people  greet  each other. Men greet men and women greet women. The method of kissing is to place both of one's hands into the hands of




the person standing near him or her. This is done as a sign of love,  reconciliation  and  peace.  An  old  tradition  in  some churches states that when believers exchange a holy kiss with each other, each person is to say, "Christ is in our midst", and  the  other  one  responds  by  saying,  "Now  and  He  will stay with us."


'Prayer of Reconciliation' refers to the reconciliation between us   and   God.   "Now   all   things   are   of   God,   who   has reconciled  us  to  Himself  through  Jesus  Christ  and  has given  to  us  the  ministry  of  reconciliation"  (2  Corinthians

5:18). As long as Christ reconciled us with God and gave us

the ministry of reconciliation, let us reconcile with each other and greet one another with a holy, loving kiss, while standing in   the   presence   of   God,   to   prove   our   adoption   and worthiness for his Fatherhood, and so make glad His loving heart.   It   is   worth   mentioning   that   at   this   moment,   the congregation sings the appropriate hymn, "Rejoice O Mary" as the Virgin St. Mary is our compassionate mother, and the mother  of  the  church  rejoices  when  she  sees  her  children loving one another and greeting one another with a holy kiss

of love and peace.


When   we   kiss   each   other,   the   peace   of   God   reigns immediately in our hearts and, "Pray everywhere, lifting up holy  hands  without  wrath  and  doubting"  (1Timothy2:8), so we can be assured of the acceptance of our prayers.


After  this  holy  greeting,  the  congregation  sing,  "Through the pleadings of the Mother of God, Saint Mary. Oh Lord, grant  us  the  forgiveness  of  our  sins.  We  worship  you,  O Christ, with Your gracious Father and the Holy Spirit, for You  have  come  and  saved  us.  The  gift  of  peace,  the




sacrifice   of   praise."   Here   we   require   the   acceptable intercession of the Virgin St. Mary before her beloved Son to forgive us our sins, so we kneel and glorify. We worship our Saviour  and  our  redeeming  Lord  Jesus,  together  with  His Good Father and the Holy Spirit; the Holy Trinity who are worthy of worship and glory.


The  statement,  "A  gift  of  peace,  a  sacrifice  of  praise," means God gives us His peace as a gift and His gift will fill us   with   peace   and   comfort.   In   return   we   offer   Him thanksgiving and the sacrifice of praise, "a fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name" (Hosea 14:2).


Why  don't  you  share  with  the  congregation  in  this  request fervently. My beloved, ask for the intercession of our mother St. Mary, as the church believes in her strong and acceptable intercession and asks for her assistance in so many prayers.


Then give a sacrifice of praise by confessing His name, and thanking  Him  for  His  mercies,  as  Jeremiah  said,  "Because His  compassions  fail  not,  they  are  new  every  morning"

(Lamentations 3:226).























6   The Heavenly













The Heavenly Hymn



The Anaphora


The priest turns and blesses the congregation with the sign of the  cross  saying,  "The  Lord  be  with  you  all,"  and  the congregation responds, "And with your spirit."


Here the priest asks God to dwell in the midst of His people and  bless  them.  He  also  warns  the  congregation  about  this great divine dwelling, of Christ who is Emmanuel, meaning

'God  is  with  us'  or  'God  is  in  our  midst',  is  present  and residing amongst His people.


My  beloved,  feel  the  presence  of  God  in  the  midst  of  His people      and              reverently            stand   and    proclaim   with   the congregation,  giving  your  father  the  priest  this  same  grace saying, "And with your spirit."


The priest then says, "Lift up your hearts."  Lift your hearts to  God  and  forsake  the  worldly  worries  to  concentrate  in worshipping and praising God. My beloved, benefit from this advice,  and  lift  not  only  your  heart  to  God,  but  all  your existence, your mind, heart, hands, eyes and whole body as a sacrifice  of  love  for  Him  who  redeemed  you  by  His  blood. The  congregation  responds,  "They  are  with  the  Lord." When saying this response, think to yourself, is your heart at this  moment  specifically  with  God?  If  you  have  said  this statement and your heart is busy with other cares, then you have lied to the Lord.  The apostle advises us by saying: "Do not lie to one another" (Colossians  3:9).  How  much  more

lying are we going to do to God?






We must collect our hearts and lift them to God so we truly

proclaim: "They are with Lord," as the Psalmist said, "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight" (Psalm 19:14), and, "To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul, O my God, I trust in You, let me not be ashamed" (Psalm 25:1,2).


When the priest sees this, he thanks the Lord and urges the congregation to thank Him by saying, "Let us give thanks to the Lord."   The congregation responds, "He is worthy and righteous,"          that               is,   God         is         worthy of                      thanksgiving, glorification  and  praise,  because  He  descended  and  dwelt among His people, and because of His grace, He helped us and made us able to love Him and worship Him with all our hearts.  We  thank  Him  for  His  many  blessings  which  are enormous and uncountable.


Thank    God,     my    beloved,    during    these    moments, remembering  His  personal  mercies  for  you,  as  the  Apostle Paul said:  "Cause  thanksgiving  to  abound  to  the  glory  of God" (2 Corinthians 4:15).


The priest chants, "Right and Worthy, truly You are right and  worthy..."   You  God  are  worthy  for  all  thanksgiving, glorification  and  praise  because  You  are  the  Creator  of  all things seen, and unseen. You who sits on the throne of Your glory, and is worshipped by all the holy powers! This hymn resembles the hymn of the twenty four spiritual elders who give  praise  before  the  throne  of  Christ  saying,  "You  are worthy,  O  Lord  to  receive  glory  and  honour  and  power. For You created all things and by Your will they exist and were created" (Revelations 4:9-1).






During the recitation of this prayer, meditate on its powerful

meaning, and when you hear: "Who is worshipped by all the holy powers", make the sign of the cross and bow reverently

to worship God together with all the holy powers.


The  deacon  then  says:  "You  seated,  stand  up."          Upon hearing this call from the deacon, every one must stand more reverently  and  attentively  to  offer  unto  God  a  pure  prayer together with the heavenly hosts.


The priest then says:  "Before  whom  stand  the  angels,  the archangels, the principalities, the authorities, the thrones, the  lordships  and  the  powers."                                                        The  priest  mentions  here seven out of the nine heavenly ranks who stand before God incessantly to praise and glorify Him.


The   deacon   asks   the   congregation:   "Look   towards   the East."   When praying in the church, the congregation faces the East where the altar and the Sacrifice is placed. We face the  East  with  our  hearts  as  well  as  our  thoughts.  It  is  a warning  for  those  who  might  think  to  wander  or  look elsewhere  while  inside  the  church,  forsaking  prayer  and worship, and being mindless of the holy presence of God of whom we should be revering.


There is a response called the great 'Esbazeste' in the Liturgy of St. Gregory, where the deacon says, "Let us stand well, stand  in  godliness,  let  us  stand  in  prayer,  let  us  stand  in peace, let us stand in fear of God in awe and reverence, O clergy,               and    all    the    congregation    in    prayer    and thanksgiving,  in  tranquillity  and  silence.  Raise  your  eyes towards the East, that you may observe the altar beholding




the  Body  and  Blood  of  Emmanuel  our  God,  which  is placed  upon  it.  Arise,  O  Angels  and  Archangels,  the Cherubim,  of  six  wings,  and  the  Seraphim,  full  of  eyes, covering their faces from the brilliance of His great glory, which  surpasses  sight  and  speech.  They  praise  Him  with one voice, proclaiming and saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts, Heaven and Earth are full of Your Holy Glory."  This response gives us an idea about the awe of the church and the holiness of these moments, so together with Jacob we proclaim, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did not know it. How awesome is this place? This is none other  than  the  house  of  God,  and  this  is  the  gate  of heaven" (Genesis 28:16,17).  We stand in the church as if in heaven  and  proclaim  with  the  Psalmist:  "Holiness  adorns Your house, O Lord, forever" (Psalm 93:58), and, "In the congregation, I will bless the Lord" (Psalm 26:12).


"For around You stand the Cherubim, full of eyes and the Seraphim of six wings, praising You continuously without ceasing saying..."


The  priest  now  mentions  another  two  orders  of  heavenly angelic rank, who differ from the previously mentioned seven ranks.  Thus  the  total  number  of  heavenly  orders  are  nine, according  to  the  doctrine  and  faith  of  the  church,  and  the tenth rank is the order of saints from mankind. After the fall, our   beloved   Lord   Jesus   Christ   restored   Adam   and   his children to their previous dignity, for having been formed in the  image  and  likeness  of  God,  God  created  mankind  to partake  with  the  heavenly  hosts  in  praising  Him  as  He  is pleased with this praise and unity.







As  the  wise  King  Solomon  wrote,  "The  Lord  made  all things  for  Himself"  (Proverbs  16:4),  for  the  purpose  of giving  us  His  love  and  being  united  with  us.  The  Prophet Isaiah wrote, "Whom I created for My glory, I have formed him, yes, I have made him. This people I have formed for Myself, they shall declare My praise" (Isaiah 43:7,21). The Apostle  Paul  said,  "For  by  Him  all  things  were  created"

(Colossians  1:16).   For  this  reason,  St.  Gregory  in  his

contemplative liturgy pleads, "Who confirmed the standing arrays  of  incorporeal  creatures  among  men,  who  gave those on earth the praise of the Seraphim, accept our voice also with the invisible, count us with the heavenly powers. Let us also proclaim with them, having cast away from us every remembrance of unnatural reckonings, and cry out with  voices  that  are  never  silenced  and  lips  that  never cease, and praise Your greatness."


The   deacon   then   says,   "Let   us   attend,"   warning   the congregation   to   give   more   reverence   and   attention   and quietness  (Acts  22:2)  in  preparation  for  the  hymn  of  the Seraphim. As Zachariah wrote, "Be silent, all flesh, before the  Lord  for  He  has  aroused  from  His  Holy  habitation"

(Zephaniah. 2:13).


Then the congregation says this hymn of the Seraphim, "The Cherubim  worship  You  and  the  Seraphim  glorify  You, proclaiming  and  saying,  Holy,  Holy,  Holy  is  the  Lord  of Hosts. Heaven and Earth are full of Your Holy Glory."


This praise was heard by Isaiah the Prophet from the mouth of  the  Seraphim  in  his  revelation  (Isaiah  6).  We  sing  it  to prove  our  partaking  with  the  angels  of  heaven  in  praising God. When the angels look and see the beauty of God and




His  Holiness,  they  can  only  praise  Him  by  saying,  "Holy, Holy,  Holy."                           Let  us  also  look  to  the  beauty  of  God,  in faith, in His holiness when we sing this praise.




The Three Holy 'Agios'


The   priest   takes   this   praise,   which   was   said   by   the congregation  and  recites  it  in  a  beautiful  tune  as  he  makes the sign of the Cross three times, firstly upon himself, then upon the servants on either side of the altar, and finally upon the congregation.


When   the   priest   makes   the   sign   of   the   cross   on   the congregation  saying,  "Agios",  make  the  sign  of  the  cross and bow before God reverently.


The prayer of `Agios' or `Holy' is the holiest and strongest of prayers,  and  the  most  chastening  for  the  devil,  who  is  the enemy  of  all  holiness.  It  includes  honouring  God,  and  the word `Holy' means 'high' and “who cannot lie” (Titus 1:2), and  “Holy,  harmless,  undefiled,  separate  from  sinners, and has become higher than the heavens” (Hebrews 7:26). In  the  Syrian  language,  `Agios'  means  ‘has  no  limit  in greatness, love, justice and all divine qualities.’


As  the  saints  in  heaven  praise  Him  saying,  "Great  and marvellous are Your works Lord God Almighty, who shall not  fear  You,  O  Lord,  and  glorify  Your  name,  for  You alone are holy" (Revelations 15:3,4), and Hannah, Samuel's mother  prayed  saying,  "There  is  none  holy  like  the  Lord for there is none beside You, nor there is any rock like our God" (1 Samuel 2:2).






Isaiah the Prophet heard the praise of the Seraphim: "Holy,

holy, holy is the Lord of hosts" (Isaiah 6:3), and the praise of  the  four  living  creatures  carrying  the  Divine  Throne

(Revelations 4:8). The rank of the Seraphim is the highest of heavenly  hosts,  proving  that  the  praise  they  sing  is  of  the highest and greatest praise that can possibly be presented to the Divine Glory.


St.  Ambrose  says,  "We  cannot  find  anything  to  honour God better than calling Him Holy, because He is the most Holy."  These  words  are  also  reflected  in  Daniel  9:24.  Our beloved Lord is the source of every purity and holiness.


The  priest  continues  to  pray,  "Holy,  Holy,  truly  You  are Holy, O Lord our God." To avoid elaboration, I leave you my  beloved,  to  proceed  and  contemplate  on  this  wonderful part that manifests the infinite holiness of God, followed by the  story  of  our  creation,  the  fall,  God's  mercy  by  sending His prophets, and then His incarnation at the fullness of time

in order to redeem us from sin and give us the possibility of

holiness once again.


Make a quick comparison between the holiness of God and the  profanity  of  man,  and  ask  Him  to  give  you  a  life  of holiness, as the Apostle said: "But as He who called you is Holy,  you  also  be  holy  in  all  your  conduct,  because  it  is written, 'Be holy for I am holy'" (1 Peter 1:15,16).


The  congregation  responds  with,   "Amen"  believing  the priest’s   proclaimation   about   the   holiness   of   God,   His providence,  His  creating  man  in  His  image  and  likeness,  in righteousness,  holiness  of  truth,  and  the  story  of  man  who




fell   by   the   seduction   of   the   serpent,   followed   by   the incarnation of the Son of God for our salvation.


The  priest  prays,  "He  was  incarnated  and  became  man," while  placing  one  spoonful  of  incense  into  the  censer.  This completes  the  previous  part  and  is  a  contemplation  on  the incarnation of Christ and His great love for us, that knew no limits, for He sacrificed Himself for us on the cross. On the cross His Spirit united with His Divinity, He descended into Hades and freed all those who died in the hope of the coming Redeemer, beginning with Adam. For the Apostle says, "By whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison"

(1 Peter 3:1).


Meditate, dear believer, in the words of this prayer that are full  of  life,  and  thank  God  who  taught  you  the  way  of salvation and enlightened the way to ETERNITY.


Also  meditate  on  the  incense  ascending  from  the  censer  as one spoonful is placed in it; a symbol of the divine love of God for us as He denied Himself, descended to our earth and was incarnated for our salvation. Try to exchange love with God and be fervent in loving Him, His commandments, His children and all His creation.


The  congregation  recites  "Amen,  I  believe."         Truly  we believe,   witness   and   admit   all   His   providence   for   our salvation, we believe in His incarnation out of love for us and His  yearning  for  our  salvation.  We  believe  He  gave  us Baptism of water and Spirit, for the forgiveness of sins. We believe in His atoning death for us on the cross. He believe that He then descended to Hades in great light, in the lower divisions   in   the   earth,   breaking   the   doors   of   iron   and




destroying the doors of copper, in order to free the righteous ones : "He led them out of captivity and gave gifts to men"

(Ephesians 4:8). He freed them from the authority of Satan

and returned to them the gift of lost paradise.


Meditate,  my  beloved,  on  all  these  meanings  during  the priest's prayer in this wonderful part during the recitation of the congregation, "I will pray with the spirit and I will pray with understanding" (1 Corinthians 14:15).


The priest continues, "He rose from the dead on the third day..."     Previously  the  priest  paused  at  the  incident  of Christ's crucifixion, His death on the cross, and the descent of  His  Spirit  into  Hades  in  order  to  save  the  righteous.  He then  completes  the  incident  of  His  resurrection,  and  His second  coming  which  will  be  fulfilled  at  the  end  of  ages, when  the  Lord  Jesus  will  judge  the  world  and  reward everyone according to their deeds.


We  might  forget  all  these  important  matters  so  the  priest reminds us to prepare ourselves for the awesome day of the Lord.  Prepare  yourselves  with  repentance  and  purity  and adorn  yourselves  with  spiritual  virtues,  so  that  we  are  not cast out from the presence of Christ.


The   priest   reminds   his   congregation   about   the   Second Coming   and   the   general   judgement.   The   congregation proclaim  saying,  "Let  it  be  according  to  Your  mercy  O Lord, and not according to our sins."


My beloved, beat your chest three times while calling to the Lord this prayer for rescue, together with the whole church, resembling the tax collector who did not like to lift his eyes




to the heavens (feeling the burden of his sins), but beat his chest  saying,  "God  be  merciful  to  me  a  sinner"  (Luke



Remember  your  sins,  even  the  slightest  sin  is  enough  to cause  you  to  perish.  But  it  is  the  sacrament  of  repentance and the great mercy of God which accepts us.


Remember  your  situation  at  the  day  of  judgement  when people  are  gathered,  angels  standing,  books  opened,  works realised  and  thoughts  examined,  "Some  to  everlasting  life

(the   righteous)   and   some   to   shame   and   everlasting contempt (the evil ones)" (Daniel 12:2).


Ask yourself, 'In which group am I going to be in?'   Truly, we say, "Let it be according to Your mercy, O Lord, and not on account of our sins," believing in God's mercy, but take  care,  the  mercy  of  God  does  not  work  by  itself,  it accepts our repentance and helps us in our struggle against sin.


Mercy does not work with those who neglect their salvation, staggering in their eternal redemption. Depend on the mercy of God, just as the Psalmist David did, "But I have trusted in Your mercy, my heart shall rejoice in Your Salvation"

(Psalm  13:5).  “Therefore,  since  a  promise  remains  of

entering His rest, let us have fear, lest any of you fall short of   it"   (Hebrews   4:1),   because   of   negligence   and   not depending on God's mercy.

















7     The  Consecration










The Consecration


The  following  part  of  the  liturgy  until  the  beginning  of  the litanies  is  called  the  CONSECRATION  or  the  Institution Narrative.  It  is  considered  the  most  important  part  of  the Mass  as  it  includes  the  dwelling  of  the  Holy  Spirit  on  the Sacraments and the conversion to the Holy Body and Blood of our Good Saviour.


The   priest   points   to   the   bread   and   wine   saying,   "He instituted for us this great mystery of godliness." Then he places the two corporals on the altar, then places his hands in the incense above the censer, and gives three rounds of the incense to the bread with his hands. On the third round, he also  gives  incense  to  the  chalice,  saying,  "For  He  was determined to give Himself up for the life of the world."


Look  at  this  strange  conflict,  the  unlimited  love  of  Christ towards mankind, versus the hatred of mankind to the Lord Jesus  Christ.  On  the  same  night  that  the  people  agreed  to surrender the Son of God to death, the Lord Jesus cared to give life to the world. While they were preparing chains for Him  to  be  crucified,  He  had  prepared  for  them  this  Divine Feast  and  Redemptive  Table.  While  they  were  thinking  of crucifying   and   slaughtering   Him,   He   was   preparing   a Sacrifice  of  Atonement  for  them.  St  Paul  says,  "For  I received from the Lord that which is also delivered to you, that  the  Lord  Jesus  on  the  same  night  in  which  He  was betrayed took bread" (1 Corinthians 11:23-25).


This is clear from the Gospels that the Lord Christ instituted the  Sacrament  of  the  Eucharist  on  Thursday  evening,  and




after  a  while  the  soldiers  caught  Him,  and  dragged  Him  to condemnation,  which  ended  with  His  crucifixion  on  Friday noon.


How  great  is  God's  love  to  His  creation,  and  how  sinful  is man in his ingratitude and denial!


Why don't we learn from this lesson and not repeat what the Jews did to our Saviour, but instead, respond to the constant loving   calls   of   God,   and   accept   His   will,   obeying   His commandments  so  that  we  may  benefit  from  this  Divine Sacrifice.


The Sacrament of EUCHARIST is called the 'Great Mystery of Godliness' as it is the greatest of the Seven Sacraments in the  Holy  Church.  It  is  the  crown  of  all  the  sacraments  of godliness,  because  it  strengthens  in  us  the  feeling  of  God's love towards us, and His Sacrifice for us, also the feelings of humility, reverence and gratitude to this overflowing, divine love   by   which   He   "Did   not   spare   His   own   Son   but delivered Him up for us all" (Romans 8:32).


The path of godliness is not as easy as it may seem at first glimpse, but needs effort, struggle and Divine Providence so that  we  ask  in  the  first  supplication  of  the  Liturgy  of  St. Gregory,   "May   the   righteousness   of   faith   multiply, straighten the path of godliness for us.


The Sacrament of Communion is the most important Divine help in our struggle in the way of godliness and fear of God, as the wise King Solomon says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 9:10).






The congregation responds, "Truly we believe." We believe the  mystery  of  redemption  which  was  made  by  the  Son  of God on the cross, and we believe in this great Mystery which He instituted on the night of His sufferings as an expression of  love  to  mankind  and  His  Divine  will  to  save  them.  We believe  in  this  great  Mystery  instituted  by  the  Lord  as  a remedy  for  all  diseases,  exposing  all  sins  and  strengthening the  life  of  godliness,  humility  and  reverence  before  the sacrificial love of God.


My beloved, remember all these matters while you proclaim,

"Truly we believe" with the congregation.


The priest takes the Bread into his hands and says, "He took bread  upon  His  holy,  immaculate,  undefiled  and  blessed life-giving  hands."      Beginning  with  this  statement,  the Divine   Liturgy   teaches   us   the   way   in   which   the   Lord instituted  the  great  Mystery  of  godliness  and  redemption. The first thing that the Lord Jesus did was to take the bread upon His hands to bless it, sanctify it, and convert it to His Holy Body.


Contemplate on the description of the hands of the Lord.


Strive  to  make  your  own  hands  resemble  them  as  much  as you  can.  The  Lord's  hands  were  unblemished,  and  your hands, my beloved, have the sense of touch, which is one of the five senses; senses are the doors of the heart and mind. Try  to  keep  them  undefiled  from  lust  and  evil  and  prevent them  from  sin  such  as  stealing,  abuse,  forgery  and  bribery. Thus  your  hands  should  be  blessed  like  the  Lord's  hands which  were  described  as  life  giving.  For  by  His  hands,  He rose many from the dead and healed many sick and diseased.






You,  my  beloved,  should  make  your  hands  life-giving  as

much as you can by helping or befriending the hungry, sick, needy or the downcast. Listen to the words of the righteous Job who said, "If I have kept the poor from their desire, or cause the eyes of the widow to fail, or eaten my morsel to myself,  so  that  the  fatherless  may  not  eat  of  it,  but  from my youth I reared him as a father, and from my mother's womb  I  have  guided  the  widow.  If  I  have  seen  anyone perish  for  lack  of  clothing,  or  any  poor  man  without covering. If his heart has not blessed me and if he was not warmed  with  the  fleece  of  my  sheep.  If  I  have  raised  my hand against the fatherless, when I saw I had help in the gate. Then let my arm fall from my shoulder, let my arm be torn from the socket" (Job 31:16-22), also, "Because I delivered the poor who cried out and the fatherless and he who had no helper, the blessing of a perishing man came upon  me,  (perishing  because  of  hunger,  cold  or  sickness), and  I  caused  the  widow's  heart  to  sing  for  joy"  (Job



The   congregation   says,   "We   believe   that   this   is   true, Amen." We believe that the Lord's hands which carried the bread   and   converted   it   to   His   Holy   Body,   were   holy, undefiled, blessed and life-giving, and we ask Him to give us hands  like  His  hands,  to  do  good,  and  abstain  from  every evil.


The priest places his right hand on the Bread that is on his left hand, lifting his eyes toward heaven, saying,  "He looked up towards Heaven to You, O God, His Father and Master of everyone..."






Here the Lord teaches us to ask for His blessings by casting our eyes towards heaven, the throne of God, and beseeching that  He  may  bless  whatever  our  hands  behold,  for  as  the Psalmist prayed : "Unto You I lift up my eyes, O You who dwell in the heavens. Behold, as the eyes of servants look to the hands of their masters, as the eyes of a maid to the hands  of  her  mistress,  so  our  eyes  look  to  the  Lord  our God until He has mercy on us" (Psalm 123:1,2). The Lord delights  when  our  eyes  seek  and  long  for  Him,  and  so  He says, "Look at Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth, for  I  am  God,  and  there  is  no  other"  (Isaiah  45:22).  The Lord  Jesus  Christ  did  this  so  many  times  to  teach  us  this good  habit.  He  looked  toward  heaven  before  starting  any important  mission.  Like  raising  Lazarus  up  from  the  dead

(John  11:41),  when  He  prayed  before  the  crucifixion  (John

17:1),  and  when  He  blessed  the  five  loaves  and  two  fish

(Luke 9:16).


Then the priest makes the sign of the cross over the Bread three  times  saying,  "And  when  He  had  given  thanks,  He blessed  it,  He  sanctified  it."  Each  time  the  deacons  and congregation   respond   by   saying,   "Amen."   (There   is   a common  mistake  done  in  some  churches,  that  only  the deacons  serving  inside  the  altar,  or  even  only  one  deacon, responds with "Amen," although it is written in the Liturgy book that the congregation are to respond.  Let us hope that everyone  in  the  church  responds  with,  "Amen,"  together with  the  deacons,  and  hence  confirming  their  belief  in  the consecration  and  signings  of  the  cross  by  the  priest.  This

"Amen," then, would be a very strong prayer.


The  congregation  then  respond,  "We  believe,  confess  and glorify You," believing and confessing the sanctification and




conversion of the Bread which the Lord touched by His pure hands, when He thanked, blessed and sanctified it.


So  the  simple  bread  becomes  the  true  Body  of  the  Lord, given for the forgiveness of sins for all those who worthily partake of it. We glorify God who gave us this valuable gift for our souls, bodies and spirits. St. Paul says, "For with the heart  one  believes  to  righteousness,  and  with  the  mouth confession is made to salvation" (Romans 10:10).


Participate   with   the   responses   of   the   congregation,   my beloved,  while  deeply  meditating  spiritually,  as  the  Holy Spirit  flows  into  you  when  He  sees  your  yearning  to  know Him and your honesty in loving Him and your reverence in standing before Him during these awesome moments of the Holy Mass.


The  priest  carefully  divides  the  Bread  (as  explained  in  the Liturgy Book) saying, "He broke it, and gave it to His own holy  disciples  and  pure  apostles  saying,  'Take,  eat  of  it, you  all,  for  this  is  MY  BODY,  which  is  to  be  broken  for you and many others, given for the forgiveness of sins. Do this in remembrance of Me.'"


The careful act of dividing and separating the Bread, whether here or during the prayer of the FRACTION, reminds us of the sufferings of the Lord on the cross for us, and that is why the           priest       prays               saying,     "Therefore,      as        we         also commemorate His Holy Passions..."


Let us think about the passions of the Lord while the priest recites  these  brilliant  words,  so  we  thank  Him,  humble






ourselves and learn the sacrificial love that does not ask for itself but for others.


The Lord gave us His HOLY BODY for the forgiveness of sins, so every one who is burdened by sin, comes to the Lord repenting, confessing and receiving the Holy Communion, is remedied from their sins.


The  Lord  ordered  the  disciples  to  perform  this  mystery  in remembrance  of  Him,  to  commemorate  His  incarnation, crucifixion,  resurrection  and  ascension  into  heaven.  The prayers of the Liturgy that sanctifies the mysteries narrate the story  of  Jesus  from  beginning  to  end,  to  remind  us  always about those incidents of incarnation and salvation, to satisfy our souls as if with rich food.


The  congregation  responds  by  saying,  "This  is  also  true, Amen." This response are words of assurance and belief to the priest as he said that the Lord Jesus broke His Body and gave  to  His  disciples  to  eat  for  the  forgiveness  of  sins,  to abide in Him, and receive eternal life according to His Divine Promise.  "I  am  the  living  bread  which  came  down  from heaven.  If  anyone  eats  of  this  bread,  he  will  live  forever and the bread that I shall give as My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world"  (John 6:51). And, Whoever eats My body and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will  raise  him  up  at  the  last  day.  For  My  flesh  is  food indeed,  and  My  blood  is  drink  indeed.  He  who  eats  My flesh  and  drinks  My  blood  abides  in  Me  and  I  in  him"

(John 6:54).


The congregation says we believe all that you say, and hope

to   fulfil   these   sayings   in   us   to   make   the   mystery   of





thanksgiving  always  without  hindrances,  proceeding  to  the Sacraments  in  humility  and  repentance,  and  preparation  to gain forgiveness of our sins according to the Lord's promise and finally to gain Eternal Life.


My beloved, while reciting this response, ask for yourself, I

and all your brethren proceeding for the Holy Communion,

to   gain   these   blessings   of   this   great   mystery,   for   the forgiveness  of  sins,  abiding  in  the  Lord  and  at  the  end,  to gain eternal life.




Sanctification Of The Wine


The priest places his hands on the rim of the chalice and says,

"Likewise  the  chalice  also  after  supper,  He  mixed  it  of wine  and  water..."   Here  the  priest  makes  the  sign  of  the Cross  over  the  chalice  three  times  saying,  "And  when  He had  given  thanks,  He  blessed  it,  and  He  sanctified  it." And each time the deacon responds by saying, "Amen."


The tradition teaches us that the Lord mixed the wine in the Chalice  with  some  water  to  symbolise  the  water  and  blood which came out of His holy side when He was stabbed with a spear  after  His  death  on  the  cross.  This  Holy  Blood  mixed with water, came out of His side in a miraculous way, for as we know, as soon as a person dies, their blood clots in their veins and arteries. Thus the blood of our Lord running in this miraculous   way   is   the   blood   of   the   new   covenant   for purification and atonement for sins and iniquities.


The priest makes the sign of the Cross three times to signify that  the  Lord  Jesus  sanctified  the  Chalice  by  His  will,  the




pleasure of His Father, and the work of His Holy Spirit, to fulfil the conversion, truly and fully, and sanctification by the sign of the Cross, for the Cross is the seal of Christ and His life-giving sign.


Participate   with   the   deacons   and   congregation   in   the response of,  "Amen", believing the words of the priest that the Lord Jesus thanked, blessed, and sanctified the Chalice of the  Blood  of  the  New  Covenant,  and  He  is  also  present  to sanctify this Chalice so that the mixture in it is the true Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.


The  congregation  says,  "Amen,  again  we  believe,  confess and glorify."   This means that as we believed and confessed the conversion of bread when the Lord touched, blessed and sanctified  to  become  His  living  Body,  we  also  believe  and confess  the  conversion  of  the  mixture  in  the  Chalice  which the  Lord  blessed  and  sanctified,  to  become  His  precious Blood  shed  for  the  life  of  the  world.   And  as  we  glorified Him for the gift of His life-giving Body which He gave us, we  also  glorify  Him  for  the  gift  of  the  life-giving  Blood which He gave us, "precious Blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (1 Peter 1:19).


This Blood purifies consciences from dead works as St. Paul says, "The Blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered   Himself,   without   spot,   to   God,   purge   your conscience  from  dead  works  to  serve  the  living  God"

(Hebrews  9:14).  For  all  these  blessings,  restored  in  the

precious blood, we glorify the Lord and exalt Him forever.









The priest holds the chalice in his hands, while he continues the prayer, saying, "He tasted, and gave it also to His own holy disciples and pure apostles saying..."


Here  the  priest  moves  the  chalice  gently  in  the  shape  of  a cross,  from  west  to  east,  then  from  north  to  south,  for  we were  strangers  separated  from  God,  and  by  the  Blood  He shed  on  the  Cross,  He  brought  us  back  to  Paradise,  which faces  eastward,  as  the  Apostle  Paul  says,  "Now  in  Christ, you who once were far have been made near by the blood of Christ" (Ephesians 2:13).       Moving it from the north to the south signifies that we were rejected like the goats on the north,  and  by  the  Divine  Blood  He  took  us  to  the  right  of God to be with His accepted and beloved sheep.


On  moving  the  chalice,  the  priest  says,  "Take,  drink  of  it you all, for this is My Blood of the New Testament which

is shed for you and many others. Do this in remembrance

of Me."


The Blood of the Old Testament was the blood of bulls and goats unable to take away sin, as St. Paul says,   "For  it  is impossible  for  the  blood  of  bulls  and  goats  to  take  away sins" (Hebrews 10:4), but the New Testament is established on the Blood of the Son of God who "Takes away the sins of the world" (John 1:29).


The  Lord  Jesus  offered  His  Blood  to  be  given  for  the forgiveness of sins. He advises us to partake of it always in remembrance  of  His  passion  and  salvation  and  wonderful redemption on the Cross.







The congregation confirms the priests words about the true life-giving Body of Christ given for the forgiveness of sins, for abiding in God and gaining Eternal Life.   Here also, the congregation confirms that the Precious Blood is the blood which  was  shed  for  the  life  of  the  world  and  provided  the means of reconciliation between God and man, qualifying us

to approach God after being exiled from Him.


In the Revelation, St John saw multitudes standing before the throne  of  Christ,  and  when  he  asked  about  them  the  angel responded: "These are the ones who came out of the great tribulation  (the  world  and  its  worries)  and  washed  their robes  and  made  them  white  in  the  blood  of  the  Lamb. Therefore  they  are  before  the  throne  of  God,  and  serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne   will   dwell   among   them   (caring   and   loving)"

(Revelation 7:14,15).


Also included in this response, is an inaudible supplication to God to qualify the congregation to be worthy to partake of this  sacrament,  in  remembrance  of  the  Lord  Jesus,  and  to approach  without  hindrance  or  obstacles  so  that  they  may take life to their spirits and power to their souls, and remedy

to  their  bodies,  until  they  cross  the  sea  of  this  world  and reach  the  coast  of  eternity,  peacefully  to  join  the  cloud  of saints who washed their clothes in the Blood of the Lamb.


While  reciting  this  response,  my  blessed  one,  think  about these  matters  and  ask  with  all  your  heart  to  have  the forgiveness  of  your  sins  through  this  Precious  Blood,  to abide in Christ and obtain Eternal Life according to the true promises of our Good Saviour.






Look to the Lord's invitation in His words, "Eat of it you all and drink of it you all." He wants all to accept the mystery of  partaking  from  His  blessed  Body  and  Blood  on  one condition, that they repent of all sins, and this condition of repentance  and  confession,  before  Communion,  is  clear  in the virtue of the washing of the feet which the Lord fulfilled before  the  institution  of  the  Sacrament  of  Eucharist.  He washed  the  feet  of  His  disciples,  not  for  the  purpose  of cleaning physical dirt, but as a symbol of purification of the body,  soul  and  spirit  from  the  dirt  before  approaching  the Holy  Sacraments.  So  when  Peter  objected  saying,  "You shall never wash my feet," Jesus warned him, "If I do not wash  you,  you  have  no  part  with  Me."     He  would  have prevented  Peter  from  partaking  in  the  Sacrament  of  unity with His Body and Blood, as his sin would have still existed.


The priest motions towards the Body and the Chalice saying,

"For  every  time  you  shall  eat  of  this  Bread  and  drink  of this Cup, you preach My Death, confess My Resurrection and  remember  Me  until  I  come."  Here  the  Lord  Jesus gives   us   the   responsibility   of   preaching   His   death,   His resurrection   from   the   dead,   and   His   awesome   Second Coming  which  will  be  full  of  glory.   We  should  remember this every time we celebrate the Holy Mass.


I    think   this   confirmation  and   mission   and    continual remembrance of the Lord Jesus comes when we enter into a holy covenant with God by receiving the Sacraments of the New Covenant, feeling that our sins are forgiven and that we abide  in  Him.  Then  we  cannot  keep  quiet  but  proceed  to preach  the  excellence  of  the  One  who  called  us  from  the darkness  to  the  true  light  (1  John  2:9)  and  tell  everyone around  us  how  much  the  Lord  has  done  for  us  and  had




compassion  on  us  (Mark  5:19).          This  proclamation  comes through experiencing death from worldly desires in order to experience His Resurrection.  "For  if  we  have  been  united together  in  the  likeness  of  His  death,  certainly  we  also shall be in the likeness of His Resurrection" (Romans 6:5-

8).  We  die  from  the  world's  lusts  and  sins  in  order  to  live,

and  yet,  as  St  Paul  says,  "It  is  not  I  who  live,  but  Christ who lives in me."


This  sacrament  enables  us  to  abide  in  Jesus  and  be  united with  Him,  assuring  us  of  the  perfect  unity  with  God  in  the Eternal Life.


As  we  yearn  to  abide  and  unite  perfectly  in  Him,  so  we remember  Him  always  until  He  comes,  and  we  await  His glorious  coming  with  earnest  expectation,  for  His  second coming will fulfil our unity with Him forever.


The  congregation  responds  with  this  wonderful  hymn  in answer  to  the  Lord's  words,                            "Amen,  Amen,  Amen.  We preach  Your  death,  O  Lord.  Your  Holy  Resurrection  and Ascension we acknowledge. We praise You, we bless You, we thank You, O Lord, and supplicate You, O our Lord."


They  sing  with  an  uplifted  voice  to  the  Lamb  who  was slaughtered  for  their  salvation.  They  remember  His  life- giving  death  for  their  redemption,  and  confess  His  holy resurrection  by  which  He  defeated  the  terrifying  enemy  of humanity - death. They confess their belief in His ascension

to  heaven,  where  He  is  sitting  at  the  right  Hand  of  the Father,  having  entered,  "the  inner  part  behind  the  veil where the forerunner has entered for us" (Hebrews 6:20),

"To  prepare  a  place  for  us"  (John  14:2).  We  live  in  the




expectation  of  His  Second  Coming,  according  to  what  He advised, "Do this in remembrance of Me."   St. Paul says,

"For as often as you eat this Bread, and drink this Blood, you   proclaim   the   Lord's   death   till   He   comes"   (1

Corinthians 11:26).


The  last  sentence  of  this  hymn,  "We  praise  You  …"  is addressed  to  the  Holy  Trinity,  as  explained  by  one  of  the church fathers: "We praise You, O Lord God. We bless You,

O Son the Word. We thank You O Holy Spirit for all these great gifts, and we supplicate You, O Holy Trinity, our One God to accept this sacrifice from us, sending to us the gift of Your Holy Spirit."


My  beloved,  recite  this  response  reverently  with  the  whole church,  meditating  on  every  word.  Stretch  out  your  hands and  say  to  the  Lord,  "We  praise  You  Lord,  bless  You  and thank  You  for  these  great  graces,  which  angels  yearn  to see."        Supplicate  unto  Him  with  all  your  heart  concerning your  private  needs  or  problems  that  need  a  solution,  or blessing, guidance and divine leadership in your life. Lift up your   hands   and   eyes   and   heart   to   God   pleading   with persistence so that He may give you your request.


The priest says, "Therefore, as we also commemorate His Holy   Passion,   His   Resurrection   from   the   dead,   His ascension  into  the  Heavens,  He  is  sitting  at  Your  right hand,  O  Father,  and  His  second  coming  from  Heaven, awesome  and  full  of  glory.  We  offer  You  these,  Your oblations, from that which is Yours, concerning all things and for all things."







The church remembers the Lord's passions, His resurrection, ascension to Heaven, and His second coming in each Mass, for many reasons:


V   His  Passions,  crucifixion  and  death  were  the  means  of our salvation and redemption as Christ tasted Death for the sake of every one of us (Hebrews 2:9).


V   His resurrection guarantees our forthcoming resurrection as  St  Paul  says,  "But  now  Christ  has  risen  from  the death and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep" (1 Corinthians 15:20.


V   His  Ascension  to  heaven  opened  to  us  the  doors  of heaven,  for  He  went  to  prepare  a  place  for  us,  and  so taught  us  to  lift  our  eyes  unto  Him  always,  like  the apostles  when  they  saw  Him  ascending.  With  Him  we ascend in our hearts and minds to heaven where He sits

at the right hand of the Highest.


V   His   second   coming   reminds   us   of   that   awesome judgement day, so that we may be prepared,  "like  men waiting for their master when he will return from the wedding,  that  when  he  comes  and  knocks  they  may open to him immediately" (Luke 12).


We await this Second Coming, through which He will take us to the place He prepared for us in His glory according to His Divine Promise, "And if I go and prepare a place for you,  I  will  come  again  and  receive  you  to  Myself,  that where I am you may be also" (John 14:3).







Amongst   all   these   powerful   memories,   and   amidst   our emotions   ignited   by   His   love   for   us,   and   His   great providence, we offer Him these oblations from His gift given

to us in this life, like wheat from which we make the bread; grapes  to  make  wine;  water  to  mix  with  wine;  and  much more  for  which  we  thank  Him  always.  We  offer  these oblations  as  a  sacrifice  of  Thanksgiving.  Because  of  Your passions,   death   on   the   cross   for   us,   resurrection   and ascension  to  heaven,  we  offer  thanksgiving  to  gain  Your mercies, and the forgiveness of sins for those who are living, and those who have passed away.


It is clear to see, my beloved, that this is the most important part of the Mass, not only because of the holy memories, but because of the presence of the Holy Spirit which converts the oblations and sanctifies the people attending the Mass.


The   deacon   says,   "Attend   to   the   Lord   in   awe   and reverence."   These  moments,  moments  of  the  dwelling  the Holy   Spirit   are   the   most   awesome.   Everyone   must   be prepared  spiritually,  psychologically  and  physically  to  the highest  level,  as  the  deacon  says  this  call.  They  must  be found ready and worthy for the dwelling of the Spirit on the Sacrifice  and  it's  conversion,  and  His  dwelling  on  you, sanctifying  and  purifying  you.  It  reflects  the  voice  of  the Psalmist,  "Serve  the  Lord  with  fear,  and  rejoice  with trembling" (Psalm 2:11), and Joshua says, "Now therefore, fear the Lord, serve Him in sincerity and in truth" (Joshua



The priest, deacon and congregation kneel in preparation for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit.






My  beloved,  kneel  reverently  and  worship  God  in  holy adornment in humility, seeking the fullness of the Holy Spirit

to purify and sanctify you, as if you are with the apostles in the  upper  room  of  Zion  where  the  Holy  Spirit  descended upon  them  in  order  to  purify  all  their  sins  and  remove  all their weaknesses and fears, creating them as new people, full of the Spirit to the fullness of God (Ephesians 3:10).


While  kneeling,  recite  with  the  congregation  the  wonderful praise, "We praise You, we bless You, we serve You, and we worship You."


V   We praise You - was repeated twice before, confirming the  praise  and  glorification  of  the  believers  offered  to God  who  is  worthy  of  all  glory  and  honour,  for  His blessings and unspeakable gifts.


Praising is the greatest kind of prayer that a human soul can give, joining the heavenly choir that continually praise God.


V   We bless You - also repeated twice. We bless God and confess  His  great  glory  and  deeds,  together  with  His visible  and  invisible  creation.  We  thank  Him  for  His generous  blessings  and  rich  overflowing  grace  and  His loving kindness toward us (Ephesians 2:7).


V   We  serve  You  -  man's  service  to  God  is  a  response  to God's  love  and  His  sacrifice  for  us,  saving  us  from  the grip of Satan and sin. Peter's mother in law was healed by Jesus   from   her   high   fever.   The   first   offering   of thanksgiving  that  she  gave  to  the  Lord  was  to  arise immediately and serve Him (Luke 4:38).






The service which is implied in this response is the service of prayer, praise and glorification before God. Kneeling must be

in  spirit  and  truth  for,  "God  is  Spirit,  and  those  who worship Him must worship Him in spirit and truth" (John



The whole church kneels in silence, awaiting for the dwelling of the Holy Spirit. The priest kneels before the altar, calling the  Holy  Spirit  inaudibly  to  dwell  on  the  congregation  to sanctify   them   and   to   dwell   on   the   bread   and   wine   to transubstantiate          them                          (Transubstantiation          is         when                            the substance of Bread and Wine changes into the actual Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ).


Take   this   special   chance   to   specifically   request   your sanctification  and  purification,  so  that  you  may  obtain  the necessary preparation and humility to approach the awesome sacraments of Emmanuel, our God.




The Invocation Of The Holy Spirit


The priest inaudibly prays the Litany Of Invocation Of The Holy Spirit, while kneeling and extending his hands towards God:  "We  worship  You  through  the  pleasure  of  Your goodness,  and  we  ask  You,  O  Lord,  our  God,  we  Your sinful  servants,  that  Your  Holy  Spirit  may  descend  upon us..."


Here  he  motions  first  towards  himself,  then  towards  the oblations before him while saying: "Upon us and upon these oblations   which  are       placed here,                    purify     them,






transubstantiate  them,  and  reveal  them  as  sanctification for Your saints."


Here the Priest does as Elijah did in the past when he placed the  burnt  sacrifice  on  the  altar  and  prayed  saying,  “’Hear me, O Lord, hear me, that this people may know that You are  the  Lord  God’,...  then  the  fire  of  the  Lord  fell  and consumed the burnt sacrifice and the wood and the stones and  the  dust  and  it  licked  up  the  water  that  was  in  the trench"   (1   Kings   18:37-38).   This   was   proof   of   God's acceptance  of  the  sacrifice  of  Elijah,  and  the  reason  of  the peoples return to worshipping the living, everlasting God.


The  priest  requests  the  invocation  of  the  Holy  spirit  upon him and the congregation by saying: "That Your spirit may descend  upon  us."  So  that  the  life  of  the  believers  may change  from  carnal  to  spiritual  lives,  and  that  they  become worthy  to  receive  from  the  divine  sacraments  that  are  holy and only given to the saints.


Another reason to request the invocation of the Holy Spirit upon  the  believers  is  to  sanctify  their  minds,  hearts  and senses, to be able to know and believe that the oblations on the  altar  after  transubstantiation,  are  the  Holy  Body  and Blood  of  Christ  Jesus,  truly  and  without  doubt.     His  Holy Body and Blood present on the altar, is the work of the Holy Spirit  in  the  souls  of  the  believers;  it  is  a  transcendental mystery which cannot be realised except by the Holy Spirit. As St. Paul said, "No one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Corinthians 12:3).


During the recitation of the Invocation of the Holy Spirit the deacon  calls,  "Let  us  attend.  Amen",  calling  the  kneeling




congregation   to   complete   silence   during   the   awesome moments of the invocation of the Holy Spirit.


The  priest  stands  and  makes  the  sign  of  the  cross  over  the body three times, saying, "And this bread, He makes it into the Holy Body which is His."  Here the priest supplicates to the  Holy  Spirit  whom  he  called  by  reciting  the  previous sacrament  to  transubstantiate  the  bread  to  the  true  body  of Jesus Christ. At that specific moment the transubstantiation occurs in the bread to become the body of Christ. Here the congregation  cry  out,  "Amen,  I  believe",  manifesting  their faith  true  in  the  transubstantiation  of  the  bread  to  the  true Body. The response, being in the singular tense has specific power  and  significance,  for  it  is  each  person’s  individual proclamation     of         their                          faith and       belief   in        the transubstantiation.


Proclaim  your  faith,  my  beloved,  strongly  and  definitely  in that transubstantiation of the bread to the TRUE BODY OF JESUS  CHRIST,  do  not  let  doubts  aroused  by  the  devil affect you at any time.


The reason for doing the sign of the cross on the sacraments before the Invocation of the Holy Spirit and sanctification, is that the Holy Spirit had not yet dwelt upon us, and we were unworthy  to  accept  Him,  until  after  the  glorification  of  the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. By His crucifixion and death we won the pleasure of the Heavenly Father, so He granted us His Holy Spirit, the greatest gift, as the Evangelist   John says, "For the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was  not  yet  glorified"  (John  7:39),  as  He  was  not  yet crucified. The cross first, then the dwelling of the Holy Spirit with His various gifts.






The  priest  prays  inaudibly,  bowing  his  head  and  raising  his

hands towards God, saying, "Our Lord, God and Saviour, Jesus Christ, given for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life of those who shall partake of Him", meaning that this

is  the  Body  of  our  Lord,  God  and  saviour  Jesus  Christ,

which is given for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life to whoever  partakes  of  Him  in  preparation,  repentance  and worthiness.


Rejoice my beloved, because of these faithful facts and divine promises,  and  be  determined  to  proceed  to  the  end  of  the Mass, and to receive from this Holy Sacrament to gain these promises for yourself, that is for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.


The priest stands and blesses the chalice three times with the sign of the cross, saying,  "And  this  chalice  too  He  makes into  the  honoured  Blood  of  the  New  Testament  which  is His." Here the priest begs the Holy Spirit to transubstantiate the mixture in the chalice to the true honoured Blood of our God   Jesus   Christ. At          this      moment specifically               the transubstantiation  of  the  mixture  in  the  chalice  into  the TRUE  BLOOD  OF  OUR  LORD  JESUS  CHRIST  takes place.


The congregation respond saying: "Again I believe, Amen." And as I proclaimed my faith in the transubstantiation of the bread to the true Body of Jesus Christ, I now proclaim also my   faith   in   the   transubstantiation   of   the   wine   into   the precious honoured Blood of Emmanuel our God. The Blood of the New Testament which is shed for us on the honoured cross. This is also done in the singular form to give everyone




in the church the chance to proclaim their personal faith, and not to be lost in the crowd of multitudes. The proclamation of  personal  faith  is  stronger  than  collective  proclamation;  it has  its  essence  and  power  on  the  soul,  considering  Christ’s redemption  as  a  personal  redemption  for  everyone.  Christ was  crucified,  died,  shed  His  Blood  on  the  cross  for  me, personally and specifically. St. Paul expressed this by saying,

"It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me, and the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith in the Son of God!"


“Who  loved  me  and  gave  Himself  for  me"  (Galatians



The  priest  bows  his  head  and  stretches  his  arms  towards heaven,  praying  inaudibly  saying,  "Our  Lord,  God  and Saviour Jesus Christ, given for the forgiveness of sins and Eternal  life  to  those  who  shall  partake  of  Him."  This means  that  the  blood  is  the  Blood  of  our  Lord,  God  and Saviour  Jesus  Christ,  given  for  the  forgiveness  of  sins,  and eternal life to those who partake of Him.


This last sentence, "to those who shall partake of Him" is said  aloud  by  the  priest  to  warn  the  congregation  who  are still kneeling in fear and awe awaiting the invocation of the Holy  Spirit  to  sanctify  them  and  to  transubstantiate  the oblations. Then the congregation arises, saying, "Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy."


‘Lord   have   mercy   is   repeated   by   the   congregation   to proclaim their faith in the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the  transubstantiation  of  the  bread  and  wine  into  the  Holy Body  and  Blood  of  Christ,  and  that  these  Holy  Sacraments




are  truly  given  for  the  remission  of  sins  and  eternal  life  for those who partake of them worthily in repentance.


‘Lord   have   mercy   is   repeated   three   times   by   the congregation  with  repentance  and  humility  to  present  a collective repentance before the Divine Presence, to become worthy of approaching the life-giving Sacraments.


My  beloved,  cry  out  with  the  congregation  "Amen"  to confirm your faith in the truth of the work of the Holy Spirit

in  the  sacraments,  renewing  your  belief  in  the  mysterious transubstantiation   that   occurred   and   which   nobody   can believe  except  by  faith.  When  you  say  "Amen"  it  means

‘answer my prayer Lord, and accept my supplication for your



Repeat  "Lord  have  mercy"  with  the  congregation  three times  in  persistence  to  seek  mercy  saying,  "Have  mercy upon  me,  O  God,  according  to  Your  loving-kindness. According  to  the  multitude  of  Your  tender  mercies.  Blot out  my  transgressions.  Wash  me  thoroughly  from  my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin" (Psalm 51:1-2). "Be merciful  to  me,  O  God,  be  merciful  to  me!  For  my  soul trusts in You and in the shadow of Your wings I will make my   refuge"   (Psalm   57:1),   resembling   the   church   that proclaims  at  the  end  of  every  hour,  "Lord  have  mercy" repeating and                  persisting             until   God    has    mercy    and compassion.


Now the bread and wine have been transubstantiated into the Body and the Blood of the Lord Christ. The sign of the cross will  no  longer  be  made  over  them,  because  they  are  the source of blessing.






Look and contemplate, my beloved, on the simplicity of the

Holy  Spirit  and  the  power  of  His  Humility  to  answer  the supplications  of  the  priest  as  soon  as  he  speaks.  He  dwells and  transubstantiates  the  bread  to  the  Holy  Body  and  the wine to the Precious Honoured Blood of Christ.















































8   Litanies And


















Introduction of Litanies


Once the Body and Blood of Emmanuel our God are present on  the  altar,  the  priest  prays  this  wonderful  supplication:

"Make  us  all  worthy,  O  our  Master,  to  partake  of  Your Holies for the purification of our souls, bodies and spirits, that we may become one body and one spirit and may find

a share and inheritance in all the saints who have pleased

You since the beginning."


The  priest  asks  God  to  make  him  and  the  congregation worthy   of   partaking   of   His   holy   sacraments   for   the purification  and  salvation  of  their  souls,  bodies  and  spirits. Here the priest completes what he requested in the prayer of the Offertory saying,  "To  become  the  body  and  blood,  an enlightenment, remedy and salvation for our souls, bodies and spirits."


And likewise, what was requested in the Prayer of the Veil :

"We   ask   and   entreat   to   Your   goodness   O   Lover   of mankind,  do  not  let  this  mystery  which  You  provided  for our  salvation  become  a  judgment  for  us  or  Your  people, but forgiveness of our sins and iniquities."


From  this  prayer  we  conclude  that  these  sacraments  which are  given  for  our  salvation,  forgiveness  of  sins  and  eternal life, might become a condemnation and reason for weakness, disease  and  death  if  anybody  dared  to  partake  of  them without   repentance,   confession   and   preparation.   As   the



Apostle  Paul  says,  "Therefore  whoever  eats  this  bread  or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord... for he who eats and   drinks   in   an   unworthy   manner,   eats   and   drinks judgement to himself, not discerning the Lord's body. For this reason many are weak and sick among you and many sleep" (1 Corinthians 11:27-30).




Benefits Of Worthy Holy Communion


In  the  introduction  to  the  Prayer  of  the  Litanies,  the  priest mentions many benefits for worthy communion, and he asks God in persistence for them.


V   Purification of our souls, bodies and spirits.

V   Unity  of  mind  and  heart:  "  that  we  may  become  one body and one spirit"


The  priest  repeats  this  same  supplication  and  the  previous one   in   the   prayer   of   submission   just   before   the   Holy Communion saying: "Make us all worthy to partake of your Holy body and Honoured blood for the purification of our souls,  bodies  and  spirits,  the  forgiveness  of  our  sins  and iniquities and to become one body and one spirit with You. Glory  and  honour  are  due  to  You  with  Your  gracious Father and the Holy Spirit now and forevermore, Amen."


Here the Apostle advises us saying: "Now I plead with you brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all  speak  the  same  thing  and  that  there  be  no  divisions among  you,  but  that  you  be  perfectly  joined  in  the  same mind  and  in  the  same  judgements"  (1  Corinthians  1:11).




He  also  advises  us  about  the  communion  of  love  as  we partake  of  the  mystery  of  the  body  and  blood  of  Christ, saying, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion  of  the  blood  of  Christ?  The  bread  which  we break, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? For we,  being  many,  are  one  bread  and  one  body  for  we partake of the one bread" (1 Corinthians 10:16-17). He also advises us saying, "Endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit  in  the  bond  of  peace.  There  is  one  body  and  one spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling"

(Ephesians 4:3-4).


Also the church prays for the unity of love saying, "May the unity of heart and love abide in us.”


In the Prayer of Submission, which is said after the Fraction, the priest says: "We ask and entreat Your goodness O lover of mankind, that since You have purified us and united us with   Yourself   through   our   partaking   of   Your   divine mysteries…"


If  we  unite  with  God,  then  we  unite  with  each  other  in perfect brotherly love.


V   The  good  share  in  the  eternal  life:  "And  find  a  share and  inheritance  with  all  the  saints  who  have  pleased You since the beginning."


Worthy   Eucharist   protects   us   against   the   dominion   of darkness,  gives  us  victory  over  hosts  of  evil  so  we  win eternal  life  and  become,  "qualified  to  be  partakers  in  the inheritance  of  the  saints  in  the  light"  (Colossians  1:12). And we live forever in the company of the saints who, "Are




the ones who came out of the great tribulation and washed their  robes  and  made  them  white  in  the  Blood  of  the Lamb.  Therefore  they  are  before  the  throne  of  God  and serve him day and night" (Revelations 7:14-15).


All these blessings and graces are kept for you, my beloved,

in the sacrament of Eucharist, if you partake of it worthily in repentance.  Proceed  to  the  Holy  Communion  to  take  for yourself the essence of life and eternal glory.






After  this  awesome  introduction  the  priest  begins  to  recite the  seven  Litanies  of  Peace,  Fathers,  Priests,  Mercy,  Place, Waters and Oblations.


We  can  say  that  the  recitation  of  the  litanies  now  is  much stronger  than  at  any  other  time  because  of  the  presence  of the  sacrifice  on  the  altar,  as  St.  Cyril  of  Jerusalem  said,

"After   we   fulfill   the   spiritual,   non-bloody   sacrifice,   we supplicate  to  God  towards  the  sacrifice  of  forgiveness,  for the peace of all churches and for the goodness and stability

of  the  world  and  the  a  whole  for  whoever  needs help.  So  our  prayers  are  accepted  before  the  throne  of grace."


Continue  to  strive  in  your  standing  and  spiritual  reverence and  fervour  and  do  not  resemble  those  who  lose  their spiritual   fervour,         and      sit                down       after  the  prayer  of consecration  carelessly  thinking  of  trivial  and  inappropriate matters. They resemble people waiting with enthusiasm for a great king coming to them but when the king arrives, they do




not  care  to  welcome  him  adequately  but  rather,  consume their time with other matters unrelated to the king's reception or honour. This is definitely an insult to the king's dignity and may  provoke  his  anger  to  revenge.  May  God  protect  us, Amen.


i.        Litany of Peace


The priest pleads for the peace of the church, from inside and outside,   as   the   Psalmist   said,   "Pray   for   the   peace   of Jerusalem,  may  they  prosper  who  love  You.  Peace  be within your walls. Prosperity within your palaces. For the sake of my brethren and companions. I will now say peace be within you. Because of the house of the Lord our God I will seek Your good" (Psalm  122:6-9)


This  litany  is  distinguished  from  the  previous  litanies  of peace as the priest says about the church, "This which You have  purchased  to  Yourself  with  the  honoured  Blood  of Your Christ." This is what St. Paul said, "To shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own Blood"

(Acts 20:28).


As St. Peter says about the believers who form the church,

"Knowing  that  you  were  not  redeemed  with  corruptible things  like  the  silver  or  gold  from  your  aimless  conduct received   by   tradition   from   your   fathers,   but   with   the precious Blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot" (1 Pet 1:18-19). This gives us an idea about the  value  of  the  church  and  its  preciousness  in  the  eyes  of Christ, its founder. This provokes and encourages us to pray more fervently for her peace and unity.






During the recitation of the litany of Peace, pray my beloved one,  the  same  prayers  for  the  church,  which  we  mentioned previously   concerning   the   litanies   of   peace   during   the evening incense. Then respond with the congregation, "Lord have mercy", for all that is required for the church's peace, unity, deliverance and truth.




ii.       Litany of the Fathers


Here  the  priest  pleads  for  the  fathers  of  the  church,  the Orthodox  bishops  within  her,  headed  by  the  holy  Pope, hoping they are bestowed with power, grace and wisdom in shepherding the church of God which He purchased with His Blood,  and  to  keep  the  Orthodox  faith  which  was  received from the saints.


During  the  recitation  of  this  litany,  pray  the  same  requests mentioned  in  the  evening  incense,  then  respond  with  the congregation, "Lord have mercy", for all that is required for the church fathers for the good of the church.


iii.      Litany of the Priests


Here  the  priest  pleads  for  the  servants  of  the  church;  the teachers,   including                  the              hegumens,             priests,    deacons, subdeacons  and  those  who  help  the  bishops  in  shepherding the flock and rightly carrying with them the word of truth so the Gospel may reach every person.


The priest supplicates to God the Lord of the church and her great  Shepherd,  to  give  the  church  honest  ministers  to become examples to the flock, teaching the congregation the




word  of  salvation  according  to  the  commandment  of  our good  Saviour,  "The   harvest   truly   is   plentiful   but   the labourers are few"  (Matthew  9:37).  The  priest  also  pleads for the servants who struggle to serve the vine of the Lord, whatever  their  positions  are,  so  the  Lord  may  grant  them strength and help them in this blessed work of service.


Then   the   priest   pleads   for   all   those   who   are   living   in virginity, whether they be monks, nuns or those consecrated for  service.  He  asks  for  their  purity  and  the  angelical  life which  they  await,  in  order  that  they  may  have  a  share  and inheritance  with  the  one  hundred  and  forty  four  thousand virgins standing before the Divine Lamb, "And they sang as

if  it  were  a  new  song  before  the  throne,  the  four  living creatures and the elders, and no one could learn that song except  the  hundred  and  forty  four  thousand  virgins  who were  redeemed  from  the  earth"  (Revelation  14:1-3).  Then he requests for the purity of all the faithful congregation to live a pure marital life without betrayal or deviation, so their houses may be houses of prayer and purity, and thus houses of blessing where Christ comes and dwells.


The  Apostle  specifies  the  purity  of  matrimony  by  saying,

"Marriage   is   honourable    among    all   and    the   bed undefiled"  (Hebrews  13:4),  meaning  that  those  married should  not  defile  their  beds  or  body  through  committing adultery, "But fornicators and adulterers God will judge"

(Hebrews 13:4).


The  Apostle  draws  the  evangelical  style  of  matrimonial purity by saying, "Let each man have his own wife and let each  woman  have  her  own  husband.  Let  the  husband render  to  his  wife  the  affection  due  to  her  and  likewise




also  the  wife  to  her  husband.  The  wife  does  not  have authority  over  her  own  body  but  the  husband  does  and likewise, the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does. Do not deprive one another except with  consent  for  a  time,  that  you  may  give  yourselves  to fasting and prayer, and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control" (1

Corinthians   7:2-6).   "For   a   time"   implies   the   days   of obligatory church fasts, private fasts or preparatory days for holy communion.


In  the  first  request  in  the  Liturgy  of  St.  Gregory  the  priest prays  for  his  children,  both  those  who  are  celibate  and  the married saying, "Purity to those in celibacy, a good life to those in matrimony."


During this litany which is full of special requests, follow the priest  and  respond  by  saying  "Amen"  at  the  end  of  each request.


V   Upon   saying,   "Bestow   upon   Your   holy   church   to shepherd Your flock in peace", respond with,   "Amen Lord"

V   Upon   saying,   "All     the                 ministers",            respond           with,


V   Upon saying, "All those who live in virginity", respond with, "Amen"

V   Upon saying, "And the purity of Your faithful people",

respond with, "Amen"


Pray  that  the  Lord  helps  those  in  His  service  and  ministry, helps the virgins to keep pure, and protects the married from satanic wars, so that they may have happy lives and homes.




iv.      Litany of Mercy


The priest prays, "Remember O Lord to have mercy upon us  all",  asking  God's  mercy  upon  His  congregation  and upon  himself,  so  God  may  have  His  mercy  upon  them according to His loving kindness, according to the multitude of  His  tender  mercies  because,  "With  the  Lord  there  is mercy, and with Him abundant redemption" (Psalm130:7).


Beat  your  chest,  and  share  with  the  congregation  in  this supplication as it is very tender to the heart of God, as a saint once  said,  "There  is  no  supplication  more  beloved  and acceptable for God than someone asking for the forgiveness of their sins"



v.       Litany Of Place


The  priest  requests  for  deliverance  and  safety  of  the  place, city or village where the church is, as the Prophet Jeremiah advised  saying,  "Seek  the  peace  of  the  city  where  I  have caused  you  to  be  carried  away  captive.  And  pray  to  the Lord for it, for in its peace you will have peace" (Jeremiah



Where  there  is  peace  in  a  city  there  are  believers  living peacefully and in safety : "Lead a quiet and peaceful life in all godliness and reverence" (1 Timothy 2:2).


The priest prays for every place, city, village and monastery of our Orthodox fathers in all the world, so that they may be kept in safety and peace.







During this request, pray for every place according to their needs, for example, the needs of a monastery situated in the wilderness  are  different  from  those  situated  on  islands  or near  the  sea,  as  was  detailed  in  the  Litany  of  Place  in  the Evening  Incense.  Respond  with  the  congregation,  “Lord have mercy”, for all the above mentioned requests.


The priest completes the litany by saying,  "And  those  who are  dwelling  in  them,  in  God's  faith",  referring  to  the Christians dwelling in those places.


This   request   applies   more   to   the   monks   living   in   the wilderness, without whose faith in God and His providence, and  trust  in  His  love,  without  their  hope  in  His  kingdom ready for those who struggle in His holy name, they would not have migrated to such remote places, which is away from any consolation or comfort; preferring to live in asceticism, spiritual  strife  and  vigil  for  the  greatness  of  their  love  to Christ the King.


During  this  request,  remember  my  beloved,  all  the  monks living in the wilderness, and pray for their perfection so God may give them aid, power and victory in their struggle.




vi.      Litany of Waters (vegetation and the wind)


Every  one  of  these  specific  factors  has  a  time  for  church prayers, at the end of each of these three prayers the priest completes  the  rest  of  the  litany:   "Raise  them  to  their measure according to Your grace."







During this litany, ask God to,  "give  us  rain  from  heaven and   fruitful   seasons,   filling   our   heart   with   food   and gladness"   (Acts   14:17),   and,   "Supply   all   our   needs according   to   His   riches   in   glory   by   Christ   Jesus"

(Philemon 4:19). In the evening incense these private prayers

are further explained.




vii.     Litany of Oblations


The priest requests the heavenly reward and divine grace for all   those   who   have   presented   to   Him   these   oblations, carrying them to the church and those on whose behalf they are  offered,  like  the  sick,  oppressed  and  the  departed,  and those  by  whom  they  have  been  presented  like  the  priests, deacons and ministers of the altar who partook in preparing the oblations and raising them on the altar.


During   the   recitation   of   this   litany,   the   priest   motions towards  the  oblations  placed  before  him,  as  they  are  the greatest of the offerings of the believers to the church. The offerings, by its broad meaning, include all that is offered to the  church  for  its  needs  and  the  needs  of  her  servants,  like flour  to  make  the  bread,  wine  to  fill  the  chalice,  candles, curtains,  reading  books,  vessels  of  the  altar  and  money offerings like tithes, vows or donations.



Some  people  may  wonder,  ‘Why  does  the  priest  call  the mysteries  “Oblations”,  even  after  being  transubstantiated  to the  Holy  Body  and  Blood  of  the  Lord? We  say  this  is possible,  for  the  sacrament  of  Holy  Communion  has  many names,  such  as,  ‘The  sacrament  of  the  Holy  Bread."  His




Grace Bishop Gregorios, the Bishop of Scientific Research, wrote a book entitled, "The spiritual values of the sacrament of Bread," referring to the Eucharist.


It is also possible to name something or a person by a name or quality which they had before conversion, such as in the story of the man who was born blind. When the Lord healed him and he regained sight, some Pharisees came to Him to investigate his remedy saying, "What do you say about Him because  He  opened  your  eyes?"  (John  9:17).  The  Bible called him the ‘blind man even though at that time he had his full vision recovered.


In  the  incident  of  the  resurrection  of  our  good  Saviour,  an angel appeared to the women and said to them,  "You  seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified. He is risen. He is not here" (Mark16:6).


We notice the angel called Him ‘Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified’,  although  He  was  taken  down  from  the  cross  a long time ago, buried and then arose.


My  beloved,  during  the  recitation  of  this  litany  and  the response  of  the  deacon  who  says,  "Pray  for  these  sacred and  worthy  oblations  and  our  sacrifices  and  those  who offered  them,"  ask  for  the  acceptance  of  this  pure,  non- bloody sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins and iniquities of  the  whole  congregation.  Ask  for  those  on  whose  behalf they  are  offered,  if  they  are  sick,  oppressed,  needy  or reposed,  so  God  may  grant  them  according  to  each  one's heart, if asked according to God's will.







Also  pray  for  those  who  have  presented  these  oblations  so God may give them the heavenly in place of the earthly, the incorruptible in place of the corruptible and the perpetual in place of the transient, as the Apostle says, "Do not forget to do  good  and  share,  for  with  such  sacrifices  God  is  well pleased" (Hebrews 13:16).




The Synaxis of the Saints


After completing the litanies, the priest says the prayer of the Synaxis,  so  called  as  it  includes  the  most  famous  church fathers,  righteous  and  holy.  The  priest  begins  by  saying,

"Since this O Lord is the command of Your only begotten Son,  that  we  partake  in  the  commemoration  of  Your saints…"


This  means  God  is  pleased  and  wants  us  to  partake  in  the commemoration  of  these  saints  who  pleased  Him  in  their lives.  But  how  do  we  take  part  in  the  commemoration  of these saints? By commemorating their lives, struggle, sayings and  truly  attempting  to  resemble  them  and  follow  in  their steps in order to share with them an inheritance in the eternal life.


During   recitation   of   the   Synaxis,   stand   in   reverence, concentrate  and  contemplate  on  every  word  and  name  said by  the  priest  in  order  to  benefit  from  the  prayer  of  the Synaxis.


Try,  while  listening  to  the  Synaxis  to  remember  even  a glimpse of the life of the saint whose name is mentioned by the  priest,  or  contemplate  on  an  aspect  of  their  struggle,




remember  a  famous  teaching  or  an  important  virtue  that distinguishes them, so that you may keep your concentration during the Synaxis.


Let us try to apply this together, I am going to mention some of the saints in the Synaxis and a small aspect of each one's life…


The  priest  says,  "Graciously  O  Lord  remember  all  the saints  who  have  pleased  You  since  the  beginning.  Our holy   fathers   the   patriarchs…”   remember   Adam,   Abel, Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob.  “…the  prophets…”  remember Moses,  Isaiah  and  Jeremiah,  “…the  apostles…”  remember some of the twelve disciples and their intercessions,  “…the preachers… such as St. Phillip   and other past and recent preachers.


“…The evangelists…”  such  as  St.  Matthew,  St.  Mark,  St. Luke and St. John and their great contribution to the church

in  writing  the  gospel,  life  and  teachings  of  our  Lord  Jesus Christ.   “…the   martyrs…”   who   are   many,   such   as   St. George,  St.  Mina  and  St.  Demiana.  “…the  confessors…”, these  are  the  believers  who  faced  much  tribulation  and torture  for  their  faith,  they  were  not  martyred  but  lived  to endure  terrible  sufferings  and  permanent  infirmities.  There are many Confessors, such as St. Samuel the Confessor and abbot  of  the  Kalamoun  monastery  near  Fayoum,  and  St. Paphnatius the Confessor and bishop of Teeba.


“…And  the  spirits  of  the  righteous  who  perfected  their faith…”, there are so many, such as Pope Mettaous, the first great  patriarch,  Pope  Abraam  another  great  patriarch,  and the   great   Father   Mikhail   Ibrahim.   Remember   also   St.




Arsanious who was a righteous monk, and the deacon Habib

Farag who was a great servant.


“…Above all the holy perpetual virgin, the holy mother of God St. Mary...”  remember aspects of her life, such as her humility,  quietness,  her  purity,  and  her  only  advice  which was recorded in the Bible : "Whatever  He  says  to  you,  do it"        (John   2:5).   Try   to    fulfill   this   by    keeping   the commandment of the Lord Jesus in the Bible.


“…St.   John   the   forerunner,   Baptist   and   martyr…”, remember his bravery in truth till death, his humility and self denial   when   he   said,   "He   must   increase   and   I   must decrease" (John 4:30).


“…St.   Stephen   the   archdeacon   and   first   martyr…”, remember  his  bravery,  faith  and  forgiveness  towards  his enemies when he asked for it while being stoned saying, "Do not charge them with this sin" (Acts 7:60).


“…The  beholder  of  God  and  evangelist,  Mark  the  holy apostle   and   martyr…”,   remember   his   contribution   to Christianity  in  writing  the  gospel  of  Mark,  his  journey  to preach with Peter, Paul and Barnabas, and finally what he did for the Coptic Orthodox church in preaching in our country and being martyred in Alexandria.


“…The  holy  patriarch  Severus…”,  who  was  the  patriarch of  our  sister  church,  the  Syrian  Orthodox  Church.  He  was exiled  from  his  land  because  he  held  fast  to  his  Orthodox faith, and   so came to Egypt where he died and was buried. Try   to   remember   and   learn   from   his   patience   and longsufferance. “…Our teacher Dioscorus…”, who was the




hero  of  Orthodoxy.  He  suffered  torture  and  insults  for  his Orthodoxy and was exiled and died in exile. Learn from his example  by  abiding  in  the  true  doctrine  which  was  handed down             to           us                   by        the       saints.  “…St.            Athanasius   the Apostolic...”, who was the protector of the Orthodox faith. Remember  what  is  said  of  him:  “If  it  had  not  been  for Athanasius,  the  whole  world  would  have  become  Arians.” Thank   God   for   preserving   the   true   faith   through   St. Athanasius  the  Great,  who  resembled  the  apostles  in  their struggle.


“…St. Peter the martyr and high priest…”,  remember his love for his people and his fear for them when he advised the jailer  to  dig  the  jail  from  the  rear  and  take  him  to  his martyrdom secretly, so that the people gathering in front of the  prison  may  be  protected  from  seeing  their  father  being tortured.


“…St. John Chrysostom…”, remember his bravery in truth against   the   impertinent   Queen   Andoksia.   Remember   his fervent spiritual sermons which are still read and remember

to this day. It was because of his sermons that he was given the title ‘of the golden mouth’.


“…St. Theodosius…”, who was the 33rd Coptic patriarch. He protected Orthodoxy and was severely tortured for this. Learn from him to abide in the correct doctrine so that you,

"Do   not   be   carried   about   with   various   and   strange doctrines"  (Hebrews  13:9).                      “…St.  Theophilus…”,  who was  the  22nd  Coptic  patriarch.  He  was  a  spiritual  person who loved monasticism and always took the time to visit the monks who dwelt in the wilderness. He would sit with them and talk about salvation.  “…St. Dimitrius…”, who was the




12th Coptic patriarch, and is famously known as ‘Dimitrius the  vine  dresser’.  He  is  credited  for  establishing  the  Coptic calendar   and   organising   the   fasts   and   Christian   feasts correctly.  He  gave  the  church  a  great  service.  Try  to  learn from   him   by   serving   the   church   with   your   talents   and abilities, however little. When God blesses them by a touch from  the  Holy  Spirit  they  become  great  as  what  happened with St. Dimitrius who was illiterate at first. “…St. Cyril…”, who  was  the  24th  Coptic  patriarch.  He  was  given  the  title

‘the great pillar of faith’. Remember his struggle in the first

ecumenical council in Ephesus against Nestorius the heretic. Also  remember  his  pure  Orthodox  teachings  which  still enriches and enlivens the church. He is the greatest teacher of   the   mystery   of   Divine   incarnation   and   the   greatest defender of the motherhood of St. Mary to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate   God.   It   was   said   about   him,   "His   mind   was marinated in the divine books."


“…St. Basil…”, who was   the archbishop of Caesarea, and the writer of the liturgy of St. Basil, which is famous in our church.  He  is  a  distinguished  personality  in  the  universal church     and         a         pillar           of         pillars. “…St.                Gregory the theologian…”,  who  was  the  bishop  of  Sazema.  He  served for  a  while  in  Constantinople,  and  wrote  many  powerful theological              essays.   Hence        he       earned    his    title,   ‘the theologian’.                        “…St.  Gregory  the  miracle  performer…”, who  was  called  as  such  because  of  the  numerous  miracles God performed through him. He was ordained bishop to the new  Caesarea  in  the  province  of  Pontius  and  was  a  great, spiritual  man.  “…and  St.  Gregory  the  Armenian…”,  he was the most famous Armenian patriarch who was martyred without blood shed due to the enormous torturing he faced, and yet he was as steadfast as a rock.






“…The  three  hundred  and  eighteen  fathers  assembled  at

Nicea…”,  the  Council  of  Nicea  was  the  first  Ecumenical Council,  and  was  held  in  the  year  325  AD.  Its  aim  was  to defeat the heresy of Arius. The members were three hundred and eighteen who rejected the heresy and defended the true Orthodox  faith.  St.  Athanasius  was  the  great  hero  of  the Council and he instituted the scripts of the Nicean Creed of Faith.          “…The                        one                  hundred  and          fifty        at Constantinople…”,               this      was                the   second Ecumenical Council,  which  was  held  in  the  year  381  AD,  to  condemn Macedonius the enemy of the Holy Spirit and other heretics. Their  heresies  were  rejected  by  the  Council,  and  the  last section of the Creed was instituted, beginning with,  "Truly we believe in the Holy Spirit…".   “…and the two hundred at   Ephesus...”   The   Council   of   Ephesus   is   the   third Ecumenical Council, which was held in the year 431 AD to condemn the heresies of Nestorius and Pilagius. They were rejected        by           the     Council           and                      excommunicated.    The introduction to the Creed was instituted during this Council, which   begins   with,   "We   honour   you   mother   of   true light…"   Pope Cyril the Alexandrian was the bright star at that Council.


“…Our righteous father the great Abba Anthony…”, who was   distinguished   by   his   quiet,   spiritual   bravery   which penetrated deep within the wilderness. Despite fierce Satanic wars, he was victorious, through the strength and providence of  the  Lord,  and  so  established  a  great  spiritual  monastic system in Egypt, earning the title of ‘the father of all monks

in  the  whole  world’.  St.  Anthony  cared  to  keep  the  divine commandments and fulfill them. He advised all his disciples the  monks  to  live  according  to  the  commandments  and  to




keep a verse from the Holy Bible to which their deeds may reflect.


“…The righteous Abba Paul…”, who was the first hermit

to live a solitary life in the wilderness for about ninety three years without seeing a fellow human. The church gave him his title ‘the first hermit’, because of his long solitude in the wilderness and his spiritual struggle and great asceticism.


“…The three saints Abba Macarius and all their children the cross bearers…”.  The three Macarius are as follows :-


V         Abba  Macarius  the  Great,  who  was  Egyptian,  and known as the father of the monks of the wilderness of Scetes  (Sheheet),  distinguished  by  his  humility  and love  which  thinks  no  evil.  He  always  covered  the mistakes for others, so much so that he deserved to hear  a  voice  from  heaven  saying,  "Blessed  are  you spiritual  Macarius,  you  resemble  your  Creator  in covering the weaknesses of others".  Try to learn this blessed and beautiful virtue, my beloved.


V         Abba Macarius the Alexandrian, father of the monks of cells. He was a contemporary of St. Macarius the Great.  The  most  distinguished  characteristic  about him was his strict asceticism, his love of fasting and struggle  in  prayer.  He  was  always  cheerful.  Try  to learn these qualities, while asking his help in prayers.


V         Abba Macarius the Bishop of the province of Kao in Upper  Egypt.  He  was  martyred  for  his  Orthodox faith at the time of the Patriarch Dioscorus. He was characterised by perfect simplicity in appearance and dressing,  so  much  so  that  many  did  not  believe  he



was  a  bishop.  Try  to  learn  from  him  the  virtue  of simplicity, so that Satan does not tempt us with the sin of pride. Ask for his help in your prayers.


“…and all their children the cross bearers…”, these were saintly monks who wore the holy Cross as a sign of spiritual struggle and victory.


“…Our  father  Abba  John  the  hegumen…”,  the  spiritual brother  of  Abba  Bishoy.  Both  were  disciples  of  the  great saint   Abba   Bamon.  Abba   John   received   the   order   of hegumen  and  became  the  provider  in  the  wilderness,  while living a heavenly life on earth. Once some fathers heard him praying  in  his  cell  and  heard  praises  of  angels  and  the fragrance of incense coming out of his cell. At another time one  of  the  elders  saw  him  sleeping  in  the  heat  of  the  noon and  beside  him  was  an  angel  relaxing  him  with  a  fan.  The reason for these wonderful gifts was his wonderful humility, obedience,  honesty  in  worshipping  and  care  for  prayers, continually contemplating on God. Try to learn his virtues.


“…Our  father  Abba  Bishoy,  the  righteous,  perfect  man, the  beloved  of  our  good  Saviour...”,  he  was  the  star  and light of the wilderness. He was characterised by humility and goodness  so  much  so  that  he  deserved  to  be  called  ‘the perfect   man,   beloved   of   our   good   Saviour’.   The   Lord appeared  to  him  many  times  as  a  guest.  At  one  time,  St. Bishoy  washed  the  feet  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  and  at another  time  he  carried  Him  on  his  blessed  shoulders  up  a mountain.  Why  not  learn  from  Abba  Bishoy  the  virtue  of meekness,  for  as  the  Lord  said,  “they  shall  inherit  the earth.”






“…Our  father  Abba  Paul  of  Tammoh... Abba  Paul  of Tammoh  was  the  disciple  of  Abba  Bishoy,  and  they  are always   mentioned   together   in   the   church's   praises   and prayers.   What   characterises   Abba   Paul   is   his   spiritual struggle in the ascetic life, until the Lord Himself appeared to him saying, "Enough struggle My beloved Paul," and Abba Paul  lovingly  answered,  "Let   me   exhaust   my   body,   my Master for Your name’s sake, as You exhausted Yourself for mankind, You the God and Son of God gave Yourself for us, we  the  unworthy  sinners!"  So  the  Lord  consoled  him  and strengthened  him.   “…and  Ezekiel  his  disciple…”,  we  do not know much about him, but it is enough for him to be the disciple  of  St.  Paul  of  Tammoh,  and  it  is  definite  that  he resembled  his  great  spiritual  father  in  his  spiritual  struggle, humility   and   obedience   which   enabled   him   to   live   in submission and obedience for a long time. Try to learn from the life and spiritual struggle of St. Paul of Tammoh, and the obedience  of  Ezekiel  his  disciple,  and  ask  for  their  help  in your prayers.


“…My  masters  the  holy  Roman  fathers  Maximus  and Domitius…”,   who   were   the   sons   of   King   Valentianus. Leaving the King's palace, throne and greatness, they became monks in the desert of Syria. Then they came to Egypt and became disciples of St. Macarius the Great, the father of the wilderness of Scetes, and lived their life in strict ascetisicm until they passed away. We can learn from them to renounce worldly  concerns,  such  as  money,  possessions,  authority, leadership, honour and praise, so that we may win rather the everlasting  honour  in  eternal  life  with  Christ  the  King  of glory.







“…The  forty  nine  martyrs,  the  elders  of  Scetes...”,  who were martyred by the hands of the barbarians on one of their raids in the desert. Their bodies are buried in a large tomb in the Church of the Elders, in the monastery of St. Macarius in the wilderness of Scetes. They were a good example in their readiness for death at any moment without fear; we wish to learn from these heroes.


“…The strong saint Abba Moses…”, whose example is one of  true,  pure  repentance.  He  was  transformed  from  the depths of evil to the highest level of purity and holiness, so that  he  may  become  a  witness  of  the  work  of  God's  grace that  works  and  renews  all  people,  if  the  Lord  finds  them ready.   We   remember   Abba   Moses   for   his   repentance, repentance with all its significance and benefits. The greatest virtue  we  learn  from  St.  Moses  is  the  life  of  repentance without which no one can see the Lord.


“…and John Kame the priest…”, he was a pure saint who loved  virginity  so  much  that  when  his  father  forced  him  to marry against his will, St. John made an agreement with his wife to live in celibacy. They lived together in purity to an extent   that   each   night,   they   deserved   to   see   an   angel protecting  their  bedroom.  Also,  the  Lord  planted  a  vine  to overshadow them as a visible symbol of their angelic purity. Finally,  St.  John  sent  his  wife  to  a  nunnery  and  he  himself went   to   become   a   monk   in   the   wilderness   of   Scetes, completing  his  life  in  purity,  and  becoming  a  father  of  a monastery. We can learn from Abba John Kame the virtue of purity, either in celibacy or in marriage, as St. Paul described

in the seventh chapter of his first epistle to the Corinthians.







“…Our father Abba Daniel the hegumen…”, who was the protopriest of the wilderness of Scetes in the sixth century. He was characterised by great insight, spiritual wisdom and distinction, granted to him by God. These gifts enabled him

to lead great multitudes of monks in their spiritual life. God also gave him the talent of knowledge of virtues and vices of people  to  facilitate  his  leadership  of  others  and  know  their hearts, so as to guide them. Try to learn from him the virtue of  spiritual  wisdom  and  Divine  distinction.  This  comes  by continuous   reading   in   the   Holy   Bible,   in   a   spirit   of submission and prayer, so that the Holy Spirit may teach you what you need. This also comes by reading the sayings and teachings of the fathers, knowing their struggle and manner which was guided by the Holy Spirit.   Knowledge comes by the life of discipleship, and guidance by the spiritual fathers.


“…Our  father  Abba  Isidor  the  priest…”,  who  was  the great saintly priest of the wilderness in the fifth century, the golden  era  of  monasticism.  He  was  full  of  wisdom  and patience. He once said, "From the time I became a monk, I never allowed anger to come out of my mouth." He helped the  poor,  encouraged  the  oppressed  and  bore  everyone patiently.  He,  "strengthened  the  weak  hands,  made  firm the feeble knees, said to those who are fearful hearted, be strong, do not fear. Behold your God will come and save you"  (Isaiah  35:3-4).    It  is  mentioned  about  him  that  any father who had a son and failed to chasten him, sent him to St. Isidor, who would counsel him and save him.


“…Our   father   Abba   Bakhomius,   the   father   of   the community…”,  there  were  two  conflicting  qualities  in  the character  of  St.  Bakhomius,  his  extreme  strictness  and  his extreme  humility.  He  was  very  strict  in  administering  his




monasteries,  which  resembled  military  camps  in  their  order and  obedience,  but  he  was  also  distinguished  by  his  great modesty,  without  the  sovereignty  of  one  over  the  other. Learn,  my  beloved  these  two  virtues  from  St.  Bakhomius, for few can attain them.   “…and Theodore his disciple…”, who was an obedient son and the personal disciple of Abba Bakhomius.   He   absorbed   all   the   characteristics   of   his personality, as it is mentioned in the Gospel: "It is enough for  a  disciple  to  be  like  his  teacher"  (Matthew  10:25). Theodore (Tadros) had a rare obedience, so much so that he became an ideal disciple. We can all learn from him simple obedience  towards  our  physical  and  spiritual  fathers,  as obedience  saves  us  a  great  deal  of  trouble  in  reaching  our goals  without  stumbling  along  the  way.  By  obedience  we take  a  ready  counsel  supported  by  experience  and  free  of negatives.


“…Our father Abba Shenouti the Archimandrite…”, who was the abbot of the monasteries in the province of Sohag in Upper Egypt. He was distinguished by his patriotism, pride of his nationality and heritage. He encouraged whatever was Coptic (Egyptian) and resisted anything foreign. He did his utmost  to  confirm  the  Coptic  language,  and  assisted  the Egyptians to a great extent in their struggle against foreign colonism. His high spirituality, and love for monasteries and solitude, earned him the title ‘the Archimandrite’, or ‘head of the  hermits’.   We  can  learn  from  St.  Shenouti  the  love  for our country, our people and our church, with all her heritage, language,  rites,  tunes,  and  spirituality.   “…and  Abba  Besa his  disciple…”,  who  was  the  successor  of  St.  Shenouti  in the administration of the monasteries, and was obedient and sincere  to  his  spiritual  father  during  his  life  and  after  his departure. He managed the monasteries in the same style and




spirit  of  Abba  Shenouti.  All  his  essays  and  letters  to  the monasteries  included  a  speech  or  a  teaching  of  his  late spiritual father St. Shenouti. We can learn from Abba Besa his love of the spiritual life and teachings, for by them we are guided as if by a bright lamp.


While these are the names always mentioned in the Synaxis, or the Commemoration of Saints, there are, of course, many more, but are not usually mentioned.


The priest concludes the Synaxis with this wonderful prayer :

"And  all  the  host  of  Your  saints  through  whose  prayers and supplications, have mercy upon us and save us for the sake  of  Your  Holy  Name  which  is  called  upon  us."  The priest  here  asks  for  mercy  and  deliverance  and  providence from  God,  for  himself  and  the  congregation,  through  the supplications and prayers of all the saints whose names were mentioned,  even  though  they  are  but  a  few  from  a  vast number of saints whose names were not mentioned.


He truly asks for all this in the worthiness of the great and holy  name  of  Christ,  which  is  called  upon  us.  As  we  are called Christians we carry His name. So the priest guarantees the acceptance and response to his prayers according to the Lord's promise: “Whatever you ask in My name, that I will do”   (John   14:13,14).   In   the   Old   Testament   God   also promised, “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin and heal their land. Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place”

(2 Chronicles 7:14-15).






Take this valuable chance and these blessed promises and ask God for all your needs according to His good will, seek Him with  lowliness  and  humbleness,  so  He  gives  you  whatever you need and responds to your will.


The deacon then says, "Let the readers recite the names of our  holy  fathers,  the  patriarchs  who  have  departed,  O Lord repose their souls and forgive us our sins."


In  the  past,  names  of  the  patriarchs  who  departed  were written  on  many  tablets  and  upon  hearing  this  call  every reader took out a tablet and read the names, asked for their mercy and repose as a reward for their services in the church and shepherding the people of God. We do not know when this  tradition  stopped  but  we  can  still  pray  to  God  for  the departed  patriarchs  on  hearing  this  call  in  the  church.  May God reward them for their spiritual strife and struggle in the church.






The  times  in  which  the  Diptych  must  not  be  recited  in  the known fasting tune, are on Sundays, and during the fifty days after  Easter.  After  the  priest  completes  the  Synaxis,  and during  the  previous  response  of  the  deacon,  the  priest  says the  following  diptych  inaudibly:  "Remember  also  O  Lord, all  those  who  departed  and  reposed  from  amongst  the priesthood, and from all the orders of the laity. Graciously

O Lord, repose all their souls in the embrace of our holy

fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sustain them in green pastures, by the waters, comfort in the paradise of joy, the place  where  grief,  sorrow  and  sighing  have  fled,  in  the




light of your saints." He then places one spoonful of incense into the censer presented to him by the deacon, and he then mentions others who have departed.


Once the deacon has responded, "Let the readers name our holy  fathers  who  have  departed...",  the  priest  would  have completed  the  recitation  of  the  Diptych  inaudibly,  then  the congregation respond, "Glory be to You O Lord, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless us, Lord repose them, Amen."


This  is  a  specific  response  for  the  Diptych  of  the  departed and  not  for  the  Synaxis  as  some  understand.  Due  to  the misunderstanding  that  this  is  a  response  for  the  Synaxis  of Saints, some have added, "May their holy blessings be with us  all,  Amen,"  to  the  beginning  of  the  response.  This sentence was not originally present in the old liturgy books, neither in print or in scrolls. The liturgy of the society of the church's  children  mentioned  it  between  brackets  to  denote that  it  is  not  original,  but  rather,  recently  added.  Logically though,  it  is  not  possible  for  this  response  to  refer  to  the Synaxis of the Saints, ("Lord repose them Amen"), for they have  reached  the  highest  levels  of  repose,  comfort  and happiness in the paradise of joy and their names are placed in the Synaxis so that we may ask for their intercessions.


If  this  response  is  meant  for  the  recently  departed  then  we should  not  say,  "May  their  holy  blessings  be  with  us  all Amen," because we do not know their fate and the church has not confessed their holiness. It is not logical to ask for their repose and then to ask for their blessings. This response

is meant for the recently departed, and not for the saints, as it

is said after the Diptych and not the Synaxis. Another proof




is the absence of the sentence, "May their holy blessings be with us all Amen," in the original liturgy books.


I hope this sentence will be deleted, and the hymn restored to its  original,  concise  meaning.  The  Bible  advises  us  saying,

"Do not remove the ancient landmark which your fathers have set" (Proverbs 22:28).


And the Lord also said, "Stand in the ways and see and ask for  the  old  paths,  where  the  good  way  is  and  walk  in  it, then you will find the rest of your souls" (Jeremiah 6:16).


If  there  is  a  private  Mass  for  a  departed  soul,  the  previous inaudible Diptych is not mentioned, but this audible one from the  Liturgy  of  St.  Cyril,  with  the  great  solemn  tune,  "And those   and   everyone,   O   Lord   whose   name   we   have mentioned,   and   those   whom   we   have   not   mentioned. Those who are within the thoughts of everyone of us and those who are not within us and those who have departed and reposed in the faith of Christ."


Here the priest places one spoonful of incense into the censer while  reciting  audibly,  in  the  above  mentioned  tune,  the names of the departed. The deacon recites the Litany of the Departed,  "Pray  for  our  fathers  and  brethren  who  have departed,  may  the  Lord  repose  their  souls  and  forgive  us our sins."  The congregation respond, "Lord have mercy."


Then the priest prays, in the solemn tune, the first part of the Litany  of  the  Departed,  "Graciously  O  Lord,  repose  all their souls in the embrace of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sustain them in green pastures by the waters,






comfort in the paradise of joy. The place from which grief, sorrow and sighing have fled in the light of Your saints."


Then the congregation responds, "Glory be to You O Lord, Lord  have  mercy,  Lord  have  mercy,  Lord  bless  us,  Lord repose  them,  Amen."  This  response  is  clear  in  the  liturgy book  without  the  sentence,  "May  their  holy  blessings  be with us all, Amen."




The   Method   of   Draining   the   Censer   after   the



After  the  priest  places  one  spoonful  of  incense  into  the censer  for  those  who  have  departed,  the  deacon  takes  the censer   and   places   it   in   its   designated   area   within   the sanctuary  so  that  all  the  incense  may  rise  before  the  Lord God, within His Holy Sanctuary. This incense rises together with  the  prayers  mentioned  for  those  souls  of  His  servants who have departed, so that the Lord may grant them mercy and repose.


The  censer  stays  in  its  place  until  all  the  incense  within  it rises, then the deacon empties the ashes. The censer should not be emptied while the incense is still rising, for the incense signifies mercy for the departed before God.




Common Rites


Common rites regarding the use of the censor are as follows:







V   After placing the Diptych incense in the censer, the priest or the deacon offers it before the icons of the saints in the church.


V   After  placing  the  Diptych  incense  into  the  censer,  the deacon   takes   it   and   walks   through   the   rows   of congregation, blowing into the censor.


One may ask: 'What is the reason for offering incense before the saints' icons, if the incense is meant for the departed and not  for  the  saints?'  and,  'What  is  the  reason  for  the  deacon walking  amongst  the  congregation  and  blowing  into  the censor?'


His   Grace   Bishop   Gregorios,   the   Bishop   of   Scientific Research,   responds   to   both   questions   as   follows:   "The deacon ought to carry incense to the congregation who are outside the sanctuary, so that they can pray for their loved ones who have departed in His name. Then the priest takes the  censer,  and  prays  for  the  reposed  and  mercy  of  the departed, and the incense rises with the prayers of the saints upon the golden altar which is before the throne of Christ"

(Revelations 8:3,4 and 5:8).


The most preferable is for the celebrant priest to come to the congregation  with  the  censer,  followed  by  a  deacon  who carries  a  dish  containing  the  beads  of  incense.  The  people then  take  from  it  according  to  the  number  of  people  they know  who  have  departed,  pray  on  it  and  give  it  to  the deacon, who then gives it to the priest who offers it in the sanctuary.  If  there  is  only  one  priest  celebrating  the  Holy Mass,  then  a  deacon  will  take  the  beads  of  incense  to  the people,  followed  by  another  deacon  who  will  collect  them





and give them back to the priest for offering and praying to the Lord for the departed.


Therefore, we conclude...


V   The deacon goes out to the congregation with a plate of incense beads, not the censer, before the Diptych and not after, to collect from the believers the beads of incense, distributed  for  the  Litany  of  the  Departed.  He  then prepares  it  for  the  priest,  and  at  the  moment  of  the Diptych, the priest places it in the censer to request God's mercy for the departed.


V   This incense is not to be offered before saintly icons or amidst   the   congregation,   but   for   the   mercy   of   the departed souls of the church believers.





i. The deacon must not take the censer after the incense of mercy   has   been   placed   in   it   and   pass   through   the congregation blowing in it. This distracts the people from the sacrifice on the altar and the continuance of the Mass.


ii. It is preferable for the censer to hang in its place after the incense  of  mercy  has  been  placed  in  it  and  left  until  it  is completely free from the smoke of incense. Then the deacon takes it, after the Mass, and empties the ashes.


iii. It is necessary to empty the censer after using it in every

Mass, so that it may 'fast' in preparation for the next Mass. If

it   is   left   without   being   emptied,   either   by   mistake   or forgetfulness,  it  should  not  be  used  for  the  next  Mass,  but instead be replaced by another censor which has 'fasted'. This



fasting must be done by all the altar vessels such as the water jug and the chalice. All vessels must be completely dried and wiped  after  washing  them  at  the  end  of  the  Mass.  The  veil must be kept upside down to dry and the water jug must be emptied and left to dry upside down at the end of the Mass. This is fasting.


iv. The rite of the deacon going out to the congregation with the  plate  of  incense  during  the  Mass  is  not  practiced  now, but  it  is  still  practiced  in  the  prayers  of  Prostration  at  the evening of Pentecost Sunday.




It is done as follows...


i. At the end of Tasbeha (Praises), and before the beginning of the prayer, the deacon ignites some coal which is placed in

a certain bowl. He then takes the plate containing the incense beads,     and      passes             through          the           congregation           so   that everybody may take a few beads.


ii. Each person mentions the names of those they know who have  departed,  and  with  each  name  they  take  a  bead  and place it in the other hand. This is done until all the departed have  been  remembered.  The  deacon  then  passes  through with  two  empty  plates;  one  for  the  incense  of  the  departed and one for the surplus incense beads.


iii. The deacon returns to the altar, placing the incense plate containing the incense beads with the names of the departed on   the   table   before   the   priest,   who   is   praying   the Thanksgiving Prayer in order to begin the first Prostration.






iv.   After   the   Thanksgiving   Prayer,   the   priest   proceeds towards  the  vessel  prepared  for  placing  the  incense  for Diptych of the departed, and places some of this incense in it saying, "Glory and honour, honour and glory to the Holy Trinity,  the  Father,  the  Son  and  the  Holy  Spirit,  repose and  comfort  for  Your  servants  who  have  departed  in  the Orthodox  faith  since  the  beginning.  Graciously  O  Lord repose  all  their  souls  in  the  embrace  of  our  holy  fathers Abraham,  Isaac  and  Jacob  in  the  paradise  of  joy,  in  the heavenly Jerusalem. And give them, with us, a share and inheritance with all Your saints."


v.  This  procedure  is  repeated  again  after  the  Prayer  of Thanksgiving in the second Prostration, so the priest places the rest of the incense beads which were counted according

to the souls of the departed while saying the above prayer.


vi.  About  distributing  incense  beads  to  the  congregation  so each may take a few beads in remembrance of the departed whom  they  would  like  to  mention,  the  book  of  Laqan mentions, "Everyone gives incense for their departed."




Those O Lord...


Whether the priest prays the Diptych audibly or not, he must pray the Diptych of the Liturgy of St. Basil as follows:


" Those O Lord whose souls You have taken, repose them in the paradise of joy, in the land of eternal living, in the heavenly  Jerusalem.  And  we  also,  the  foreigners  in  this place, preserve us in Your faith and grant us Your peace until the end."






In this paragraph, the church fulfils her holy work towards all

her children, the departed and the living. Interceding for her departed children for the Lord to repose their souls, and to give  them  the  eternal  kingdom  in  the  heavenly  Jerusalem.

"The  tabernacle  of  God  is  with  men,  and  He  will  dwell with them, and they shall be His people and God Himself will  be  with  them  and  be  their  God.  And  God  will  wipe away  every  tear  from  their  eyes,  there  shall  be  no  more death, nor sorrow nor crying and there shall be no more pain for the former things have passed away" (Revelations

21:3-4). Here the great care of the church for her children is manifested not only in their lives but after their departure as well.


The  intercession  of  the  living  for  the  departed  is  a  fixed doctrine  in  the  church.  St.  John  Chrysostom  witnessed  the prayer  for  the  departed  as  an  apostolic  tradition,  and  said:

"The   apostle   did   not   uselessly   oblige   performance   to commemorate the departed at the time of completion of the awesome sacraments, because they well know how beneficial and useful it is."


As   a   compassionate   mother,   the   church   cares   for   her departed children, asking for their repose and does not forget her  living  children,  but  asks  God  to  keep  them  in  the Orthodox faith until the end, giving them His Divine peace which,   "Surpasses   all   understanding,   will   guard   your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ" (Philippians 4:7).


How  beautiful  are  the  feelings  of  the  humble  church  when she describes herself and her children as "foreigners in this place".  The world in which we live is a foreign land for us,




as   God   said   to   Moses,   "I   have   also   established   My covenant with them to give them the land of Canaan, the land  of  their  pilgrimage,  in  which  they  were  strangers"

(Exodus 6:4). And the Psalmist humbly confesses saying, "I

am    a    stranger    in    the   earth,    do    not    hide    Your commandment  from  me"  (Psalm  119:19).  He  also  admits himself as a stranger in his own house, "Your statutes have been  my  song  in  the  house  of  my  pilgrimage"  (Psalm

119:54),  he  also  supplicates  in  his  strange  house  saying,

"Hear my prayer O Lord and give ear to my cry. Do not be silent at my tears for I am a stranger , a sojourner as all my fathers were" (Psalm 39:12).


The Apostle Paul says, "Therefore we are always confident knowing  that  while  we  are  at  home  in  the  body,  we  are absent from the Lord" (2 Corinthians 5:6). Our true home is the heavenly Jerusalem where we shall dwell with God our Father forever. The Apostle says, "For our citizenship is in heaven, for which we also eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord  Jesus  Christ"  (Philippians  3:20).  I  wish  we  could resemble   the   heroes   of   faith   who   confessed   they   were strangers,  and  pilgrims  on  the  earth,  plainly  they  seek  a homeland,   a   heavenly   country,   "Therefore   God   is   not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them" (Hebrews 11:13-16).  As long as we are strangers

in this world, let us put our only hope that final happiness is

to, "Set our minds on things above, not on things on the earth"  (Colossians  3:2)  and  listen  to  the  advice  of  the Apostle  who  says,  "Conduct  yourselves  throughout  the time of your sojourning here in fear" (1 Peter 1:17).


Dear  friend,  during  the  recitation  of  this  prayer  try  to  live with  its  words  with  all  your  heart  and  contemplate  on  the




valuable  gems  in  it.  Ask  for  the  repose  of  your  departed loved ones, by name. Confess to God that you are a stranger

in  this  world  and  one  day  you  will  proceed  to  your  real homeland,  as  those  who  have  proceeded  us  in  departure. Then  reverently  ask  God  to  keep  you  in  His  faith  until  the end, granting you His peace to complete your struggle.


After completing this part, the congregation responds, "As it was,  so  shall  it  be,  from  generation  to  generation  and  to the age of ages, Amen."


As the priest witnesses humbly that we are strangers in this world,  the  congregation  also  bears  witness  that  we  are temporal strangers, but infinity and eternity is only for God who is the same, "Yesterday, today and forever" (Hebrews

13:8), and we are strangers whose, "Life is even a vapour that  appears  for  a  little  time  and  vanishes  away"  (James

4:14),  so  they  sing  the  wonderful  hymn  which  implies  that

God was from the beginning and shall be forever.   "He who

is blessed and omnipotent, the King of kings and Lord of lords,       who     alone              has      immortality,    dwelling           in unapproachable light, whom no man has seen or can see, to  whom  be  honour  and  everlasting  power,  Amen"  (1

Timothy 6:15-16). When Moses asked God about His name, He said,  "I  am  who  I  am"  (Exodus  3:14).  It  is  a  Hebrew expression  that  means,  "Who  is  and  who  was",  God  also says about Himself , "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end", says the Lord, "Who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty" (Revelation 1:18).


We pray at the beginning of the Mass saying, "O Master and Lord,  God  of  truth,  who  existed  before  the  ages  and reigning forever" (Anaphora).






My  beloved,  pray  this  hymn  with  the  congregation,  with

understanding and attention, giving God the due glorification as He is everlasting, with no beginning and no end.




Guide Us Into Your Kingdom ...


In this prayer the priest says, "Guide us into Your kingdom, that  as  in  this,  as  likewise  also  in  everything,  Your  great and   holy   name   be   glorified,   blessed   and   exalted   in everything.  Honourable  and  blessed,  with  Jesus  Christ Your  beloved  Son  and  the  Holy  Spirit."  This  part  was mentioned  in  one  of  the  old  handwritten  liturgy  books  as follows: "Guide  us  into  Your  kingdom,  that  and  through this,  as  likewise  also  in  everything,  Your  great  and  holy name  is  glorified,  blessed  and  exalted  in  everything,  with the  honourable,  and  blessed  Jesus  Christ  Your  beloved Son and the Holy Spirit."


The second text is more correct than the first, relative to the accurate  Coptic  text  and  its  meaning.  We  shall  try  to  find some  deep  meanings  treasured  in  this  wonderful  prayer, based on the second text. "Guide us into Your kingdom...", the priest asks for guidance to the good way that leads him and his congregation towards the heavenly kingdom to dwell with God forever in glorious joy. "...that and through this, and likewise also in everything, Your great and holy name

is glorified, blessed and exalted...", as many were guided to

the heavenly kingdom, walking the correct path, and adorned with  spiritual  virtues.  This  is  reason  enough  for  glorifying God, praising Him and exalting His Name, as the Lord Jesus Christ said, "Let your light so shine before men, that they




may  see  your  good  works  and  glorify  your  Father  in heaven" (Matthew 5:16). God works within the soul, so one may do good, virtuous and useful deeds, as the Apostle says,

"For it is God who works in you both to will and to work on behalf of His good pleasure" (Philippians 2:13).


God  is  glorified  much  more  because  He  gave  us  His  Holy Body and Blood as spiritual food and drink, to save us and guide us to eternal life and His everlasting Kingdom. By this pure  offering,  He  dwells  in  the  midst  of  His  people,  giving them eternal life for whoever partakes worthily, and blessing on  whom  the  oblations  were  offered;  hence  His  holy  name may be glorified and blessed in everything.


As God is glorified in the salvation of many who obey His commandments,  and  behave  accordingly,  partaking  of  His Holy,  life  giving  sacraments,  He  is  also  glorified  in  the perishing of many who refuse His commandments and close their ears from the voice of His Fatherly Divine advice, just as  what  happened  with  Pharaoh  in  the  days  of  Moses  the Prophet, "As the Lord said to Moses, 'Why do you cry to Me?  Tell  the  children  of  Israel,  go  forward  but  lift  your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea. And I indeed will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them. So I will gain honour  over  Pharaoh  and  over  all  his  army,  his  chariots and   his   horsemen'"   (Exodus   14:15-18).   So   God   was glorified in the salvation of Israel and their crossing the Red Sea and their rescue from Pharaoh. He is also glorified in the drowning of the rebellious Pharaoh who resisted the voice of God, and hence all his army and horsemen drowned.






The two sons of Aaron the priest were burnt by the fire of God, when they offered profane fire before God. And Moses said  to  Aaron,  "This  is  what  the  Lord  spoke  saying,  'By those who come near Me I must be regarded as Holy, and before all the people I must be glorified'" (Leviticus 10:1-



God is glorified by the right and left, in the salvation and the perishing of people, because He is the creator of all, provider of all, and almighty God with word of His power.


This  prayer  says,  "Through  this  (by  Your  guidance  and salvation) and likewise also in everything (referring to the state  of  perishing  of  the  rebellious  and  resistant),  Your great  and  holy  name  is  glorified,  blessed  and  exalted  in everything."


Truly  God's  name  is  Holy  in  everything,  as  we  pray  in  the Liturgy  of  St.  Gregory,  "Holy,  Holy  You  are  Lord  and Holy in everything."


In the Absolution of the Sunset Prayer we say, " praise and  pray  to  You,  at  all  times  and  everywhere  we  glorify and  praise  Your  Holy  Name,  Your  Father  and  the  Holy Spirit forevermore, Amen."


God is Holy and glorified in everything, as the Apostle says,

"If anyone speaks, let him speak as the oracles of God. If anyone  ministers,  let  him  minister  with  the  ability  which God  supplies,  that  in  all  things  God  may  be  glorified through Jesus Christ" (1 Peter 4:11).







After the believer describes the name of God the Father as,

"Great  and  holy  in  everything,"  they  continue  adding,

"Glorified and blessed," truly the name of God is glorified and blessed from His creation, human and animal, and He is also blessed as a source of every blessing, grace and credit as He is the treasure of goodness and giver of charity.


"Jesus Christ Your beloved Son and the Holy Spirit", here the  believer  joins  the  other  two  hypostasis  of  the  Father  in glorification, praise and divine perfection. The Holy Trinity is the  great  and  holy  name  in  everything,  the  honoured  and blessed,  the  name  which  ought  to  be  glorified,  blessed  and exalted  in  adoration  and  praise.  To  understand  this  prayer read it as follows, "Guide us into Your Kingdom, that and through  this  and  likewise  also  in  everything,  Your  great and   holy   name   be   glorified,   blessed   and   exalted   in everything  Honourable  and  blessed,  with  Jesus  Christ, Your beloved Son and the Holy Spirit."


Hear  this  prayer  my  beloved,  and  meditate  on  all  these meanings when the priest prays this part of the liturgy, which

is full of praise and glorification for the name of the glorified, blessed   and   honoured   God,   who   is   most   worthy   in everything.


After  the  priest  completes  this  prayer  with  its  beautiful meaning and full of reverence, he bows his head toward the other serving priests and deacons and says, "Peace be with you all."


Giving  peace  here  means  the  establishment  of  grace  which we  asked   for       in        calling the   Holy             Spirit           and       the transubstantiation  of  the  sacraments.  This  grace  is  given  to




partakers of the Communion of the Holy Body and Blood of Jesus Christ,  "And  the  peace  of  God,  which  surpasses  all understanding, will guide your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ" (Philippians 4:7).


We  notice  this  is  the  first  time  the  priest  says,  "Peace  be with  you  all,"  without  making  the  sign  of  the  cross.  The reason is because after the dwelling of the Holy Spirit upon the mysteries and the transubstantiation into the Holy Body and Blood of our God, the Lord Himself is present and the priest is now standing in the presence of the High Priest, our beloved  Lord  Jesus  Christ.  We  notice  that  the  statement,

"Peace be with you all," is repeated many times from there on without any signing of the cross.


The only permissible signing of the cross, after the dwelling of  the  Holy  Spirit,  are  on  the  Mysteries,  such  as  when  the sign of the cross is made on the Body by the Blood and the Blood by the Body.


Respond  with  the  congregation,   "And   also   with   you," requesting God to fill the priest with peace and comfort, so that His Divine peace may overflow onto you and all others. In  this  way,  problems  and  disputes  will  be  eliminated  from families  and  individuals,  and  everyone,  "May  lead  a  quiet and  peaceful  life  in  godliness  and  reverence.  For  this  is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:2-4).















9   Fraction and













The priest prays the introduction of the Fraction by saying:

"Again,  let  us  give  thanks  to  the  Almighty  God...",      he thanks God who made him and his children worthy to stand

in the holy presence of God, and raise up their hands before God in praise, and thanksgiving and prayer. He thanks Him for  His  grace  by  which  He  made  the  believers  worthy  of partaking of the holy Body and Blood of the Son of God, for the healing and redemption of their souls, bodies and spirits.


Then  he  fervently  asks  God  to  make  him  and  his  people worthy  to  partake  of  the  Communion  of  His  divine  and immortal mysteries, so that the Communion does not become

a   reason   for   judgment   to   them   if   they   partake   of   the mysteries in an unworthy manner (1 Corinthians 11:30).


The  congregation  respond:  "Amen",  thanking God for His marvellous blessings; the crown of which is the sacrament of Communion,  or  the  sacrament  of  Thanksgiving,  and  asking God to give him true repentance and necessary worthiness to partake of these life-giving mysteries.


My  beloved,  recite  with  the  congregation  this  response

"Amen", and give thanks to God for His mercy, asking Him

to make you worthy for receiving the Communion of these mysteries,  so  that  you  may  enjoy  all  their  blessings  and effects.


The priest lays down the corporals on the altar, and takes the

Body with his hands and says, "The Holy Body."






The  whole  congregation  kneels  saying,  "We  worship  Your Holy  Body",  as  the  priest  declares  the  jewel  he  is  holding with his hands is the true Body of Christ Emmanuel, our true God, presenting a true adoration in word and deed to the one who loved us and suffered physically, for our salvation.


Here the priest dips his finger into the Blood and makes the sign  of  the  cross  in  the  chalice  while  saying,  "And  the honoured Blood."


The  congregation  kneels  proclaiming,  "And  Your  honored Blood"  (that  is,  we  worship  Your  divine,  honoured  Blood which was shed on the cross for our salvation).


The priest makes the sign of the cross on the Body with the Blood  and  says,  "Pertaining  to  His  Christ,  the  Almighty Lord  our  God,"  signifying  the  passion  of  the  Lord  on  the cross, and His Blood which was shed from the effects of the nails,  lashes,  crown  of  thorns,  and  stabbing  by  the  spear, which tricked down His holy body at the time of crucifixion until His pure body was covered in blood.


In one of the Coptic manuscripts of the Liturgy books, the word "Almighty" relates to the Lord Christ and not God the Father.  The  Lord  Christ  was  described  as  "Almighty",  in some parts of the liturgy of St Gregory, for example :-


V   In  the  introduction  of  the  Fraction,  the  priest  speaks  to the  Lord,  "Our  God  who  gave  His  holy  disciples  and pure apostles... now again, O our Master bestow upon us  and  on  all  Your  people...  our  almighty  Lord  our God."






V   In the Fraction the priest prays saying, "Blessed are You

O   Christ,    our   almighty   God,    Saviour    of    Your congregation,   the   perceptible   word   and   the   visible man." This proves the equality of God the Son, to God the Father, who is the first hypostasy in all qualities and divine perfection.


The deacons says, "Amen, Amen, let us pray" warning the congregation  to  pray  in  spirit  and  truth  during  these  holy moments, while kneeling down in reverence.


When  you  hear  this  response,  lift  your  heart  to  God,  my beloved, ask Him for a life of repentance and forgiveness of sins, and worthiness to partake of the Holy Communion. Ask Him also for all your spiritual needs. The congregation says,

"Lord have mercy." This is said at the appropriate time, for the whole situation represents the crucifixion of Christ, and the  shedding  of  His  Holy  Blood  for  the  salvation  of  the world. This situation presents the climax of divine mercy and love  for  mankind.  Let  us  grasp  this  valuable  chance  to  ask mercy  from  God,  for  this  mercy  was  granted  to  us  on  His crucifixion.


The priest gives peace to the congregation, without making the sign of the cross on them saying, "Peace  be  with  all", giving  peace  here  has  a  special  significance,  for  at  this moment  Christ  was  crucified,  there  was  great  confusion  in the world as the sun darkened, the earth quaked, rocks were split and everyone was in fear and terror. But the priest gives peace  to  the  congregation  and  comforts  their  hearts  amidst these   painful   memories   and   terrifying   disturbances.   My beloved,  make  the  sign  of  the  cross,  and  accept  peace together  with  all  the  congregation,  from  the  Lord  of  peace




Himself. "Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely,  and  may  your  whole  spirit,  soul  and  body  be preserved  blameless  at  the  coming  of  our  Lord  Jesus Christ" (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


The  congregation  answers  saying,  "And  with  your  spirit," requesting peace for their father the priest, so that this peace may overflow to others. This is in accordance with what is mentioned  in  the  Apostolic  Order,  "If  the  bishop  or  priest asks peace for others, he must first have peace, or else how can he give to others what he does not have?"


After this, the congregation rise in reverence and submission

to  the  holy  divine  Mysteries  present  on  the  altar,  things which angels desire to see...


The  priest  starts  to  divide  the  holy  Body  while  saying  the





























The Fraction is a supplication to God who is pleased with the sanctification of the obligations, which have been purified by His  Holy  Spirit,  so  that  they  may  purify  and  sanctify  the bodies and souls of His servants. Thus, making us worthy of partaking of the Holy Body of Christ, and stand before Him as children before their loving father, with a pure heart, and perfect  love,  so  that  we  may  dare  with  favour  and  without fear to pray unto Him: "Our Father..."


The  prayer  of  the  Fraction  are  many  and  varied,  some  are annual,  others  specific  for  fasts,  Lordly  feasts,  feasts  of  St Mary, the angels, saints and others.


The  dividing  of  the  Body  symbolises  the  pains  which  the Lord  suffered.  The  portions  which  the  priest  makes  in  the Body  are  called  the  "wounds".  To  prove  this  meaning  the priest places one third on top of the two thirds so that they form a Cross, then divides the Holy Body to form a Cross.


The  marvellous  reverential  method  in  which  the  Fraction  is recited,  is  enough  to  uplift  one  to  the  heavens,  to  live heavenly moments whilst still living on earth.


The   prayers   of   the   Fraction   are   divided   into   sections. Whenever  the  priest  completes  a  section,  the  congregation proclaims   with   enthusiasm   and   spirituality,   "Lord   have mercy."


During Fraction Prayer, the division of the holy Body takes place.   It   is   worthwhile   for   you   during   this   time   to contemplate on the sufferings of the Lord which He endured




for  you,  "They  struck  Him  on  the  head  with  a  reed  and spat on Him" (Mark 15:19). Contemplate on the crown of thorns which hurt His holy head. Contemplate on the blood which was shed from His holy body, "From the sole of the foot  even  to  the  head,  there  is  no  soundness  in  it.  But wounds  and  bruises  and  purified  sores.  They  have  not been closed or bound up or soothed with ointment" (Isaiah

1:6). Search into yourself and say, "All this You endured my

beloved Lord for my sins, Lord have mercy on me a sinner!"


Follow the words of the priest, meditating on their meaning, sharing in with the supplication. When he says,  "Purify  us also, our Master, from our hidden and manifest sins, and may  every  thought  displeasing  to  Your  goodness  O  God, lover  of  mankind,  be  away  from  us..."  repeat  to  yourself the words, "Purify me from my hidden and manifest sins and keep  away  from  me  all  evil  thoughts  which  do  not  please Your  goodness."  Then  the  priest  prays,  "Purify  our  souls, bodies,  spirits,  hearts,  eyes,  our  thoughts,  our  minds  and our intentions." Repeat after every word, "Amen." Hence you  will  receive  the  benefits  of  the  supplications  in  the beautiful Fraction Prayer.


Share  with  the  congregation  in  the  great  prayer,  repeating,

"Lord have mercy", and mention all your supplications.


How strong is praying, "Lord have mercy", throughout  the sections  of  the  Fraction!  As  we  know,  the  Fraction  speaks about  the  passions  of  the  Lord  on  the  Cross.  His  infinite mercy  on  mankind  is  the  reason  and  subject  of  the  Lord's passions  on  the  cross.  When  we  say,  "Lord  have  mercy," during the Fraction, we remember the Lord's great mercy by which He surrendered Himself on the cross for us. So we ask




the  Lord  to  fulfill  this  mercy  in  us  and  make  us  worthy  to benefit.


V   Each time you recite and repeat, with the congregation, the prayer, "Lord have mercy,"  between the sections of the Fraction Prayer, ask for matters that need mercy from God, for example, you can ask for your repentance, and ask for the forgiveness of your sins. You can also ask for spiritual  guidance  and  progress,  and  for  the  success  of your service. And you can ask for a friend who may be in trouble. Put all these matters in the hands of God and in His  compassionate  eyes,  and  you  will  find  mercy  and help.


V   After the priest completes the Fraction prayer, the whole church prays the "Our Father" in one voice so that the prayer maybe effective and powerful.


V   Pray  with   reverence   and    attention   to    this   most magnificent  prayer  which  is  the  most  honourable  and acceptable to God, as the Lord Jesus Himself taught it to us by His blessed mouth.


V   Renew in your heart the emotions of love to God who is the  aim  of  all  goodness,  who  loved  you  so  much  and called you His child.


V   Say joyfully with the priest the "Our Father..."


V   By mentioning the words  "Our  Father"  you remember that you are His child and that those around you are His children as well. When you feel your relationship to God, you will also feel related to all His other children. Treat




them in true love, as your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.  For  we  are  all  His  children,  and  He  is  "Our Father who art in heaven..."


V   Pray  and  meditate  on  the  seven  beautiful  and  eternal supplications in this awesome prayer:


i.          Hallowed be Thy name

ii.        Thy kingdom come

iii.        Thy will be done

iv.        Give  us  this  day  our  daily  bread  -  signifying  the actual bread for all our physical needs, as well as the bread which  gives  us  spiritual  nourishment,  that  is,  the  word  of God,  for  our  beloved  Lord  said:  "Man  shall  not  live  by bread  alone,  but  by  every  word  that  proceeds  from  the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4). It also signifies the partaking of  the  Holy  Body  and  Blood  of  Jesus  Christ,  for  He  is  the Bread   of   Life   which   came   from   heaven,   and   whoever partakes of it shall have eternal life (Matthew 6:15-51).

v.         Forgive us our trespasses

vi.        Lead us not into temptation

vii.      But deliver us from evil


The  prayer  is  then  concluded,  "Through  Jesus  Christ  our Lord", in  order  to  assure  us  that  the  prayer  is  accepted  by God the Father, for our beloved Jesus said: "Most assuredly

I  say  to  you,  whatsoever  you  ask  from  the  Father  in  My name, He will give you" (John 6:23).











Prayers of Submission and Absolution


After completing the Lord's Prayer, the priests begins to pray three reverent prayers inaudibly.   In the first prayer, he asks for   himself   and   his   people   saying,   "Lead   us   not   into temptation,   neither   let   any   iniquity   overcome   us,   but deliver   us   from   unprofitable   deeds,   and   abolish   the tempter and cast him from us the cause which drives us to sin."


At its conclusion, the deacon invites people to repentance by saying, "Bow your heads before the Lord."


All the congregation kneel before God, as it is a moment of repentance  and  confession,  so  that  we  may  be  worthy  to accept  the  Prayer  of  Absolution  from  the  priest.  Hence  the people  respond,  "We  bow  before  You,  O  Lord"  or  "Here we are Lord, bowing our heads, confessing our iniquities and sins, asking for Your Divine mercy to wash us, so that we  may  become  whiter  than  snow."  We  may  pray  the prayer of repentance, which is mentioned in the absolution of the  Evening  Vesper  prayers.  Alternatively,  we  can  pray Psalm 150, or, "O God, absolve, remit and forgive us our sins which we have done willingly and unwillingly," then say the, "Our Father who art in Heaven..."


My beloved, offer unto God a true repentance during these awesome  moments,  bow  your  head  and  your  soul  under God’s  mighty  hand,  that  He  might  lift  you  up,  accept  your repentance  and  forgive  your  sins,  according  to  His  divine promise, “But on this one will I look on him who is poor and  of  a  contrite  spirit,  and  who  trembles  at  My  word”

(Isaiah 66:2).






The priest prays the second Prayer of Submission inaudibly,

thanking   the   Lord   for   preparing   for   us   these   Divine Mysteries  which  the  angels  desire  to  behold.  Then  he  asks God to unite us with Himself through our partaking of His Holy  Body  and  Blood,  according  to  His  Divine  promise,

"He who eats My flesh and drinks My Blood, abides in Me and I in him" (John 6:56).


To  unite  together  in  brotherly  love  as  the  Apostle  Paul wrote: "For we being many, are one Bread and one Body, for we all partake of that one Bread" (1 Corinthians 10:17).


Then  the  priest  asks  that  we  may  be  filled  with  the  Holy Spirit, confirmed in His upright faith until the end, and to be filled with the longing for His true love, and be repentant and faithful, in order to be ready to meet Christ.


The deacon says, "Let  us  attend  in  fear  of  God!"   Let  us listen  during  our  Submission  Prayers,  lifting  our  hearts  to God  in  silence,  as  the  Spiritual  Elder  wrote:  "Silence  your tongue, to comfort your heart. Silence your heart, your spirit talks."  And  also,  "The  mouth  of  the  silent  reflects  the mysteries of God."


During your submission and silence, while waiting to accept the   absolution   from   the   priest,   offer   unto   God   your repentance,  in  order  that  you  may  be  worthy  enough  to proceed and partake of the Divine Mysteries. Hence, you will receive forgiveness and the full benefit of the Absolution.









The priest gives peace to the kneeling congregation saying,

"Peace  be  with  you  all."      And  while  still  bowing,  the congregation respond, "And also with your spirit."


Here, all are kneeling, and feeling sorry for their sins, and so the priest bestows on them peace, as an introduction to the joy which awaits them, after having read the Absolution and receiving forgiveness of sins and redemption from the heavy yoke of sin.


Rejoice  my  beloved,  and  rest  in  peace  when  you  receive peace  from  the  priest,  and  respond  with  a  loving  heart towards your father, saying, "And with your spirit."


The   congregation   is   still   in   submission,   presenting   a collective  repentance,  while  the  priest  starts  the  absolution prayer  inaudibly:  "O  Master  and  Lord,  Almighty  God, healer of our souls, bodies and spirits..."


He  requests  from  God  to  accept  the  repentance  of  His servants  who  are  standing  before  Him,  humbly  confessing their sins and prays that they may be absolved from every sin, every curse, every denial, before they proceed to partake of the Divine Mysteries. He prays that their names be inscribed with all the Saints in the Kingdom of Heaven.


This  is  the  goal  of  our  spiritual  struggle,  that  God  may accept  our  repentance,  and  absolve  us  from  every  sin  and inscribe  our  names  with  all  His  Saints  in  the  Kingdom  of Heaven.  This  is  our  ultimate  joy!  Just  as  when  the  seventy apostles returned with joy saying,  "Lord,  even  the  demons are  subject  to  us  in  Your  Name"  (Luke  10:17),  the  Lord said  to  them,  "Do  not  rejoice  in  this,  that  the  spirits  are




subject to you, but rejoice rather because your names are written in Heaven" (Luke 10:20).


Then  the  priest  remembers  his  children  who  asked  him  to pray for them. Not only would he have written their names down, but would have also remembered them in his heart and mentions   them   before   the   Sacrifice,   who   carries   sins, problems  and  the  worries  of  the  world.  He  prays  that  God may give remedy for the sick and repose for the departed, joy for  the  oppressed,  success  for  students,  and  peace  for  the troubled.


Finally,  in  meekness  and  humility,  he  mentions  himself:

"Remember  also,  O  Lord,  my  weakness,  and  forgive  me my  numerous  sins,  and  where  sin  abounds,  may  Your grace  there  be  highly  abundant.  Do  not  deprive  Your people of the grace of Your Holy Spirit for the sake of my own personal sins and the abominations of my heart, but rather absolve them all."


Then the priest says the introduction of the Litanies of Peace and  Fathers,  inaudibly,  then  says  the  introduction  of  the Litany of Gatherings as follows: "Remember,  O  Lord,  our gatherings to bless them."


The deacon raises the Cross, responding to the priest, ""You are saved. Amen. And with your spirit."


This  response  is  divided  into  two  parts,  the  first  is  for  the priest: "You are saved. Amen. And with your spirit."   The second  is  for  the  congregation:  "Let  us  attend  in  fear  of God."






As the deacon hears the priest presenting repentance to God

in   reverence   saying,                     "Remember         also,    O         Lord,   my weakness  and  forgive  me  my  numerous  sins....",  he  sees his humility and lowliness before the sacrificed Lamb of God, who  takes  away  the  sins  of  the  world,  and  so  he  too immediately   gives   witness   to   his   own   repentance   and salvation by saying, "You are saved. Amen."                        He then joins

in giving comfort to the priest by replying, "And with your spirit".  Or alternatively, peace and comfort for your honest, repenting spirit, that reminds me of Nathan the prophet, with David the Prophet and King. When David confessed his sins

to God before Nathan, he said: "I have sinned against the Lord," and Nathan said to David, "The Lord also has put away your sin, you shall not die" (2 Samuel 12:13).


Here I ask myself, was it Nathan's authority to say to David the  Prophet  and  King,  "The  Lord  also  has  put  away  your sin. You shall not die" ?


David  was  a  great  king  and  prophet,  and  his  heart  was according  to  God's  heart;  even  more  than  Nathan  himself. But because God sent him, he went and spoke to David, as God told him. In other situations we find him giving to David obedience and submission. When investigating the subject of ordaining  Solomon  king  on  his  father's  throne,  Nathan  the prophet came in before David the prophet, he bowed down before  the  king  with  his  face  to  the  ground  and  said,  "My lord, O King ... even me your servant" (1 Kings 1:23-27).


Raising  the  cross  denotes  the  salvation  of  the  priest,  in accomplishing  by  the  cross  and  worthiness  of  the  Divine Blood shed for him, not by the words of the deacon.






Then  the  deacon  says  to  the  congregation  kneeling  down before  God,  "Let  us  attend  in  fear  of  God."  This  is  the second time the deacon tells the congregation to listen in the fear of God. As a while ago, and specifically before reading the absolution, he said: "Let us attend in the fear of God." He  repeated  it  at  the  end  of  the  absolution,  due  to  the importance and significance of the situation, which obliges us

to be silent and revering, bowing our heads before the Lord

and  the  divine  Mysteries,  in  order  that  we  may  find  mercy and acceptance before God.


The congregation begs the rich mercy of God saying, "Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy." Seeking God's   mercy   is   necessary,   as   despite   our   struggle   in repentance, we are found worthy to partake of these divine Mysteries, because of God's great mercy. For this reason we beg in persistence, seeking God's mercy not once but thrice, signifying the completeness of the Holy Trinity.


Beat your chest my beloved and seek God's mercy for your salvation, and for the partaking of the Holy Communion.




Signs Before The Confession


The celebrant priest takes the Espadikon (centre of the Bread which   symbolises   the   heart   of   our   Lord   Jesus   Christ) between the tips of the fingers of his right hand, and carefully lifts  it  up,  while  bowing  his  head,  saying,  "The  Holies  are for  those  who  are  Holy."  Then  he  makes  the  sign  of  the cross  over  the  Chalice  with  the  Espadikon.  He  then  dips  it into  the  Honoured  Blood  and  carefully  lifts  it  again  and makes the sign of the Cross on the Holy Body present on the




Paten, saying, "Blessed be the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and sanctified by the Holy Spirit. Amen."




V   Lifting the Espadikon above signifies:


·     The  lifting  up  of  the  Saviour  from  the  cross  for  the salvation of all,  "That  whoever  believes  in  Him  should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:15) ;


·     The Resurrection of the Saviour from the dead to raise us with Him to be amongst those in heaven ;


·     The  greatness  of  these  Holies,  for  whoever  partakes  of them must be virtuous, holy, ready and repentant. That is why the priest lifts the Espadikon and says, "The Holies are for those who are holy."


One church cannon states, "If prayers are integrated, let the priest say through the first deacon: 'Who is pure, approach the   Holy   Mysteries,   and   who   is   not   pure   should   not approach  them,  so  that  he  is  not  burned  by  the  fire  of Divinity.  Whoever  causes  a  friend  to  stumble,  or  has  an adulterous                    thought,   or   is    drunk   with   wine,   do    not approach.'"


V   When he says, "Blessed be the Lord, Jesus Christ", he makes the sign of the cross over the Holy Body with the Espadikon, as blessing is always accompanied by the sign of the cross, which is the sign of Christ, glory be to Him.


V   After  making  the  sign  of  the  cross  on  the  Body  by  the

Espadikon which has now been dipped in the blood, the




priest  moves  the  Espadikon,  thereby  touching  all  the wounds which he made in the Body during the Fraction.

It is as if he is trying to soothe the wounds of the Master which, He bore for us.


Here  the  priest  and  the  whole  church  with  him,  have  to remember that nothing can soothe the wounds of the Master, or  their  inflammation,  except  our  return  to  Him  through repentance  and  surrendering  ourselves  to  Him.  We  must please Him and obey his commandments. For as the Church explained, when the Lord said on the cross, "I am thirsty",

it was not water He thirsted for, so much as He thirsted for

the salvation of our souls and our return to Him.


My beloved, think of these meanings while hearing the priest saying, "The Holies are for those who are holy."


The   congregation   responds   with   this   reverent   response:

"One is the HOLY FATHER. One is the HOLY SON. One

is  the  HOLY  SPIRIT.  Amen."         As  the  priest  warns  the congregation  saying,  "The  Holies  are  for  those  who  are holy",  the  congregation  respond,  "We  are  not  saints,  but unworthy  sinners,  but  the  only  Holy  and  Holiest  is  God, Trinitarian  hypostasis."         We  simply  say  that  the  required holiness to proceed to Communion for the holy Mysteries, is Orthodox faith with purity of doctrine, life of repentance and spiritual discipleship, which is the firm foundation of proper Christian life.


Recite  my  beloved,  with  the  congregation  this  wonderful spiritual  song,  "One  is  the  Holy  Father..."  as  if  you  are standing with the Seraphim chanting with them their eternal






praise: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts, the whole earth is full of Your glory!" (Isaiah 6:3).


As  the  priest  sees  the  reverence  of  the  congregation,  his humbleness  and  feelings  of  unworthiness,  together  with  the presence of the awesome holiness of the Mysteries, he gives the  congregation  peace  and  security  by  saying,  "Peace  be with  you  all,"  and  the  congregation  responds,  "And  also with your spirit."


Recite  quietly  this  supplication  with  the  congregation,  to your  father  the  priest,  wishing  him  Divine  peace,  as  by  his peace you have yours.


The  priest  makes  the  sign  of  the  cross  over  the  Body  once again  with  the  Espadikon  dipped  in  the  Blood,  and  says,

"The  Holy  Body  and  the  true  honoured  Blood  of  Jesus

Christ, the Son of our God, Amen."


The Congregation answers: "Amen", believing the words of the priest.


The  celebrant  priest  then  makes  the  sign  of  the  Cross  over the  Body  the  third  time  with  the  Espadikon,  saying,  "The Holy, honoured Body and the true Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of our God, Amen."


The congregation responds saying again, "Amen."


The priest overturns the Espadikon and holds it between his fingers turned upside down. He lifts it to the Chalice, makes the sign of the Cross on the Blood, and places the Espadikon into   the   Blood,   saying,   "The   Body   and   the   Blood   of




EMMANUEL,   our   God.   This   is   true.   Amen"       The congregation responds, "Amen, I believe," believing all that the priest has said. It is worth mentioning that this response

is  mentioned  in  the  singular  form.  This  means  that  every

individual  believes  and  has  personal  faith  that  these  Holy Mysteries  are  the  Holy  Body  and  Blood  of  Emmanuel  our God, truly and without any doubt or hesitation.





i)   Making  the  sign  of  the  cross  on  the  Holy  Body  by  the

Espadikon three times, then lifting the Espadikon to place it

in  the  Chalice,  symbolises  the  three  days  which  the  Lord Jesus spent in the tomb, and on the third day rose from the dead.


ii)  Overturning  the  Espadikon  and  placing  it  in  the  Blood upside down, so that it is submerged in the Blood present in the Chalice, symbolises the action of Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ, glory be to Him, for at His Crucifixion they lay Him  on  His  back  so  that  they  can  nail  Him  to  the  cross. Therefore,  the  blood  from  Him  flowed  from  His  wounds, upon  His  Body,  upon  where  He  received  lashings,  upon where  they  placed  the  crown  of  thorns  on  His  head,  and upon where they pierced His side. His entire, precious body was completed immersed in His pure blood. This is likened

to  a  butcher  who  slaughters  a  lamb  and  immediately  it  is drenched in its blood. So too was our beloved good Saviour, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, as the priest says in the liturgy of St. Gregory, "You have gone as a lamb to the slaughter, even to the cross."









The celebrant priest raises the Paten very carefully with his hands  and  says  the  Confession:  "Amen.  Amen.  Amen.  I believe.   I   believe,   I   believe   and   confess   to   the   last breath…"



This   prayer   is   called   'Confession',   as   it   includes   the confession  of  the  whole  church,  by  the  priest,  that  the Mysteries on the altar, in the paten and in the chalice, are the Body and Blood of the Lord.


During the priest's confession, the congregation kneel before God,  to  the  Divine  Mysteries  carried  by  the  hands  of  the priest.


Kneel,  my  blessed  one,  glorifying  and  honouring  the  Life Giving  Mysteries,  and  concentrate  with  the  priest  who  is praying  the  confession,  and  meditate  and  understand  every powerful, divine word.


After  the  priest  completes  the  Confession,  he  places  the paten on the altar, and covers it with both his hands, as an example   of   the   Cherubim   who   covers   the   Ark   of   the Covenant,  which  was  the  vessel  of  manna  in  the  holiest  of the holies, then kneels before the altar reverently saying these inaudible prayers:


"For all glory and all honour and all worship are due to the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, at all times and forevermore, Amen" ;






"Make  us  all  worthy,  O  our  Master  to  partake  of  Your Holy Body and Your Honoured Blood, for the purification for  our  souls,  bodies  and  spirits,  and  forgiveness  of  our sins and our iniquities, that we may become one body and one spirit with You" ;


"Absolve  and  forgive  us  O  God,  our  sins  which  we  have done willingly and unwillingly."


These prayers are concluded with the Lord's prayer,  "  Our

Father ..."


My  beloved,  why  don't  you  learn  these  prayers,  which  are solemn  but  great  in  meaning,  and  pray  them  inaudibly  with the  priest  while  you  are  kneeling,  giving  glory  to  the  One God,  Trinitarian  in  hypostasis,  asking  forgiveness  for  your sins,  supplicating  unto  the  Lord  to  make  you  worthy  to partake  of  these  Holy  Mysteries,  and  thereby  increase  your abiding  and  unity  in  Christ,  so  that  you  may  become  one body and one spirit with Him.


At the end of the Confession, the deacon holds the Cross in his right hand and an illuminated candle in his left, between them  he  holds  a  veil  folded  in  the  shape  of  a  triangle  and placed   before   his   eyes.   He   then   prays   the   deacon's confession:  "Amen,  Amen,  Amen,  I  believe,  I  believe,  I believe that this is true Amen. Pray for us and for all the Christians who said to us concerning them, 'remember us in  the  house  of  the  Lord'.  The  peace  and  love  of  Jesus Christ  be  with  you.  Sing  a  psalm,  Alleluia.  Pray  for  the merit   of   partaking   of   these   holy,   pure   and   heavenly Mysteries. Lord have mercy."







The Cross held by the deacon with his right hand, is the sign of the Son of Man. Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross for our salvation, so the Apostle would like us to place the sign  of  the  Cross  before  us  continually  saying,  "For  I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (1 Corinthians 2:2).


The  illuminated  candle  held  in  his  left  hand  symbolises  the life of sacrifice that the Lord Jesus lived for us, this sacrifice

is manifested in the tears that He wept for us and the sweat that came forth from His Body for us, and the Blood that is shed on the Cross, dripping until it covered His Holy Body. The  Lord  Jesus,  the  lover  of  mankind,  sacrificed  His  tears, sweat and blood for us:


"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life   for   his   friends"   (John   15:13).   The   candle   that illuminates  and  burns  and  melts  drips  drops  of  hot  wax, reminding  us  of  the  Lord  Jesus  who  wept  for  us,  and sweated drops of blood. All this He did out of His love for us and at last, He did not withhold His Blood or His life to reconcile us with Him, so that He may return us to the lost paradise   and   the   kingdom   prepared   for   us   before   the foundation of the world.


The veil held by the deacon between his hands, he lifts and places  it  in  front  of  his  eyes  because  of  the  glory  of  Christ that dwells upon the altar, and he cannot face the splendour of  this  glory,  so  he  covers  his  eyes  like  the  Seraphim  who cover their faces with their wings because of the splendour of the glory of God, which is invisible and unspeakable.






When the deacon says the Confession, he confirms his belief

in  the  priest’s  profession,  which  is  mentioned  prior  to  the deacon’s  Confession.  He  declares  his  belief  regarding  the theological  facts  of  faith  about  the  truth  of  the  Life  Giving Body which the Lord took of the Virgin Mary, and gave it up for us on the Holy wooden Cross by His own will, and that  His  Divinity  did  not  depart  from  His  humanity  for  a single instant nor a twinkle of an eye, and that this Body is given for us, for our salvation, forgiveness of sins and eternal life to those who partake of it worthily.


The   deacon   then   asks   the   congregation   to   pray   for themselves and all the Christians who asked of us to pray for them,   and   he   asks   us   to   praise   and   sing   during   the communion of the feast of the wedding of the Lamb. Lastly he  requests  prayer  for  those  who  will  partake  of  these heavenly Mysteries, in repentance and worthiness so that the Communion  becomes  a  source  of  blessing,  fulfillment  and spiritual  growth,  and  judgement  or  a  reason  for  weakness, sickness and death, which is what the Apostle Paul warned us of in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30.


Finally,   the   deacon   concludes   the   Confession   with   the powerful words, "Lord have mercy," as it is by God's that we  can  come  to  church,  "But  as  for  me,  I  will  come  into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy, in fear of You

I will worship towards Your holy temple" (Psalm 5:7). By

the mercy of God, not by our own worthiness, we come into the holy temple to see the priest when he opens the veil of the  sanctuary  saying,  "Have  mercy  upon  us  O  God,  the Father  Almighty,  O  Holy  Trinity  have  mercy  upon  us." During   the   Communion,   the   deacon   says,   "Lord   have mercy," so our own communion may be according to God's




mercy.  Do  not  treat  us  according  to  our  sins  O  Lord because,  "If  You  Lord,  should  mark  iniquities,  O  Lord who can stand? But there is forgiveness with You" (Psalm



Before    proceeding    to    take    the    Holy    Communion, contemplate  on  the  words  of  the  deacon:  "Pray  for  the merit  of  partaking  of  these  Holy,  Pure  and  Heavenly Mysteries", examine yourself before partaking of the Holies so as to take grace instead of condemnation.


It   is   worth   mentioning   that   the   Protestants   think   the Communion is merely a spiritual sharing between believers, and do not place restrictions or conditions of repentance on those partaking. Their elders do not warn their people that,

“none  is  supposed  to  partake  of  it  except  ready  believers, who are without blame or stumbling. Whoever partakes of it without   knowledge   or   understanding   or   confession   of Christian  faith  or  whoever  partakes  of  it  while  carrying  a hidden or conspicuous sin or certain guilt, faces the wrath of God and His penalty, and is a criminal in the Body and Blood of the Lord."   As for us Orthodox people, we believe

in the transubstantiation and that what we partake of is not normal bread or normal wine, but the Holy Body and Blood of the Lord truly and in truth.


St.   John   Chrysostom   gave   an   effective   sermon   about Communion with repentance and preparation, which is also mentioned by the church in the eleventh hour of Tuesday of the Holy Pascha: "I want to remind you brothers of what I repeated  by  telling  you  about  our  partaking  of  the  Holy Mysteries  of  Christ  as  I  saw  you  in  great  degradation  and lack of fear, worship and mourning, so I cry for myself and




say, 'Do these people know for whom they are standing? Do they  know  what  is  the  power  of  this  Mystery?  Then  I unwillingly get angry, even if I could go out, I will leave you out of distress and if I rebuke one of you, he does not care but complains as if I oppressed him! How strange, for those who  do  oppress  you  and  steal  your  goods,  you  don't  rage against  them  like  you  rage  about  me  who  cares  for  your salvation,  fearful  for  wrath  of  God  to  fall  upon  you  as  a result  of  your  negligence  towards  this  Great  Mystery,  do you know whom do you partake of? It is the Holy Body of the  Word  of  God  and  His  Blood  shed  for  our  salvation.  If anyone  partakes  unworthily  of  them  he  will  have  penalty and  perish  like  Judas  who  surrendered  the  Lord  as  he partook unworthily of the supper.'"


The congregation must lift their hearts to God asking for His blessing  and  mercy  on  all  the  worthy  partakers,  so  that  the sacrament  may  become  a  blessing  in  their  lives,  and  they abide  in  Christ  and  Christ  abides  in  them  according  to  His true promise, "He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me and I in him" (John 6:56).


My beloved, why don't you contemplate on all the previous prayers. While kneeling and with the confession of the priest and his inaudible prayers, then the confession of the deacon including  the  instructions  to  pray  for  all  Christians  and  for the merit of partaking of these Heavenly Mysteries, take the blessing of praying for the needy.


Rise  from  your  kneeling  and  sing  with  the  congregation,

"Glory unto You O Lord, glory unto You", giving glory to God who blessed the church with these Divine Mysteries, so that  they  become  remedy,  life  and  salvation  for  our  souls,




bodies and spirits, and for the forgiveness of sins and abiding in Christ, and finally attaining eternal life (Romans 6:22).


Then the congregation chants Psalm 150, which is the Psalm of joy and exultation as the deacon says, "Sing with praises saying   Alleluia!"   Hymns   and   praises   are   then   sung according to the church season.


Meanwhile  the  priest  rises  and  asks  absolution  from  his brothers  the  priests,  and  forgiveness  from  the  deacons  and congregation and starts giving the Eucharist to all those who are prepared.


My beloved, if you have confessed and are careful, proceed

to  the  holy  place  for  partaking  of  the  Communion  of  the

Divine Mysteries, the Bread of life.


The  period  between  confessions  must  not  exceed  3  -  4





Care   must   be   given    concerning   eating    and sleeping ...


V   Care for eating


The person who wants to partake of the Holy Communion, must fast at least nine hours beforehand, as mentioned in the Apostolic  cannons,  "No  one  receives  the  Eucharist  except with  purity  and  fasting,  and  if  a  person  approached  and took  from  the  Communion  carelessly,  they  will  be  cut  off from the church of God forever."






The  nine  hours  represent  the  nine  hours  the  Lord  Jesus suffered  on  Good  Friday  (from  9am  to  6pm).  At  the  third hour  (9am)  Pontius  Pilate  condemned  the  Saviour  to  be crucified,  then  the  path  to  crucifixion  began  with  a  long series  of  tortures  like  lashing,  the  placing  of  the  crown  of thorns,  scourging,  striking  with  reeds,  mockery,  spitting  on His Holy face and clothing Him with a purple robe. After all this,  "They   led   Him   away   to   be   crucified"   (Matthew

27:31).  Even  St.  Mark  the  Evangelist  records,        "They  led

Him away to crucify Him" (Mark 15:20).


And so the Saviour suffered on the Cross until He gave up His Spirit, at the ninth hour (3pm). Even after His death, one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood  and  water  came  out.  Then  He  was  taken  down  from the Cross at the eleventh hour (5pm), and after anointing His Body with the spices, He was laid in the tomb at the twelfth hour (6pm).


The period of His sufferance and torture was nine hours, and so  we  fast  nine  hours,  remembering  the  nine  hours  Christ suffered  for  us.  We  commemorate  and  honour  and  the passions  of  the  Lord  for  our  salvation,  so  that  we  may  be found  worthy  to  partake  of  His  pure  Body  which  has  been broken for us, and His Precious Honoured Blood which has been shed for us.


Children fast for six hours, in consideration for their young age. Infants fast for three hours, which is the normal period between weaning the infant.










In  the  case  of  afternoon  Masses,  such  as  during  the  Great Lent, adults should take care to fast from midnight, the night before.


Care of eating is also related to taking care when bathing and brushing  teeth.  The  person  who  intends  to  receive  Holy Communion  must  bathe  the  night  before,  and  not  in  the morning, as bathing is considered breaking the fast because the body pores absorb water during bathing, and also some of the water might enter into the mouth accidentally.


Also  brushing  teeth  in  the  morning  of  receiving  the  Holy Communion  is  not  permissible,  as  some  water  might  enter the  throat  and  hence  break  the  fast.  In  the  case  of  certain mouth  infections  which  necessitate  brushing  teeth  in  the morning,   special   absolution   must   be   taken   from   the confession   father.   Bathing   and   washing   the   mouth   is considered  luxury  and  comfort  for  the  body,  while  God ordered the Passover lamb (who signifies the Body of Christ)

to  be  eaten  with  bitter  herbs,  in  haste,  with  a  belt  on  their waist, their sandals on their feet and their staff in their hand

(signifying readiness and preparation, not rest and idleness),

(Exodus 12:8-11).




V   Care for sleeping


We   refer   here   to   bodily   secretions,   which   prohibit   the partaking  of  Holy  Communion.  This  relates  to  secretions, through  masturbating  for  example,  or  menstruating,  in  the case of a woman. These secretions are considered breaking the fast, however, it does not prohibit, them from attending the  church  or  partaking  in  prayer  with  the  congregation.



Concerning   this,   St.    Severus,   son   of    Moqafaa   said,

"Although  he  is  considered  having  broken  his  fast,  it  does not  prohibit  the  prayer,  or  him  entering  the  church  or attending the mass but only prohibits partaking of the Holy Mysteries.  As  for  married  couples,  they  should  not  have sexual   relations   the   night   before   receiving   the   Holy Communion, and the couple should remain as such during that  day.  The  night  prior  to  the  Mass,  they  should  be repentant,          and               prepare            themselves                     physically           and spiritually,  and  during  the  day  they  should  be  kept  busy contemplating  on  the  blessing  they  just  received,  and  the great Divine Host who now dwells within them as a result. They are to spend the day thanking God for this great gift."


It  was  said  about  St.  Epifamios,  Bishop  of  Cyprus,  that  he was calling the Holy Spirit in person during the Mass. One day he called Him but He did not overshadow the place, so he  grieved  very  much  and  feared  that  God  prevented  His Spirit  from  him.  He  then  looked  at  the  deacon  beside  him and found him infected with leprosy, so he ordered him to go out of the church. After the service he called him and asked him  the  reason  for  the  evil  that  occurred  to  him,  and  he confessed that he had relations with his wife the night before.


My beloved, while waiting for your turn to receive the Holy

Communion, pray :


"O  Sovereign  of  Life,  and  King  of  ages,  the  Word  of  God our  Lord,  God  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ,  the  true  Bread which  came  down  from  Heaven,  giver  of  life  to  those  who receive   it,   make   me   worthy,   without   condemnation   to partake of Your Holy Body and Honoured Blood, so that by partaking  of  the  Holy  Mysteries  I  become  one  with  You  to





the end, You the Son of God the Father, Glory to You with

Him and with the Holy Spirit forever, Amen."


"O Sovereign of Life and King of ages, our Lord and God Jesus  Christ,  the  true  living  Bread  which  came  down  from Heaven,  who  gave  life  to  those  who  partake  of  Your  Holy Body  and  Honoured  Blood,  bless  Your  servant  with  Your Heavenly Blessings so that I may be worthy to receive Your Holy  Body  and  Your  Sacred  Blood  worthily.  Remind  my heart of Your Grace and save me, to taste the sweetness of Your  Heavenly  Grace,  hidden  in  this  Mystery.  Give  me  a steadfast  faith,  free  of  doubt  to  proceed  to  You,  believing that   this   is   Your   Holy   Body   and   Honoured   Blood,   O Emmanuel   our   God.   Make   me   worthy   to   receive   them without falling into condemnation, but for the forgiveness of my   sins   and   uniting   with   You   spiritually,   and   for   the acceptance  before  Your  Holy  pulpit.  Glory  be  to  You  with Your   Gracious   Father   and   the   Holy   Spirit,   now   and forevermore, Amen."


"Lord,  I  am  not  worthy  to  have  You  come  under  my  roof because  I  am  a  sinner,  but  only  say  the  words,  "Your  sins are forgiven," and my soul will be healed. I am barren and empty   of        any          goodness,       I           have    nothing             but Your compassion,  mercy  and  love  to  mankind.  You  descended from  Heavenly  Glory  to  our  humility  and  consented  to  be born in a manger. O Holy Saviour, do not reject my humble and  miserable  soul  which  is  waiting  for  Your  Glorified coming. As You did not refuse to enter the leper's house to heal him, please Lord, come into my soul to cleanse it. As You  did  not  stop  the  adulteress  from  kissing  Your  feet, please do not prevent me from coming near You to receive Your  Holy  Body  and  Your  Sacred  Blood.  May  this  Holy Communion banish every corruption and mortify all my evil



desires. Help me to obey Your commandments and heal my soul  and  my  body  from  every  sin.  May  Your  Spirit  dwell within me and make me united with You so I may live for the glory of Your name. Amen."






All  that  you  have  done,  my  blessed  one,  in  your  spiritual struggle  and  preparation  for  the  holy  Mass,  whether  it  be repentance,  confession,  humbleness,  fasting  or  prayers,  is considered  the  pursuit,  and  now  in  partaking  of  the  holy sacrament of Communion, you have attained the prize. You partake of the Communion, which is the living Sacraments of God,  as  a  reward  for  your  spiritual  struggle,  for  as  the Apostle Paul says, "I press towards the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 3:14). Here, take more care against any idle or evil thought, paying attention   to   what   the   Apostle   Paul   said,   "Let   no   one defraud you of your reward" (Colossians 2:18).


When   the   priest   comes   with   the   paten,   covered   and containing   the   Holy   Body,   toward   those   who   will   be receiving  the  sacrament,  bow  and  respond,  "Blessed  is  He who comes in the name of the Lord!"


After completing your 'Prayer before Holy Communion', take

a small corporal (veil), that is given out specifically for those receiving  Communion,  and  proceed  and  kneel  before  the Holy  Body  as  you  accept  the  sacrament  from  the  priest. When the priest says,  "The  Body  of  Emmanuel  our  God, this is true, Amen", respond saying, "Amen," thus you are






bearing  witness  that  what  you  have  received  is  indeed  the

Holy Body of the Lord Jesus.


After you receive the Holy Body cover your mouth with the corporal,  as  if  to  cover  this  precious  jewel,  until  you  have consumed the jewel.


When  your  turn  comes  to  receive  the  Honoured  blood, proceed towards the chalice carefully so the priest may give you  the  Sacred  Blood,  and  feel  and  believe  that  you  are approaching  the  blood  from  the  divine  side  of  Jesus  Christ who was crucified, and drink of the Blood from the side of the Lord when He was wounded by a spear. When the priest says,  "The  Blood  of  Emmanuel,  Our  God,  this  is  true, Amen,"  respond  saying,  "Amen,"  but  do  not  place  the corporal over your mouth after you receive the Blood.


You  must  then  drink  some  water  so  that  none  of  the  Holy

Communion remains in your mouth.


Then stand in a quiet place, offering prayers of thanksgiving

('Prayer after Holy Communion') to God who allowed you to receive His Holy Body and Blood, and gave you this spiritual gift.  These  are  some  prayers  of  thanks  for  you  to  pray quietly:


"Our mouth is filled with gladness and our tongue with joy upon the partaking of Your Immortal Mysteries O Lord. For that which no eye has seen, nor ear heard nor entered into the  heart  of  man,  that  which  God  has  prepared  for  those who  love  His  Holy  name,  You  have  revealed  to  the  young children of Your Holy Church. Indeed O Father, this is the pleasure placed before You for You are compassionate and





we send up to You the glory and the honour O Father, Son and Holy Spirit now and forevermore, Amen."


"I thank You my Lord Jesus Christ, the life-giver, of whose Body  and  Blood  I  am  not  worthy  to  partake  of.  I  ask  and entreat You, do not condemn me for partaking of Your Holy Body and precious Blood, but let them be for the forgiveness of my sins, blotting out of my iniquities, and for everlasting life.   Save   me   from   every   evil   deed,   and   grant   me   an inheritance in Your heavenly kingdom, as You are God the Saviour of those who call unto You."


"What  is  this  ocean  of  Your  goodness  for  those  who  fear You?  And  what  is  this  compassion  and  great  concern  for those who love You? I thank You, my God who cares for me, and gave me this Heavenly, Immortal Food, and opened for me the way to Eternal Life. Kindle within me the fire of Your divine love, and preserve me in the grace of Your holy gifts, not for judgement, but for purity of soul, body and spirit, so that  I  live  in  You,  through  You,  and  for  You,  and  bestow upon me the Christian perfection and righteousness which is pleasing  to  You.  To  You  I  send  up  glory,  honour  and worship  with  Your  Good  Father  and  consubstantial  Holy Spirit, now and forevermore, Amen."


"My tongue praises and my soul glorifies the Lord. My heart rejoices  for  You  have  come  to  me  Lord  and  dressed  me  in purity and allowed me to Your feast. May my union with You today  be  everlasting  and  through  it  I  grow  in  strength  of faith and hope. Let my communion be a symbol of the grace of Your Salvation, let it be a purification to my body and my soul  and  preparation  for  the  everlasting  love  and  joy.  To You O Lord, I surrender myself and my will, call to You my senses  and  bless  them  and  let  my  mind  to  be  according  to



Your will. Enlighten my heart, awaken my conscience, cast away all the shadows of evil, hush the storms, walk with me and guide me. Give me comfort, quench my thirst, look with love at all my   shortcomings, abide with me for the day is coming to an end and stay with me for a new day. You alone are my aim and happiness, now and forevermore, Amen."


About the necessity of quietness and praying after the Holy Communion,  one  of  the  fathers  says,  "After  receiving  the Holy  Mystery,  we  must  not  hurry  to  leave  the  church,  or start talking. But let us be alone in silence and prayer for a few moments after the Holy Liturgical Prayer, to thank God and  appreciate  His  eternal  gift,  for  during  these  precious moments, we are most able to worship our God, and touch the  presence  of  the  Divine  Host  dwelling  inside  our  souls. So as a one spiritually renewed, or converted, we leave the church  and  greet  others  so  that  they  may  know  that  the unspeakable  Mystery  has  been  fulfilled  within  us,  which  is the Mystery of love which proclaims much more our love for others."


After completing the thanksgiving prayers, go back to your usual place in the church and sing with the congregation the praises  and  hymns  said  during  the  Holy  Communion  time. After the Holy Communion has been given, and the angel of the Sacrifice has been dismissed, pray with the congregation the final ritual prayers.


If you are a deacon, you can take off your service vestments only after the angel of the sacrifice has been dismissed, and by no means beforehand.


It is better to chant Psalm 46, "Oh clap your hands all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph! For the



Lord  most  High  is  awesome,  He  is  a  great  King  over  all the  earth.  He  will  subdue  the  peoples  under  us,  and  the nations under our feet. He will choose our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob whom He loves. God has gone up  with  a  shout,  the  Lord  with  the  sound  of  a  trumpet. Sing praises to God, sing praises for God is the King of all the  earth.  Sing  praises  with  understanding.  God  reigns over  the  nations.  God  sits  on  His  Holy  Throne.  The princes,  the  people  have  gathered  together,  the  people  of the God of Abraham. For the shields of the earth belong to God. He is greatly exalted, Alleluia."


Let  us  contemplate  on  this  marvellous  psalm,  so  that  you may meditate on its meaning while you say it...


"Oh clap your hands, all you peoples, shout to God with the  voice  of  triumph."  Clapping  is  a  sign  of  joy  and happiness, and what greater joy than a person receiving the Holy  Body  and  Blood  of  Christ,  so  that  you  will  abide  in Christ and receive eternal life. Attending the Holy Mass and partaking  of  the  Holy  Mysteries  is  attending  the  supper  of the wedding of the Lamb, accompanied by joy.


"He  will  subdue  the  peoples  under  us,  and  the  nations under our feet."   By partaking of the Divine Mysteries we receive power to overcome our enemies, both the hidden and the visible, these devils who fight us by seductions and lusts, we are victorious over our corrupt nature and evil intentions. People  who  want  to  harm  us  or  persecute  us,  we  can  bear through  love,  service  and  sacrificing  for  them.  When  we receive Holy Communion, we take Christ within us, so that we can overcome the world, "Because He who is in You is greater  than  he  who  is  in  the  world"  (John  4:4),  and,




"They   overcame   him   by   the   Blood   of   the   Lamb"

(Revelation 12:11).


"He will choose our inheritance for us, the excellence of Jacob whom He loves."   What a great choice for the Lord to  choose  us  to  partake  of  His  Holy  Body  and  Blood,  to abide  and  unite  with  Him  for  Eternal  Life.  The  Lord  who loved  the  spiritual  beauty  of  Jacob,  such  as  patience  in affliction,            persistence      in                      prayers,        trust                in        God          and humbleness,  also  loves  to  see  us  bearing  the  fruits  of  the Spirit, to be adorned by virtues, wearing the wedding clothes

and qualified to enter into the presence of the bridegroom.


"God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet."   The Communion of the Holy Mysteries, the disappearance  of  the  Holy  Body  and  Blood  of  Christ  after we  had  seen  them  before  us  on  the  altar,  signifies  the ascension  of  the  Lord  when  He  was  taken  from  them  and carried  up  into  heaven.  The  ascension  of  the  Lord  was accompanied   by   joy,   whether   from   His   disciples   who,

"Returned  to  Jerusalem  with  great  joy"  (Luke  24:52),  or from  the  Heavenly  Hosts  who  were  calling  out,  "Lift  up your heads O you gates! and be lifted up you everlasting doors! and the King of Glory shall come in" (Psalm 24:7).


"Sing praises to God, sing praises! For God is the King of all the earth" How wonderful is this Psalm, which is full of happiness   because   of   the   great   occasion   of   the   Lord’s Ascension to Heaven it proclaims! It repeats the word ‘sing’ five  times  in  two  versus  only.  Let  us  feel  this  great  and glorified joy, after partaking of the Holy Communion.







“God  Sits  on  His  Holy  Throne.”  As  the  Lord  sits  on  His Holy  Throne  on  the  right  of  Glory  in  Heaven,  after  His Ascension,  He  also  sits  on  the  thrones  of  our  hearts,  when we  have  the  Holy  Communion  in  faith  and  preparedness, thus our hearts will be heavenly thrones, and our bodies will be heaven.


“The Princes of the People have Gathered Together.” The princes of the people are God’s beloved strong ones, through His  strength.  When  they  partake  of  His  Holy  Sacraments, they gain power to do virtuous deeds, thus their life becomes exalted and enlightened, and people will see their good deeds and glorify their Father who is in heaven.




The Dismissal


When the priest dismisses the congregation by the sprinkling of the water, bow your head, so that the priest might sprinkle you with the water on your forehead with his blessed hand, which just carried the Holy Sacraments a little while ago.


When distributing the Eulogia (morsel of blessing), proceed quietly,  to  take  this  holy  bread  which  was  blessed  when choosing  the  Lamb,  then  sanctified  by  attending  the  Holy Mass.


If it is a non-fasting day, kiss the Eulogia then eat it before leaving  the  church.  If  it  is  a  fasting  day,  keep  it  in  a  small plastic  bag  or  clean  handkerchief  till  you  break  your  fast, then  eat  it  at  home.  It  is  worth  mentioning  that  having Communion does not break the fast of abstinence. So, if the Mass  ends  early  on  a  fasting  day,  the  believer  should  still




keep abstaining from food until such a time when the fasting period ends. This time should be decided with the advice of your confession father.


Leave the church quietly, and at the church’s door, make the sign of the cross on yourself and say Psalm 83: “How lovely

is Your tabernacle O Lord of hosts…” It is one of the Sixth

Hour Psalms in the Agbia.



We should not prostrate or bow after partaking of the Divine Sacraments,  because  we  are  in  a  joyous  situation,  carrying the Lord Jesus inside ourselves.


Try to keep your peace and quietness while departing. Many people involve themselves in idle conversations, thus losing the spiritual benefit of attending the Liturgy.


Go to your house, singing praises and giving thanks to God, who  granted  you  His  special  grace  on  that  day.  It  is  even preferable to keep praising all day.


Try to keep this day without sin, living in fear and pleasures of God, through His presence with you.




What   Should   We   Do   After   Partaking   Of   The   Divine



His   Grace   Bishop   Gregorious   responded   to   a   question regarding  what  we  should  do  after  partaking  of  the  Divine Sacraments…






V         First: Spiritual Practices


·     Rejoice for the grace you have gained after partaking of the Holy Communion. Contemplate on the honour of this Divine Sacrament;


·     Concentrate your thoughts on good and pure things, and do not occupy your mind with any source of sin;


·     Stay  away  from  bad  company  or  places  that  may  cause you to stumble;


·     Avoid   too   much   joking   and   laughter,   because   this quenches the flames of grace inside you, as said by one of the spiritual fathers;


·     Avoid anger and any non-spiritual excitements;


·     Try not to talk about or condemn others;


·     Try  not  to  involve  yourself  in  useless  conversations, which   are   not   beneficial   for   your   spiritual   growth. Practice the virtue of silence;


·     It  is  preferable  to  spend  the  rest  of  the  day  in  spiritual readings, prayers, hymns, relaxation, or even a nap, which in turn will help calm the heart and body.




V         Second: Bodily Practices


·     Do  not  spit,  or  eat  fruit/food  containing  seeds,  such  as olives or grapes, for it is not permissible to take these out of your mouth, after having received Holy Communion;





·     Do  not  shower  immediately  after  Communion;  but  wait

for at least 9 hours, or preferably, a whole day;


·     Do not brush your teeth on that day, but rather, do so the night before having Communion;


·     Do not smoke;


·     If  you  accidentally  do  any  of  the  above,  speak  to  your father in confession and receive his advice and absolution.






































My dear brothers and sisters,


After being together on this blessed trip, from the time of the raising of Vesper Incense, to the end of the holy Mass, and also discussing the practices and meditations to keep in your mind   and   heart   in   continuous   concentration   and   deep spiritual  prayers,  I  doubt  it  is  too  much  for  a  person  who cares for their spiritual life and eternity to follow them and abide in them.


Let  us  all  try  to  follow  them,  so  that  we  may  benefit  from attending  the  Holy  Liturgy  and  partaking  of  the  Divine Sacraments.


Thereby, the following question will no longer be an issue in our life:


“How can we Benefit from the Holy Liturgy?”























||    Pope Shenouda    ||    Father Matta    ||    Bishop Mattaous    ||    Fr. Tadros Malaty    ||    Bishop Moussa    ||    Bishop Alexander    ||    Habib Gerguis    ||    Bishop Angealos    ||    Metropolitan Bishoy    ||