


The Holy Lent

Day 7 - Second Sunday of the The Holy Lent

by Prince Mathew

Preface for Meditation

Fasting is an exceptional virtue; it represses bodily impulses and gives strength to the soul to fight against the poisoning of the heart through the senses, and provides it with a remedy against any past poisoning. Fasting causes the mind to be cleansed constantly. It withers up every evil thought and brings healthy, godly thoughts - holy thoughts that enlighten the mind and kindle it with more zeal and spiritual fervor.

Everyone needs to frequently wash. The accumulated grime of the day is unsightly, unpleasant and unhealthy. If we wash carefully, and ignore no dirty place, then we will be invigorated, and healthy, but if we ignore some place for a long time, that place will fester and cause us to be ill. The Holy Lent is especially a time for careful washing. In us there may be wicked ways: thoughts, feelings, priorities and habits that are not immediately apparent, and are all displeasing to God. This time is a time to consciously attempt to put away wicked ways from ourselves just as we put away from ourselves certain foods.

By listening and seeking, with diligence and proper priorities, we can do this. This will lead to actions accomplished with a merciful heart. Some stains are so dark and embedded that we cannot of our own effort wash them out, and their ugliness and stench will always be with us, but if the Lord sees our effort, He will wash us so that the scarlet and crimson of our sins, and even of our sinful nature and predilections will be annihilated and forgotten, and will not return to infect us again. Purify me with hyssop, and I will be clean. Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. Psalms 51:7

Bible Reading

Second Sunday of The Holy Lent (Lepers' Sunday)


* St. Mark 1: 32-45

* St. Mark 9 : 14 - 29

Before Holy Qurbana
* Genesis7: 6 - 24
* II Kings 5: 1 - 14
* Isaiah 33:2-9
* Jeremiah 50 : 4- 7: 15 : 15 -21

Holy Qurbana
* Acts 5:12-16 :19 :8-12
* Acts 9:22-31
* Romans3: 27- 4: 5
* St. Luke 5: 12-16, 4: 40 -41

Verse for the day:
St. Mark 1 : 41-"Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. "I am willing," he said. "Be clean!"

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