


The Holy Lent

Day 15 - Third Monday of the The Holy Lent

by Prince Mathew

Preface for Meditation:

In the Old Testament God’s Greatest act of Deliverance was at the Exodus when God’s people were rescued from the confinement of slavery in Egypt and they were brought into the wide expanse of freedom of the Promised Land. That Exodus event had many insights and connections to another historical saving event – the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All of God’s saving acts, even from famine and hardship; point to God’s final and full saving act in Christ and the Cross of Salvation. The whole New Testament was written to proclaim that Jesus is our Savior. The Old Testament points to the Savior to come.

At the beginning of his ministry, Jesus was tempted by Satan in the desert, "Save yourself!", but Jesus did not come to save himself. He came to save us. At the end of his ministry, Jesus was hanging on the cross. His enemies came to taunt him, "He saved others. Why can’t he save himself?" Once again we get the message that he came to save us.

The cross is a symbol of Christ’s humility, but it is also the place where he showed his strength, defeating Satan, overcoming our sin and engaging Death at its worst. The Resurrection of Jesus tells us that Jesus has won, so that his strength becomes ours.

Bible Reading Passages:
Third Monday of The Holy Lent

+ Genesis 18: 20-33
+ Judges 6:11-21
+ Acts 28:1-10
+ Revelations 2: 1 - 7
+ I Timothy 6: 1-12
+ St. Mark 2:13-22

Bible Verse for the day:

On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." St. Mark 2:17

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