seventeenth centuries, before and during insurrection against and independence from the Hapsburg Empire; 1813–1830, after the French Revolution and occupation; and 1945–1960, after World War II and the German occupation. There was a general economic and cultural stagnation between 1835 and 1900 after which the economy took off during the period of political neutrality between Germany, France, and Great Britain (1900–1930). The economic slump and German occupation were followed by Anglo-American dominance and restoration (1930– 1965); growth and consolidation (1965–1980); economic stagnation again (1980–1990); and very slow recovery after 1990. The country had about 2 million inhabitants in 1775, 4 million by 1879, 8 million in 1931, and over 15 million in 1994.


Archaeological Sites in the Netherlands