and themes were formulated, the archaeology of foreign countries was taught, relations with foreign archaeologists and at foreign archaeological sites began, and material, including archaeological data, that had never been published before appeared in print. Lithuanian archaeological material was now also being discussed by foreign researchers (Archaeologia, 1995–1998).

In 1994, the popular archaeological magazine Baltu archaeologija was first published, and in 1998, Eugenijus Jovaiša produced the first Lithuanian archaeological compact disc, which was concerned with a grave field from the first to the fourth centuries in Dauglaukis in western Lithuania (Jovaiša 1998). Beginning in 1993, Lithuania began to award its own doctoral other degrees in archaeology. The publishing of archaeological books by different organizations increased. With the weakening of state support for archaeology, fieldwork became smaller and more concentrated on the excavation of hill-forts and barrow mounds, which had been destroyed by nature and human factors, and also on rescue excavations in the old towns, which were being enlarged. In 1995, underwater archaeological research started at Lake Vladas Zˇulkus. In Lithuania at present there are more than sixty trained archaeologists working, one professor (Mykolas Michelbertas), eight postdoctoral scholars, and nineteen Ph.D. students.

Gintautas Zabiela


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