Toronto) in 1990. “Public Archaeology Forum,” devoted to recent and current developments in archaeological resource management, including legislation, came under the guidance of Hester Davis (Arkansas Archeological Survey) in 1986, having been published previously (from 1977) as “Rescue and Preservation” with Thomas King (U.S. National Park Service) as editor. Book reviews, initiated in 1989, were first edited by Norman Hammond (Boston University), who was succeeded in 1992 by Curtis Runnels, also of Boston University.

Now JFA occupies a niche that incorporates an emphasis on field reports and publication of other forms of basic archaeological research; an explicit recognition of the interdisciplinary aspects of the field, including scientific approaches as adjuncts to, or components of, archaeological investigations; and a deep interest in professional ethics and responsibility with respect to, among other things, the protection of the world’s archaeological heritage.

Creighton Gabel

See also

United States of America, Prehistoric Archaeology