and the subject is an element in a postgraduate program at l’Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris I, and the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. There is an undergraduate program in industrial archaeology at l’Université de Haute-Bretagne, Rennes-II, from which have emerged two of the best popular works on the subject (Andrieux 1991, 1992). Other European universities specializing in the discipline include those at Coimbra in portugal; Bologna and Milan, Italy; Cologne and Bonn, Germany; and Stockholm, Sweden.

The techniques used by industrial archaeologists—the phased recording of buildings, ground survey, excavation, the analysis of artifacts—are those used by all other archaeologists. The theoretical basis of the discipline is that which pertains in the study of Roman civilization, the Middle Ages in Europe, the colonization of the Americas, or of any other historical period for which there is written evidence. Industrial archaeology is not a facile means of obtaining new and fashionable evidence in support of existing theories, nor is it an esoteric study, isolated from the concerns of researchers whose prime sources are accounts, maps, patents, or newspapers. It is a means of allowing the study of artifacts, images, structures, sites, and landscapes to stimulate new questions and new hypotheses.

Barrie Trinder


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