not changed in principle by the middle of 1994 and the Academy of Sciences, with its large, Russian-type institutes, survives as the last socialist institution in the Czech Republic.

The main archaeological journal, Památky Archeologické, was founded in 1854. Originally, it contained articles on both archaeology and the history of art; it has since turned into a purely archaeological journal with two issues per year. Recently, it has been published in English, German, and French to inform archaeologists abroad.

Another journal that covers the whole territory of the Czech Republic is Archeologické Rozhledy, founded in 1949 to replace Obzor Prehistorický (published from 1922 to 1950) in an effort to get archaeology under reliable control after the communist takeover. Archeologické Rozhledy is published in four or six issues per year and primarily contains articles in Czech, with foreign language summaries; some of the articles are fully in English, French, or German.

Moravia had its own journal, called Pravěk, from 1903 to 1927 (it did not appear regularly). There has been an effort recently to start publishing a new series of this journal (so far one issue came out in 1992). In addition, Brno University and a number of museums (mainly the National Museum in Prague and the Moravian Museum in Brno) regularly publish archaeological articles in their own periodicals.

Archaeologist had their societies rather early. The first of them was the Archeologický sbor Národního Muzea (the Archaeological Committee of the National Museum, founded in 1843), and subsequently there were several other. The most important among them was Společnost československých prehistoriku· (after World War I) and Moravský archeologický klub. After the communist takeover they were all replaced by a single organization called Společnost československých Archeologu°; being put under the control of the Academy of Sciences, its importance was negligible.

Evžen Neustupný


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