situation at the beginning of the twenty-first century. Today even fewer areas are considered to pose “only” moderate risk for fieldwork. The huge demand for illegal drugs in the United States and other parts of the world and the determination of the United States to ignore the lessons of its own history (i.e., that prohibition does not work) have devastated Colombia in two ways: through the spraying of forbidden crops and extensive adjacent areas with toxic chemicals and through the war between guerillas and paramilitaries for control of large tracts of the country. As a result of these and other circumstances, the better-trained and more promising professionals in every field tend to leave the country or are being absorbed by bureaucracy, and quite often they direct their stunted energies into rather sterile criticism of what has been achieved since the mid-1900s. (These achievements are considered by some to fall short of “science” due to their supposed lack of explanatory value.) But the pendulum is swinging. Postmodernism has reached archaeology somewhat belatedly but in a deadly form, to judge by a very recent proposal (see Gnecco 1999) that archaeology should comply with the demands of Indian communities who are reshaping their past according to their present ambitions. It is not quite clear if this implies going against the available archaeological evidence.

Leonor Herrera


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