Icla (Chuquisaca), and Axel Nielsen has worked in the southern Bolivian region on ethnoarchaeological research related to the economy of llama caravans. On the national level, the Department of Anthropology and Archaeology at the Mayor University of San Andrés has been promoting small-scale projects and research dissertations throughout Bolivia.

The last decades have witnessed a growth in Bolivian archaeology as a scientific discipline. Not only is more research being conducted, but its nature is more multidisciplinary and its focus has expanded from the highlands into the valleys and Amazonian regions. New theoretical paradigms, methodologies, and techniques are now being applied to archaeological data by both Bolivian and foreign archaeologists. The execution of bilateral and binational research projects, although still being consolidated, offers an opportunity of mutual enrichment under the protection of the national archaeological patrimony on both domestic and international levels. New international laws reinforcing the protection of archaeological, historic, and native heritage, and tied to the institutionalization of Bolivian archaeology, have contributed to the growth of public awareness about the importance of research projects involving national and foreign scholars and native populations. However, in comparison with other countries in Latin America, such as mexico and Peru, archaeology in Bolivia is still in the process of consolidation and maturation.

Sonia Alconini

See also



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