The Mexica arrived in the basin of Mexico (where Mexico City stands today) probably some time during the thirteenth century a.d. According to their own legends, they arrived as an impoverished, uncouth group into a region that was already fairly fully occupied by a series of kingdoms. They were despised as barbarians by the existing inhabitants: their only skill was an aptitude for warfare under the strong influence of their patron god of war, Huitzilopochtli.

Gradually, the Mexica grew stronger. They settled their capital, Tenochtitlán, some time around a.d. 1325. In 1428, they and several allies overthrew the Tepanecs of Azcapotzalco, the most powerful kingdom in the basin of Mexico at the time. In one sudden move, the Mexica had become the most-powerful group in ancient Mexico. With their main allies, the Texcoco and the Tlacopan, the Mexica formed a so-called triple alliance that proceeded to expand its territory aggressively throughout central Mexico; they were still doing so when the Spaniards arrived in 1519.

The Mexica controlled what has often been called “the Aztec empire.” In fact, the “empire” was a collection of subjugated groups and kingdoms held together by a combination of force and intimidation. A major aspect of this subjugation was tribute. If a town or region submitted voluntarily to the Mexica might, the amount of tribute that it would have to pay annually might be quite light; regions captured in war or rebellious towns would be assessed a far more onerous amount. There are detailed surviving accounts of the tribute that poured into Tenochtitlán each year: the tribute was one of the things the Spaniards were most interested in as they wished to continue the process for their benefit.

The Mexica are perhaps best known for the savage warfare they waged and for their practice of human sacrifice (things they had in common with all the other peoples of ancient Mexico). But they were also great engineers, architects, artists, and poets. The Spaniards could barely believe the beauty of the Mexica capital, Tenochtitlán, when they entered it and were astounded by the great artistry of the Mexica in paint, wood, ceramic, stone, and silver and gold (almost all of which the Spanish nevertheless melted down into ingots).

“Who could defeat Tenochtitlán, who could shake the foundation of heaven,” says one Mexica poem. In fact, the Mexica were conquered rather easily by the Spaniards and a host of native allies. After a siege of several months, Cortés and his troops entered Tenochtitlán on 13 August 1521, signaling the end of the Mexica empire. Nevertheless, the Mexica, “the Aztecs,” live on, and there are still over 1 million people in Mexico today who speak the Aztec language, Nahuatl.

Peter Mathews


Smith, M. E. 1996. The Aztecs: A History. Oxford: Blackwell.