Batavian Society of Arts and Sciences, 648

Bate, Dorothea, 283

Bate, F., 311, 313

Bateman, Thomas, 204, 210

Baters, Leopoldo, 880

Bath, 221

Baths of Caracalla, 723

Baths of Titus, 723

Baths of Trajan, 723

Battaglia, R., 1161

Battersea shield, 287(photo)

Batungan Mountain, 691

Bau Caves, 688

Baudez, Claude, 379, 381

Bau-Malay Pottery Tradition, 692

Bautista Mugazábal, Juan, 1103

Bavaria, 194

Bay Springs Mill, 141

Bayard Dominick Expeditions, 1049–1050

Bayer, Josef, 131

Bayeux Tapestry, 1179

Bayle des Hermens, R. de, 28, 843

Bazzana, A., 1201

BBC. See British Broadcasting Corporation

Beaker culture, 1, 336

Beakers, 1

Bear age, 978, 979

Beardsley, Richard, 942

Bears, Edwin C., 913

Beauchamp, L’Abbé de, 871

Beaugrand-Champagne, A., 1080

Beaumont, Elie de, 1315

Beazley, John Davidson, 141–142, 196

Bebre, Viktorija, 800

Bécancour, 250

Becher, Bernd and Hilda, 665

Beck, Curt W., 754

Becker, C. J., 420

Becker, Charles, 31, 74

Bedaux, R., 31

Bedford, Stuart, 944

Bedouin, 749

Beehive tholoi, 231

Beek, G. van, 92

Beger, Lorenz, 573

The Beginnings of Chinese Civilization (Li Chi), 815

Beglar, J. D., 387, 1186

Behavioral Archaeology (Schiffer), 635

Behnami, Issa, 679

Behre, K.-E., 987

Beidha, 142

Beijerinck, W., 988

Beijing University, 321, 329, 1216

Beiyinyangying, 323

Belanus, Betty J., 1319

Beldibi Cave, 1277

Beletov vrt (Novo Mesto), 953

Belgae, 143

Belgica, 143

Belgium, 142–148, 143(map), 663

Belgrave, Charles, 90

Belize, 148–153, 149(map), 281–282, 855, 1210

Belize Valley, 152

Bell, A. S., 631

Bell, Gertrude Margaret L., 154–155, 199, 640, 847, 874

Bellapais-Vounous, 391

Bellwood, Peter, 647, 694, 697, 698, 699, 707

Belmaco cave, 1104

Beloch, Julius, 729

Beloit College, 841

Belt Cave, 681

Beltran, Antonio, 1199

Beltrão, Maria da Conceição, 186

Belvedere Apollo (statue), 727

Belzoni, Giovanni Battista, 155, 156(photo), 444, 447

Benedict XIV (pope), 726

Bengal, 408

Beninger, Eduard, 132–133

Benkovsky, Zoja, 131

Benndorf, Otto, 128

Bennett, Crystal, 752

Bennett, E. J., Jr., 816

Bennett, Wendell C., 108, 167, 308, 361–362, 367, 437, 1016, 1017, 1049

Benoit, Fernand, 913

Bent, T., 35, 90

Ben-Tor, Amnon, 1250

Ben-Tor, Immanuel, 717

Berdichewsky, Bernardo, 309, 313

Berenice, 447

Beresford, Maurice, 868

Beresty, 953

Bergsoe, Paul, 436

Berichten ROB (journal), 924

Bering, Justus, 1128

Berita Dinas Purbakala (newsletter), 651

Berkel, Adriaan van, 1101

Berlin, Heinrich, 856–857, 888

Berlin Anthropological Society, 776

Berlin Ethnographical Museum, 360

Berlin Museum für Volkerkunde, 1317

Berlin Society for Anthropology, Ethnology, and Prehistory, 580, 590

Berliner Fesellschaft für Anthropologies, Ethnologie, und Urgeschichte, 580, 590

Bermann, Marc, 169

Bernadotte, Jean-Baptiste-Jules, 1230

Bernal, Martin, 637, 1087

Bernal Garcia, Ignacio, 3, 157, 535, 635–636, 883, 892, 1174

Bernet Kempers, A. J., 650

Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1048, 1049, 1050, 1058

Bernus, Suzanne and Eduard, 30, 32

Bersu, Gerhard, 157, 199, 212, 582, 583, 615, 672

Bert, Paul, 242

Berthier, Sophie, 779

Bertrand (steamboat), 916

Bertsch, K., 988

Bérubé, Joseph, 1080

Besarabia, 1124

Best, Elsdon, 934, 939, 942, 1057

Betalov Spodmol, 224

Bethel, 78

Beth-shemesh, 78

Betjeman, John, 662

Between Past and Present (Silberman), 636

Beug, H.-J., 987

Beutler, August Frederick, 1104

Beuvray, Mont, 159, 160, 292, 524

Beycsultan, 1279

Beyen, Hendrik G., 921, 925, 928, 930

Beyer, Henry Otley, 157–158, 646, 688–689, 690, 692, 700, 1023–1024

Beyer, Hermann, 883

Bezacier, Louis, 242, 244

Bhandarkar, D. R., 140, 654

Bhilsa Topes, The (Cunningham), 386

Bhutan, 1189

Biagi, P., 91

Bianchi Barriviera, G., 35

Bianco, Umberto Zanotti, 731, 732(photo)

Bias Anthropological Project, 704

Bibby, Geoffrey, 631

Bibby, T. G., 90, 92

Biberson, Pierre, 844

Biblical Archaeologist (journal), 86, 1247

Biblical archaeology, 1244–1253

Mesopotamia, 875

Palestine, 716–717

Biblical Researches in Palestine (Robinson), 1244

“Biblical theology” movement, 78

Bibliotheca Orientalis (journal), 924

Bibracte, 159–160, 292