Assos, 100

Assunção, M. R., 181

Assyria/Assyrian archaeology, 140, 871–872, 873, 1281

Biblical history and, 875

Dagon (fish god), 952(photo)

French, 550

intellectual trends, 875

Layard, Austen Henry, 807–808

Louvre Museum, 831

Nimrud, 951

Nineveh, 952

winged bull, 873(photo)

See also Mesopotamia

Assyrian epigraphy, Oriental Institute of Chicago, 970–971

Astor, John Jacob, 556

Åström, Paul, 391

Asturian culture, 484

Asur, 587

Aswan dams, 1, 460, 959–960, 961, 1093–1094, 1169

Atacama oasis, 308

Atairangikaahu, Dame Te Ariki-nui Te, 1057

Atajadizo culture, 272

Aten, 1286

Aterian industry, 844

Atgazis, Maris, 800

Athena Nike, Temple of, 596

Athenae Oxoniences (Wood), 113


Acropolis, 596–597, 597(photo)

Agora, 599

British classical archaeology, 194, 195, 196

foreign schools in, 84–85, 123, 258, 546, 547, 548, 597–598, 731

Athens Archaeological Society in Nicosia, 393

Atiquizaya, 464

Atlantican (Rudbeck), 1228

Atlas of African Prehistory (Clark), 336

Atocha (ship), 508, 509(photo)

Atomic Energy Commission, 815

Attempt at an Allegory (Winckelmann), 1326

Attenbrow, Valerie, 1155

Attic pottery, Beazley, John, 142

Atwater, Caleb, 111–112, 350, 410, 1292

Aubin, Joseph Marie, 539

Aubrey, John, 95, 112–113, 199, 203, 287, 432, 814, 1215

Auckland, 936

Audouze, Françoise, 21, 33, 523

Augusta Raurica, 1237

Augustus, 160

Aumassip, Ginette, 843

Aurelian, 1121

Aurignac rock shelter, 792

Aurignacian culture/period, 568

Breuil, Henri, 193

in de Mortillet’s system, 341, 979

Maghreb, 23, 28, 46, 840–841

Peyrony, Denis, 1019

Potocka Zijalka, 1071

Auroch period, 978

Ausgewählten PRoblemen de Frühgeschichte, 133

Austen, R. A. C., 762

Austiracus, Antiquus, 1162

Australasian Journal of Historical Archaeology (journal), 114

Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology, 114, 1178


archaeological sites, 115(map)

Childe, Vere Gordon, 300

ethical issues of archaeology, 1322

Golson, Jack, 589

historical archaeology, 114–118

McCarthy, Fred, 860

Melanesian archaeology, 999

Mulvaney, John, 905–906

nautical archaeology, 915

Nunamira, 124(photo)

pathway of colonization, 1001

Philippine archaeology, 1026

Smith, Grafton, 1169–1170

Tindale, Norman, 1272

Wallace line, 1000–1001

Australia, prehistoric archaeology, 121–126

Aboriginal Australia, 123–125

archaeological sites, 122(map)

contact archaeology, 125–126

of European civilizations, 122–123

future of, 126

Mulvaney, John, 906

rock art, 1104–1105, 1106, 1113, 1116

shell middens, 1155, 1156, 1157

Australian Archaeological Institute at Athens, 123

Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies, 860

Australian Institute of Archaeology, 123

Australian Institute of Maritime Archaeology, 114

Australian Journal of Historical Archaeology (journal), 114, 116

Australian National University, 123, 125, 589, 1000

Australian Society for Historical Archaeology, 114

Australopithecus, 809

A. afarensis, 789, 811, 1224

A. africanus, 407, 789, 1224

A. boisei, 18

A. robustus, 1224

Austria, 127–134

archaeological education in, 134

archaeological research since 1960, 129

current state of archaeology in, 134

Ephesus, 470

general structure of archaeology in, 127

Hallstatt, 288

prehistoric archaeology, 130–132, 578

prescientific period, 127–128

protection of monuments, 133–134

proto-historical archaeology, 132–133

provincial Roman archaeology, 128–129

See also Slovenia

Austrian Anthropological Society, 1163

Austrian Archaeological Institute, 470

Austrian Congress of Anthropology and Prehistory, 425

Austronesian languages, 707

Autorité pour la Protection du Site et l’Aménagement de la Région d’Angkor, 248

Autun-Augustodum, 160

Auvernier, 1240

Auxois, Mont, 292

Avaricum, 159

Avars, 1122

Avebury, Lord (Sir John Lubbock), 136(photo), 136–137, 199, 201, 204, 210, 340, 341, 900, 978, 979, 1034, 1086, 1230

Avebury (site), 112, 113, 135(photo), 135–136, 287, 369, 1031, 1215

Avebury (Stukeley), 1216

Aveleyra, L., 887

Avendaño y Loyola, Andres de, 605

Aventicum, 1240

Avias, J., 999

Avienus, 285

Avigad, Nahman, 717, 719

Avi-Yonah, Michael, 717, 718

“Awa” peoples, 946

Awash Valley, 38

Awatovi, 626

Awdaghost, 73, 74

Ayacucho, 1018